Implikasi REPLIKASI DNA DAN PCR (Polymerase Chain


  Polymerase Chain Reaction) Utut Widyastuti

  What is PCR? What is PCR?

  It was invented in 1983 by Dr. Kary

Mullis, for which he received the Nobel

Prize in Chemistry in 1993.

  PCR is an exponentially progressing synthesis of the defined target DNA sequences in vitro .

  What is PCR? : What is PCR? :

  Why “ Polymerase ” ? Why “ Polymerase ” ?


It is called “polymerase” because the

only enzyme used in this reaction is DNA polymerase.

  What is PCR? : What is PCR? :

  Why “ Chain ” ? Why “ Chain ” ?

  It is called “chain” because the

products of the first reaction become

substrates of the following one, and so on.


  • The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was not a discovery, but rather an invention
  • A special DNA polymerase (Taq) is used to make many copies of a short length of DNA (100-10,000 bp) defined by primers


What PCR Can Do

  • PCR can be used to make many copies of any DNA that is supplied as a template
  • Starting with one original copy an almost infinite number of copies can be made using PCR
  • “Amplified” fragments of DNA can be sequenced, cloned, probed or sized using electrophoresis
  • • Defective genes can be amplified to diagnose any number of


    • Genes from pathogens can be amplified to identify them (ie.


  • Amplified fragments can act as genetic fingerprints

  How PCR Works

  • • PCR is an artificial way of doing DNA

  • Instead of replicating all the DNA present, only a small segment is

    replicated, but this small segment is

    replicated many times
  • As in replication, PCR involves:
    • –Melting DNA
    • –Priming
    • –Polymerization
    Initiation - Forming the Replication Eye

  3’ 5’ 3’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 3’ 3’

  Origin of Replication 5’ 3’ 3’ 5’

  5’ 3’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 3’ 3’ 3’

  Leading Strand Leading Strand Laging Strand Laging Strand 3’

  5’ 3’ 5’

Extension - The Replication Fork

  5’ 5’ 5’ 3’ 3’ 5’ 3’ 3’

  5’ Single strand binding proteins DNA Polymerase Okazaki fragment RNA Primers Primase 5’ 3’ 5’ Helicase

  Functions And Their Associated Enzymes Function Enzyme

  • Melting DNA è Helicase

  è SSB Proteins è Topisomerase

  • Polymerizing è DNA DNA


  • Providing primer è Primase • Joining nicks è Ligase

  Components of a PCR Reaction

  • Buffer (containing Mg )
    • Template DNA
    • • 2 Primers that flank the fragment of

      DNA to be amplified
    • dNTPs
    • Taq DNA Polymerase (or another

      thermally stable DNA polymerase)

  PCR The cycling react ions : There are t hree m aj or st eps in a PCR, w hich are repeat ed for 20 t o 40 cycles. This is done on an aut om at ed Th e r m o Cycle r , w hich can heat and cool t he react ion t ubes in a very short t im e.

  Denat urat ion at around 94°C :

During t he denat urat ion, t he double st rand m elt s open

t o single st randed DNA, all enzym at ic react ions st op ( for exam ple t he ext ension from a previous cycle) .

  Annealing at around 54°C :

Hydrogen bonds are const ant ly form ed and broken

bet w een t he single st randed prim er and t he single st randed t em plat e. I f t he prim ers exact ly fit t he t em plat e, t he hydrogen

bonds are so st rong t hat t he prim er st ays at t ached

Ext ension at around 72°C : The bases ( com plem ent ary t o t he t em plat e) are coupled t o t he prim er on t he 3' side ( t he polym erase adds dNTP's from 5' t o 3', reading t he t em plat e from 3' t o 5' side, bases are added com plem ent ary t o t he t em plat e)

  PCR Exponent ial increase of t he

num ber of copies during PCR PCR


  94 o


  Temperature 100

  5’ 3’

  3’ 5’

50 T i m e



  94 o


  Temperature 100

  3’ 5’

  5’ 3’


50 T i m e


  Temperature 100


  94 o


  5’ 5’

  5’ 3’

  3’ 5’



  72 o

  C Extension

  50 o


  C Annealing

  94 o

50 T i m e




  5’ 5’

  Heat Heat

  5’ 3’

  3’ 5’


  Temperature 100

  72 o


  C Extension

  50 o


  C Annealing

  94 o

  C Melting

  94 o

50 T i m e




  5’ 5’ 5’

  5’ 5’

  5’ 3’

  3’ 5’


  Temperature 100

  72 o


  C Extension

  50 o


  C Annealing

  94 o

  C Melting

  94 o

50 T i m e


  72 o

  Heat Heat


  5’ 5’ 5’

  30x 3’ 5’ 5’ 5’

  Temperature 100


  C Extension


  50 o


  C Annealing

  94 o

  C Melting

  94 o

50 T i m e


  72 o

  5’ 5’ 5’

