Caring Characterization of Percy Jackson

30 group. Despite that he suffers from dyslexia and could not concentrate well and hard to study. Percy is in stage of identity vs. role confusion Erikson, 1959. Percy tries to find his identity and he still confuse of himself after he knows the truth that he is a demigod. In Percy’s life, he is lacks of parents’ role because his father leaves him since he is a baby and his step father treats him like he does not exist. He only gets parent role from his mother. Percy lives in single parent family condition and according to the Baxter et al. 2011 children living in two-parent families have better emotional outcomes than children living in one-parent families. After controlling for demographic, socioeconomic and personal characteristics, children from single-parent families continue to display lower emotional development. Percy always gets mad if his step father treats his mother like a slave p.30. “Between the two of us, we made my mom’s life pretty hard. The way Smelly Gabe treated her, the way he and I Got along… “p.30 Besides, he hates his real father because his father left him. He never knows how father’s love like every father always plays with his son. He also never gets love from his step father. “I felt angry with at my father. Maybe it was stupid, but I resent him for going on that ocean Voyage, for not having the guts to marry my mom. He’d left us and now were stuck with Smelly Gabe”. p.39 This condition makes his emotional unstable and Percy has lower emotional development because he does not know how to share his feeling and what he wants. As a son, Percy needs complete parents to support for his study, his social life and his personal development but in fact his father and his step father are not 31 supports him. The effect of that makes Percy always move from one school from to one another school. He becomes a troublesome kid in the school and does not have many friends. The only friends he is Grover in the school and they become best friends since a long time. Besides, his best friend, Grover is the only person who can show his fate about who is he and who is his father.

b. Dealing with His Fates and His Father

Percy never feels the feeling having a father and spending his time with father. That is why he has lost the father’s figure, even he has step father but he cannot figure it out from him. At the first he never knows that he is a demigod. When he is in the half blood camp, one of his friends there tells that Percy is a half-blood p.94. “Don’t you get it, Percy? You are home. This is the only safe place on earth for kids like us… I mean not human. Not totally human, anyway, half human and half god.” p.94 At the first, he never believes that he is a demigod, who is a half human and a half god. This is a proof that his real father is still alive. The truth that he is a demigod has brought Percy something that he really hates. He really hates his father who leaves him and his mother since he is a baby. His mother never tells Percy about his father that makes Percy believes that his father is really bad that leaves his mother and him also makes his mother stuck with his step father. When Percy has a school trip to Metropolitan Museum of art to look at ancient Greek and Roman stuff one of his teacher calls him to meet her after small accident that he never do. Percy never realizes that he is in danger because it is just a trap on him, Mrs. Dodds is a monster. She wants to kill Percy. At the end of fighting, Percy can