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M . Colombetti Mathematical Social Sciences 38 1999 171 –196 183 available in the literature; in any case, no completeness proof exists for a logic of belief, common belief and intention. In Appendix A, I adapt a proof by Lismont and Mongin 1995 to a completeness proof of my logic of communication see next section; from this, a completeness proof for BI can be extracted. 1

5. Communication

I now extend BI to the logic BI of belief, intention, common belief and 1 2 communication. The starting point to define communication is the fixpoint axiom F C w ; B w ∧ I C w, C a a a conceptually justified in Section 2. First we have to augment our formal language. 5.1. The formal language L 2 Let us extend language L by adding one more family of modal operators, C , 1 a a [ A with the following intended interpretation: • C w means that agent a, the speaker, communicates that w to all agents in A2haj, a the audience. The language thus obtained will be denoted by L . 2 5.2. Semantics of L 2 10 I want now to define the semantics of L according to the following requirements: 2 1. if possible, C should be given a Kripkean semantics within the class of models ; a 2. the semantics of C should enforce the validity of the fixpoint axiom F ; a C 3. if more than one definition satisfies points 1 and 2 above, then the semantics of C a should be made as weak as possible i.e., C w should be true at the largest set of a possible worlds, compatibly with points 1 and 2. Requirement 1 is met by defining the semantics of C in terms of an accessibility a relation in the usual way: a nC wm 5 hw [ W:w w9 ⇒ w9 [ n wm j, a M a M provided we can find a relation that meets the other requirements. To satisfy a requirement 2, let us define the function: 10 A similar approach could be adopted to define the semantics of common belief. I have not followed it because it would just lead to the well known definition of the accessibility relation for common belief in terms of transitive closure. 184 M . Colombetti Mathematical Social Sciences 38 1999 171 –196 2 2 g : 3W → 3W , a g 5 5 + + 5 , a a 11 where + denotes the composition of binary relations. The function g maps binary relations on W onto binary relations on W. It is easy to a verify that for the fixpoint axiom F to be valid in a class of frames, it is necessary and C sufficient that the accessibility relation be a fixpoint of g : a a g 5 . a a a The function g is monotonic; that is: a 5 6 ⇒ g 5 g 6 . A a 2 Given that k3W ,l is a complete lattice, it follows from Tarski’s fixpoint theorem Tarski, 1955 that the set of fixpoints of g , fixg , is not empty, and is itself a a a complete lattice with respect to . In general, fix g will contain more than one a element; this means that the fixpoint axiom F , by itself, is not sufficient to characterize C communication unambiguously, as anticipated in Section 1. We are now left with requirement 3. Given that k fix g ,l is a complete lattice, g a a has a least fixpoint, fix g , which is the smallest relation satisfying g 5 . The a a a a three requirements for C are thus met if we define as: a a 5 fix g . a a It remains now to see whether we can characterize in a more constructive way. In a fact, the function g is upward continuous; that is, for any increasing chain a 5 5 . . . 5 . . . , 1 n we have g 5 5 g 5 . a n n n a n Therefore, the least fixpoint of g is the limit of the chain: a 5 5 [, 5 5 g 5 . n 11 a n Such a limit is given by the relation: 5 + + + + + + . . . 5 + 1 + , a a a a a where 1 denotes the identity relation. We now have a full Kripkean semantics for BI . 2 The reference class of models for BI is still supplemented with the above 2 definition of . I continue to denote valid sentences of L by w. a 2 11 I remind the reader that the composition 5+6 of two binary relations 5 and 6 is defined as follows: x 5 + 6 y ⇔ z.x5z z6y. M . Colombetti Mathematical Social Sciences 38 1999 171 –196 185 5.3. The system BI 2 The modal system BI is defined by adding to BI the forward fixpoint axiom for 2 1 communication, FF C w . B w ∧ I C w, C a a a and the rule of induction for communication, c . B w ∧ I c a ]]]]] RI . C c . C w a Theorems of BI will still be denoted by £ w. 2 Again, it is easy to check that BI is sound with respect to : FF is true in all 2 C models such that the accessibility relation of C contains the relation defined in the a a previous subsection; and RI is valid if the accessibility relation of C is contained in C a such relation . In Appendix A, I prove that BI is also complete with respect to . a 2 As we should expect, F is a theorem of BI : the implication from left to right is FF , C 2 C and its converse can be proved by RI . The repeated use of FF allows us to derive the C C following theorems: £ C w . B w, a £ C w . B I B w, a a £ C w . B I B I B w, a a a £ . . . . As one can observe, the first theorem states that the main effect the speaker wants to obtain through communication i.e., that w be common belief has been achieved; the second theorem represents the achievement of a Gricean condition i.e., that the intention to obtain the main effect also be common belief; the third theorem represents the achievement of a Strawsonian condition; and the further theorems represent the achievement of analogous conditions, for all higher orders. In the next section, I prove further properties of communication.

6. Some properties of communication