 “Believing that an international convention on

diplomatic intercourse, privileges and immunities
would contribute to the development of friendly
relations among nations, irrespective of their difering
constitutional and social systems”
 “Realizing that the purpose of such privileges and
immunities is not to beneft individuals but to ensure
the efcient performance of the functions of
diplomatic missions as representing states”
 “Afrming that the rules of customary international
law should continue to govern questions not expressly
regulated by the provision of the present Convention”


 Head of the mission  orang yang dikirim oleh negara pengirim

untuk bertugas dalam kapasitasnya
Members of the mission  kepala misi dan anggota staf
Members of the staf of the mission  anggota dari staf
diplomatik, staf administrasi dan teknis dan staf pelayanan dari
Members of diplomatic staf  anggota dari staf diplomatik
yang memiliki ranking diplomatik

Diplomatic agent  kepala misi atau anggota staf diplomatik
Members of the administrative and technical staf  anggota
staf yang dipekerjakan di bidang administrasi dan teknis
Members of the service staf  anggota staf diplomatik dalam
pelayanan domestik misi diplomatik
Private servant  orang yang melakukan pelayanan domestik
dari anggota diplomatik dan bukan pegawai dari negara
Premises of the mission  gedung atau bagian dari gedung
termasuk tanah yang digunakan untuk kepentingan misi
diplomatik termasuk rumah dari kepala misi

 “The establishment of diplomatic relations

between states and of permanent
diplomatic missions takes place by mutual


 Fungsi perwakilan diplomatik:
1. Representing
2. Protecting
3. Negotiating
4. Ascertaining dan reporting
5. Promoting

1. Negara pengirim harus memastikan

kepada negara penerima mengenai
persetujuan atas kepala misi yang akan
2. Negara penerima tidak wajib untuk
memberikan alasan kepada negara
pengirim atas penolakan persetujuan

1. Anggota misi secara prinsip harus

warganegara negara pengirim
2. Anggota misi tidak boleh ditunjuk dari
orang-orang memiliki kewarganegaraan
negara penerima kecuali mendapat
persetujuan dari negara penerima yang
dapat ditarik sewaktu-waktu
3. Negara penerima dapat menggunakan hak
yang sama terkait warganegara negara
ketiga yang bukan warganegara dari
negara pengirim

1. Persona non grata either recall the person

concerned or terminate his functions with
the mission. A person may be declared non
grata or not acceptable before arriving in
the territory of the receiving state
2. Jika sampai batas waktu yang wajar negara

pengirim tidak memenuhi kewajibannya
untuk menarik yang bersangkutan maka
negara penerima dapat menolak mengakui
orang tersebut sebagai anggota misi

 Proses penyerahan salinan surat kepercayaan

adalah momen yang sangat penting karena
ini menandai akan dimulainya tugas dan
fungsi duta besar yang baru.
 Pasal 13 Ayat 1: “The head of the mission is

considered as having taken up his functions in
the receiving State either when he has
presented his credentials or when he has
notifed his arrival and a true copy of his
credentials has been presented to the Ministry
of Foreign Afairs of the receiving State, …”

1. The premises of the mission shall be inviolable.

The agent of the receiving state may not enter
them, except with the consent of the head of the
2. The receiving state is under a special duty to
take all appropriate steps to protect the
premises of the mission against any intrusion or
damage and to prevent any disturbance of the
peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity.
3. The premises of the mission, their furnishings
and other property thereon and the means of
transport of the mission shall be immune from
search, requisition, attachment or execution.

 Judul: The Siege of the Estonian Embassy in Moscow:

Protection of a Diplomatic Mission and Its Staf in the
Receiving State
 Introduction:

√ Negara menjalin hubungan diplomatik sebagai perwakilan

negara dan melindungi kepentingan nasional serta
√ Pejabat diplomatik diberikan hak kekebalan dan
keistimewaan untuk menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik
√ Bahaya bagi misi diplomatik dan pejabat diplomatik
adalah berasal dari penguasa lokal juga orang atau
kelompok tertentu yang bertindak atas nama sendiri
maupun perintah dari negara penerima
√ Permasalahannya adalah negara penerima tidak peduli
bahkan membiarkan situasi mengancam tetap berlanjut,
seperti yang terjadi di Kedubes Estonia di Moskow, yang
diancam, diblokade dan diserang dari tanggal 27 April s.d.
5 Mei 2007

 Background:
√ Peyerang dimulai setelah Pemerintah Estonia

memindah tugu kenang-kenangan perang, the
Bronze Soldier, dari Tallinn
√ Estonia beranggapan bahwa tugu tersebut adalah
simbol dari penjajahan Rusia
√ Komunitas Rusia tidak setuju karena di bawah tugu
tersebut ada kuburan tentara Rusia
√ Rencana pemindahan tersebut membuat komunitas
Estonia dan Rusia terbelah menjadi dua
√ Warganegara Rusia protes dan mengepung
Kedubes Estonia. Selama 9 hari mereka
mengganggu dan menyerang orang-orang yang
keluar masuk Kedubes

