Designing a set of English speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon vocational school I.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements To Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Rinanti Nur Oktapuri Student Number: 051214085







If you learn from a teacher who still reads,

it is like drinking fresh water from a fountain.


if you learn from a teacher who no longer


it is like drinking polluted water

from a stagnant


(Anonym, 1954)

I dedicate the thesis to Jesus Christ,

all teachers and academicians, to my beloved parents and family and to all of my best friends




Rinanti Nur Oktapuri. 2010. Designing A Set of English Speaking Materials Using Role Play for XI Grade Hotel Accommodation Class of Sewon Vocational School 1. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Departement of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Role play is one technique used in English lesson, mainly in teaching speaking skill. Role play motivates students to have an eagerness to speak moreover in front of the public. By using role play technique, students are acted to be someone else in a role that the students play. In this context, students should play roles as hotel management workers. Students perform the role play in front of the class. This study was carried out as there is no specific material for hotel accommodation class moreover for preparing students‟ speaking skill.

This study was concerned with two problems: 1) how is a set of English speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1 designed? And 2) what does the design set of materials look like? In order to answer the first problem of this study, the researcher applied seven stages in designing materials. The seven stages are the adapted steps of instructional design models from Kemp‟s, Banathy‟s, and Yalden‟s and they are in line with the design materials cycle of Borg and Gall‟s Educational Research and Development. This study also employs the theories deal with role play, hotel accommodation class, speaking skill, and communicative teaching in designing speaking materials using role play.

The researcher managed two surveys in this study. The need survey or the first survey was conducted an interview with English teacher of hotel accommodation class and by distributing questionnaires to thirty one students grade XI of hotel accommodation class. The result of the first survey indicated that students needed interesting speaking materials to be done and practiced the real hotel management jobs. The second survey was done to get the evaluation and opinion on the designed materials. One of English teachers of hotel accommodation class and two lecturers of English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University were the participants of the second survey. The result of the second survey was used as the basis for the revision and improvement of the designed materials and it was found out that the designed materials were acceptable although there were some revision needed.

To answer the second problem, the researcher presented the designed materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1. There were several sections in the presented units namely: Appetizer, Main Menu and Dessert. It was expected that the materials and activities used will be beneficial for the grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1 to master speaking skill. The conclusion of this research was that the designed materials were acceptable and can be implemented. The suggestion for further researchers is that they have to pay attention on the time allocation because role play implementation needs long and good preparation.



Rinanti Nur Oktapuri. 2010. Designing A Set of English Speaking Materials Using Role Play for Grade XI Students of Hotel Accommodation Class Sewon Vocational School 1. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Role play merupakan salah satu teknik yang digunakan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris terutama dalam mengajarkan aspek berbicara. Role play memotivasi siswa untuk lebih berani lagi berbicara terlebih lagi di depan umum. Dengan metode role play siswa dilatih untuk memerankan seseorang yang bukan dirinya sendiri dalam suatu peran yang mereka mainkan. Penyusunan skipsi ini ditunjang pula dengan tidak adanya materi khusus yang memang diperuntukkan bagi siswa kelas perhotelan apalagi untuk melatih kemampuan berbicara mereka.

Terdapat dua permasalahan untuk dipecahkan dalam studi ini: 1) bagaimana seperangkat materi pembelajaran bebicara bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan teknik role play bagi siswa akomodasi perhotelan dirancang? dan 2) seperti apakah seperangkat materi tersebut? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, peneliti menggunakan tujuh tahap merancang materi pembelajaran. Ketujuh tahap tersebut diperoleh dengan mengadaptasi Model Rancangan Kemp, Banathy dan Yalden dan tahapan tersebut sejalan dengan siklus penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D) dari Borg dan Gall. Studi ini juga menggunakan teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan role play, kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah menengah kejuruan, ketrampilan berbicara, dan pengajaran yang komunikatif dalam mendesain kegiatan pembelajaran berbicara menggunakan metode role play.

Peneliti malaksanakan dua survey dalam studi ini. Survei kebutuhan yang menjadi survei pertama dilaksanakan kepada seorang guru bahasa Inggris hotel akomodasi kelas XI SMKN 1 Sewon dan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 31 siswa hotel akomodasi kelas 2. Hasil survey pertama menunjukkan bahwa siswa membutuhkan materi pelajaran bebicara yang menarik untuk dilaksanakan, mempelajari peran yang nyata dan yang membantu mereka untuk berani berbicara di depan umum. Survey yang kedua dilaksanakan untuk memperolah evaluasi dan opini mengenai materi pembelajaran yang dirancang. Seorang guru kelas perhotelan dan tiga dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Univeristas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta menjadi peserta dalam survei kedua ini. Hasil survei kedua digunakan untuk revisi dan perbaikan materi pembelajaran yang telah dirancang, hasil menunjukkan bahwa materi yang telah dirancang baik dan diterima walaupun masih diperlukan beberapa revisi.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang kedua, peneliti menyajikan materi pembelajaran yang dirancang untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara para siswa kelas XI SMKN 1 Sewon Bantul. Materi yang dirancang sesuai dengan KTSP dan silabus pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang ditujukan bagi siswa SMK secara umum. Ada beberapa bagian dalam tiap unit materi yang disajikan meliputi: Appetizer, Main Menu dan Dessert. Diharapkan aktivitas-aktivitas yang



digunakan akan bermanfaat bagi siswa hotel akomodasi kelas XI SMKN 1 Sewon Bantul dalam menguasai ketrampilan berbicara. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah materi yang telah didesain diterima dan dapat diimplementasikan. Saran untuk penelitian lebih lanjut adalah supaya mereka lebih memperhatikan alokasi waktu karena implementasi role play memerlukan persiapan yang baik.





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswi Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Rinanti Nur Oktapuri

Nomor Mahasiswi : 051214085

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH SPEAKING MATERIALS USING ROLE PLAY FOR GRADE XI STUDENTS OF HOTEL ACCOMMODATION CLASS OF SEWON VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 1 Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 23 April 2010

Yang menyatakan,




It will be a beautiful opportunity for me to express my deepest gratefulness to all of those who have supported and facilitated me in accomplishing this thesis. First and foremost, my greatest gratitude is addressed to Gusti Yesus Kristus who has given me this beautiful experience and His eternal blessing so I can finish my thesis and my study.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my sponsor, Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd., who is willing to spend her precious time for the sake of guiding me in writing this thesis. My deepest thanks also go to all my lecturers in PBI who have guided me and taught me very well, especially to Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed., and Drs. YB Gunawan, M.A. for their time to evaluate my speaking materials.

I am truly grateful to Dra. H. Sudaryati, the principal of SMKN 1 Sewon Bantul, who has permitted me to conduct my research. I would also like to address my thanks to Yunita, S.Pd., and F.A Susilarto, S.Pd., as the English teachers, who have helped me during the research. I also thank all the students of Hotel Accommodation Class grade XI for being my research participant and for the cooperation during my research.

I am greatly grateful to my lovely father Pudjo Edi Triono and my greatest mother Nursari Handayani M.Pd. who have unconditional love in supporting me through their prayer and guidance. I express gratitude to my little brother Cahyo Adi Laksono who has accompanied me in finishing my thesis. I thank Djuwadi‟s



big family, Mbah Ibuk and Eyang Edi for their encouragement to finish my thesis. I thank them all for giving me great affection.

