Research Instrument RESEARCH METHOD 53 the research. 12 In case of reducing the data, the researcher coded the data as follows: a. Categorizing the assessment based on its categorizations, multiple choice, descriptive question, short answer and so on. b. Categorizing the level or quality of the assessment based on the categorization of total score in rubric analysis result; good, fair and poor. c. Categorizing the weakness point of each assessment based on its level. d. Categorizing the causing factor of the weakness point in assessment instrument. The detail of the data which is coded by the researcher can be seen on the appendix See appendix 3. 2. Data Displays After conducting the technique of reducing data, then the researcher set the technique to display the data. In qualitative method, the data display are formed in short essay, graphic, matrix, network, flowchart, etc. 13 By displaying the data, it would ease the researcher to understand the data that have been categorized before. In this study, the researcher displayed the data as follows: 12 Sugiyono,MetodePenelitianPendidikan: PendidikanKuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan RD Bandung: Alfabeta Bandung, 2012, 338. 13 Sugiyono,MetodePenelitianPendidikan:PendekatanKuantitatif..., 341. 54 a. Student teacher assessment instrument based on standardization test. 1 Firstly, the researcher used the data of the number of the student teacher who designed each of the assessment technique and formed it into chart, to make it easier to be interpreted. 2 Secondly, the researcher showed the finding of each technique in cognitive and knowledge assessment in chart form. It showed their final score as the result of assessment analysis and the categorization of their final score. 3 Thirdly, the researcher concluded the finding of the number of the students who were able to fulfill the test requirement and the number of them who were unable to fulfill some indicators by using percentage. Here is the formula: Result = × 100 = .. . b. The causing factor of the weakness point in the assessment instrument. 1 Firstly, the researcher tabulated the data of the students who designed each of the assessment technique and their weakness point. 2 Secondly, the researcher stated the weakness point and the interview result one by one based on each technique. 3 Thirdly, the researcher concluded the result of the interview into some point and tabulated into table which consist of, students 55 name, the weakness point and the causing factor of their weakness. 4 Fourthly, the researcher concluded the common causing factor which was stated by student teacher into chart form. Besides, the researcher concluded the number of respondent with their causing factor in percentage. Here is the formula. Result = × 100 = .. . Furthermore, the researcher also interpreted those data in discussion part based on the theory used in this study.

H. Checking Validity

To meet the validity of the instrument, the researcher conducted the research to all of practice teaching class to find the assessment instrument that has been designed by student teacher. To find how the assessment instrument fulfills the test standardization, the assessment instrument was analyzed based on rubrics that had been validatedSee appendix 1.The rubrics were validated by the expert of language testing. Here, the researcher also collected the data through interview; the interview audio has been recorded, so the information could be listened well without any missing information. Then, to check the validity of findings, the researcher confirmsthe findings with the subjects of research and theory used in this study.