Gereja sebagai Agen Sosialisasi dan Mobilisasi Suara dalam Pemilihan Umum Anggota DPRD Tapanuli Tengah Kecamatan Sibabangun Tahun 2014

Apatism of people, especially who living in rural areas made political
mobilization often happen in there. Instead, the mobilization they call as political
socialization. Activity of political mobilization fo election interest not just do by
political party but it also can do by political mobilization’s instruments nonpolitical party. The example is by church. A Church as a fomal organization has
responsibility to give political aducation for his people. This is consistent with the
pastoral letter from the unity if church in Indonesia.
This study used theory of political socialization, political participation and
Christian political thought by Martin Luther. This research uses descriptive
method with qualitative research. In this research, sampling was done using
purposive sampling metods.
The absence of political education given by the sexton for his people has
motivated by some factor: social factors, economic and personality. It’s also one
of factor why them used to mobilize the voice of his people. Although the general
election on last year, their contribution is passive.

Key Words: Church, Political socialization and Political mobilization.