My sincerest thanks go to my bestfriends Mgee Wulandari, Dinar Ratnasari, Abe Sano, Yebe Agung, Ruma, Andre Ha-ha, Indro, Krishna Murti, Aditya “Djumbo”, my Sampan‟s friends, my ex 4B „02 friends, my De Djogdja‟s and PT Muntiplus Sepakat‟s friends, they always keep my fire on in finishing my thesis.

I would like to give my deepest love to someone who always tells me the meaning of this life. I thank him for his never ending love and support. He never gave me motivation to finish my thesis but his weird and wonderful utterances force me much to do my best in finishing my thesis.

With love,









ABSTRAK ... vii








1.1 Research Background... 1

1.2 Problem Formulation ... 3

1.3 Problem Limitation ... 4

1.4. Research Objectives ... 4

1.5 Research Benefits ... 4




2.1 Theoretical Description ... 8

2.1.1 Speaking ... 9 The nature of speaking ... 9 Teaching speaking ... 10

2.1.2 Role play ... 12 The nature of role play ... 12 The procedure of using role play ... 13 The reason of using role play ... 14

2.1.3 Communicative Language Teaching... 15

2.1.4 Vocational School ... 18 The outcomes of vocational school ... 19

2.1.5 Instructional Design Model ... 20 Kemp‟s Instructional Design Model ... 21 Banathy‟s Instructional Design Model... 22 Yalden‟s Instructional Design Model ... 24

2.1.6 Material Development ... 26




3.1 Research Method ... 31

3.2 Research Participant ... 32

3.3 Research Instrument ... 33

3.4. Data Gathering Technique ... 35

3.5 Data Analysis Technique ... 37

3.6 Research Procedure ... 38


4.1 The Steps of the Development of the Designed Materials ... 44

4.1.1 Conducting Needs Analysis ... 45 The Result of the Interview with English Teachers of Sewon Vocational School 1 ... 45 The Result of Questionnaires Distributed to Grade XI Students of Sewon Vocational School 1 ... 47

4.1.2 Considering Goals, The List Topics, Stating the General Purposes for Teaching Each Topic ... 50

4.1.3 Selecting Teaching and Learning Activities ... 52

4.1.4 Developing the Materials ... 54

4.1.5 Evaluating the Design Materials ... 54

4.1.6 Implementing the Designed Materials ... 54 The Teachers‟ Roles ... 55



4.1.7 Revising ... 56

4.2 The Findings and Discussions on the Designed Materials Evaluation and Implementations ... 56

4.2.1 Preliminary Field Testing ... 57 The Result of Respondent Opinions on the Designed Materials ... 57 The Respondents‟ Comments and Suggestions on the Designed Materials ... 58

4.2.2 Main Product Revision ... 61

4.2.3 Main Field Testing ... 62

4.2.4 Operational Product Revision ... 62

4.3 The Presentation of the Designed Materials ... 65


5.1 Conclusions ... 69

5.2 Suggestions ... 70




Table 1: The Data Needed by the Researcher ... 36 Table 2: Points of Agreement ... 38 Table 3: Specification of a Set of English Speaking Materials for Grade XI

Students of Hotel Accommodation Class of Sewon Vocational School 1 38 Table 4: The Result of Need Analysis‟ Questionnaire... 47 Table 5: The Description of Competence Standard, Basic Competence,

Topic and Indicators of Each Unit ... 51 Table 6: The Description of the Evaluation of the Material Design Respondents 55 Table 7: Points of Agreement of Preliminary Field Testing Questionnaire... 58 Table 8: The Result of Respondents‟ Opinion ... 58 Table 9: The Result of Respondents‟ Opinion of the Implementation

Process (closed questions) ... 62 Table 9: The Result of Respondents‟ Opinion of the Implementation

Process (open questions) ... 63 Table 10: List of Units and Topics of the Designed Materials ... 65




Figure 1: The Instructional Design from Kemp ... 22 Figure 2: The Instructional Design From Banathy ... 23 Figure 3: The Language Program Development from Yalden ... 26 Figure 4: The Steps of Designing Materials Adapted from Kemp‟s, Banathy‟s and Yalden‟s Model ... 30 Figure 5: The Researcher‟s R & D Cycle Completed with Kemp‟s, Banathy‟s and Yalden‟s Adapted Model ... 40





Appendix 1: Letter of Permission ... 75

Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Need Analysis... 78

Appendix 3: Questionnaire for Expert Validation ... 82

Appendix 4: Questionnaire for Evaluation ... 88

Appendix 5: Field Notes and Lists of the Students ... 90

Appendix 6: General Description of the Designed Materials ... 97

Appendix 7: Syllabus and Lesson Plans of the Designed Materials ... 101




In this chapter, the researcher would like to discuss the introduction of the study by elaborating the research background, problem formulations, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

1.1 Research Background

Yogyakarta is rich for its tourism aspect and most of economic incomes come from tourism aspect. DIRECTORATE GENERAL TOURISM UNESCO / UNDP (1992: 10-11) states that Jogjakarta is a region in which tourism becomes more important to support the local economy of the region.

Tnunay (1991: xii) states that “Jogjakarta adalah kota pariwisata, tinggal bagaimana masing-masing komponen dalam rangkaian itu berfungsi

secara baik dan maksimal”. It can be implied that Jogjakarta is a tourism city, and the development of the tourism depends on how each component is functioning well and maximal.

Many people take the benefits by working in tourism sector. People not only turn out to be the provider of tourism but most of them turn into tourism lovers. This is important to increase the ability of people who work inside the tourism aspect especially for those who work inside the hotel management, as written by Mistiani (1997: 1). This is necessary for the


component of tourism (the people who work in tourism) especially for those who work at hotel to be able to speak English, because most of the international tourist (foreigners) are using English for their communication.

Vocational schools of tourism and hotel accommodation provide graduate students who are ready to work in tourism world. The students in those schools were accustomed to acquire good teaching and learning related to tourism materials in sequence to prepare toward the factual work world. Based on the interview on the 20th of September 2008 with Yunita, S.Pd, the English teacher of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School I, and on the 3rd April of 2008 with Mr. Oni Gamayanto the Human Resource Development of De Djogja Karaoke in Ina Garuda Hotel Site, the researcher concluded that the significant thing for the students of hotel accommodation class is the preparation on English conversation. Speaking is one of the main needs for those who would like to work in tourism world especially for hotel

accommodation’s students and who will serve and meet the guests directly. Why does the researcher concern on Vocational School? Edgell (1990: 116) stated that one problem with academic education in tourism has been the lack of good tourism text books or other publications appropriate as teaching materials for tourism courses. The researcher has looked for some references dealing with tourism textbooks for vocational school like Global Access to the World of Work by Dinas Pendidikan Nasional (2001), Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMK Kelas 2 by Wiyono Bambang, Drs (2001), English For Vocational School 2 A and B, by Yiyis Kristiani, and Conversation For


SMA/SMK Students by Dachar Dadang (2007), there are no specific textbooks that refer to hotel accommodation class students of vocational school.

Therefore, the researcher designs the speaking materials for hotel accommodation class of vocational school in order to make the students who will work in a hotel to be accustomed to the conversation that is used in the real hotel management. The hotel itself will be able to get the best students who can work and cooperate. So that when there are foreigner guests, the students are able to speak fluently to the guests.

1.2 Problem Formulation

From the previous research background, the research problem can be formulated as follows.

a. How is a set of speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class of Sewon Vocational School 1 designed?

b. What does the set of speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class of Sewon Vocational School 1 look like?


1.3 Problem Limitation

In order to make a clear boundary to this research the researcher makes one limitation focuses on designing. The researcher limits this research to design a set of speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class of Sewon Vocational School 1.

1.4 Research Objectives

From the previous problem formulation, the research objectives can be formulated as follows.

a. To design a set of speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1. b. To provide the appropriate speaking materials using role play for

grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1.

1.5 Research Benefits

This research will primarily benefit the teachers and the students.

For teachers

The study provides the speaking materials for learning and teaching activities that are suitable for the syllabus and to help teachers to conduct the speaking class.


For students

The study provides the students of hotel accommodation class some examples of conversation that is used in the real work of hotel management to facilitate the students to be accustomed to real work situation.

1.6 Definition of Terms

This part will elaborate the definitions that will be used in the study. They are as follow:

1. Speaking

Widdowson (1979: 58) stated that speaking skill is kind of active and productive interactions that make us use aural mediums. Aural mediums include mouth, lips, tongue and other activities. Louma (2004) stated that speakers also need to know words, phrases and strategies for creating time to speak. Related to this study, designing a set of speaking materials is meant to develop speaking materials (an activity which uses aural mediums) that are used by the hotel accommodation class of Sewon Vocational School 1.

2. Material

Hutchinson (1987) stated that materials provide a stimulus to learning. Good materials do not teach: the materials encourage learners to learn. Good materials will, therefore, contain: interesting text, enjoyable


activities which engage the learner thinking capacities; opportunities for learners to use their existing knowledge or skills; content which both learner and teacher can cope with.

3. Vocational School

According to Peraturan Pemerintah on chapter 2 the purposes of vocational education are to improve intelligence, personality, moral and personal skills of students to become independent, to enter the workforce in accordance with previously studied education and is able to communicate in accordance with the field work. In line with that, Rakestraw (1947, 2) stated that vocational education is preparing persons of employable age for advantageous entrance into skilled trades and occupations.

4. Hotel Accommodation School

According to Mr. Susilarto as a teacher of Hotel Accommodation Class of Sewon Vocational School 1, hotel accommodation school aims to train students to be able to work in the field of tourism with particularly good activity in the real job of hospitality, where students learn both theory and practice directly. Students are also trained to speak in at least two foreign languages.


5. Role play

According to Golebiowska (1990:5), role play is a communicative activity in which the learners are given a task to complete. In order to ensure a lively and unpredictable course of the activity, the learners are told who they are, what their opinions are and what they know that is unknown to the others.




This chapter presents a discussion of the theories as the foundation of this research. This discussion is divided into two major areas; theoretical description and theoretical framework.

The theoretical description discusses basic theories of speaking, role play, communicative language teaching, vocational school in general and instructional design.

The theoretical framework discusses the relation among the concepts stated previously as the basis of designing a set of speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class of Sewon Vocational School 1.

2.1 Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher would like to discuss five parts. The first part is speaking skill since the materials designing in this research emphasizes is on the speaking skill. The second part is role play since this research uses role play as the main technique. The third part is communicative language teaching theory. The fourth is vocational school since the designed materials will be used in vocational school. The fifth part, the researcher would discuss the instructional design model which will be


used in this research. Those previous theories will be used to establish the framework of the designed materials in this research.

2.1.1 Speaking

The researcher attempts to design a set of speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class of Sewon Vocational School 1. Therefore, this section will discuss the basic theory of speaking skill. The Nature of Speaking

Brown and Yale as quoted by Nunan (1989: 26-27) begin their discussion of the nature of speaking by distinguishing spoken and written language. Written language is characterized by well form sentences which are integrated into highly structured paragraphs. Spoken language, on the other hand, consists of short, often fragmentary utterances, in range of pronunciation. It is a skill that generally has to be learned and practised.

Louma (2004) states the variation within spoken language use:

- Talking to chat and talking to inform: Brown et al as quoted by Luoma (2004) define chatting as the exchange of amicable conversational turns with another speaker. The primary purpose is to make and maintain social contact, to oil the social wheels, and


information-related talk refers to speech aimed at transferring information on a particular topic.

- Talking in different social status: Hymes as quoted by Luoma (2004) has summarized the framework of talking in different social status that forms the acronym of SPEAKING: Situation (the physical setting and the nature of the event), Participant (speaker, hearer, audience, etc), Ends (conventional outcomes of the event,

the ends also include the individual participants’ goal), Act

sequence (the form and content of speech acts), Key (tone, manner, or spirit of act), Instrumentalities (channel or mode and form of speech), Norms (norms of interpretation and norms of interaction), and Genre (categories).

- Roles, role relations/ships and politeness: Grice’s as quoted by Luoma (2004) gives four conversational maxims: quantity (give sufficient information but not too much), quality (say only what you know to be true), relation (be relevant) and manner (be brief, clear and orderly). Teaching Speaking

Based on Rivers (1968:160), the teaching of speaking skill is more demanding on the teacher than the teaching of any other language skills, the teacher will need to give the students many opportunities to practice the speaking skill. Consequently, it is essential for the teacher to give the


learners many opportunities to practice speaking skill. When the teacher provides more complicated matter of the foreign speech to be answered, the learners ability will be greater developed also. Rivers (1968: 16) stated teacher will need to use his imagination in devising situations which provoke the students to the use of the language in the expression of his own meaning.

Speaking comes naturally to humans, but it is not as simple as it seems. Sometimes people feel afraid to speak in front of a large group. According to Davies (2000: 82), there are some implications for teaching:

Try to create relaxed atmosphere in your classes so that most learners are not frightened of speaking in front of the rest of the class. And do as many speaking activities as possible in pairs and groups, so that the learners can speak English without the rest of the class listening.

Expose the learners as much as possible to naturally pronounce speech, and also integrate some pronunciation work into your lessons. They will not learn to pronounce intelligibly, or to develop speaking skill in general, if they do not hear enough natural speech.

Accustom the learners to combine listening and speaking in real tie, in natural interaction. Perhaps the most important opportunity for this is in the general use of English in the classroom.


2.1.2 Role Play

In this research, the researcher emphasizes the use of role play, which is one of communicative activities in speaking skill. It consists of 4 parts: the nature of role play, the use of role play in teaching speaking, and the procedures of using role play, role play and the approach. By discussing these parts, the researcher would like to give an overall view of role play. The Nature of Role Play

Hawley (1975: 10) states that role playing is one teaching method that involves student actively in the learning process, both in simulated interactions and in determining what path to take in the discussions that follow the role play and it is a common and natural human activity, not just another artificial structure limited in the classroom.

Further, he states that the power of role play comes from the interpersonal, the rational and the emotional that being worked in the same time of the students. Those three aspects are influenced by other people in the classroom, meaning that there is teamwork within the group. Inline with Schmuck (1980:146) role play is a technique which takes interpersonal attraction and friendly feelings out of hidden areas and places them into an overt and public arena for analysis and understanding.

(31) The Procedures of Using Role Play

Schmuck (1980:146) states that the sequences in using role play involve: (1) selecting the problem; (2) warming up; (3) setting the stage by explaining the situation, describing participant roles and explaining audience role; (4) enactment; (5) analyzing and discussion; (6) evaluation; (7) re-enactment of the role play; and (8) generalizing to the daily life of the classroom.

Further, Hawley (1975:108-112) states that there are seven-part sequences of teaching concerns as clarified below:

1. Orientation

It is concerning in giving an outline of the activity to the students in order not to make them confused in what should they do.

2. Community building

It is the extension of orientation, where the students should be able to find in common with each other and with the teacher.

3. Achievement motivation

It is relating to motivate the students by explaining the goals, procedures and rules of the class clearly to the students.

4. Fostering open communication

It is in relation to the preparation of the place where the role play will be done.

5. Information seeking, gathering and sharing. It is concerning to the information that is needed in pursuing the goals and objectives.


6. Value exploration

It is concerning to the gathering information to determine which parts are significant, which trivial.

7. Planning for change

It is relating to the exploration of students’ value and determines what

things are important to them, and then the final concern is to help the

students’ plan for change. The Reason of Using Role play

By using role play method, the teacher is able to design the theme of the situation and some clues for the students. According to Hawley (1975:126) the benefits that can be derived from role playing can be viewed in terms of five general and overlapping categories: problem solving, rehearsing, reporting, developing empathy and managing the class.

Harmer (19xx, 352-353) states that role play has some advantages: encourage general oral fluency or to train students for specific situations, while the distinct advantages: they can be good fun and are thus motivating, they allow hesitant students to be more forthright in their opinions and behaviour without having to take responsibility for what they say in the way that they do when they are speaking for themselves, and allow students to use a much wider range of language.

Based on the interview with the Susilarto S.Pd the English teacher of Sewon I Vocational School of Hotel Accommodation Class at 20th September


2008, the researcher concluded that to teach using role play is an appropriate method in teaching speaking. The teacher supposed that by using role play, expectantly the students enjoy the activity and they can learn English deliberately in order to improve the speaking fluency of the students.

2.1.3 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

One of approaches in language teaching which is going to be implemented by the researcher to develop a set of speaking materials for Grade XI students of Hotel Accommodation Class Sewon Vocational School 1 is CLT. Richard and Rodgers (2001: 172) stated that CLT refers to a varied set of principles which reflect a communicative view of language and language learning and which can be used to support a wide var iety of classroom procedures. This includes some principles of CLT, they are:

1. Through using the language, the learners learn to communicate.

2. The goal of classroom activities is at authentic and meaningful communication.

3. Fluency is an important aspect of communication.

4. The integration of different language skill is involved in the communication.

5. Learning is a process of creative construction and involves trial and error.


Brown (2001:87) offers four interconnected characteristic as a definition of CLT, namely:

a. Classroom goals are focused on the entire component of communication competence and not restricted to grammatical/linguistic competence. b. Language techniques are designed to engage learners in the pragmatic,

authentic and functional use of the language for meaningful purposes. Organizational language terms are not the central focus but rather aspects of language that enable the learner to accomplish those purposes.

c. Fluency and accuracy are seen complementary principles underlying communicative techniques. At times fluency may have to take on more importance than accuracy in order to keep learners meaningfully engaged in linguistic use.

d. In communicative classroom, students ultimately have to use the language productively, in unrehearsed context.

Richard and Rodgers (2001:79-80) state that there are a lot of materials used to support communicative approaches to language teaching. Material is a way to influence the quality of classroo m interaction and language use.


There are three kinds of materials considered in CLT: a. Text-based materials

Text-based materials are materials that based on the texts that help the teacher to initiate conversation. The examples of these materials are visual cues, pictures, and sentence fragments.

b. Task-based materials

In order to support CLT classes, a variety of games, role play, and task-based communication activities have been prepared. These are usually in the form of one-of-a-kind items: exercise handbooks, cues cards, pair communication practice, and learners-interaction practice. c. Realia

Realia might be included as proponents of CLT. This might include language based realia such as sign, magazines, newspaper, or visual sources around which communicative activities can be built (maps, pictures, etc)

Larsen-Freeman (2000: 134) stated that role plays are very important in CLT because they give students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and in different social roles, role play can be set up so that they are very structured (for example, the teacher tells the students who they are and what they should say) or in a less structured way (for example, the teacher tells the students who they are, what the situation is, and what they are talking about, but the students determine what they will say).


Hence, in this research the researcher would like to design a set of speaking materials by using role play technique and through the CLT approach.

2.1.4 Vocational School

According to Lauglo and Lilis (1988:3) vocationalization is intended to ease school leavers into jobs or self employment, under conditions of widespread youth unemployment. In line with Wenrich, (1974), vocational and technical educational is for people-youth and adult interested in preparing for and progressing in a career in some types of satisfying and productive work. According to Peraturan Pemerintah on chapter 2 the purposes of vocational education are to improve intelligence, personality, moral and personal skills of students to become independent, to enter the workforce in accordance with previously studied education and is able to communicate in accordance with the field work. In Indonesia the vocational school are grouped into six, they are: Agriculture and Forestry group, Engineering and Industry group, Business and Management group, Social Welfare group, Tourism group, and Art and Handicraft group.

(37) The Outcomes of Vocational School

Vocational school prepares the students into the job world. Outcome of the vocational education, based on Wenrich, (1974:21)

1. Children and youth acquire knowledge of the materials of our culture and develop the ability to use them effectively.

2. Children and youth develop an understanding of the world of work and gain insight as to how they can relate to it.

3. Children and youth acquire an understanding of the meaning of work in their lives and develop a wholesome attitude toward work.

4. Children and youth develop a respect for the dignity of work and appreciate the value of work to society.

5. Children and youth experience and learn to appreciate good workmanship.

6. Children and youth develop good work habits.

7. Children and youth discover and develop their special aptitudes and talents and relate them to productive activity.

By studying in vocational school, learners will have some knowledge that will give them a preparation before they turn into the job world.


2.1.5 Instructional Design Model

In designing the instructional material, Hutchinson and Waters (1987:55-65) suggest some importance considerations to be taken into account as presented below:

a. Instructional Materials design must be based on the target need that is what the learners have to know in order to function

effectively in the target situation, the learner’ wants and the

learning needs.

b. Instructional materials design should pay attention to the significant potentialities and constraints such as experience, finance, facilities, competence, background knowledge, and time, which exist in the learning situation in order to adjust what is possible and what is impossible to be done in the system.

c. Instructional design is supposed to develop either language-centered approach, the skill approach, or learning language-centered approach.

In designing the materials, the researcher attempts to discuss three models. They belong to Kemp, Banathy, and Yalden. The researcher prefers those three models because they describe step by step procedures of designing the materials clearly.


The brief discussion of each instructional design models are presented below: Kemp’s Instructional Design Model

Kemp (1977) states eight steps of the instructional design plan, the steps are as follow:

1. Considering goals, the list topics, stating the general purposes for teaching each topic.

2. Enumerate the important characteristics of the learner for whom the instruction is to be designed.

3. Specify the learning objectives to be achieved in terms of

measurable students’ behavioural outcomes.

4. List the subject content that supports each objective.

5. Develop pre-assessments to determine the student’s background and present level of knowledge about the topic.

6. Select teaching/ learning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content so the students will accomplish the objectives.

7. Coordinate such support services as budget, personnel, facilities, equipment, and schedules to carry out the instructional plan.

8. Evaluate the students’ learning in terms of their accomplishment of objectives, with a view to revising and re-evaluating any phase of the plan that need improvement.


The stages of Kemp’s instructional materials design model can be

clarified in the following figure:

(Figure 1) The Instructional Design from Kemp Banathy’s Instructional Materials Design Model

Banathy (1968:3) stated that educational is a system. System has three components, namely purpose, process, and content. Purpose gives direction to the system that is what should be done. Then, purpose determines the processes that have to be carried out in order to accomplish the purpose. And in order that there will be a good process, there will be contents.

Banathy (1968:18) suggest six strategies in the instructional system development in education. They are formulating objectives, developing test, analyzing the learning task, designing system, implementing test output, and changing to improve.


The stages of Banathy’s instructional materials design model can be clarified in the following figure:

(Figure 2) The Instructional Design from Banathy

The following is explanation of the system: I. Formulate objective

The initial step is to formulate a statement about what we expect the learners to do, know, and feel as a result of learning experience.

II. Develop criterion test

The development is based on the stated objectives and uses it to test terminal proficiency. The criterion test is used to measure the degree in which the learners have attained the objectives.

I Formulate objectives

VI Change to

Improve V Implement and

Test Output IV Design System III

Analyze Learning Task

II Develop


III. The analysis of the learning task

It is used to find out what has to be learned by the learners so that they

can behave in the way described by the objectives’ specifications. The input of the learners’ abilities must be assessed too.

IV. The design of the system

This system is aimed to determine alternatives and to identify what has to be done and how (functional analysis), to determine what or who has the best potential to accomplish these functions (component analysis), and to determine here and when the functions are to be carried out (design the system).

V. Implementation and quality control

The designed system is to be tried out, implemented, and installed. Finally the performance of the learners as the product of the system is to be

evaluated in order to measure the learners’ degree assessment to which they

behave in the way initially described. VI. Change to improve

The performance data is used as a feedback to adjust the system. Yalden’s Instructional Materials Design Model

According to Yalden, after knowing the type of syllabus that will be applied, the teachers should prepare themselves in developing the instructional materials.


The process of constructing the type of syllabus is as follows:

1. Needs survey, the teacher should make surveys of needs before stating the purposes in order to find the importance of the community/ local needs.

2. Description of purpose, the description of purpose is prepared in term of: (1) the characteristic of the students, and (2) the skill of the students on entry to and on exit from the program.

3. Selection and development of syllabus type.

4. The proto-syllabus production, describes the language itself and language use to be covered in the program.

5. The pedagogical production that develops the teaching materials, learning and testing approaches which consist of testing sequence and decisions on testing instruments.

6. Development and implementation of classroom procedures. It can be describe as follows:

a. Development of classroom procedures, in terms of selecting of exercise types and teaching techniques, preparing of lesson plan and of weekly schedules.

b. Teacher training, in terms of briefing and workshops in principles and desired outcomes and exploitation or creation of teaching materials.

7. Evaluation. This stage describes (1) the evaluation of the students, (2) the evaluation program, and (3) the evaluation of teaching.


8. Stage recycling. It can be describe as:

a. Congruence/ fit between goal set and student performance is determined.

b. Content is reassessed.

c. Materials and methodological procedures are revised.

(Figure 3) The Language Program Development from Yalden

2.1.6 Material Development

This part the writer discussess a model for developing mater ials. In developing materials, the writer does materials adaption as well. Materials adaption is used to make the materials suitable for specific learners, teachers or situations. The writer adapts the Hutchinson and Waters’ model which is consisted of four elements Hutchinson and Waters, 1987: 108-109). The elements are:

1. Input

Input provides stimulus material for activities, new language items, correct models of language use, a topic for communication. It also provides the opportunities for learners to use their existing knowledge both of the

Needs survey Descriptio n of Purpose Selection/ Development of syllabus Production of a proto syllabus Evaluation Development of implementation of classroom procedures Production of pedagogical syllabus


language and the subject matter. It may be by reading a text, listening to an audio cassette, answering questions, etc.

2. Content focus

Language is not an end in itself, but a means of conveying information and feeling about something. The writer focuses the materials on the specific skill which is to be taught and the teaching and learning activities will be more effective when the content is related to daily hotel management activities.

3. Language focus

Language focus provides the learners to use language. The writer gives the opportunity to the learners to identify the vocabulary and the expressions deal with the discussed topic.

4. Task

Task provides the learners to use the content and language knowledge they have built up through the unit. Task makes learners practice and use their knowledge both of language and content.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

This part discusses the steps and procedures to design and develop speaking materials. Theoretical Framework is needed to conduct the research. The researcher combined Kemp’s, Banathy’s and Yalden’s model as the theory of instructional design and the other theories which had been


described in the theoretical description section. The theories are put under t he umbrella of R&D as the main framework for this research.

There are seven major adapted steps of the Kemp’s, Banathy’s and

Yalden’s model to develop the materials as follows: 1. Conducting Need Analysis (taken from Yalden)

This step included review of literature, classroom observations and survey. The survey was conducted by observation, interview and questionnaires. This step is supported by the theories that have been collected such as the theory of role play and the theory of instructional design. The collected data is to discover the target needs and the learning needs.

2. Considering goals, the list topic, stating the general purposes for teaching each topic (taken from Kemp)

This step included defining skills, stating objectives based on the curriculum and the syllabus that is used in the school. The researcher prepared the materials and developed the product in this step.

3. Selecting teaching and learning activities (taken from Kemp)

This step included preparation of instructional materials and evaluation devices. After collecting the data from the two previous steps, the researcher was making the form of product based on the gathered data.

4. Developing the materials (addition)

This steps was an additional step since has not been presented clearly

in Kemp’s, Banathy’s and Yalden’s models. The researcher adapted the materials design from Hutchinson and Waters (1987:108-109) in developing


the materials. The materials consist of four elements: input, content focus, language focus and task.

5. Evaluating the designed materials (taken from Yalden)

Expert verification was required in this step. This step was conducted to gain feedback from evaluators towards the designed materials. To evaluate the designed materials, the researcher distributed questionnaires.

6. Implementing the design (taken from Banathy)

The researcher held the implementation in XI grade students of Hotel Accommodation Class Sewon Vocational School 1 for six times. As the implementation has finished, the researcher distributed questionnaire to the students and teacher of grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1.

7. Revising (taken from Kemp)

The researcher revised and improved the product after getting

feedback from the students’ questionnaires based on the implementation of


To obtain a clearer idea on the theoretical framework which is applied in this study, the researcher’s theoretical framework is presented below:

(Figure 4) The Steps of Designing Materials Adapted from Kemp’s,

Banathy’s and Yalden’s Model

Considering goals, the list topics, stating the general purposes for teaching each


Selecting teaching and learning activities

Developing the materials


Evaluating the designed materials

Implementing the design Conducting need analysis



In this chapter the researcher will discuss about the research method, research participant, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

3.1 Research Method

This research is dealing with two major problems to be solved. First problem is how a set of speaking material using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class of Sewon Vocational School 1 is designed. The second problem is what a set of speaking material using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class of Sewon Vocational School 1 looks like.

This research in particular is focused on making a set of speaking material. The researcher developed this research using the model from Kemp (1985), Banathy (1976), Yalden (1987) and Research and Development cycle (1983). Research and Development cycle aimed to discover new knowledge,

where evaluation techniques play a major role in this cycle. Borg and Gall’s

R & D (1983) consists a cycle in which a version of the product developed, field tested, revised and implemented on the basis of field-test data.


The researcher adopts seven steps of the R&D cycle for the materials design, they are (1) research and information collecting, (2) planning, (3) develop preliminary form of product (4) preliminary field testing (5) main product revision (6) main field testing (7) operational product revision.

3.2 Research Participants

The participants of this research were divided into three; those were research and information collecting participants, preliminary field testing participants, and implementation participants.

1. Participants in Research and Information Collecting

The research participants were the English teachers and the students of grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1, who were closely related to the curriculum and the syllabus of that is used

in Hotel Accommodation Class. In order to get the learners’ need, the researcher conducted classroom observations, interview with the English teacher and distributed questionnaire to the students.

2. Participants in Preliminary Field Testing

The research participants were the English teacher and two lecturers of English Department. The lecturers were involved in this research because the researcher considered them the experts in the application of the theories that are related to this research such as curriculum and material development,


language learning assessment, and instructional design. They evaluated the designed materials and gave suggestion to the researcher or so-called expert validation.

3. Participants in Main Field Testing

The participants were the students of grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1. The students gave feedback after the product was implemented.

3.3 Research Instruments

In order to collect valid and reliable data, the researcher used the questionnaire and interview as the instruments as clarified below.

Seliger and Shohamy (1989:172) state that questionnaire is a printed list for the data collection, which contained questions or statement for the subject to respond. Interview based on Seliger and Shohamy (1986:166) is conducted to obtain information by actually talking to the subject. The last instrument is observation. Seliger and Shohamy (1989:162) state that observations are most often used to collect data on how learners use language in a variety of settings, to study language learning and teaching processes in the classroom, and to study teachers’ and students’ behaviour.


1. Instruments for Research and Information Collecting Step

The instruments used in research and information collecting were observation, questionnaire and interview. The researcher conducted the observation started in September 2008. During the observation, the researcher observed the school condition both physically and pedagogically. The English teachers also gave the researcher an opportunity to teach the students before designing and implementing the design. The aim was to

gather information about the students’ needs, interest, and characteristics.

The second instrument was questionnaire. By using questionnaires, all grade XI students of Hotel Accommodation Class Sewon Vocational School 1 will be involved. The questions were written in Indonesian so that the learners find no difficulties in answering all the questions. The questionnaires were using closed and open questions. This questionnaire’s purpose was aimed to get the guideline for the design. Informal interview with two English teachers of Hotel Accommodation Class Sewon Vocational School 1 was also conducted. In this study, the researcher conducted interview to gather the data needed before designing the product.

2. Instruments for Preliminary Field Testing Step

The instruments for preliminary field-testing were questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was distributed to the English teacher in grade XI of Hotel Accommodation Class 1 Sewon Vocational School 1 and lecturers from English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma


University. It is used to get opinions and evaluations of the designed materials. The opinions and evaluations were used as the source of revising the designing materials. The questions were written in English and using closed and opened questions. Informal interview to the teacher and lectures were also conducted in this step in order to gain a comprehensible data as the guideline in revising the product.

3. Instruments for Main Field Testing Step

The instruments for main field testing were questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire contained evaluation and feedback from the grade XI students of Hotel Accommodation Class 1 Sewon Vocational School 1, after the researcher conducted the research. The purpose of distributing the questionnaires was to acquire some reliable feedbacks as the revision and improvements for the design. The researcher conducted the informal interview after the implementation was done to gain information

about students’ response and influence toward students’ speaking skill after the implementation of the product was done.

3.4 Data Gathering Technique

The data were collected from the three instruments used in this research. The research was conducted in grade XI of Hotel Accommodation Class 1 Sewon Vocational School 1 in June and July 2009.


Table 1. The Data Needed by the Researcher

Steps Data Needed Participants Instruments 1. Research and information collecting Need analysis:

- Students’ difficulties in learning English moreover for the speaking skill.

- The method and technique used by teacher in conducting English teaching and learning activity moreover the speaking skill - Students’ motivation and

participation in learning English class.

- Students of 1 AP 2 - English teacher of 1 AP 2

- Observation -Interview checklist - Questionnaire for the need analysis


Preliminary Field Testin

- Feedback from the participants to ensure the validity of the product

- Opinion from the

participants to ensure the validity of the product. - Suggestion from the

participants to ensure the validity of the product

- Students of 1 AP 2 - English teacher of 1 AP 2

- Lecturers

- Interview checklist for gaining deeper information - Questionnaire for the design evaluation


Steps Data Needed Participants Instruments 3.

Main Field Testing

- Feedback from the participants deal with the final version of the materials, the implementation itself and the

influence of the

implementation toward

students’ speaking skill

- Students of 1 AP 2 - English teacher of 1 AP 2

- Interview checklist for gaining the influence of the implementation - Questionnaire for gaining the feedback from the students

after the


3.6 Data Analysis Technique

The researcher analyzed the data as the data needed have been gathered. The participants’ opinions in the form of closed questions were

shown statistically. The participants’ opinions in the form of open questions

were shown in sentences.

In analyzing the questionnaires, the data collected would be calculated using percentage as follow:


n = the total number of the students who choose certain answer N = the total number of the students


The data obtained trough questionnaires is in the form of scores. There are four agreements are applied as follows:

Table 2. Points of Agreements

Points of Agreement Scores

Strongly disagree Disagree

Agree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4

3.7 Research Procedure

The stages taken by the researcher in conducting the research are as follow:

1. Research and Information Collecting

This step included review of literature, classroom observations and survey. The survey was conducted by observation, interview and questionnaires. The researcher conducted need survey by interviewing the English teacher and distributing the questionnaire to the students

2. Planning

This step included defining skills, stating objectives based on the curriculum that is used in the school. The researcher prepared the material for the module and developed the product and also determined the instructional goals, topic, and general purposes.

3. Develop Preliminary Form of Product

This step included preparation of instructional materials, module and evaluation devices. The researcher designed the suitable model of instructional design for the module. After collecting the data from the two


previous steps, the researcher was making the form of product based on the gathered data.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

Expert verification was required in this step. The researcher distributed questionnaires to the English teacher and two lecturers from English Language Education Study Program at Sanata Dharma University. The purpose of this step is to gain opinion, comments, suggestion and criticism as an evaluation.

5. Main Product Revision

This step was the final product which was edited based on the result o f the preliminary field testing. The researcher revised the material based on the evaluation result.

6. Main Field Testing

The researcher held the implementation in grade XI of Hotel Accommodation Class 1 Sewon Vocational School 1 for six times. As the implementation has finished, the researcher distributed questionnaire to the students and teacher of grade XI of Hotel Accommodation Class 1 Sewon Vocational School 1.

7. Operational Product Revision

In this step the researcher revised the product as suggested by main field testing. The researcher distributed the questionnaire and interviewed the research participants about the response toward the implementation. The


researcher revised the design to produce the final version of the speaking materials design.


The researcher made a figure showing the stages of R&D cycle which

match with the instructional design models of Kemp’s, Banathy’s and Yalden’s, as follow:

R&D cycles Instructional Design

(Figure 5) The Researcher’s R & D Cycle Completed with Kemp’s,

Banathy’s and Yalden’s Adapted Model

Research and information collecting

Considering goals, the list topics, stating the general purposes for teaching each


Main Field Testing Preliminary form of product


Selecting teaching and learning activities

Developing the material (addition)

Evaluating the designed materials

Implementing the design Preliminary field testing

Conducting need analysis

Main Product revision

Operational Product Revision Revising


Based on the Educational Seminar held by the Department of National Education in 2008, a research and development should construct a specification product of the designed materials. Specification Product was used to distinguish the product with other products. The specification of the result of the product was presented on table 3.

Table 3. Specification of a Set of English speaking Materials for Grade XI students of Hotel Accommodation Class of Sewon Vocational School 1 1. Name Designing A set of English Speaking Materials Using Role Play For Grade XI Students of Hotel Accommodation Class of Sewon Vocational School 1.

