


A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


INDRA JAYANTI DAMANIK Registration Number: 8136112090










First of all, the writer would like to thank to Jesus Christ for His blessing and great plan in her life, especially in completing this thesis. The writer realizes that nothing can be obtained this far without His help.

The writer would like to give special appreciation to her father and mother for giving endless support, love and care that the writer realizes that without his prayer, she cannot run the study process well. This thesis is especially dedicated to him since the writer’s purpose to enter this postgraduate school is grounded to reason that his happiness and prestige is everything in her life.

This thesis, in its present could not have been written about the assistance and inputs from those who deserve a special appreciation. The writer would like to express her appreciation. First, Dr. Eddy Setia, M. Ed., T.ESP for his encouragement in completing thesis, valuable inputs in the process of writing and comments in the contents and style of writing that have helped to shape this thesis. The writer is very thankful for his presence in the process starts from discussing process, thesis seminar proposal till the board examination. The writer realizes that there are still many more to be mastered. Second, Dr. Zainuddin, M. Hum, for being adviser, who gives good advices, supports, and care. The writer would also like to say many thanks to the Head of English Applied Linguistics of State University of Medan, Prof.Dr.Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Dr.Sri Minda Murni, M.S as the Secretary of the English Applied Linguistics for letting all the process in completing her Master degree study administratively. Her appreciation falls also to bang Farid for helping the writer



administratively in English Applied Linguistics Program during the completion of the process in taking her Master Degree.

Her great appreciation falls to her big family that she cannot mention one by one. The writer also would like to extend her sincere thanks to special people who give support; Ompung Drs. H. T. Zulkarnain Damanik, M.M Ompunng Drs. Kimmer Damanik, Panggi Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M. Si, Prof. Amrin Saragih, P.hd and also to her boss in workplace Arthur Dewata Batubara, M.Sc..

The writer also gives appreciation to all friends who have contributed to this thesis completion. The writer would like to give thanks to her partner and best friend in completing the process to get her Master degree step by step together, gawe Mey, Kresna and Noya, Sanina Miranda, Kartika and bang Ridho.

Finally, the writer must admit that the content of this thesis is still far from being perfect, but she warmly welcomes any constructive and critics that will improve the quality of the thesis. She also hopes this thesis would be useful for those who read it, especially majoring in English.

Medan, September 2015 The Writer





Acknowledgements ... i

Table of Contents……… iii

List of Tables ... v

List of Appendices ... vii

Abstract………. viii

Abstrak ... ix

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. The Problem of the Study ... 7

1.3. The Objective of the Study ... 8

1.4. The Scope of the Study ... 8

1.5. The Significance of the Study ... 8


2.2. Dimension of Attitude ... 11

2.3. Formation of Attitudes ... 12

2.4. Attitude Towards Language ... 14

2.4.1. Positive Attitude of Language ... 14

2.4.2. Language Maintenance ... 15

2.4.3. Negative Attitude of Language... 19

2.4.4. Language Shift ... 21

2.5. Simalungun Language in Pematang Siantar, Pematang Siantar Regency ... 29



2.7. Conceptual Framework... 35

CHAPTER III. METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1. The Research Design ... 37

3.2. Subject of The Study ... 38

3.3. The Technique For Data Collection ... 39

3.4. The Technique of Analyzing Data... 40

3.5. The Trustworthiness of the Study ... 43

CHAPTER IV. DATA AND ANALYSIS 4.1. Data Analysis ... 45

4.2. Language Attitude of Indigenious Simalungun people ... 46

4.2.1 Negative Attitude, Realization and Reason ... 47

4.2.2 Attitude towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun Young People in Some Domain of Life ... 53

4.2.3 Attitude Towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun Young People Based on Status Background……….62

4.3 Findings………...66

4.4 Discussion………68


5.2. Suggestion ... 72






Table 2.1 Categories of Positive Attitude of Community Member towards language……... 15

Table 2.2Categories of Negative Attitude of Community Member towards Vernacular…... 20

Table 2.3. Economic, Social, Politic, and Demographic Factors Contributes to Vernacular Attitude and Its Effect ……….………...……..….. 28

