34 this research, the discourse was treated as a process view Widdowson, 1979, p. 71, Brown and Yule, p. 24. The words, the phrases and the sentences which appear in the textual record of a discourse to be the evidences of an attempt by a producer speaker to communicate his message to a recipient hearer. This research focused on the productions of utterances which logically elicited humorous effects. The data then experienced the process interpreting. These involve computing the communicative function how to take the meaning, message, using general socio- cultural knowledge facts about the world and determining the inferences to be made.

B. Research Setting

The setting of the research refers to the setting in which the research was conducted. The researcher conducted this research during the period of August 2014 to July 2015. The research experienced the process: analyzing the scripts; categorizing the utterances into each proper type of maxims; identifying and describing the utterances with the references of local management within conversation theory and non-observance maxim theory; describing the role of disobedience maxims in creating humorous effects; and the last was summing up the findings.

C. Objective of Study

The object of the research was the episodes of sitcom How I Met Your Mother season 2. Season 2 of How I Met Your Mother aired from 18 September, 2006 to May 14, 2007 and contained 22 episodes. The subject was selected because 35 the series was a comedy TV-show, also it was popular. Importantly, the series had many unexpected situations which led to the even more unexpected reactions of other characters and thus not only entertained but at the same time offered a great data for this research. The data as the primary sources of the research were the script obtained from the conversations among the characters which appeared to be humorous.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

The research employed two instruments, human instrument and document instrument. Human instrument functioned as the primary agent to collect the data in qualitative research Merriam, 2002; Berg and Galls, 2007; Ary,, 2010. Human instrument was the researcher who conducted the analysis the document instrument employed to answer both research problems was the printed-out movie script from the episodes of movie series How I Met Your Mother season 2. In collecting the data, this research experienced some steps. First, the researcher did close watching the selected episodes for several times with the help of English subtitles available on Second, the researcher listened the conversations and observed them. Third, after watching, listening, and observing the movie, the writer made documentation of the data. The data were transcribed orthographically from the episodes which then the transcribed data was compared with the script provided in the internet. Thus, the prepared data could be accessed at a time convenient to the researcher and an unobtrusive source of information Creswell, 2003:187. Some dissimilarities between the movie and the script obtained from the internet befell during the transcription process. The 36 dissimilarities, then, were accorded with the movie. To the extent of analyzing, supplementary extracts were necessary to describe the situation in own words because there were little of none verbal communication extracts available. The researcher selected the humorous conversations were carefully by using criteria: occurrence of laughter track; humorous effects in form of conversation; and detection of one or more maxims of cooperative principles violated by the characters. The indication of humorous conversations were detected and pinpointed by the sign of canned laughter in the scenes which might come from the speaker while producing hisher utterance or from the audiences as a reaction to what is being uttered.

E. Data Analysis Technique

According to Miles and Huberman 1994, qualitative research is outlined in three flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. This research hired those three flows. a. Data reduction In this research, the data reduction refers to selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the humorous conversation from the transcriptions. The transcription of the movie conversations, which was compiled from data from internet and movie itself, was printed. Afterward, the humorous conversations were detected by using laugh tracks as the indicators of the occurrence of humorous effects. Further, this research experienced to code and make the clusters and partition Miles Huberman, 1994. A numbers of collected humorous conversation was coded by using conversational maxims proposed by Paul Grice