2. Time/ duration 15 contact hours

3. Venue Hotel Accommodation Class Sewon

Vocational School 1

4. Participants - Grade XI Students of Hotel Accommodation Class

- English Teachers of Sewon Vocational School 1 - Lecturers of English Department of Sanata Dharma University

5. Objectives/ Competencies

- Students are able to communicate using English acceptably

- Students are to respond expression in English accurately


- Students are able to use spoken English to support their professional qualifications as a hotel attendant accurately.

6. Materials Printed materials

7. Technique Role play

8. Approach CLT

9. Syllabus Type Content Based Syllabus

(English For Elementary Level)

10. Sources English for Vocational School, 1B, written by Yiyis Kristiani, Kalam Offset Jogjakarta

English For Vocational School, 1A, written by Yiyis Kristiani, Kalam Offset Jogjakarta

Be Our Guess, written by Donald Adamson, Prentice Hall

Global Access To The World Of Work, written by Vocational Teachers Upgrading Center,




In this chapter, the researcher would like to describe the result and discussion of the findings of the study, and the presentation of the designed materials. This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is the stages of the materials design development. This part provides the answer to the first formulated problem. The second part is the findings of the study. The third part is the presentation of speaking material design using role play for the grade XI students of hotel accommo dation class of Sewon Vocational School 1. This part provides the answer to the second formulated problem.

4.1 The Steps of the Development of the Designed Materials

With the intention of answering the first problem formulation of this research, the researcher combined the steps of Kemp’s, Banathy’s and

Yalden’s models. The Instructional Design Models are in line with Borg and

Gall’s Educational Research and Development (R&D) cycle to design the

materials. Those steps are (1) conducting need analysis, (2) cons idering goals, the list of the topics, stating the general purposes for teaching each topic, (3) selecting teaching and learning activities, (4) developing the material (addition), (5) evaluating the designed materials, (6) implementing the design, (7) revising.


4.1.1 Conducting Needs Analysis

In conducting needs analysis, one of the English teachers of Sewon Vocational School 1 was interviewed. Questionnaire sheets were also distributed for thirty two students of grade XI hotel accommodation class.

Here is the discussion of the result of interview and the questionnaire. The Result of the Interview with English Teachers of Sewon Vocational School 1

Before designing the speaking materials, the researcher had an opportunity to have an interview with the English teachers of Sewon Vocational School 1 who taught hotel accommodation class grade XI.

Based on the interview, the researcher found out that there was no scheduled time to deliver speaking skill in English lesson. Because of there were no specific book designed for hotel accommodation class moreover for speaking skill, that is why the teacher put the speaking session in the middle

of teaching and learning activity without any reference’s book. The teacher

found difficulties to find the references, and they usually use English book which is intended for vocational school in general. The teacher usually gives drilling method in presenting new lists of vocabulary and expressions of certain topic to make a dialogue in pair. The students hardly memorize the vocabulary and the expressions because they have lack of motivation in


having no interesting references for English lesson moreover for speaking skill.

Another finding in this interview was the fact that the teacher has no specific technique to deliver English speaking lesson. They ever tried to hold an English day by asking the students to go to Malioboro Street and to find a foreigner and interviewed them. The activity was intended to motivate the students to be able to speak English. The result of this activity was good, students were able to note some information from the foreigner. Because of consuming much time and much money for students’ transportation, the activity was only done once. The teacher realized that English speaking skill

is important for hotel accommodation class students due to students’ future


In conclusion, the teacher expected a material design which gives motivation to the students. The teacher needs material which has the ability to provide students a chance to speak in front of people, provide a material which is suitable to the hotel accommodation major, and facilitate the students to communicate each other in a lively class.

(65) The Result of Questionnaires Distributed to Grade XI Students of Sewon Vocational School 1

The researcher distributed questionnaires to the hotel accommodation class grade XI students of Sewon Vocational School 1. The number of the participants was 31 students. The explanation of the questionnaire result is presented below:

Table 3. The Result of the Need Analysis Questionnaire

No Questions Answers Number Percentage

1 What do you think about English lesson?

a.Very easy b.Easy c.Difficult d.Very difficult

1 5 24 1 3% 16% 78% 3% 2. Do you think that

English is important for your future job?

a.Very important b.Important c.Not important d.Not important much

29 2 - - 94% 6% - - 3. How is English

lesson conducted?

a.Very exciting b.Exciting c.So so d.Bored 4 20 7 - 13% 64% 23% - 4. What English skill

that mainly supports your future job?

a.Speaking b.Writing c.Reading d.Listening 32 - - - 100% - - -

5. What do you think of the relation between English lesson process in your school and your speaking skill?

a.Really help b.Help

c.Does not help d.Does not really help

18 13 - - 58% 42% - -

6. Do you want to improve your speaking skill?

a.Yes, I really want b.Yes, I want c.No, I do not want d.No, I really do not

want 26 5 - - 84% 16% - -


No Questions Answers Number Percentage 7. Do you ever use role

play technique in English lesson? a.Yes b.No 24 7 77% 23% 8. *only for the student

who answered “No”

in the question above.

Do you want to learn speaking English using role play?

a.Yes b.No 7 - 100% -

9. What is your purpose to learn speaking in English using role play?

a.To have a lively class b.To see the real


c.To have a work in group

d.To be brave speak in front of other

e.To be listened directly by the teacher and friends

f. To get a direct

comment from teacher and friends g.Other 5 14 1 11 - - - 16% 46% 3% 35% - - - 10 .

What kind of situation that you want in the role play?

a.Hotel Accommodation b.Office c.School d.Other 22 1 3 5 71% 3% 10% 16% 11 .

What kind of roles that you want in the role play?

a.Hotel Accommodation Staff

b.Officer c.School’s Staff d.Other 26 - 4 1 84% - 13% 3%

From the result of the questionnaire, according to the daily teaching and learning English the researcher found that most of the students (64%) like the process of English teaching and learning activity and the other (13%) really like those process. On the other hand (78%) of the students still feel difficult to follow the English lesson, (3%) said that English lesson is very


difficult. There were only (16%) said that English lesson is easy and another (3%) said that English is very easy.

Related to students’ motivation in learning English, most of the students (94%) stated that English is very important for their future job and the other (6%) said that English is important. All of the students (100%) stated that the most important English skill that supports their future job is speaking skill. (58%) students stated that the teaching and learning activity process really help them improving their speaking skill and the rest (42%) stated that the teaching and learning activity help them improving the speaking skill.

Knowing that English is significant for their future, (84%) students really want to improve their speaking skill and (16%) students want to improve their speaking skill.

Due to the role play techniques, most of the students (84%) ever applied role play as the techniques in improving their speaking skill, there rest (16%) stated that they never use this technique before. For them who never met role play technique in English lesson stated that they would like to have a speaking English class using role play technique. Deal with students’ purposes in using role play technique (46%) students stated that they want to have the real situation when they learn English, (35%) students want to have boldness to speak in public, (16%) students want to have a lively class and the rest (3%) want to have a peer work. Because of they enrol hotel accommodation class, most of the students (71%) want to have a hotel


These are the expressions that you can use.

·In explaining your duties

- I (do something)

- I look after (something)

- I make sure that (something happens)

- I am responsible for . . . ing . . .

- My duties include . . . ing . . .

·In asking someone's duties

- What do you do?

- What's your job?

- What department do you work in?

·Beginning signals - First

- First of all - Before - Beginning - Starting - At the first step - As a start - The first step

· Continuing signals.

- next

- then

- following

- afterward

- in the next

- shortly after

- long after

·Parallel signals

- meanwhile

- at the same time

- while

·Ending signals.

- at the conclusion

- at the end

- to finish

- finally

- to the end

- at last




Here is the list of vocabulary that you may use :

- General Manager

- Assistant General Manager - Duty Manager

- Front Office Manager or Reception Manager - Receptionist

- Reservation Clerk

- Switchboard Operator or Telephonist - Housekeeper

- Room Maid or Chambermaid - Cleaner

- Laundry Maid

- Head Hall Porter or Bell Captain - Concierge

- Doorman

- Porter or Bellboy or Bellhop - Parking Attendant

- Lift Attendant or Elevator Operator - Valet

- Cashier - Accountant - Catering Manager - Head Waiter

- Room Service Waiter/ waitress - Platewash assistant

- Barman or Bartender - Maintenance Engineer - Storekeeper or Storeman

Dare to speak out

your mind based on the given situation below.

Find a partner. Choose one situation. Make a mini role play. Act it out in front of the class! 1. While cleaning a guest's room, the guest asks you (a house keeper) what your tasks are and how

you do it. Tell her/ him your task as a house keeper. # Your roles are: a cleaning service and a guest.

2. The Genenal Manager asks you (as a swichboard operator) about your duty in the hotel. Tell her/ him your task as a swichboard operator.

# Your roles are:

3. While taking the loundry in a room, an elder guest asks you ( a loundry maid) how you do your daily job. Tell her/ him your task as a loundry maid.

# Your roles are: a loundry maid and an elder guest.

4. A young boy asks you ( a parking attendant) what your tasks are and how you do it. Tell him your task as a parking attendant.

# Your roles are: a young boy and a parking attendant.

5. While applying a job for a waiter, the head waiter asks you the duty as a waiter. a General Manager and a switchboard operator.




17 After watching your friend’s role-play, what comes to your mind? What does the role-play talk



Rinanti Nur Oktapuri. 2010. Designing A Set of English Speaking Materials Using Role Play for XI Grade Hotel Accommodation Class of Sewon Vocational School 1. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Departement of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Role play is one technique used in English lesson, mainly in teaching speaking skill. Role play motivates students to have an eagerness to speak moreover in front of the public. By using role play technique, students are acted to be someone else in a role that the students play. In this context, students should play roles as hotel management workers. Students perform the role play in front of the class. This study was carried out as there is no specific material for hotel

accommodation class moreover for preparing students‟ speaking skill.

This study was concerned with two problems: 1) how is a set of English speaking materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1 designed? And 2) what does the design set of materials look like? In order to answer the first problem of this study, the researcher applied seven stages in designing materials. The seven stages are the

adapted steps of instructional design models from Kemp‟s, Banathy‟s, and Yalden‟s and they are in line with the design materials cycle of Borg and Gall‟s

Educational Research and Development. This study also employs the theories deal with role play, hotel accommodation class, speaking skill, and communicative teaching in designing speaking materials using role play.

The researcher managed two surveys in this study. The need survey or the first survey was conducted an interview with English teacher of hotel accommodation class and by distributing questionnaires to thirty one students grade XI of hotel accommodation class. The result of the first survey indicated that students needed interesting speaking materials to be done and practiced the real hotel management jobs. The second survey was done to get the evaluation and opinion on the designed materials. One of English teachers of hotel accommodation class and two lecturers of English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University were the participants of the second survey. The result of the second survey was used as the basis for the revision and improvement of the designed materials and it was found out that the designed materials were acceptable although there were some revision needed.

To answer the second problem, the researcher presented the designed materials using role play for grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1. There were several sections in the presented units namely: Appetizer, Main Menu and Dessert. It was expected that the materials and activities used will be beneficial for the grade XI students of hotel accommodation class Sewon Vocational School 1 to master speaking skill. The conclusion of this research was that the designed materials were acceptable and can be implemented. The suggestion for further researchers is that they have to pay attention on the time allocation because role play implementation needs long and good preparation.




Rinanti Nur Oktapuri. 2010. Designing A Set of English Speaking Materials Using Role Play for Grade XI Students of Hotel Accommodation Class Sewon Vocational School 1. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Role play merupakan salah satu teknik yang digunakan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris terutama dalam mengajarkan aspek berbicara. Role play memotivasi siswa untuk lebih berani lagi berbicara terlebih lagi di depan umum. Dengan metode role play siswa dilatih untuk memerankan seseorang yang bukan dirinya sendiri dalam suatu peran yang mereka mainkan. Penyusunan skipsi ini ditunjang pula dengan tidak adanya materi khusus yang memang diperuntukkan bagi siswa kelas perhotelan apalagi untuk melatih kemampuan berbicara mereka.

Terdapat dua permasalahan untuk dipecahkan dalam studi ini: 1) bagaimana seperangkat materi pembelajaran bebicara bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan teknik role play bagi siswa akomodasi perhotelan dirancang? dan 2) seperti apakah seperangkat materi tersebut? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, peneliti menggunakan tujuh tahap merancang materi pembelajaran. Ketujuh tahap tersebut diperoleh dengan mengadaptasi Model Rancangan Kemp, Banathy dan Yalden dan tahapan tersebut sejalan dengan siklus penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D) dari Borg dan Gall. Studi ini juga menggunakan teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan role play, kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah menengah kejuruan, ketrampilan berbicara, dan pengajaran yang komunikatif dalam mendesain kegiatan pembelajaran berbicara menggunakan metode role play.

Peneliti malaksanakan dua survey dalam studi ini. Survei kebutuhan yang menjadi survei pertama dilaksanakan kepada seorang guru bahasa Inggris hotel akomodasi kelas XI SMKN 1 Sewon dan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 31 siswa hotel akomodasi kelas 2. Hasil survey pertama menunjukkan bahwa siswa membutuhkan materi pelajaran bebicara yang menarik untuk dilaksanakan, mempelajari peran yang nyata dan yang membantu mereka untuk berani berbicara di depan umum. Survey yang kedua dilaksanakan untuk memperolah evaluasi dan opini mengenai materi pembelajaran yang dirancang. Seorang guru kelas perhotelan dan tiga dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Univeristas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta menjadi peserta dalam survei kedua ini. Hasil survei kedua digunakan untuk revisi dan perbaikan materi pembelajaran yang telah dirancang, hasil menunjukkan bahwa materi yang telah dirancang baik dan diterima walaupun masih diperlukan beberapa revisi.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang kedua, peneliti menyajikan materi pembelajaran yang dirancang untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara para siswa kelas XI SMKN 1 Sewon Bantul. Materi yang dirancang sesuai dengan KTSP dan silabus pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang ditujukan bagi siswa SMK secara umum. Ada beberapa bagian dalam tiap unit materi yang disajikan meliputi: Appetizer, Main Menu dan Dessert. Diharapkan aktivitas-aktivitas yang


digunakan akan bermanfaat bagi siswa hotel akomodasi kelas XI SMKN 1 Sewon Bantul dalam menguasai ketrampilan berbicara. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah materi yang telah didesain diterima dan dapat diimplementasikan. Saran untuk penelitian lebih lanjut adalah supaya mereka lebih memperhatikan alokasi waktu karena implementasi role play memerlukan persiapan yang baik.