Table 2.4. Composition of Society………..………...……... 30

Table 3.1 Interactive Model of Drawing Conclusion Process…..………...……... 41

Table 3.2 Attitude Category of Community Members Simalungun Vernacular…...…….... 42

Table 3.3 Factors Contributes to Vernacular and its Implication ……….…………...……... 42

Table 4.2 Positive and Negative Attitude of Simalungun People towards their vernacular... 46

Table 4.2 Language Disloyalty towards Simalungun Vernacular..….………... 50

Table 4.3 Language Pride Lack towards Simalungun Vernacular ...….…... 51

Table 4.4 Attitude Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun Young People in Home Domain……… 53

Table 4.5 Attitude Towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun Young people in Environment Domain……….….…... 55

Table 4.6 Attitude towards Simalungun vernacular of Simalungun Young people in Street Domain…... 56

Table 4.7 Attitude towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun young people in Religion activity Domain……… 57

Table 4.8 Attitude towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun young people in School Domain……….. 58

Table 4.9 Attitude towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun young people in Organization Domain………..………. 60



Table 4.10 Attitude towards Simalungun vernacular of Simalungun young people in

Work Place……… 61 Table 4.11 Attitude towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun Young People

of Low Level Status Background……….. 62 Table 4.12 Attitude towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun young People

of the Middle level status Background………. 64 Table 4.13 Attitude towards Simalungun Vernacular of Simalungun Young People




Appendix 1. Table of Positive and Negative attitude ………... 79

Appendix 2. Questionnaire of Research…...……….…. 80



INDRA JAYANTI DAMANIK, Reg. No. 8136112090. Language Attitude of Simalungun People Toward Vernacular Maintenance in Pematang Siantar. English Applied Linguistics, Pascasarjana Program, State University of Medan, 2015.

This study deals with language attitude of Simalungun people toward vernacular maintenance in Pematang Siantar. The data were collected from the Simalungun young people living in Sitalasari district Pematang Siantar regency. The study employs qualitative research design with some informant’s deals with the need of this research to get understanding. The subjects of this study were 18 Simalungun young people (17 years old to 25 years old) and the subjects were classified based on the family background status (low, middle and high level status background) for collecting the data. The instruments used for collecting data were questionnaire sheet, observation sheet, recording and interview scribe. The data of this study were questionnaire sheet, recorded observation and interview scribe. The data from questionnaire sheet were use to examine the language attitude, the factor and reason causing the attitude the way it is. The data were analyzed by using interactive models data analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman. The findings show that there are 10 (55, 6 %) informants have the negative attitude and 8 (44. 4 %) informants have the positive attitude. The factors which influence the negative attitude are; bilingualism, social factor and demographic factor. The analysis of the data indicates that the Indonesian Language dominantly spoken by Simalungun people which causes them have the less frequency in use rather than their own vernacular in daily life communication.



INDRA JAYANTI DAMANIK, Reg. No. 8136112090. Language Attitude of Simalungun People Toward Vernacular Maintenance in Pematang Siantar. English Applied Linguistics, Pascasarjana Program, State University of Medan, 2015.

Penilitian ini Berkaitan dengan Sikap bahasa Masyarakat Simalungun terhadap Pemertahanan Bahasa Asli Simalungun di Pematang Siantar. Data penilitian ini dikumpulkan dari masyarakat Simalungun yang berusia muda yang tinggal di daerah Kecamatan Sitalasari Kota Petang Sintar. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian Kualitatif dengan beberapa informan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penelitian yaitu pemerolehan suatu pemahaman. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 18 orang masyarakat Simalungun muda( yang berusia antara 17 s/d 25 tahun) dan subjek diklasifikasikan berdasarkan latar belakang keluarga (bawah, menengah, dan atas) dalam pengumpulan data. Alat- alat yang digukan dalam pengumpulan data adalah lembar angket, rekaman observasi, dan interview. Data dari lembar angket digunakan untuk menilai sikap bahasa, faktor dan alasan yang menyebakan sikap bahasa itu. Data dianalisis menggunakan model interaktif yang dikemukakan oleh Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 10 orang (55.6%) yang memiliki sikap negatif dan 8 orang (44.4%) informan yang memiliki sikap positif. Factor yang menyebabkan sikap negatif itu adalah; Penggunaan dua bahasa, faktor sosial, dan wilayah. Analisis data mengindikasikan bahwa, bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa yang dominan digunakan oleh masyarakat Simalungun muda daripada bahasa asli Simalungun dalam berkomunikasi sehari- hari.





1.1Background of the Study

Pematang Siantar is multilingual community since the community Pematang Siantar itself does not only consist of Simalungun but some other ethnics group as well. It can be seen that Simalungun people in Pematang Siantar are minority ethnic group in that city. This condition makes the speaker of Simalungun Vernacular minority too, especially in Kelurahan Sofa, Siatar Sitalasari district. It allows choosing any code or variety in social interactions. These choices may have potential longer-term effects on the vernacular existing in a community namely Simalungun vernacular. Nowadays, there is an indication that Simalungun vernacular is sidelined from Simalungun community daily life especially from its young generation due to young speakers are easy to adopt or apply new things, and Simalungun vernacular is signaled unable to fulfill the need of its speaker for the life in a nation, particularly for the need of economic aspects.

Globalization and high community affect Simalungun social life, almost all aspects of Simalungun influenced by globalization which is hard to control. It is not only leads the Simalungun community to a better life, such as the development of information and technology that will be able to ease relation in society, but it also supports negative effect to Simalungun especially for Simalungun who live in Medan, they become egoistic, apathetic, and show their life style which are not suitable to Simalungun norm.



The influence of globalization affects action, awareness, and attitudes some of Simalungun community to use their vernacular. This can be seen in the phenomena of less frequent of using Simalungun vernacular, where they tend to speak Indonesia rather than their own vernacular in daily life interaction, in working place, family, and public places. For instance, when the leader of community announces something, or even in an important community meeting they use Indonesian vernacular. This situation shows Simalungun people force them to use other vernacular namely Indonesian vernacular. It can be assumed that Simalungun people think Indonesian Vernacular more guaranties for their future.

Furthermore, there are many youths of Simalungun who cannot speak or understand Simalungun vernacular, this indication is very risky for the existence of Simalungun vernacular, especially the young generation at the age of 18 to 20 years old on the street, market, office, and some other places tend to speak other vernacular such as Indonesia rather than using their own vernacular, this can be seen when someone asking something in Simalungun; he or she tends to response by using Indonesian vernacular.

Example of situation: (The conversation made by two young girls living neighborhood who are the same Simalungun (native speaker of Simalungun vernacular), this conversation occurs while both they are doing their each activity in an organization centre)

A: Kapan kak iin itu datang kak fan? (Indonesian)

Fan, when Miss. Iin comes? (English)

B: Tadi malam lo baya.(Indonesian)

She came last night (English)

A: oia kak, sama siapa kakak itu? (Indonesian)

Who was her friend? (English)

B: Sendiriannyalah. (Indonesian)



The two young girls in the conversation above are Simalungun people however both of speaker use Indonesian. In this case the speakers have negative attitude toward Simalungun vernacular.

Situation: In a Simalungun people wedding party, it was in Silau Kahean District of Simalungun region, the researcher found another case that the father of brig room advised her daughter by using Indonesian language.

Sonai ma da borukku, Manlakkah ma ham inang. Hu patapei bulang bani panjujungmu

goranni bulang matua, ai ma tandani ham domma matua. Artinya nang kamu sudah dewasa, kamu sekarang sudah menjadi panutan dalam rumah tanggamu, dewasalah dalam berfikir, bertindak, jangan lagi manja manja, selama ini manja sama bapak dan mamak di rumah karena kamu masih sebagai anak, tapi dengan kami pasangkan bulang ini, itu artinya kamu akan menjadi ibu di rumah tanggamu…dst.

Indonesian: Jadi nak, kamu sudah melangkah ke jenjang pernikahan. Ku pasangkan bulang ini di kepalamu namanya bulang matua, itu artinya kamu dewasa anakku. Artinya kamu sudah dewasa nak, kamu sekarang sudaah menjadi panutan dalam rumah tanggamu, dewasalah dalam berfikir, bertindak, jangan lagi manja manja, selama ini manja sama bapak dan ibu di rumah karena kamu masih sebagai anak, tapi dengan kami pasangkan bulang ini, itu artinya kamu akan menjadi ibu di rumah tanggamu…dst.

English: Dear, today you have got married. I have give you bulang matua (bulang matu* the symbol of Simalungun ethnic which use in the brig room head), this is shows that you would be adult dear, it means that you have to be adult people you have to be a leader in your family, good in thinking and right in doing, don’t be a spoiled one, for this long time you always a spoiled



child for us your father and your mother, it because you are still a child for us, but now, in this time we give it to you, from this moment you will be a mother in your family.

The case above is preliminary case that the researcher found in the society of Simalungun it was happened in a wedding party of Simalungun people, the brig and the room are same simalungun, brig is sipayung and room is purba silangit (Sipayung* purba are part of Simalungun people surname). When the father of the room gives advice to his daughter, at the beginning he used Simalungun vernacular, but he continue his advice by used Indonesia language. In this case, father of the room to make sure that his daughter can understand enough about his advice he used Indonesia.

From the situation above shows that father and his daughter shifts using Simalungun vernacular. This phenomenon shows that his daughter is not able to preserve Simalungun vernacular even in her wedding ceremony. On the other hand, this also shows that the father and his daughter dominantly speak Indonesian at home domain.

Sneddon (2003) says that the pressure of Indonesian vernacular to local vernacular is very great and leads to their endangerment. It implies that the speakers’ loyalty to their vernacular vernacular is in challenge. Moreover, Musgrave (2009) states that using the national vernacular could be viewed as a mark of good citizenship. It implies that there is a high pressure to the use of Simalungun vernacular.

To this, there are two indications of Simalungun vernacular usage that can be taken into consideration; when they have high loyalty. It means they maintain their vernacular but when their attitude shows negative or less respectful to their vernacular, it means their vernacular may be altered by another one.



Moreover, there is a lack of eagerness from the children or students of Simalungun generation at school age to use Simalungun vernacular language in their interaction, for instance in some schools in Pematang Siantar, the students disagree to use Simalungun vernacular language even with the same Simalungun because it will constrain their knowledge, difficult to reach the development or progress in education and use Simalungun will only limit their perception on regionalism which lead to disintegration, so this can consider that they have less positive attitude to Simalungun vernacular language, whereas attitudes are crucial in language growth or decay (Batang, 2010). Consequently, to make sure the language or ethnic language is maintained, it is needed to have positive attitude from its own speakers.

Furthermore, parents have the tendency in guiding and pride their children to use Simalungun vernacular in their family interaction and they feel proud when their children are able to speak Indonesian or other vernacular fluently since the beginning. At school, starts from kindergarten (TK), Primary School (SD), Junior and Senior High School until University level, the students learn and use Indonesian language dominantly compare to Simalungun vernacular and Indonesian vernacular.

Even social interaction in public places also gives limited access to the use of Simalungun vernacular by appearing some shopping centers which replaces traditional markets, in which it gives no chance to make interaction in the form of verbal communication, or even there is no social interaction happens between buyers and sellers because of using computer machine in interaction. By doing so, the use of Simalungun vernacular in Pemeatang Siantar is decreased.



In addition, Pematang Siantar is dominantly populated by Batak Toba. It allows choosing any code or variety in social interactions. These choices may have potential longer-term effects on the language existing in a community namely Simalungun vernacular language. Nowadays, there is an indication that Simalungun vernacular language is sidelined from Simalungun community daily life especially from its young generation due to young speakers are easy to adopt or apply new things, and Simalungu vernacular language is signaled unable to fulfill the need of its speaker for the life in a nation.

The above description is about behavior of Simalungun community especially young generation to their vernacular which it is assumed that attitude is one of the factors contributes to do so. Though Simalungun vernacular is an important identity to determine a certain ethnic group, seems it is not always can be maintained, but it does not mean that Simalungun vernacular must be left behind. Simalungun vernacular precisely need to be made useful in order not to be shifted or lost.

Having strong and fast social change, maintenance of Simalungun vernacular in Pematang Siantar is a relevant effort to make sure that Simalungun vernacular is survived. Zulfadli (2010) in Fakrurazi thesis states that Acehnese vernacular maintenance is positive initiative to keep using Acehnese vernacular to a better continuity in the future, since vernacular is a vital part of the development and expression of identity (Oriyama: 2010). In addition, Simalungun vernacular is the identity for Simalungun people; Holmes (2001: 61) states that vernacular is an important symbol of a certain ethnic group.



Every ethnic group has its own vernacular as their own typical identity. In this case, the researcher as a native speaker of Simalungun vernacular would like to conduct a research about vernacular attitude of Simalungun people towards their own vernacular, in previous research no one has not conducted the research relates to vernacular attitude of Simalungun people. Thus the result of this research will be contributed to Kabupaten Simalungun as reference of vernacular study, especially for the vernacular attitude Simalungun people in term of their own vernacular. In addition, this research considered importance due to the development of Indonesian language in term of vernacular strength as National language.

Based on the condition above, the researcher is interested in conducting her research relates to the attitude of Simalungun people towards Simalungun vernacular maintenance which occurs among Simalungun speakers in Pematang Siantar. The researcher determines Pematang Siantar as location of research because the researcher consider that Pematang Siantar as the most progress among other regions of Simalungun, beside that in that regions Simalungun people as minority clan.

1.2Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problems are formulated as the following: (1) What are the attitudes of indigenous Simalungun people toward their own vernacular

maintenance in Pematang Siantar?

(2) How is the attitude realization of indigenous Simalungun people towards their own vernacular maintenance?



1.3Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems of the study, the objectives of this research are:

(1) To elaborate the attitude of indigenous Simalungun people towards their vernacular maintenance in Pematang Siantar.

(2) To describe attitude realization of indigenous Simalungun people towards their vernacular maintenance.

1.4Scope of the Study

This study will focus on the occurrence of Simalungun vernacular attitude; factors affect the language attitude of Simalungun people towards their ethnic language, the effect of language attitude among Simalungun vernacular speakers in Pematang Siantar. Since Pematang Siantar is a large area which consists of 8 city Districts with total population is 247.837 people, this research is proportionally and purposely staged in one of the districts, which is Kelurahan Bukit Sofa, Siantar Sitalasari District. The researcher chose that place, because in this district the researcher found that simalungun family is minority and most of them do not use Simalungun Vernacular in their daily life.

1.5Significances of the Study

(1) Findings of the study are expected to be useful and relevant theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings of the study are expected to justify or to refuse theories of vernacular attitude. The finding of this research are going to justify or refuse the theories especially in the language attitude of Simalungun vernacular.



In addition, the findings will be expected to add more horizons in vernacular planning issues can give contribution to governments in maintaining language through education curriculum such as language learning.

(2) Practically, the findings are expected to awaken awareness of Simalungun speakers in multilingual contexts. In addition, the findings are relevant to vernacular planners in efforts to maintain endangered vernaculars.

Finally, the result of this research will be contributed to Kabupaten Simalungun as reference of vernacular study, especially vernacular attitude of Simalungun people towards their own vernacular.





The study concerned on the attitude of Simalungun young people towards their vernacular language in Sitalasari district Pematang Siantar regency. The aim of the study is to describe how the attitude of Simalungun young people towards their vernacular language. After deliberately analyzing the data, the conclusions are stated as follows:

1. The informants show positive attitude and negative attitude towards Simalungun vernacular in Sitalasari district Pematang Siantar regency. There are 55. 6 % informants show negative attitude and 44. 4 % informants show positive attitude. The more detail about the percentage of language attitude occurred in every the category of Simalungun young people based on their status background are: 1) Simalungun young people of low level status background is 3 informants or 50 % has negative attitude and 3 informant or 50 % has positive attitude, 2) Simalungun young people of middle level status background is 5 person or 83. 3 % has positive attitude and 1 informant or 16. 7 % has negative attitude, 3) Simalungun young people of High level status background 6 informant or 100 % has negative attitude.

2. The realization of negative attitude they have is by not having eagerness to keep using Simalungun vernacular at home in their living state. However, they still use their own vernacular at the certain domain namely when they in religion activity and communicate with their family; father, mother, siblings, and cousins.

