Substitusi Dedak Padi dengan Daging Buah Kakao Fermentasi dalam Ransum Pellet Terhadap Kuantitas Karkas Kelinci Rex Jantan Lepas Sapih


YUNIKA TARIGAN, 2014 : “Substitusi Dedak Padi dengan Daging Buah Kakao
Fermentasi dalam Ransum Pellet terhadap Kuantitas Karkas Kelinci Rex Jantan
Lepas Sapih”. Dibimbing oleh NURZAINAH GINTING dan ISKANDAR
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hasil dari subtitusi dedak padi
dengan daging buah kakao fermentasi dalam ransum pellet terhadap bobot potong,
persentase bobot potong, bobot karkas dan persentase bobot karkas kelinci Rex
jantan lepas sapih. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Jl. Udara Gg. Rukun (Peternakan
Kelinci Rukun Farm) Berastagi bulan September - November 2013. Rancangan
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL)
dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor kelinci
dengan bobot awal rata-rata 708,25 g +22,08 g. Perlakuan terdiri dari P0 : Pellet
(dedak padi 20% + 80% bahan penyusun pellet), P1 : Pellet (dedak padi 15% +
daging buah kakao fermentasi 5% + 80% bahan penyusun pellet), P2 : Pellet
(dedak padi 10% + daging buah kakao fermentasi 10% + 80% bahan penyusun
pellet), P3 : Pellet (dedak padi 5% + daging buah kakao fermentasi 15% + 80%
bahan penyusun pellet), dan P4 : Pellet (daging buah kakao fermentasi 20% +
80% bahan penyusun pellet).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rataan bobot potong P0 : 1.847,50 g,

P1 : 1.847,50 g, P2 : 1.861,25 g, P3 : 1.870,00 g, dan P4 : 1.843,75 g. Rataan
bobot karkas P0 : 952,50 g, P1 : 965,00 g, P2 : 955,00 g, P3 : 961,25 g, dan P4 :
963,75 g. Persentase bobot karkas P0 : 51,55%, P1 : 52,23%, P2 : 51,31%, P3 :
51,42% dan P4 : 52,27%. Hasil analisa statistik menunjukkan substitusi dedak
padi dengan daging buah kakao fermentasi dalam ransum pellet kelinci tidak
memberikan pengaruh nyata nyata (P>0,05) terhadap bobot potong, bobot karkas,
dan persentase bobot karkas kelinci Rex. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah
daging buah kakao fermentasi dapat menggantikan dedak padi hingga 100% dari
20% bahan baku pembuatan pelet.
Kata kunci : Dedak Padi, Daging Buah Kakao, Fermentasi, Karkas, Kelinci Rex.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


YUNIKA TARIGAN, 2014: "Substitution Rice Bran by Fermented Cocoa Fruit
Meat in Rations Pellet on Carcass Quantity of Male Rex Rabbit After Wean".
This research objective to examine the effect of substitution rice bran by
fermented cocoa fruit meat in the pelleted ration to slaughter weight, the

percentage of slaughter weight, carcass weight and carcass weight percentage of
male Rex rabbit after wean. The researh was conducted at Jl. Udara Gg. Rukun
(Peternakan Kelinci Rukun Farm) Berastagi months of September 2013 until
November 2013. The research methodused in this study was a completely
randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. This study used
20 rabbits with an average initial weight of 708.25 g + 22.08 g. Treatment
consisted of P0: Pellet (20% rice bran + 80% materials were pelleted), P1: Pellet
(15% rice bran + 5% fermented cocoa fruit meat + 80% materials were pelleted),
P2: Pellet (10% rice bran + 10% fermented cocoa fruit meat + 80% materials
were pelleted), P3: Pellet (5% rice bran+ 15% fermented cocoa fruit meat + 80%
materials were pelleted), and P4: Pellet (20% fermented cocoa fruit meat + 80%
materials were pelleted).
The results showed the average slaughter weight P0: 1.847.50 g,
P1: 1.847.50 g, P2: 1.861.25 g, P3: 1.870.00 g, and P4: 1.843.75 g respectively.
The average percentage of slaughter weight P0 : 97.45%, P1 : 97.45%,
P2 : 98.10%, P3 : 98.06% and P4 : 96,77% respectively. The average carcass
weight P0 : 952.50 g, P1: 965.00 g, P2: 955.00 g, P3: 961.25 g, and P4: 963.75 g
respectively. The average percentage of carcass weight P0: 51.55%, P1: 52.23%,
P2: 51.31%, P3: 51.42% and P4: 52.27% respectively. Results of statistical
analysis showed substitution of rice bran by fermentated cocoa fruit meat in

rabbit pellet ration no significant effect (P>0.05) to slaughter weight, percentage
of slaughter weight,carcass weight, and carcass weight percentage of Rex rabbits.
The conclusion of this study is fruit meat fermented cocoa buah can replace bran
rice up in 100% from 20% raw material for making pellets.
Keywords: Rice Bran, Fruit Meat Cocoa Buah, Fermentation, Carcass, Rex

Universitas Sumatera Utara