Debat bahasa inggris opposition negative

Member of grup 3 (opposition/negative) : Ayuning Tutut Hariyanto
Hidya Ihza Aulia
Santa Hongki .P.P.T.B



: That the inter religion marriage should be
allowed in Indonesia.

We don’t agree with this topic because :
1. We know in Indonesia law already explain about thet the inter religion marriage is
forbidden, anysome law in Indonesia say about the inter religion marriage, and we also
know marriage is most important because marriage to be relevant about human and
being fasten two soul with the religion love and affection. All people certainly have a
target for marriage. We know the target is:
a. Have a child
b. Take care of that forbidden
For the second target , “Take care of that Forbidden” So, how about they are have a

different religion? You know in the law that is forbidden.
2. The inter religion marriage is unlawful of Indonesia. Many humans who marry inter
religion but not thinking about consequences. One of the result is they will be confused
in determining who will be chosen religion. So that it will have an impact on domestic
life in the future.
3. Based on article 28 of paragraph 1, act of 1945 as amended, mention : everyone has the
right to form a family and continue the descent through valid marriage. According to
article 2 paragraph 1 of law No.1 year 1974, mention : marriage as valid if done
according to the law of each religion and beliefs.
Based on the law, confirms the validity of marriage. The marriage submit the decision
to teachings and each of religion. For example, in moslem, a woman should not be
married with man of different religion. Besides, Christian prohibit inter religion

Then registration of marriage in KUA and KPS will be difficult. Status of the child,
according to article 42 law of marriage, legitimate children are children who were born
in or as a result of valid marriage.
Conclusion : According to article 2 paragraph 1 of law No.1 year 1974, mention :
marriage as valid if done according to the law of each religion and beliefs.
Based on the law, confirms the validity of marriage. The marriage submit the decision

to teachings and each of religion. If they do inter religion marriage, there are some
problems such as registration of marriage, status of the child and validity of marriage.
So, we totally disagree that the inter religion marriage should be allowed in Indonesia.