Karakteristik Sifat Fisik, Kimia, Dan Sensori Flakes Breakfast Cereal Dari Tepung Komposit (Tepung Mocaf, Tepung Jagung Dan Tepung Kacang Merah)

YULI GRACE SIPAYUNG: Karakterisasi Sifat Kimia, Fisik dan Sensori Flakes
Breakfast Cereal dari Tepung Komposit (Tepung Mocaf, Tepung Jagung dan
Tepung Kacang Merah), dibimbing oleh RIDWANSYAH dan SENTOSA
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung
mocaf, tepung jagung dan tepung kacang merah terhadap mutu flakes yang
dihasilkan. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahap. Tahap I merupakan pembuatan
flakes dari tepung komposit(tepung mocaf, tepung jagung, dan tepung kacang
merah) dan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 1 faktor, dengan
perbandingan tepung mocaf dan tepung jagung serta penambahan tepung kacang
merah (P): 70%:25%:5%, 65%:30%:5%, 60%:35%:5%, 55%:40%:5%,
50%:45%:5%, 45%:50%:5%, 40%:55%:5%, 35%:60%:5%, 30%:65%:5%,
25%:70%:5%. Adapun parameter yang dianalisis pada tahap I ialah kadar air (%),
kadar abu (%), kadar lemak (%), kadar protein (%), kadar serat (%), total
karbohidrat (%), uji warna (L), uji warna (°Hue), uji ketahanan kerenyahan dalam
susu (detik), uji tingkat rehidrasi (%), uji tekstur (kg/cm2), dan nilai uji
organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan skor tekstur). Tahap II meliputi
pengujian mutu flakes dengan perlakuan terbaik dibandingkan dengan kontrol.
Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada flakes dengan komposisi 25%:70%:5%.
Parameter yang diuji adalah kadar air (%), kadar abu (%), kadar lemak (%), kadar

protein (%), kadar serat (%), total karbohidrat (%), uji warna (L) (%), uji warna
(°Hue) (%), uji ketahanan kerenyahan dalam susu (detik), uji tingkat rehidrasi
(%), uji tekstur (kg/cm2), dan nilai uji organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur,
dan skor tekstur).
Hasil penelitian pada tahap I menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan tepung
mocaf dan tepung jagung serta penambahan tepung kacang merah memberikan
pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata pada kadar air, namun berbeda nyata pada kadar
lemak dan berbeda sangat nyata pada parameter lainnya. Hasil akhir dari tahap II
ialah ditemukan adanya perbedaan antara flakes perlakuan terbaik dengan flakes
kontrol, dan pada karakteristik kimia dan sensori, flakes dengan perlakuan terbaik
yang lebih unggul.
Kata Kunci: Tepung mocaf, tepung jagung, tepung kacang merah, flakes

Universitas Sumatera Utara

YULI GRACE SIPAYUNG: Characterization of Chemical, Physical, and
Sensory of Flakes Breakfast Cereal from Composite Flour (Mocaf Flour, Corn
Flour and Red Bean Flour), supervised by RIDWANSYAH and SENTOSA

The research was aimed to find the effect of the addition of mocaf flour,
corn flour, and red bean flour on the quality of flakes. This research consisted of
two steps. The first step was the manufacture of flakes from the composite flour
(Mocaf Flour, Corn Flour and Red Bean Flour) and had been performed using
factorial completely randomized design with one factor i.e : mocaf flour, corn
flour, red bean flour (P): 70%:25%:5%, 65%:30%:5%, 60%:35%:5%,
55%:40%:5%, 50%:45%:5%, 45%:50%:5%, 40%:55%:5%, 35%:60%:5%,
30%:65%:5%, 25%:70%:5%. Parameters analyzed at the I step were water
content (%), ash content (%), fat content (%), protein content (%), fiber content
(%), colour (L), colour (°Hue), the flakes’ crispness resistance in milk (second),
rehydration level (%), texture(kg/cm2), and organoleptic values (colour, flavour,
taste, texture and texture score). The II step was testing quality of flakes with the
best treatment that was campared with control. The best treatment of the flakes
was found with the composition 25%:70%:5%. Parameters analyzed at the II step
were water content (%), ash content (%), fat content (%), protein content (%),
fiber content (%), colour (L), colour (°Hue), the flakes’ crispness resistance in
milk (second), rehydration level (%), texture(kg/cm2), and organoleptic values
(colour, flavour, taste, texture and texture score).
The results at the I step showed that the comparison of mocaf flour and

corn flour, and the addition of red bean flour had no significant effect on water
content, but had significant effect on fat content, and highly significant effect on
the other parameters. At the second step, it was found that there was difference
between the best treatment flakes and control, and at the chemical and sensory
characterization, the flakes with the best treatment was better.
Keyword: Mocaf flour, Corn flour, Red bean flour, flakes

Universitas Sumatera Utara