Planning Acting and Observing Reflection Improvement


1. Planning

All activities in this step intended to conduct the implementation. In this step, the writer observed students’ classroom activities. To get the more valid data, the writer also interviewed teacher and some students, as explained before, interview made to know the characteristics of the students. After got the data, the writer made a list of everything he needed to conduct the research. Then, the writer decided and prepared the method and learning media to be implemented. Since the implementation need a data about everything happened in the classroom, the writer also prepared the observation sheet.

2. Acting and Observing

This step is the most complex step in this research. In this step the writer conduct the implementation to answer the research questions. The writer has to be very careful in conducting the implementation. The writer did two things in one time. While the writer was implementing the action, he was observing the students. The writer observed the students’ behavior and also students’ attention.

3. Reflection

In this step, the writer reflected everything happened in the implementation. The reflection, made based on the observation of the implementation. The writer summarized all data that he got from the implementation and reflected it. The reflection made to help writer to conduct the improvement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24

4. Improvement

This is the last step of every cycle in this research. After the writer done this step, he went back to the very first step of the research to begin the second cycle. Improvement made based on the reflection of the first cycle. The improvisation will use to plan the better implementation on the second cycle. The writer believed that by improving the implementation, the better result will be achieved. In the second cycle, the improvisation made for other researcher who wanted to conduct the same research. Finally, the steps of the research are completed. The evaluation in this research might be use to gain a better result in the next research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25


In this chapter the writer will present the research result and all of the research processes which helped writer to answer this research. Since this research conducted to answer two research questions, this chapter will be divided into two big parts. The first part is about the implementation of research, this step will help the writer to answer the first question of the research. And the second part is about the students’ development, this part intended to answer the second research question. The explanation of those two parts will be explained in below.

A. The Implementation of Pictures

This part will be divided into two parts, the first is cycle 1, and the second is cycle 2. Those parts will explain about how the research conducted, started from planning, acting and observing, reflecting, and then improving. Those two cycles will help the writer to answer the first research question. The implementation will help the writer to answer “how the pictures can enrich students’ vocabulary?”

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning

In this step, there were two main steps, the first is observing to know the problem occurred in the classroom. And the last is deciding the materials to be PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI