Penerapan Analisis Regresi Ridge Pada Data Pasien Hipertensi di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sidikalang Tahun 2014

  No Umur TB BB

  15 61 169

  65 22.49 200 140


  12 55 160

  73 28.52 265 160


  13 51 168

  73 25.86 240 150


  14 52 159

  65 25.71 250 150


  80 28.01 276 170 100


  16 65 160

  75 29.3 290 180 100

  17 61 165

  75 27.55 267 180 100

  18 59 165

  75 27.55 270 170 100

  19 60 175

  85 27.76 275 180 100

  20 69 170

  90 31.14 300 200 110

  21 63 158

  70 28.04 280 190 100

  11 38 170

  65 25.39 253 150

  IMT Kolesterol Sistol Diastol

  5 48 157

  1 33 165

  70 25.71 190 140


  2 48 158

  65 26.04 230 140


  3 50 150

  60 26.67 240 150


  4 51 153

  62 26.49 240 140


  65 26.37 230 140

  10 54 160


  6 50 160

  67 26.17 230 140


  7 62 160

  75 29.3 280 180 100

  8 46 151

  55 24.12 210 140


  9 51 148

  57 26.02 245 150


  Lampiran Master Data

  22 59 165

  39 69 164

  80 29.38 295 190 110

  35 61 175

  85 27.76 276 180 100

  36 60 152

  65 28.13 272 190 100

  37 55 160

  70 27.34 265 170


  38 70 170

  90 31.14 310 210 110

  80 29.74 298 210 110

  75 29.3 292 190 110

  40 70 165

  85 31.22 315 200 110

  41 71 160

  90 35.16 320 210 110

  42 71 155

  85 35.38 320 200 110

  43 60 159

  70 27.69 273 180 100

  44 53 155

  70 29.14 250 160

  34 68 165

  33 68 160

  75 27.55 270 180 100

  28 46 159

  23 64 164

  80 29.74 280 190 110

  24 60 155

  67 27.89 275 170 100

  25 61 168

  77 27.28 277 180 100

  26 61 160

  70 27.34 277 180 100

  27 66 169

  80 28.01 290 200 110

  63 24.92 210 140



  29 66 155

  70 29.14 290 190 110

  30 36 165

  70 25.71 190 180


  31 66 155

  70 29.14 290 200 110

  32 51 170

  75 25.95 245 140


  45 60 175

  70 28.04 273 170 100

  57 70 150

  75 33.33 315 170 110

  58 64 167

  80 28.69 282 180 100

  59 67 154

  70 29.52 290 200 110

  60 65 158

  70 28.04 284 200 110

  61 50 170

  75 25.95 240 160


  62 60 158

  63 46 150

  70 25.71 252 140

  56 24.89 210 140


  64 47 148

  55 25.11 220 140


  65 65 165

  80 29.38 283 200 110

  66 39 170

  70 24.22 200 140


  67 50 168

  70 24.8 215 140


  56 54 165

  85 27.76 273 170

  50 70 168


  46 38 157

  57 23.12 200 140


  47 67 158

  70 28.04 290 170 110

  48 41 170

  67 23.18 205 140


  49 45 168

  70 24.8 210 150


  90 31.89 310 160 100


  51 68 165

  80 29.38 297 170 100

  52 52 160

  65 25.39 245 160


  53 50 170

  70 24.22 217 150


  54 40 159

  60 23.73 203 140


  55 53 160

  69 26.95 250 160


  68 47 170

  85 60 170

  80 27.68 270 170 100

  81 61 158

  70 28.04 276 180 100

  82 60 155

  68 28.3 275 180 100

  83 52 148

  57 26.02 245 160


  84 69 165

  87 31.96 298 190 110

  79 27.34 274 180 100

  70 28.04 270 170 100

  86 69 168

  86 30.47 305 200 110

  87 54 148

  55 25.11 260 180


  88 40 159

  56 22.15 201 140


  89 65 169

  80 28.01 289 190 100

  90 57 160

  80 58 170

  79 58 158

  70 24.22 220 150

  77 32.05 310 210 110


  69 68 159

  76 30.06 294 190 100

  70 35 169

  67 23.46 190 140


  71 59 179

  90 28.09 270 150 100

  72 70 150

  75 33.33 315 210 110

  73 70 155

  74 55 175


  85 27.76 268 180


  75 68 157

  72 29.21 290 190 110

  76 60 157

  70 28.4 275 180 100

  77 55 167

  76 27.25 260 170


  78 56 150

  63 28 268 160

  70 27.34 268 180 100

  91 57 170

  98 50 178

  56 23.92 210 140

  80 105 45 153

  70 25.71 230 140

  80 104 50 165

  60 24.97 202 140

  75 29.67 280 160 100 103 40 155

  79 27.34 270 180 100 102 64 159

  76 29.69 300 200 110 101 59 170

  90 33.06 318 200 110 100 69 160

  99 71 165


  78 24.62 230 140

  80 28.34 274 160 100

  80 27.68 269 170 100

  97 60 168

  76 33.78 323 210 110

  96 71 150


  67 24.61 225 140

  95 47 165

  75 30.43 299 210 110

  94 69 157

  80 28.69 270 200 100

  93 58 167

  90 31.14 300 200 110

  92 69 170

  80 Lampiran . Output Analisis Data Output Analisis Deskriptif Deskriptif variabel penelitian

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Umur Pasien 105


  71 57.38 .954 9.771 Indeks Massa Tubuh 105 22.15 35.38 27.7176 .26060 2.67035 Kadar Kolesterol 105 190 323 262.82 3.421 35.055

  Tekanan Darah Sistol 105 140 210 170.57 2.244 22.989 tekanan Darah Diastol 105 80 110 96.10 1.070 10.963 Valid N (listwise) 105 Output Analisis Bivariat Correlations variabel masing-masing variabel independenn dengan variabel dependent tekanan Darah Tekanan Darah Umur Pasien Indeks Massa Tubuh Kadar Kolesterol Diastol Sistol

  Umur Pasien Pearson Correlation 1 .887 .983 .652 .589 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  Indeks Massa Tubuh Pearson Correlation .887 1 .914 .581 .540 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  Kadar Kolesterol Pearson Correlation .983 .914 1 .618 .583 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  tekanan Darah Diastol Pearson Correlation .652 .581 .618 1 .814 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  Tekanan Darah Sistol Pearson Correlation .589 .540 .583 .814

  1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  Correlations variabel masing-masing variabel independenn dengan variabel dependent tekanan Darah Tekanan Darah Umur Pasien Indeks Massa Tubuh Kadar Kolesterol Diastol Sistol

  Umur Pasien Pearson Correlation 1 .887 .983 .652 .589 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  • Indeks Massa Tubuh Pearson Correlation .887

  1 .914 .581 .540 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  Kadar Kolesterol Pearson Correlation .983 .914 1 .618 .583 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  tekanan Darah Diastol Pearson Correlation .652 .581 .618 1 .814 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  Tekanan Darah Sistol Pearson Correlation .589 .540 .583 .814

  1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 N 105 105 105 105 105

  • . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

  Correlations Indeks Massa Tekanan Darah tekanan Darah Tubuh Sistol Diastol

  Spearman's rho Indeks Massa Tubuh Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .560 .596 Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000 N 105 105 105

  Tekanan Darah Sistol Correlation Coefficient .560 1.000 .807 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000 N 105 105 105

  tekanan Darah Diastol Correlation Coefficient .596 .807 1.000 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .

  N 105 105 105 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Lampiran . Output Analisis Multivariat Koefisien regresi dengan analisis regresi linier ganda

  Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 18.398 15.865 1.160 .249

  Umur Pasien .540 .666 .229 .811 .419 Indeks Massa Tubuh 1.383 1.105 .161 1.253 .213 Kadar Kolesterol .315 .211 .481 1.492 .139

Koefisien regresi dengan analisis regresi linier ganda

  Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 28.958 5.877 4.928 .000

  Umur Pasien .858 .247 .765 3.480 .001 Indeks Massa Tubuh .566 .409 .138 1.384 .169 Kadar Kolesterol .008 .078 .027 .107 .915

  Nilai VIF Model Correlations Collinearity Statistics Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance

  VIF 1 (Constant) Umur Pasien .844 .080 .042 .033 30.276 Indeks Massa Tubuh .804 .124 .064 .161 6.225 Kadar Kolesterol .853 .147 .077 .025 39.258


  NO ZUMUR ZIMT ZKOLESTEROL ZSISTOLIK ZDIASTOLIK 1 -0.244668 -0.07366 -0.203697 -0.130394 -0.144006 2 -0.094134 -0.061695 -0.091806 -0.130394 -0.144006 3 -0.074063 -0.038591 -0.063834 -0.08774 -0.054561 4 -0.064027 -0.045243 -0.063834 -0.130394 -0.054561 5 -0.094134 -0.049477 -0.091806 -0.130394 -0.144006 6 -0.074063 -0.056761 -0.091806 -0.130394 -0.144006 7 0.046365 0.057993 0.048057 0.040223 0.034883 8 -0.114205 -0.132043 -0.147751 -0.130394 -0.054561 9 -0.064027 -0.062241 -0.049847 -0.08774 -0.054561

  10 -0.03392 -0.085449 -0.027469 -0.08774 -0.054561

  11 -0.19449 -0.191913 -0.175724 -0.130394 -0.144006 12 -0.023885 0.029304 0.006098 -0.045086 -0.054561 13 -0.064027 -0.068047 -0.063834 -0.08774 -0.054561 14 -0.053992 -0.073684 -0.035861 -0.08774 -0.054561 15 0.036329 0.010745 0.036868 -0.002431 0.034883 16 0.076471 0.057993 0.07603 0.040223 0.034883 17 0.036329 -0.00622 0.011693 0.040223 0.034883 18 0.016258 -0.00622 0.020084 -0.002431 0.034883 19 0.026293 0.001377 0.034071 0.040223 0.034883 20 0.116614 0.125743 0.104002 0.125532 0.124328 21 0.0564 0.011853 0.048057 0.082877 0.034883 22 0.016258 -0.00622 0.020084 0.040223 0.034883 23 0.066436 0.074419 0.048057 0.082877 0.124328 24 0.026293 0.006243 0.034071 -0.002431 0.034883 25 0.036329 -0.016005 0.039665 0.040223 0.034883 26 0.036329 -0.013728 0.039665 0.040223 0.034883 27 0.086507 0.010745 0.07603 0.125532 0.124328 28 -0.114205 -0.102734 -0.147751 -0.130394 -0.144006 29 0.086507 0.052097 0.07603 0.082877 0.124328

  30 -0.214562 -0.07366 -0.203697 0.040223 -0.054561 31 0.086507 0.052097 0.07603 0.125532 0.124328 32 -0.064027 -0.064851 -0.049847 -0.130394 -0.144006 33 0.106578 0.057993 0.081624 0.082877 0.124328 34 0.106578 0.06122 0.090016 0.082877 0.124328 35 0.036329 0.001377 0.036868 0.040223 0.034883 36 0.026293 0.015278 0.025679 0.082877 0.034883 37 -0.023885 -0.013728 0.006098 -0.002431 -0.054561 38 0.12665 0.125743 0.131975 0.168186 0.124328 39 0.116614 0.074419 0.098408 0.168186 0.124328 40 0.12665 0.12866 0.145961 0.125532 0.124328 41 0.136685 0.273155 0.159948 0.168186 0.124328 42 0.136685 0.281365 0.159948 0.125532 0.124328 43 0.026293 -0.001058 0.028476 0.040223 0.034883 44 -0.043956 0.052097 -0.035861 -0.045086 -0.054561 45 0.026293 0.001377 0.028476 -0.002431 -0.054561 46 -0.19449 -0.168657 -0.175724 -0.130394 -0.144006 47 0.096543 0.011853 0.07603 -0.002431 0.124328 48 -0.164383 -0.166501 -0.161738 -0.130394 -0.144006

  49 -0.124241 -0.107079 -0.147751 -0.08774 -0.054561 50 0.12665 0.153132 0.131975 -0.045086 0.034883 51 0.106578 0.06122 0.09561 -0.002431 0.034883 52 -0.053992 -0.085449 -0.049847 -0.045086 -0.054561 53 -0.074063 -0.128382 -0.128171 -0.08774 -0.054561 54 -0.174419 -0.14631 -0.167332 -0.130394 -0.144006 55 -0.043956 -0.028072 -0.035861 -0.045086 -0.054561 56 -0.03392 -0.07366 -0.030266 -0.130394 -0.144006 57 0.12665 0.206216 0.145961 -0.002431 0.124328 58 0.066436 0.035529 0.053652 0.040223 0.034883 59 0.096543 0.066037 0.07603 0.125532 0.124328 60 0.076471 0.011853 0.059246 0.125532 0.124328 61 -0.074063 -0.064851 -0.063834 -0.045086 -0.054561 62 0.026293 0.011853 0.028476 -0.002431 0.034883 63 -0.114205 -0.103873 -0.147751 -0.130394 -0.144006 64 -0.10417 -0.09577 -0.119779 -0.130394 -0.144006 65 0.076471 0.06122 0.056449 0.125532 0.124328 66 -0.184455 -0.128382 -0.175724 -0.130394 -0.144006 67 -0.074063 -0.107079 -0.133765 -0.130394 -0.144006

  68 -0.10417 -0.128382 -0.119779 -0.08774 -0.144006 69 0.106578 0.086093 0.087219 0.082877 0.034883 70 -0.224597 -0.156396 -0.203697 -0.130394 -0.144006 71 0.016258 0.013639 0.020084 -0.08774 0.034883 72 0.12665 0.206216 0.145961 0.168186 0.124328 73 0.12665 0.159088 0.131975 0.168186 0.124328 74 -0.023885 0.001377 0.01449 0.040223 -0.054561 75 0.106578 0.054807 0.07603 0.082877 0.124328 76 0.026293 0.025011 0.034071 0.040223 0.034883 77 -0.023885 -0.017138 -0.007888 -0.002431 -0.054561 78 -0.013849 0.01037 0.01449 -0.045086 -0.054561 79 0.006222 0.011853 0.020084 -0.002431 0.034883 80 0.006222 -0.00132 0.020084 -0.002431 0.034883 81 0.036329 0.011853 0.036868 0.040223 0.034883 82 0.026293 0.021528 0.034071 0.040223 0.034883 83 -0.053992 -0.062241 -0.049847 -0.045086 -0.054561 84 0.116614 0.155636 0.098408 0.082877 0.124328 85 0.026293 -0.014026 0.031273 0.040223 0.034883 86 0.116614 0.10109 0.117989 0.125532 0.124328

  87 -0.03392 -0.09577 -0.007888 0.040223 -0.054561 88 -0.174419 -0.204411 -0.172927 -0.130394 -0.144006 89 0.076471 0.010745 0.073232 0.082877 0.034883 90 -0.003814 -0.013728 0.01449 0.040223 0.034883 91 -0.003814 -0.00132 0.017287 -0.002431 0.034883 92 0.116614 0.125743 0.104002 0.125532 0.124328 93 0.006222 0.035529 0.020084 0.125532 0.034883 94 0.116614 0.099499 0.101205 0.168186 0.124328 95 -0.10417 -0.114124 -0.105793 -0.130394 -0.144006 96 0.136685 0.222536 0.168339 0.168186 0.124328 97 0.026293 0.023027 0.031273 -0.045086 0.034883 98 -0.074063 -0.113817 -0.091806 -0.130394 -0.144006 99 0.136685 0.1961 0.154353 0.125532 0.124328 100 0.116614 0.072337 0.104002 0.125532 0.124328

  101 0.016258 -0.014026 0.020084 0.040223 0.034883 102 0.066436 0.071567 0.048057 -0.045086 0.034883 103 -0.174419 -0.100748 -0.17013 -0.130394 -0.144006 104 -0.074063 -0.07366 -0.091806 -0.130394 -0.144006 105 -0.124241 -0.139363 -0.147751 -0.130394 -0.144006

Nilai VIF ( c ) dari berbagai nilai c k ZUMUR ZIMT ZKOLES

  0.000000 30.2759 6.2252 39.2578 0.001000 26.7804 6.0306 34.5295 0.002000 23.8864 5.8578 30.6192 0.003000 21.4626 5.7024 27.3484 0.004000 19.4119 5.5610 24.5845 0.005000 17.6607 5.4311 22.2278 0.006000 16.1529 5.3110 20.2019 0.007000 14.8451 5.1990 18.4474 0.008000 13.7028 5.0940 16.9179 0.009000 12.6991 4.9950 15.5762 0.010000 11.8120 4.9013 14.3928 0.020000 6.6486 4.1571 7.5790 0.030000 4.4487 3.6160 4.7597 0.040000 3.2822 3.1897 3.3168 0.050000 2.5745 2.8418 2.4747 0.060000 2.1045 2.5518 1.9374 0.070000 1.7716 2.3067 1.5717 0.080000 1.5243 2.0972 1.3103 0.090000 1.3338 1.9164 1.1162 0.100000 1.1828 1.7593 0.9675 0.100000 1.1828 1.7593 0.9675 0.200000 0.5293 0.8958 0.3924 0.300000 0.3308 0.5603 0.2451 0.400000 0.2396 0.3941 0.1820 0.500000 0.1886 0.2988 0.1475 0.600000 0.1564 0.2385 0.1257 0.700000 0.1342 0.1975 0.1105 0.800000 0.1179 0.1681 0.0992 0.900000 0.1054 0.1460 0.0903 1.000000 0.0955 0.1290 0.0830

Ridge Regression Report

  Page/Date/Time 2 7/1/2015 9:5043 PM Database D/SKRIPSIKUUUUUUUUUUUUUU/DATAKUTRANS.SO Dependent ZSISTOL

  Ridge Trace s a

  0.50 t







  0.41 ZKOLES e iz d r a

  0.33 d n a t

  0.24 S


  • 4 -3 -2 -1








Nilai Koefisien Estimator ) Parameter pada Tekanan Darah Sistol k ZUMUR ZIMT ZKOLES

  0.000000 0.2294 0.1607 0.4807 0.001000 0.2368 0.1628 0.4710 0.002000 0.2433 0.1648 0.4624 0.003000 0.2490 0.1666 0.4547 0.004000 0.2540 0.1683 0.4478 0.005000 0.2584 0.1698 0.4416 0.006000 0.2624 0.1713 0.4359 0.007000 0.2660 0.1727 0.4308 0.008000 0.2692 0.1740 0.4260 0.009000 0.2722 0.1752 0.4216 0.010000 0.2748 0.1763 0.4176 0.020000 0.2916 0.1857 0.3890 0.030000 0.2991 0.1925 0.3720 0.040000 0.3028 0.1978 0.3603 0.050000 0.3044 0.2022 0.3516 0.060000 0.3049 0.2058 0.3446 0.070000 0.3047 0.2089 0.3389 0.080000 0.3041 0.2115 0.3341 0.090000 0.3033 0.2138 0.3299 0.100000 0.3023 0.2158 0.3261 0.100000 0.3023 0.2158 0.3261 0.200000 0.2899 0.2257 0.3016 0.300000 0.2783 0.2270 0.2862 0.400000 0.2681 0.2252 0.2741 0.500000 0.2589 0.2218 0.2639 0.600000 0.2505 0.2178 0.2549 0.700000 0.2428 0.2134 0.2467 0.800000 0.2356 0.2089 0.2392 0.900000 0.2289 0.2043 0.2323 1.000000 0.2226 0.1999 0.2258

Ridge Regression Report


  Page/Date/Time 2 7/1/2015 9:5043 PM Database D/SKRIPSIKUUUUUUUUUUUUUU/DATAKUTRANS.SO Dependent ZDIASTOL


  t a n d a r d iz e d B e t a s



Ridge Trace











  10 Ridge Trace K S ta n d a r d iz e d B e ta s









  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1


Nilai Koefisien Estimator ) Parameter pada Tekanan Darah diastol k ZUMUR ZIMT ZKOLES

  0.000000 0.7649 0.1380 0.0267 0.001000 0.7437 0.1359 0.0494 0.002000 0.7248 0.1343 0.0693 0.003000 0.7080 0.1330 0.0869 0.004000 0.6929 0.1320 0.1025 0.005000 0.6792 0.1312 0.1165 0.005000 0.6792 0.1312 0.1165 0.006000 0.6667 0.1306 0.1291 0.007000 0.6553 0.1302 0.1405 0.008000 0.6448 0.1300 0.1509 0.009000 0.6351 0.1298 0.1603 0.010000 0.6261 0.1298 0.1689 0.020000 0.5622 0.1328 0.2261 0.030000 0.5236 0.1385 0.2557 0.040000 0.4969 0.1447 0.2730 0.050000 0.4769 0.1508 0.2838 0.060000 0.4610 0.1566 0.2910 0.070000 0.4479 0.1619 0.2957 0.080000 0.4368 0.1668 0.2989 0.090000 0.4272 0.1712 0.3011 0.100000 0.4188 0.1753 0.3025 0.200000 0.3666 0.2005 0.3008 0.300000 0.3381 0.2107 0.2921 0.400000 0.3181 0.2143 0.2829 0.500000 0.3025 0.2146 0.2741 0.600000 0.2895 0.2132 0.2658 0.700000 0.2783 0.2107 0.2580 0.800000 0.2683 0.2076 0.2506 0.900000 0.2594 0.2042 0.2437 1.000000 0.2512 0.2006 0.2372

Analysis of Variance Section Sistol for k = 0.100000 Sum of Mean Prob Source DF Squares Square F-Ratio Level

  Intercept 1 3.974438E-09 3.974438E-09 Model 3 0.7068892 0.2356297 81.1819 0.000000 Error 101 0.2931514 2.902489E-03 Total(Adjusted) 104 1.000041 9.615775E-03

Analysis of Variance Section diastolik for k = 0.100000 Sum of Mean Prob Source DF Squares Square F-Ratio Level

  Intercept 1 1.915736E-07 1.915736E-07 Model 3 0.8035584 0.2678528 137.7399 0.000000 Error 101 0.1964073 1.944627E-03 Total(Adjusted) 104 0.9999658 9.615055E-03