Paulo is a Magus Careless


1. Paulo

Paulo is one of the main characters in Coelho‘s The Valkyries. In the novel, Paulo is described as a magus. He is J.‘s disciple and Chris‘s husband. The story begins when Paulo was sent by J. to go to Mojave Desert to search for Gene. Paulo goes to Mojave Desert with his wife. During their journey, there are major changes or developments in their characters. Paulo‘s character can be described as follows:

a. Paulo is a Magus

In the novel, Paulo is described as a magus. Magic, for Paulo, is something of great importance p. 1 and he also conducts many rituals, exercises, and practices on it p. 13. Paulo and Chr is‘s friends said that Paulo was a sorcerer p. 12. There are some descriptions, which showed that Paulo is a magus. ―Only then he did reveal what she already knew: that for seven years he had dedicated himself to learning magic. ‖ Chris remembered that day. Paulo had wept. He said that he was being called but didn‘t know how to respond. ―Should I go back to magic?‖ he has asked. ―Yes, you should,‖ she had answered, but she wasn‘t sure. p. 13 More supporting argument can be seen from Paulo‘s thoughts that he is a magus during his conversation with Gene. ―Why is he saying all this? Paulo thought. Has he forgotten that I’m a master of magic, too?” p. 51 From the opinion of the main characters‘ friends towards Paulo, Paulo‘s magic activities and practices, and Paulo‘s thought, speech and conversation with Chris, it can be concluded that Paulo is a magus. 31

b. Careless

Paulo is a careless person. This can be seen when he and Chris are walking around the desert. When the feeling of freedom begins to emerge in his soul, he takes his clothes off and so does Chris. ―Let‘s take off our clothes,‖ Paulo said. ―But someone might be watching,‖ Chris said automatically. ―Only our angles are watching,‖ he answered. He took off his shorts and his shirt and the canteen, placing them all in the bag. Chris struggled to keep from laughing. She took her clothes off too, and in a few moments they were two people crossing the Mojave in their sneakers, their hats, and their sunglasses. p. 39 They are walking on the Mojave Desert wearing only their sneakers, hats, and sunglasses. After only half an hour, they suddenly feel tremendously tired. They do not realize that their lives are in danger. ―When you took off your clothes, the water in your bodies began to evaporate immediately. You can‘t even perspire, because the climate is so dry. In fifteen minutes, you were both already dehydrated. No thirst or anything —just a slight feeling of disorientation.‖ ―And the exhaustion?‖ ―That exhaustion is death arriving.‖ p. 48 From Paolo‘s action and reaction towards various situations and events in the novel, it can be concluded that Paulo is a careless person.

c. Loving