 Diferent Aspects of Physical Protection:
√ Ada 3 hal yang harus dijamin terkait dengan

perlindungan fsik, yaitu:
Inviolability of the premises
2. Personal inviolability
3. Freedom of movement

 Prohibition to enter the premises of the mission:
√ Larangan ini bersifat mutlak, termasuk polisi, pemadam

kebakaran dan lainnya
√ Meskipun negara penerima memiliki dasar yang kuat bahwa
Kedubes digunakan untuk kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan
fungsi diplomatik, negara penerima tetap dilarang masuk
√ Spanyol memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan
Guatemala setelah polisi Guatemala memaksa masuk ke
Kedubes Spanyol untuk menyelamatkan Dubes dan staf dari
para penyandera

√ Protes kepada Qaddaf di Kedubes Libya di Inggris dan
Kedubes Libya meminta Inggris untuk mencegah
demonstran, jika tidak mereka tidak mau bertanggungjawab
atas apa yang terjadi
√ Ada orang yang menembakkan senjata ke arah demonstran
dari Kedubes Libya dan melukai beberapa dan menewaskan
polisi Inggris

√ Polisi meminta ijin untuk masuk dan melakukan

penyelidikan, tetapi ditolak oleh pihak Libya
√ Dalam travaux preparatoires dari Pasal 22
mengatakan “the premises of the mission do
not lose inviolability in the event of
inappropriate use of the premises...”
√ Karena tidak ada penyelesaian, maka Dubes
dan staf Libya di persona non grata, dan
kemudian polisi Inggris melakukan
penyelidikan ke dalam gedung diplomatik Libya

dengan ditemani oleh diplomat dari Kedubes
Arab Saudi

 Duty to protect the premises of the mission:
√ Kewajiban ini menekankan pada “positive obligation” dari

negara penerima
√ Negara penerima harus melakukan tindakan perlindungan
yang lebih daripada yang lain
√ Di Amerika Serikat ada larangan mendekat ke Kedubes
dalam jarak 500 kaki, tetapi tidak serta merta larangan
tersebut berlaku karena kebebasan berpendapat dan
berkumpul adalah kebebasan asasi yang fundamental dan
dilindungi oleh hukum nasional dan perjanjian
internasional. Negara penerima hanya memastikan agar
demonstrasi tidak tak terkontrol dan hak kekebalan dan
keistimewaan tidak terciderai karena demonstrasi tersebut
√ Kasus di Kedubes Estonia, Rusia tidak melakukan
perlindungan sebagaimana diatur dalam Konvensi Wina

 Prinsip personal inviolability adalah prinsip

dalam customary international law
 Personal inviolability meliputi 2 hal:
1. Diplomat tidak boleh menjadi target untuk

penangkapan atau penahanan
2. Negara penerima harus memperlakukan diplomat
dengan baik dan penuh rasa hormat serta harus
mengambil tindakan yang tepat untuk mencegah
dari penyerangan, kebebasan dan kehormatan
 Permasalahan di Kedubes Estonia adalah

serangan oleh aktivis Nashi terhadap Dubes
Estonia, Marina Kaljurand

 Kemampuan untuk melakukan perjalanan secara bebas di

negara penerima merupakan hal yang sangat penting
bagi misi diplomatik
√ Menemui warganegaranya di negara penerima

 Profesor Grigory Tunkin menyatakan bahwa “negara

penerima juga boleh melarang diplomat untuk memasuki
wilayah-wilayah tertentu demi kepentingan dan
keamanan nasional.”
 Pada masa Uni Sovyet, delegasi Uni Sovyet
memperingatkan negara-negara pihak pada Konvensi
Wina bahwa Pasal 26 tidak berlaku bagi Uni Sovyet
karena Uni Sovyet melarang diplomat untuk melakukan
perjalanan lebih dari 50 km dari Moskow
√ Pasal 26: “subject to its law and regulations concerning zones

entry into which is prohibited or regulated for reasons of
national security, the receiving state shall ensure to all
members of the mission freedom of movement and travel in
its territory.”

 Dalam bukunya Hukum Diplomatik: Teori

dan Kasus menyatakan bahwa ada istilah
externa ratione dan interna ratione dalam
perlindungan terhadap premises

1. The sending state and the head of the mission

shall be exempt from all national, regional or
municipal dues and taxes in respect of the
premises of the mission, whether owned or
leased, other than such represent payment for
specifc services rendered.
2. The exemption from taxation referred to this
article shall not apply to such dues and taxes
payable under the law of the receiving state by
persons contracting with the sending state or
the head of the mission.
 Lihat: Pasal 34, 35 dan 36

 Pasal 4 Ayat 2: “The receiving State is not

obliged to give reasons to the sending
State for a refusal of agreement.”
 Pasal 9 Ayat 1: “The receiving State may at
any time and without having to explain its
decision, notify the sending State that the
head of the mission or any member of the
diplomatic staf of the missions is persona
non grata … A person may be declared non
grata or not acceptable before arriving in
the territory of the receiving State.”

 Pengangkatan duta besar memerlukan

persetujuan dari negara penerima, namun staf
diplomatik di bawah duta besar tidak memerlukan
persetujuan dari negara penerima
 Negara pengirim meminta persetujuan
(agreement) dari negara penerima dari duta besar
dengan melampirkan CV dari calon duta besar
yang ditunjuk
 Jawaban dari negara penerima dapat dilakukan

secara lisan maupun secara tertulis
 Dalam hal negara penerima tidak menjawab dalam
waktu yang lama, maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa
negara penerima tidak setuju

 Kasus Seyeb Mohammed Malaek dari Iran
 Malaek telah diterima menjadi Duta Besar Iran untuk

 Amerika Serikat tidak senang atas penerimaan tersebut,
dengan alasan bahwa Malaek pernah menjadi salah
seorang pemimpin dari tindakan penyanderaan atas
Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat di Teheran, Iran
 Empat negara lain juga menunjukkan ketidaksenangan
atas penerimaan Malaek
 Kasus H.B.L. Mantiri dari Indonesia
 Pemerintah Australia telah memberikan persetujuannya
 Parlemen Australia menolak karena ia dianggap

melakukan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Dili,

 Penolakan terhadap calon duta besar diatur dalam

Pasal 4 KW 1961, sedangkan penolakan kepada staf
diplomatik di bawah duta besar diatur dalam Pasal
9 Ayat 1 KW 1961
 Penolakan calon duta besar:
 Kasus Duke of Birmingham, di mana seorang calon

duta besar Inggris untuk Perancis ditolak menjadi duta
besar oleh Perancis karena dianggap bersikap “sangat
menjengkelkan” kepada Pemerintah Perancis karena
berani “main mata” dengan Ratu Perancis saat
berkunjung ke Paris sebelumnya
 Kasus Mr. Keiley, calon duta besar Amerika Serikat
untuk Italia, di mana ia ditolak karena memprotes
aneksasi Italia atas Papal State. Selain itu, ia juga
ditolak Austria karena isterinya adalah seorang Yahudi

 Kasus Mr. Watler Cutler, calon Duta Besar Amerika

Serikat untuk Iran
 Ia tidak dapat diterima sebagai duta besar karena

peranannya ketika masih menjadi Duta Besar
Amerika Serikat di Zaire
 Kasus Mr. Archer K. Blood
 Ditolak masuk ke Afghanistan karena ia pernah

bertugas di negara tersebut pada saat rejim
 Kasus Mr. Branden H. Grove
 Ia ditolak oleh Pemerintah Kuwait sebagai Duta Besar

Amerika Serikat karena pernah menjadi Konsul
Jenderal Amerika Serikat di Israel

 Kasus Mr. Dunba, Duta Besar Austro-Hongaria

untuk Amerika Serikat, di mana Pemerintah
Amerika Serikat meminta kepada negara pengirim
untuk menarik pulang Mr. Dunba karena dianggap
telah mencampuri urusan dalam negeri Amerika
Serikat karena telah menghasut dan merekrut
warganegara Amerika Serikat sebagai mata-mata
 Kasus Mr. H. Gaisford, Duta Besar Inggris untuk
Guatemala, di mana Pemerintah Guatemala
meminta kepada Kerajaan Inggris untuk menarik
Mr. Gaisford karena dituduh mencampuri urusan
dalam negeri Guatemala dengan memberikan
suaka kepada warga Guatemala yang dituduh
melakukan tindakan subversif

 Kasus Duta Besar Libya di Mesir yang di-

persona non grata karena membagikan
selebaran yang menghasut dan bersifat
permusuhan terhadap Pemerintah Mesir di
bawah Presiden Anwar Sadat
 Kasus Kapten Boyed dan Kapten Von
Papen, Atase Militer Jerman untuk Amerika
Serikat, yang diusir karena terlibat pada
kegiatan-kegiatan politik yang bersifat

 Misi perwakilan diplomatik dan para staf-nya diberikan

hak keistimewaan dan kekebalan diplomatik, dan
diperluas hingga pada keluarganya yang tinggal
bersama (Pasal 22 s.d. 41 KW 1961)
 Pasal 22 Ayat 1: “The premises of the mission shall be

inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter
them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.”
 Pasal 23 Ayat 1: “The sending State and the head of the
mission shall be exempt from all national, regional and
municipal dues and taxes …”
 Pasal 24: “The archives and documents of the mission shall
be inviolable …”
 Pasal 27 Ayat 3: “The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or

 Pasal 29: “The person of diplomatic agent shall be

inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or
detention. …”
Pasal 30 Ayat 1: “The private residence of a diplomatic
agent shall enjoy the same inviolability and protection
as the premises of the mission.”
Pasal 31 Ayat 1: “A diplomatic agent shall enjoy
immunities from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving
State. …”
Pasal 31 Ayat 2: “A diplomatic agent is not obliged to
give evidence as a witness.”
Pasal 37 Ayat 1: “The members of the family of a
diplomatic agent forming part of his household shall, if
they are not nationals of the receiving State, enjoy the
privileges and immunities specifed in articles 29 to 36.”

 Kasus Diplomat Korea Utara di negara-negara


 Diplomat Korea Utara melakukan penyelundupan

dan penjualan obat-obat terlarang, alkohol dan
rokok. Pasal 42: “A diplomatic agent shall not in
the receiving State practise for personal proft any
professional or commercial activity.”
 Denmark mengusir seluruh Duta Besar dan staf
diplomatik Korea Utara dalam waktu 6 hari
 Finlandia mengusir Kuasa Usaha dan staf
diplomatik Korea Utara karena mereka
menggunakan Finlandia sebagai tempat transit
 Swedia dan Norwegia juga mengusir staf
diplomatik Korea Utara

 Kasus Steven J. Bryner & Peter M. Karajin III, staf

diplomatik Amerika Serikat di Indonesia:
 7 Februari 1994 mereka ditangkap karena terlibat

perdagangan dan pengedaran obat bius
 Polisi mengeledah rumah Bryner dan Karajin, dan
menemukan barang-barang bukti lain
 Pihak Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat protes atas
pengeledahan dan penahanan kedua staf
diplomatik tersebut
 Pemerintah Indonesia menyerahkan kedua
tersangka kepada Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat
dan diadili di Pengadilan Militer Amerika Serikat di

 Salah satu fungsi diplomatik yang tercantum dalam

Pasal 3 Ayat 1(d) adalah “Ascertaining by all lawful
means conditions and developments in the receiving
State, and reporting thereon to the Government of the
sending State.”
 Tuduhan yang bersifat sangat subyektif telah
menyebabkan Amerika Serikat dan USSR pada saat itu
saling mengusir diplomatnya pada tahun 1986, di mana
USSR mengusir 11 diplomat dan Amerika Serikat
mengusir 75 diplomat agar jumlah staf diplomat kedua
negara seimbang
 Kasus Letkol. Sergei P. Egorove, Atase Militer USSR di
Indonesia, di mana ia bersama temannya Finenko
melakukan transaksi rahasia atas dokumen negara
dengan Letkol. Sus Daryanto
 Letkol. Egorove selanjutnya diserahkan kepada Kedutaan

Besar USSR dan menyatakan persona non grata kepadanya

 Teori perwakilan (representative theory)
 Teori ekstrateritorial (extraterritorial

 Teori fungsi (functional necessity theory)

 Pasal 32 Ayat 1: “The immunity from

jurisdiction of diplomatic agents and of
persons enjoying immunity under article 37
may be waived by the sending State.”
 Pasal 37 Ayat 1: “The members of the family

of a diplomatic agent forming part of his
household shall, if they are not nationals of
the receiving State, enjoy the privileges and
immunities specifed in articles 29 to 36.”

 Kasus Sekretaris III dari Kedutaan Besar Zambia di London,

 Menggunakan kantong diplomatik untuk menyelundupkan

Polisi melakukan pengeledahan dan pemeriksaan di sebuah
rumah yang ternyata ditempati oleh Sekretaris III Kedutaan
Besar Zambia
Sekretaris III menuntut hak kekebalan berdasarkan Pasal 30
Ayat 1
Polisi menghentikan pengeledahan dan pemeriksaan
Kedutaan Besar Zambia protes kepada Menteri Luar Negeri
Inggris atas pengeledahan tersebut
Menteri Luar Negeri minta maaf atas kejadian tersebut
Kementerian Luar Negeri Inggris meminta kepada Duta Besar
Zambia untuk menanggalkan hak kekebalan Sekretaris III

 Duta Besar Zambia berkonsultasi dengan Presiden

 Presiden Zambia memerintahkan agar kekebalan
Sekretaris III ditanggalkan
 Sekretaris III ditangkap dan diajukan ke pengadilan di
 Alasan Presiden Zambia atas keputusannya
menanggalkan hak kekebalan diplomatik:
√ Diplomatic immunity was never intended to prevent the

investigation of serious crimes. I myself have a horror of all
addictive drugs. It destroys human beings … I feel I am acting to
protect my people and also the people of Britain and indeed of
the whole world.
√ When the request for the waiver of immunity reached me, I did
not hesitate for a second. It was, I am told, an almost
unprecedented action. But in this fght we all must wage against
this terrifying menace, I am convinced that I am right.

 Kasus Sekretaris II Kedutaan Besar Thailand di

London, Inggris (1992)

 Ia terlibat penyelundupan heroin
 Pemerintah Inggris meminta kepada Pemerintah

Thailand untuk menanggalkan hak kekebalannya
 Pemerintah Thailand menyetujui dan selanjutnya
ditangkap dan diadili di Inggris
 Kasus Duta Besar Zaire untuk Perancis (1996)
 Ia mengendarai mobil dalam keadaan mabuk dan

berkecepatan tinggi
 Ia menabrak 2 anak-anak hingga tewas
 Pemerintah Perancis meminta kepada Pemerintah Zaire
untuk menanggalkan hak kekebalannya
 Pemerintah Zaire setuju dan selanjutnya ia diadili di

 Kasus Makharadze, Diplomat Senior Republik Georgia

di Amerika Serikat
 Ia mengendarai mobil dalam keadaan mabuk dan

berkecepatan tinggi
Ia menabrak seorang gadis kecil usia 10 tahun hingga
tewas dan melukai 4 lainnya
Pemerintah Georgia semula berpedoman pada
ketentuan Konvensi Wina 1961, yaitu Makharadze
memiliki hak kekebalan dan ia akan dipanggil pulang ke
Menlu Amerika Serikat meminta kepada Presiden
Georgia untuk menanggalkan hak kekebalannya
Presiden Georgia setuju dan akhirnya Makharadze
ditangkap dan diadili di Amerika Serikat

 Kewarganegaraan pejabat diplomatik

seyogyanya adalah berasal dari negara
 Pasal 38 KW 1961 memberikan hak
kekebalan dan keistimewaan kepada
warganegara atau permanent residence
negara penerima secara terbatas, yaitu
berkaitan dengan tugas dan fungsinya

 Menurut Oppenheim, ada 3 kemungkinan

kapan seorang Dubes menikmati hak
kekebalan, yaitu:
1. Pada saat ia diterima (disetujui) sebagai

Dubes di negara penerima
2. Pada saat formal reception oleh Kepala
Negara dari negara penerima
3. Pada saat ia memasuki wilayah teritorial
dari negara penerima

 Dubes Rumania di Swiss, di mana ia belum

menyerahkan surat kepercayaan kepada Kepala
Negara, ia terlibat sebuah kejahatan. Saat
diajukan ke pengadilan ia menolak karena ini
merupakan pelanggaran terhadap hukum
kebiasaan dan perjanjian internasional.
 Pengadilan Swiss menganggap bahwa yang

bersangkutan belum menikmati hak kekebalan
karena ia belum menyerahkan surat kepercayaan
kepada Kepala Negara.
 Oppenheim tidak sependapat karena ini menyangkut
hak untuk tidak diganggu gugat dan keselamatan.
Menurutnya, ketika yang bersangkutan telah diterima
(disetujui) sebagai Dubes, maka hak kekebalan
tersebut mulai dinikmati

 Pendapat Oppenheim ini ada

benarnya karena:
√ Yang bersangkutan membawa
paspor dinas dan visa diplomatik
√ Negara penerima telah
menyetujui yang bersangkutan
sebagai Dubes
√ Keberadaan Pasal 40 Konvensi
Wina 1961

1. Mulai menikmati kekebalan dan keistimewaan

ketika “enters the territory of the receiving
State” ...
2. Kekebalan dan keistimewaan akan berakhir
ketika “at the moment he leaves the country or
on expiry of a reasonable period which to do so,
but shall subsist until that time” ...
3. Dalam hal kematian pejabat diplomatik,
keluarga akan tetap menikmati hak kekebalan
dan keistimewaan
4. Dalam hal kematian anggota diplomatik yang
bukan warganegara dari negara pengirim

1. Pejabat diplomatik yang “passes through or

is in the territory of a third State” ...baik
menuju ke atau kembali dari pos
penempatannya akan tetap menikmati hak
kekebalan dan keistimewaan
2. Negara ketiga tidak boleh menghalangi hak
lintas dari pejabat diplomatik dan
3. Negara ketiga diminta untuk menghormati
“diplomatic courier and diplomatic bags”
4. ...

 Pasal 41:
1. “Without prejudice to their privileges and

immunities, it is the duty of all person
enjoying such privileges and immunities to
respect the laws and regulations of the
receiving State. They also have a duty not to
interfere in the internal afairs of that State.”
2. ...
3. Kantor perwakilan “must not be used in any
manner incompatible with the function of
the mission” ...

 “A diplomatic agent shall not in the

receiving State practise for personal proft
any professional or commercial activity.”

 Pasal 43:
1. Pemberitahuan dari negara pengirim

kepada negara penerima bahwa tugas dan
fungsi pejabat diploamtik telah berakhir
2. Pemberitahuan dari negara penerima
kepada negara pengirim, atas dasar Pasal 9
Ayat 2, bahwa negara penerima menolak
untuk mengakui pejabat diplomatik
tersebut sebagai anggota misi diplomatik

 Pasal 44: adanya konfik bersenjata
 Pasal 45: putusnya hubungan diplomatik

 Open for signature:
 Until 31 October 1961 at the Foreign Ministry

for Foreign Afairs of Austria
 Subsequently, until 31 March 1962 at the UN
Headquarters in New York

 Konvensi ini “subject to ratifcation”...

 Konvensi tetap dibuka bagi negara yang

ingin melakukan “accession”

1. Konvensi ini “shall entry into force on the

30th day following the date of deposit of
the 22nd instrument of ratifcation or
accession” ...
2. Untuk setiap negara yang melakukan
ratifkasi atau aksesi atas Konvensi ini
setelah penyimpanan instrumen ratifkasi
atau aksesi ke 22, Konvensi ini “shall
enter into force on the 30th day after
deposit such State” ...

1. Protokol Tambahan tentang Perolehan

2. Protokol Tambahan tentang Kewajiban
Menyelesaikan Sengketa


 Pasal 2:
1. The establishment of consular relations between

States takes place by mutual consent.
2. The consent given to the establishment of
diplomatic relations between two States implies,
unless otherwise stated, consent to the
establishment of consular relations.
3. The severance of diplomatic relations shall not ipso
facto involve the severance of consular relations.
 Pasal 3:
“Consular functions are exercised by consular posts.
They are also exercised by diplomatic missions in
accordance with the provisions of the present

 Pasal 5 Konvensi Wina 1963:

protecting in the receiving State the interests of
the sending State and of its nationals, both
individuals and bodies corporate, within the limits
permitted by international law;
b. furthering the development of commercial,
economic, cultural and scientifc relations between
the sending State and the receiving State and
otherwise promoting friendly relations between
them in accordance with the provisions of the
present Convention;
c. ascertaining by all lawful means conditions and
developments in the commercial, economic,
cultural and scientifc life of the receiving State,
reporting thereon to the Government of the
sending State and giving information to persons

d. issuing passports and travel documents to nationals of

the sending State, and visas or appropriate documents
to persons wishing to travel to the sending State;
e. helping and assisting nationals, both individuals and
bodies corporate, of the sending State;
f. acting as notary and civil registrar and in capacities of
a similar kind, and performing certain functions of an
administrative nature, provided that there is nothing
contrary thereto in the laws and regulations of the
receiving State;
g. safeguarding the interests of nationals, both individuals
and bodies corporate, of the sending States in cases of
succession mortis causa in the territory of the receiving
State, in accordance with the laws and regulations of
the receiving State;



safeguarding, within the limits imposed by the laws
and regulations of the receiving State, the interests of
minors and other persons lacking full capacity who are
nationals of the sending State, particularly where any
guardianship or trusteeship is required with respect to
such persons;
subject to the practices and procedures obtaining in
the receiving State, representing or arranging
appropriate representation for nationals of the
sending State before the tribunals and other
authorities of the receiving State, for the purpose of
obtaining, in accordance with the laws and regulations
of the receiving State, provisional measures for the
preservation of the rights and interests of these
nationals, where, because of absence or any other
reason, such nationals are unable at the proper time
to assume the defence of their rights and interests;

transmitting judicial and extrajudicial documents
or executing letters rogatory or commissions to
take evidence for the courts of the sending State
in accordance with international agreements in
force or, in the absence of such international
agreements, in any other manner compatible with
the laws and regulations of the receiving State;
k. exercising rights of supervision and inspection
provided for in the laws and regulations of the
sending State in respect of vessels having the
nationality of the sending State, and of aircraft
registered in that State, and in respect of their

extending assistance to vessels and aircraft mentioned
in subparagraph (k) of this article, and to their crews,
taking statements regarding the voyage of a vessel,
examining and stamping the ship’s papers, and,
without prejudice to the powers of the authorities of
the receiving State, conducting investigations into any
incidents which occurred during the voyage, and
settling disputes of any kind between the master, the
ofcers and the seamen insofar as this may be
authorized by the laws and regulations of the sending
m. performing any other functions entrusted to a consular
post by the sending State which are not prohibited by
the laws and regulations of the receiving State or to
which no objection is taken by the receiving State or
which are referred to in the international agreements
in force between the sending State and the receiving

 Pasal 12:
1. The head of a consular post is admitted

to the exercise of his functions by an
authorization from the receiving State
termed an exequatur, whatever the form
of this authorization.
2. A State which refused to grant an
exequatur is not obliged to give to the
sending State reasons for such refusal.
3. ...

 Pasal 23:

The receiving State may at any time notify the sending State
that a consular ofcer is persona non grata or that any other
member of the consular staf is not acceptable. In that event,
the sending State shall, as the case may be, either recall the
person concerned or terminate his functions with the consular
2. If the sending State refuses or fails within a reasonable time
to carry out its obligations under paragraph 1 of this article,
the receiving State may, as the case may be, either withdraw
the exequatur from the person concerned or cease to
consider him as a member of the consular staf.
3. A person appointed as a member of a consular post may be
declared unacceptable before arriving in the territory of the
receiving State or, if already in the receiving State, before
entering on his duties with the consular post. In any such
case, the sending State shall withdraw his appointment.
4. In the cases mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this article,
the receiving State is not obliged to give to the sending State
reasons for its decision.

 Pasal 25:

The functions of a member of a consular
post shall come to an end, inter alia:
a. on notifcation by the sending State to the

receiving State that his functions have
come to an end;
b. on withdrawal of the exequatur;
c. on notifcation by the receiving State to the
sending State that the receiving State has
ceased to consider him as a member of the
consular staf.

 Pasal 27:
1. In the event of the severance of consular

relations between two States:



the receiving State shall, even in case of armed
confict, respect and protect the consular premises,
together with the property of the consular post and
the consular archives;
the sending State may entrust the custody of the
consular premises, together with the property
contained therein and the consular archives, to a
third State acceptable to the receiving State;
the sending State may entrust the protection of its
interests and those of its nationals to a third State
acceptable to the receiving State.

2. In the event of the temporary or permanent closure

of a consular post, the provisions of subparagraph
(a) of paragraph 1 of this article shall apply. In
if the sending State, although not represented in the receiving
State by a diplomatic mission, has another consular post in the
territory of that State, that consular post may be entrusted
with the custody of the premises of the consular post which
has been closed, together with the property contained therein
and the consular archives, and, with the consent of the
receiving State, with the exercise of consular functions in the
district of that consular post; or
b. if the sending State has no diplomatic mission and no other
consular post in the receiving State, the provisions of
subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 of this article shall

 Pasal 31:
1. Consular premises shall be inviolable to the extent provided in this



The authorities of the receiving State shall not enter that part of the
consular premises which is used exclusively for the purpose of the
work of the consular post except with the consent of the head of
the consular post or of his designee or of the head of the diplomatic
mission of the sending State. The consent of the head of the
consular post may, however, be assumed in case of fre or other
disaster requiring prompt protective action.
Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this article, the receiving
State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect
the consular premises against any intrusion or damage and to
prevent any disturbance of the peace of the consular post or
impairment of its dignity.
The consular premises, their furnishings, the property of the
consular post and its means of transport shall be immune from any
form of requisition for purposes of national defence or public utility.
If expropriation is necessary for such purposes, all possible steps
shall be taken to avoid impeding the performance of consular
functions, and prompt, adequate and efective compensation shall
be paid to the sending State.

 Pasal 59: Protection of the consular

“The receiving State shall take such steps
as may be necessary to protect the
consular premises of a consular post
headed by an honorary consular ofcer
against any intrusion or damage and to
prevent any disturbance of the peace of
the consular post or impairment of its

 Pasal 35: Kebebasan berkomunikasi
 Pasal 36: Berkomunikasi dengan

warganegara negara pengirim di negara
 Pasal 37: Informasi atas kematian, hak
asuh/perwalian, kecelakaan kapal di
laut maupun di udara
 Pasal 38: Berkomunikasi dengan
otoritas/penguasa dari negara penerima

 Pasal 40:

“The receiving State shall treat consular
ofcers with due respect and shall take all
appropriate steps to prevent any attack on
their person, freedom or dignity.”

 Pasal 41: Personal inviolability

Consular ofcers shall not be liable to arrest or detention
pending trial, except in the case of a grave crime and
pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial authority.
2. Except in the case specifed in paragraph 1 of this article,
consular ofcers shall not be committed to prison or be
liable to any other form of restriction on their personal
freedom save in execution of a judicial decision of fnal
3. If criminal proceedings are instituted against a consular
ofcer, he must appear before the competent authorities.
Nevertheless, the proceedings shall be conducted with the
respect due to him by reason of his ofcial position and,
except in the case specifed in paragraph 1 of this article,
in a manner which will hamper the exercise of consular
functions as little as possible. When, in the circumstances
mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article, it has become
necessary to detain a consular ofcer, the proceedings
against him shall be instituted with the minimum of delay.

 Pasal 42: Notifcation on arrest, detention

or persecution
“In the event of the arrest or detention,
pending trial, of a member of the consular
staf, or of criminal proceedings being
instituted against him, the receiving State
shall promptly notify the head of the
consular post. Should the latter be himself
the object of any such measure, the
receiving State shall notify the sending
State through the diplomatic channel.”

 Pasal 43: Immunity from Jurisdiction
1. Consular ofcers and consular employees shall not

be amenable to the jurisdiction of the judicial or
administrative authorities of the receiving State in
respect of acts performed in the exercise of
consular functions.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article shall
not, however, apply in respect of a civil action


arising out of a contract concluded by a consular ofcer or
a consular employee in which he did not contract
expressly or impliedly as an agent of the sending State; or
by a third party for damage arising from an accident in
the receiving State caused by a vehicle, vessel or aircraft.

 Pasal 44: Liability to give evidence

1. Members of a consular post may be called upon to attend

as witnesses in the course of judicial or administrative
proceedings. A consular employee or a member of the
service staf shall not, except in the cases mentioned in
paragraph 3 of this article, decline to give evidence. If a
consular ofcer should decline to do so, no coercive
measure or penalty may be applied to him.
2. The authority requiring the evidence of a consular ofcer
shall avoid interference with the performance of his
functions. It may, when possible, take such evidence at
his residence or at the consular post or accept a
statement from him in writing.
3. Members of a consular post are under no obligation to
give evidence concerning matters connected with the
exercise of their functions or to produce ofcial
correspondence and documents relating thereto. They are
also entitled to decline to give evidence as expert
witnesses with regard to the law of the sending State.

 Pasal 45:




The sending State may waive, with regard to a member of
the consular post, any of the privileges and immunities
provided for in articles 41, 43 and 44.
The waiver shall in all cases be express, except as provided
in paragraph 3 of this article, and shall be communicated to
the receiving State in writing.
The initiation of proceedings by a consular ofcer or a
consular employee in a matter where he might enjoy
immunity from jurisdiction under article 43 shall preclude
him from invoking immunity from jurisdiction in respect of
any counterclaim directly connected with the principal claim.
The waiver of immunity from jurisdiction for the purposes of
civil or administrative proceedings shall not be deemed to
imply the waiver of immunity from the measures of
execution resulting from the judicial decision; in respect of
such measures, a separate waiver shall be necessary.

 Pasal 54:




If a consular ofcer passes through or is in the territory of a third State,
which has granted him a visa if a visa was necessary, while proceeding
to take up or return to his post or when returning to the sending State,
the third State shall accord to him all immunities provided for by the
other articles of the present Convention as may be required to ensure
his transit or return. The same shall apply in the case of any member of
his family forming part of his household enjoying such privileges and
immunities who are accompanying the consular ofcer or travelling
separately to join him or to return to the sending State.
In circumstances similar to those specifed in paragraph 1 of this
article, third States shall not hinder the transit through their territory of
other members of the consular post or of members of their families
forming part of their households.
Third States shall accord to ofcial correspondence and to other ofcial
communications in transit, including messages in code or cipher, the
same freedom and protection as the receiving State is bound to accord
under the present Convention. They shall accord to consular couriers
who have been granted a visa, if a visa was necessary, and to consular
bags in transit, the same inviolability and protection as the receiving
State is bound to accord under the present Convention.
The obligations of third States under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this
article shall also apply to the persons mentioned respectively in those
paragraphs, and to ofcial communications and to consular bags,
whose presence in the territory of the third State is due to force

 Pasal 55:

Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it
is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and
immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the
receiving State. They also have a duty not to interfere in
the internal afairs of the State.
2. The consular premises shall not be used in any manner
incompatible with the exercise of consular functions.
3. The provisions of paragraph 2 of this article shall not
exclude the possibility of ofces of other institutions or
agencies being installed in part of the building in which
the consular premises are situated, provided that the
premises assigned to them are separate from those
used by the consular post. In that event, the said ofces
shall not, for the purposes of the present Convention, be
considered to form part of the consular premises.

 Pasal 63:

“If criminal proceedings are instituted against an
honorary consular ofcer, he must appear before
the competent authorities. Nevertheless, the
proceedings shall be conducted with the respect
due to him by reason of his ofcial position and,
except when he is under arrest or detention, in a
manner which will hamper the exercise of
consular functions as little as possible. When it
has become necessary to detain an honorary
consular ofcer, the proceedings against him
shall be instituted with the minimum of delay.”

 Pasal 70:

The provisions of the present Convention apply also, so far as the
context permits, to the exercise of consular functions by a
diplomatic mission.
2. The names of members of a diplomatic mission assigned to the
consular section or otherwise charged with the exercise of the
consular functions of the mission shall be notifed to the Ministry
for Foreign Afairs of the receiving State or to the authority
designated by that Ministry.
3. In the exercise of consular functions a diplomatic mission may



the local authorities of the consular district;
the central authorities of the receiving State if this is allowed by the
laws, regulations and usages of the receiving State or by relevant
international agreements.

The privileges and immunities of the members of a diplomatic
mission referred to in paragraph 2 of this article shall continue to
be governed by the rules of international law concerning
diplomatic relations.

 Pasal 74: Tandatangan
 Pasal 75: Ratifkasi
 Pasal 76: Aksesi
 Pasal 77: Keberlakuan (entry into force)


 Pasal 1 (a): “A temporary mission

representing the State which is sent by one
State to another State with the consent of
the latter for the purpose of dealing with it
on specifc question or of performing in
relation to it a specifc task”

 Misi khusus juga sering disebut dengan “ad hoc

 Konvensi Misi Khusus ini disetujui melalui Resolusi
MU PBB Nomor 2530 (XXIV) pada tanggal 8
Desember 1969
 Konvensi ini dibuat untuk melengkapi Konvensi Wina
1961 dan 1963
 Tugas dan fungsi misi khusus adalah “membicarakan
isu-isu yang telah ditentukan oleh kedua negara atau
lebih, di sampaing mempercayakannya kepada
perwakilan yang bersifat permanen, seperti
perwakilan diplomatik dan konsuler di negara