The simple gerund Form of Gerund

clause “Playing football” acts as a noun phrase within the sentences as a whole; it is the subject of the verb “is”. When a gerund verb + ing is used as the subject of a sentence, it becomes a singular noun. However, if two or more gerund are joined by a conjunction “and” ;it will be a plural noun.

2.2 Form of Gerund

2.2.1 The simple gerund

The gerund is the –ing form of the verb used as a noun. Notice that the gerund has the same form as present participle. However, it functions differently in the sentence. It is always a noun and can function in any noun function. 1 Subject of verb The subject in gerund sentence usually located in the beginning of the sentences. Gerund is used as the subject of a sentence on its basis have the following characteristics: 1 Verb + ing. 2 In front of predicate. 3 The subject of the sentence. 4 It is usually singular noun. 5 It has the meaning of an object that is the subject of the sentence. Examples:  Swimming is a very popular sport in the country. Universitas Sumatera Utara  Reading English magazine improves your English ability.  Writing letters is my sister’s hobbies.  Dieting with jogging in the evening has successfully reduced my weight.  Learning a lot of law science does not attract to be a lawyer. 2 Object of verb The gerund can be the object of a verb. The form of an object in a gerund phrase may depend on what precedes the gerund. Gerund is used as the object of a sentence has the following characteristics: 1 It is behind a predicate. 2 It functions as an object that describes the predicate of a sentences. 3 It has the meaning of a noun which is the object of the sentences. Examples :  They don’t remember locking the door.  I like reading a novel.  I regret telling the truth her the truth.  We always enjoy riding bicycle. Certain verbs in English are followed by verbals- either gerund or infinitives- which are considered as the objects of these verbs. The gerund -ing form and the infinitive to+ base form of verbs may be used as nouns, and usually there is no difference in meaning. The following is a reference list of some common verbs. Here are verbs can followed by gerund. Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Admit Reference List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds Object 2. Advice 3. Allow 4. Advocate 5. Anticipate 6. Appreciate 7. Avoid 8. Begin 9. Can’t bear 10. Can’t stand 11. Claim 12. Complete 13. Consider 14. Continue 15. Delay 16. Deny 17. Detest 18. Disclaim 19. Discuss 20. Dislike 21. Enjoy 22. Escape 23. Excuse 24. Fancy 25. Finish 26. Forbid 27. Forget 28. Hate 29. Imagine 30. Keep 31. Like 32. Love 33. Mean 34. Mention 35. Mind 36. Miss 37. Permit 38. Postpone 39. Practice 40. Prefer 41. Prevent 42. Prohibit 43. Put off 44. Quit 45. Recall 46. Recollect 47. Recommend 48. Regret 49. Remember 50. Report 51. Resent 52. Resist 53. Risk 54. Start 55. Stop 56. Suggest 57. Support 58. Tolerate 59. Try 60. Understand 61. Urge Universitas Sumatera Utara 1 May be followed by a gerund or an infinitive : without a change in meaning with a change in meaning. Schrampfer 2006:370 says, “ The object following stop is a gerund, not an infinitive. But in special circumstance, stop can be followed by an infinitive of purpose: in order to. While I was walking down the hall, I dropped my pen. I stopped to pick it up. = I stopped walking in order to pick it up.”. 2 May be followed by an object : +and infinitive. She advices me to go to library ++ and a gerund. He appreciates you for your working. 3 May be followed by a that – clause. Subjunctive verb  I remember meeting you at the library. Examples :  John enjoys playing chess with his father.  He can’t bear being laughed at.  My mother doesn’t allow going to the movie.  We can’t avoid writing a paper.  Some people hate working in the early morning.  I delayed doing my exercises.

3. Object of a preposition

Any verb used as the object in a preposional takes the form of a gerund. Most gerund after prepositions are subjects, especially those in adverbial prepositional. Universitas Sumatera Utara Examples :  I am worried about being late for this class.  Jefry insisted on going to Singapore.  I believe in being honest at all times.  I thank for your saving my book. Object of a preposition consists of two parts : 1 Nominal function of prepositional gerund Any verb used in a prepositional phara takes the form of a gerund. Most gerund phrases after prepositions are subjectless, especially those in adverbial prepositional phrases. Such gerund phrases function as prepositional objects of verbs. A great many of the verbs listed under prepositional objects in the chapter on prepositions take such gerund objects. Examples:  Jack often dream about being a doctor someday.  She insisted on paying the restaurant bill. 2 Abjectival function of preposional gerund These adjectival constructions appearing after nouns begin mostly with of or for. Examples :  His pretense of being rich didn’t fool anyone.  Their funds are adequate for meeting their moderate needs. Adjectival function of prepositional gerund phrase consists of two parts : a Prepositional gerund phrases modifying verbs Universitas Sumatera Utara These phrases may express almost all adverbial relationships except place. Examples :