3. The negative attitude shown by informants is because the less frequency and unfamiliar of Simalungun vernacular use in their daily communication such as at



home when communication with their parents and family. On the other word, they have the more frequency in using other language which is considered as the medium of communication making them easily accepted in their current environment.

5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion, the following are suggested:

1. It is suggested that Simalungun people especially Simalungun young people have positive attitude towards their own vernacular in themselves of every individual, by keep using Simalungun vernacular in their daily communication not only when talking to their parents, family and cousins but also to their friend the same Simalungun. In this case, it is expected Simalungun young people can keep maintaining their vernacular language by equalizing their ethnic language in their daily live especially at home domain.

2. It is suggested that language supervisor agency and the local government; in vernacular planning issues can give contribution in maintaining language through education curriculum such as language learning and head of districts, head of villages should apply a program of revising, revitalizing and maintaining Simalungun language shift to keep its maintenance by conducting the cultural events or cultural festival which empower and compete Simalungun young people which maximizes the existence of Simalungun language by conducting the traditional language itself such as theatre exhibition, musical exhibition, the competition of creating the greeting or opening of cultural ceremonies in Simalungun language, etc which can be conducted in memorial days such as independent day, and other celebration days. In addition, it is also suggested to other researchers to be more concerned on the research about Simalungun language maintenance and development.




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4 Marti, Felix. (2005). Words and World: World Vernacular Review. Toronto: Multilingual


Martin, Mario Daniel, (1998). Social and linguistic consequences of vernaculars others than English and Spanish in Spanish speaking community. Griffith University Press.

Matthew B Miles and A. Michael Huberman, (1994). An expanded source book, qualitative data analysis, International Educational and Professional Publisher. London.

Matthias Brenzinger, (2003). Contribution to the UNESCO encyclopedia of life support system (EOLSS). Documenting Endangered Vernaculars and Vernacular Maintenance. Japan. Research Institute for Vernacular and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Miles, M.B, and Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis, 2nd Ed., p. 10-12. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Journal of Qualitative Data Analysis,

Access on May 12nd 2015.

Mora, M. T. (2005). Vernacular Maintenance Among The Children of Immigrants: A Comparison of Border State with other Region of The U.S. Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Vol.24, 127-144

Mukhuba, T. T. (2000). Bilingualis, Vernacular Attitudes, Vernacular Policy and Vernacular Planning: A sociolinguistic perspective. Journal of Vernacular Learning, Vol.3,268-278.

Musgrave, Simon. (2009). Vernacular shift and Vernacular maintenance in Indonesia.

International Journal of The Sociology of Vernacular; 1-17

Nancy, H. Hornberger. (2004). Quechua Vernacular Shift, Maintenance, and Revitalization in the Andes: The Case for Vernacular Planning. International Journal of the Sociology of Vernacular, Vol. 167, 9-67

Natasha Mack. (2005). Qualitative Research Methods. A Data Collector’s Field Guide. USA: Family Health International.

Nawaz, Sana. (2012). Vernacular shift: An Analysis of Factor Involved in Vernacular shift. Global Journal of Human Sosial Science Linguistics & Education, Vol. 12, 72-80 Nazarrudding. (2010). Bahasa Langkat Maintenance. Parents’ Role in maintaining Bahasa

Langkat in Stabat. Medan: Unpublished Thesis

Obiero, O. J. (2010). From Assessing Vernacular Endangerment or Vitality to Creating and Evaluating Vernacular Revitalization Programmers. Nordic Journal of African Studies, Vol, 4, 201-226


5 Oriyama, Kaya. (2010). Heritage Vernacular Maintenance and Japanese Identity Formation:

What Role Can Schooling and Ethic Community Contact Play?. Heritage Vernacular

Journal, Vol.7, 76-111.

Rajend, Mesthrie. (2012). Introducing Sociolinguistics, http://www. Sociolinguistics… accessed on 25,February 2015.

Ramzan, Muhammad. (2012). Vernacular Shift: An Analysis of Factors Involved in Vernacular Shift. Global Journal of Human Social Science Linguistic & Education, Volume 12, 72- 80

Romaine, Suzanne. (1994). Vernacular in Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Seidman, Irving. (2006). Interviewing as qualitative research: a guide for researchers in

education. New York: Teachers College University Press.

Sneddon, James. (2003). The Indonesian Vernacular, Its History and Role in modern Society.

Autralia: University of New South Wales Press.

Siahaan, Rumondang. (2000). Kajian Kasus Tentang Tingkat Pemertahanan Bahasa Pada

Masyarakat Batak Toba Berdasarkan Perilaku Pilih Bahasa. Unpublished Thesis Yusri, Ghazali. (2011). Attitude towards oral Arabic Among Students in different

Learning Environments. The International Journal of Vernacular Society and Culture, Vol.33, 37-44

Zhang, Donghuai.( 2008). Between two Generation Vernacular Maintenance and Acculturation among Chinese Imigrant Families. El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.


home when communication with their parents and family. On the other word, they have the more frequency in using other language which is considered as the medium of communication making them easily accepted in their current environment.

5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion, the following are suggested:

1. It is suggested that Simalungun people especially Simalungun young people have positive attitude towards their own vernacular in themselves of every individual, by keep using Simalungun vernacular in their daily communication not only when talking to their parents, family and cousins but also to their friend the same Simalungun. In this case, it is expected Simalungun young people can keep maintaining their vernacular language by equalizing their ethnic language in their daily live especially at home domain.

2. It is suggested that language supervisor agency and the local government; in vernacular planning issues can give contribution in maintaining language through education curriculum such as language learning and head of districts, head of villages should apply a program of revising, revitalizing and maintaining Simalungun language shift to keep its maintenance by conducting the cultural events or cultural festival which empower and compete Simalungun young people which maximizes the existence of Simalungun language by conducting the traditional language itself such as theatre exhibition, musical exhibition, the competition of creating the greeting or opening of cultural ceremonies in Simalungun language, etc which can be conducted in memorial days such as independent day, and other celebration days. In addition, it is also suggested to other researchers to be more concerned on the research about Simalungun language maintenance and development.



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International Journal of The Sociology of Vernacular; 1-17

Nancy, H. Hornberger. (2004). Quechua Vernacular Shift, Maintenance, and Revitalization in the Andes: The Case for Vernacular Planning. International Journal of the Sociology of Vernacular, Vol. 167, 9-67

Natasha Mack. (2005). Qualitative Research Methods. A Data Collector’s Field Guide. USA: Family Health International.

Nawaz, Sana. (2012). Vernacular shift: An Analysis of Factor Involved in Vernacular shift. Global Journal of Human Sosial Science Linguistics & Education, Vol. 12, 72-80 Nazarrudding. (2010). Bahasa Langkat Maintenance. Parents’ Role in maintaining Bahasa

Langkat in Stabat. Medan: Unpublished Thesis

Obiero, O. J. (2010). From Assessing Vernacular Endangerment or Vitality to Creating and Evaluating Vernacular Revitalization Programmers. Nordic Journal of African Studies, Vol, 4, 201-226


Oriyama, Kaya. (2010). Heritage Vernacular Maintenance and Japanese Identity Formation: What Role Can Schooling and Ethic Community Contact Play?. Heritage Vernacular Journal, Vol.7, 76-111.

Rajend, Mesthrie. (2012). Introducing Sociolinguistics, http://www. Sociolinguistics… accessed on 25,February 2015.

Ramzan, Muhammad. (2012). Vernacular Shift: An Analysis of Factors Involved in Vernacular Shift. Global Journal of Human Social Science Linguistic & Education, Volume 12, 72- 80

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Siahaan, Rumondang. (2000). Kajian Kasus Tentang Tingkat Pemertahanan Bahasa Pada Masyarakat Batak Toba Berdasarkan Perilaku Pilih Bahasa. Unpublished Thesis Yusri, Ghazali. (2011). Attitude towards oral Arabic Among Students in different

Learning Environments. The International Journal of Vernacular Society and Culture, Vol.33, 37-44

Zhang, Donghuai.( 2008). Between two Generation Vernacular Maintenance and Acculturation among Chinese Imigrant Families. El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.