The statement of problem The scope and limitation of study The objective of study The significances of study The organization of study

descriptive text, how to identify the descriptive text, and how to describe persons, places, and things in English writing. Beside that, the teacher uses the old technique in teaching descriptive text Grammar Translation Method which makes the students felt bored and difficult to understand the material when teaching learning process conducted. Therefore, the teacher needs to be more creative in teaching, including the use of technique. Based on the background above, the writer takes a title of this “skripsi” “Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Using Clustering Technique”.

B. The statement of problem

Based on the background presented above, the writer plans to analyze the use of clustering technique in teaching writing of descriptive text at the eighth grades of students of MTs. Darul Ma’arif Cipete. The general question of this research is “how can the use of clustering technique improve s tudents’ ability in learning descriptive writing?”

C. The scope and limitation of study

In this “skripsi”, the writer only focuses on eighth grades of MTs. Darul Ma’arif Cipete-JakSel at the first semester 20102011 academic year, and to make a description of this “skripsi” deeper, the problems will be limited in the implementation of using clustering technique in teaching descriptive writing.

D. The objective of study

From the previous discussion in the background of the study, the objectives of this study are as follows: 1. To know whether the clustering technique can improve students’ ability in writing descriptive text. 2. To know how the clustering technique can improve students’ ability in writing descriptive text.

E. The significances of study

The result of this study can provide useful information for: 1. Teachers The result of this study is useful for English teachers at Junior High School level to get information about teaching descriptive writing using clustering technique. 2. Students The result of this study will give an input to the students to improve their ability in writing. 3. Other researcher For further researchers who are interested in teaching descriptive writing at junior high school level can get the basic information from this study to do the further research.

F. The organization of study

The organization of study facilitates the readers in discussing the problem presentation and helps readers to understand what they read easily. This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is introduction . It consists of six parts: the background of study, the statement of problem, the scope and limitation of the study, the objective of study, the significance of study, and the organization of study. Chapter two is theoretical framework . It consists of three parts. Part A presents writing which discusses about the definition of writing, the writing process, purposes of writing, and types of writing taught in junior high school. Part B presents of the definition of descriptive text, purposes of descriptive text, kinds of descriptive text, and the structure and example of descriptive text. Part C presents of the definition of clustering technique, the definition of technique, and the application of clustering technique in writing descriptive text. Chapter three is research methodology . This chapter presents research methodology which discusses about the setting of the study, subjects and time of study, research instrument, the design of the study, the procedure of the study, the technique of collecting data, and the technique of data analysis. Chapter four is research findings . This chapter consists of two parts. Part A presents description of data which discusses about findings of preliminary study, findings of first cycle, findings of the second cycle, and findings after implementation the action. Part B presents interpretation of data which discusses about data of observation, data of interview, and data of students’ achievement in the test. Chapter five is conclusion and suggestion . This chapter is the last chapter which consists of general explanation about the previous discussion in this report and some suggestion that may be useful for the English teacher and further researcher. 7