Research Setting Objective of Study

36 dissimilarities, then, were accorded with the movie. To the extent of analyzing, supplementary extracts were necessary to describe the situation in own words because there were little of none verbal communication extracts available. The researcher selected the humorous conversations were carefully by using criteria: occurrence of laughter track; humorous effects in form of conversation; and detection of one or more maxims of cooperative principles violated by the characters. The indication of humorous conversations were detected and pinpointed by the sign of canned laughter in the scenes which might come from the speaker while producing hisher utterance or from the audiences as a reaction to what is being uttered.

E. Data Analysis Technique

According to Miles and Huberman 1994, qualitative research is outlined in three flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. This research hired those three flows. a. Data reduction In this research, the data reduction refers to selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the humorous conversation from the transcriptions. The transcription of the movie conversations, which was compiled from data from internet and movie itself, was printed. Afterward, the humorous conversations were detected by using laugh tracks as the indicators of the occurrence of humorous effects. Further, this research experienced to code and make the clusters and partition Miles Huberman, 1994. A numbers of collected humorous conversation was coded by using conversational maxims proposed by Paul Grice 37 1975 with an assistance of basic structure of conversation theory in order to sort the data into some categories in which four maxims as the categories. Then, the proceeding coded data were clustered into proper kinds of non-observance maxim and collected into partitions. At this stream, the researcher noted the regularities, patterns and explanation transpired from the humorous conversation in order to solve the research problems. b. Data display After reduction of data, the clustered data in this research was displayed into tables see appendices. It was aimed to assemble the information needed to analyze the analytic construct of humor resulting from conversations and draw the conclusions. c. Conclusion drawing In this research, the vague conclusion was prefigured during the analysis. However, the final conclusion was verified from the elaboration of discussion after it was over. This research sum up the violation viz. flouting, violating, infringing, suspending of maxims occurred in humorous conversation and the general analytic construct of humor which was increasingly grounded and explicit.

F. Research Procedures

The research took some ordered steps in conducting the research. The steps were as follow:

1. The Steps of Segmenting the Transcription Based on Its Speech Events.

By using the theory of basic structure of conversation and the cooperative principle, the maxims used in conversation which reflected humorous effects were