Quantitative Data Analysis Qualitative Data Analysis

© Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University www.eprints.undip.ac.id

1. Quantitative Data Analysis

The quantitative data came from the students’ scores on pre-test in pre- cyle, and post test in both first and second cycle. Both scores were then computed to find their mean. Mean is the average of a set of scores obtained by adding the individual scores and dividing by the total number of scores Nunan, 1992:28. The formula of mean is: Notes : X : Avarege score mean  X : Number of individual scores  n : Total number of scores The mean of the scores of each cycle is then correlated to that of other cycles to draw the findings of this study; whether or not there was an improvement of students’ ability in genre-based reading class through small group discussions.

2. Qualitative Data Analysis

The qualitative data gathered from students’ responses or answers on survey questionnaire of writing interest and awareness and checklist of students’ participation in group discussions. The responses were then stated in percentage and analyzed to draw the findings of this research. The last qualitative data was from result of observation sheet. It was, then, analyzed to support the analysis.    n X X © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University www.eprints.undip.ac.id


This chapter contains two subchapters. The first subchapter describes previous reflection, the implementation of the first learning cycle, the implementation of the second learning cycle and the results and analysis of pre- cycle, first cycle and second cycle. The last subchapter is intercycle analysis.

A. Discussions

1. Previous Reflection

For the previous reflection, the lecturer asked the students to do some exercises in pre-cycle and after completing that exercises, they should fill in the questionnaire of the initial condition. Initial condition here means the condition before the lecturer delivers the material. And the exercises were in the form of multiple choice tasks since the time allocation was only 90 minutes. There were four passages and it had five questions for each. The genres of the passages were Description, Narrative, Recount, and Report text.

2. The Implementation of First Learning Cycle

The implementation of overal steps of this research study is described further in the followings: