Data Analysis Technique The Medium of Stimulus and Response Paradigm

F. Research Procedure

The researcher conducted Classroom Action Research. The research was conducted in the second year classroom in Santo Yusuf Kindergarten. There were 30 students in the second year class B1 and all of them joined the research from the preliminary study until the second cycle. There were two cycles in the research. The first cycle was conducted on September 16, 2015 and the second cycle was conducted on September 21, 2015. Before implementation, the researcher conducted preliminary study on September 2, 2015. The researcher found the problem when she taught the second year students in Santo Yusuf Kindergarten. After that, she did the preliminary study on September 2, 2015 to make sure the problem faced by the students. And then, the researcher started making plan to solve the students’ problem. The researcher conducted the first cycle on September 16, 2015. The researcher used songs and pictures to teach the students when applying choral response. The researcher asked the students to answer in unison when the researcher applied the songs and games. The second cycle was held on September 21, 2015. The researcher improved her teaching based on the result of the research instruments in the first cycle. In the second cycle, the researcher used some models and games to teach the students using choral response. Still, the students had to answer in unison. In the end of the second 27 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI cycle, the researcher interviewed the senior teacher to obtain more information about the application of choral response and the auxiliary stimulus. 28 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In this chapter, the researcher discusses the research and explains them. The researcher discusses them from cycle one and cycle two that consist of plan, action, observation and reflection. There is also the result from the interview with the teacher about the application of choral response.

1. First Cycle

This cycle consists of four steps; namely plan, action, observation and reflection. a. Plan Before conducting cycle one, the researcher made plans to conduct this cycle. The plan was done on September 13, 2015. In this cycle, the researcher would teach about part of the classroom It Is a Board. As the introduction, the teacher would play a video about part of the classroom and this video consisted of chants and songs about the vocabulary that would be learned by the students. The students would practice speaking about “parts of the classroom” by chanting. They would be asked about parts of the classroom. The media that were used were video, pictures flashcards and games. After that, the researcher prepared the lesson plan, the pictures, and some games for the students for the implementation. Besides, the researcher also prepared 29