Ruang Lingkup Cara Penggunaan Modul 1. Deskripsi Kegiatan Diklat Tatap Muka Penuh

16 Pendahuluan No Kode LK Nama LK Keterangan 8. LK 1.8. Agreement and politeness TM, IN1 9. LK 1.9. Penilaian berbasis kelas TM, IN1, ON 10. LK 1.10 Presentasi dan Konfirmasi IN2 11. LK 2.1. Cohesion and coherence in text TM, IN1, ON 12. LK 2.2. Comparison of cohesiveness among the text TM, IN1 13. LK 2.3. Discussion of how to teach cohesion and coherence TM, IN1, ON 14. LK 2.4. Presentasi dan Konfirmasi IN2 15. LK 3.1. Reading materials TM, IN1, ON 16. LK 3.2. Exercise for whilst-reading TM, IN1, ON 17. LK 3.3. Authority of the writer TM, IN1, ON 18. LK 3.4. Logic of the writer’s argument TM, IN1, ON 19. LK 3.5. The writer’s ways of getting your interest TM, IN1, ON 20. LK 3.6. Presentasi dan Konfirmasi IN2 21. LK 4.1 Film review TM, IN1 22. LK 4.3 Presentasi dan Konfirmasi IN2 Keterangan: TM :Digunakan pada Tatap Muka Penuh IN1 :Digunakan pada In Service Learning 1 ON :Digunakan pada On the Job Learning IN2 : Presentasi Bahasa Inggris SMP KK J 17 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 Grammar and Language Expressions

A. Tujuan

Peserta dapat memahami jenis-jenis logical connectors, core modal verbs, dan ungkapan agreement dan disagreement.

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Setelah mempelajari dan memahami dengan baik kegiatan pembelajaran ini, Anda diharapkan dapat 1. Mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis logical connectors dan fungsinya; 2. Menggunakan logical connectors yang tepat dalam kalimat; 3. Menggunakan core modal verbs yang tepat sesuai konteks kalimat; 4. Menggunakan ungkapan agreement dan disagreement dalam konteks kalimat yang tepat.

C. Uraian Materi

Logical Conjunction Logical conjunction is used to link two or more ideas which have a particular relationship. This relationship can be sequential time, reason and purpose, adversative opposition andor unexpected result, or condition. There are a number of logical connectorsused to link ideas in academic writing; these can be grouped into five main types. 18 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 Tabel 3. Types of Logical Connectors Addition Replacement where extra information is simply added or one idea replaces another Comparison Contrast where two ideas are presented as either similar or different. Exemplification Restatement where a previously mentioned idea is repeated by rewording it or giving an example. Cause Condition where the reason why or the conditions under which something happens are given. Time Place where ideas, things and events are located in time and space. Types of Logical Connector 1. Addition and Replacement In relations involving ‘addition’, extra information is simply added, for example:The research has been criticised for three reasons. It did not use a large enough sample and the results were contradictory. Moreover, it was alleged that the statistical analysis was faulty. The research has been critised for three reasons The writer gives two reasons for the criticism, joined by and and adds a third using moreover It did not use a large enough and The result were Moreover It was alleged that the statical analysis was faulty