  5’ 5’

  5’ 5’ 5’

  30x 3’ 5’ 5’ 5’

  Temperature 100


  C Extension


  50 o


  C Annealing

  94 o

  C Melting

  94 o

50 T i m e

  Fragments of defined length PCR



  5’ 5’ 5’

  5’ 5’

  5’ 5’

  30x 3’ 5’ 5’ 3’ 5’ 5’

  Temperature 100

  72 o


  C Extension

  50 o


  C Annealing

  94 o

  C Melting

  94 o

50 T i m e

  Theoretical Yield Of PCR n Theoretical yield = 2 x y

  Where y = the starting number of copies and n = the number of thermal cycles


If you start with 100 copies, how many copies are

made in 30 cycles? n 2 x y

  30 = 2 x 100 = 1,073,741,824 x 100 = 107,374,182,400

  Verification of PCR product


How The Functions Of Replication

Are Achieved During PCR

Function PCR

  • Melting DNA è Heat • Polymerizing è Taq DNA DNA


  • Providing primer è Primers are

  added to the reaction mix

  • Joining nicks è N/A as fragments

  are short

  PCR and Contamination The m ost im port ant considerat ion in PCR is cont am inat ion

Even t he sm allest cont am inat ion wit h DNA could affect am plificat ion

For exam ple, if a t echnician in a crim e lab set up a t est react ion

( wit h blood from t he crim e scene) aft er set t ing up a posit ive cont rol

react ion ( wit h blood from t he suspect ) cross cont am inat ion bet ween

t he sam ples could result in an erroneous incrim inat ion, even if t he t echnician changed pipet t e t ips bet ween sam ples. A few blood cells could volit ilize in t he pipet t e, st ick t o t he plast ic of t he pipet t e, and t hen get ej ect ed int o t he t est sam ple

Modern labs t ake account of t his fact and devot e t rem endous effort

t o avoiding cross- cont am inat ion

  Optimizing PCR protocols PCR ca n be ve r y t r ick y While PCR is a very pow erful t echnique, oft en

enough it is not possible t o achieve opt im um

result s w it hout opt im izing t he prot ocol Crit ical PCR param et ers:

  • - Concent rat ion of DNA t em plat e, nucleot ides,

    divalent cat ions

  2+ ( especially Mg ) and polym erase

  • - Error rat e of t he polym erase ( Taq, Vent exo,


  • Prim er design

  DNA Sequencing Sequencing methods

  • The process of determining the order of the nucleotide bases along a DNA strand is called DNA sequencing
  • In 1977 two separate methods for sequencing DNA were developed: the chain termination method or cycle sequencing (Sanger et al.) and the chemical degradation method or Maxam-Gilbert sequencing

  (Maxam and Gilbert)

  • Both methods were equally popular to begin with, but, for many

    reasons, the cycle sequencing method is the method more commonly

    used today
  • This method is based on the principle that single-stranded DNA molecules that differ in length by just a single nucleotide can be separated from one another using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

  Cycle Sequencing Concept: If we know the distance of each type of base from a known origin, then it is possible to deduce the sequence of the DNA.

  Obt aining t his inform at ion is concept ually quit e sim ple. The idea is t o cause a t erm inat ion of a grow ing DNA chain at a know n base ( A,G,C or T) and at a know n locat ion in t he DNA I n pract ice, chain t erm inat ion is caused by t he inclusion of a sm all am ount of a single dideoxynucleot ide base in t he m ixt ure of all four norm al bases ( e.g. dATP, dTTP, dCTP, dGTP and ddATP) . The sm all am ount of ddATP w ould cause chain t erm inat ion w henever it w ould be incorporat ed int o t he DNA. The incorporat ion of ddATP w ould be random and t hus all possible chains t hat end in 'A' w ill exist .

  Deoxy versus dideoxy


  Teknik Dasar Pengklonan Gen, Bogor 13-24 Nov 2006 DNA synthesis


  Teknik Dasar Pengklonan Gen, Bogor 13-24 Nov 2006 Metode dalam sekuensing:

1. Metode Sanger (1977): prinsip dasar: dideoksi OHÆH

  • P O O


    H H H H O


  A : T H H H H H

  • P O O CH2 H



  G: C Diseoksinukleotida Sintesa berhenti


  Teknik Dasar Pengklonan Gen, Bogor 13-24 Nov 2006

  DNA Sequencing

  The different st eps in cycle sequencing

  DNA Sequencing

  Cycle sequencing chain t erm inat ion lect ure/ lect ure04/ lect m l ht t p: / / w w w .m JWB/ MB409/ Taken from :

  DNA Sequencing The separat ion of t he sequencing fragm ent s

  To measure the sizes of the fragments, each of the four reactions would be loaded into a separate well on a gel, and the fragments would be separated by gel electrophoresis DNA sequencing

  DNA Sequencing

  Sequencing syst em s

  LI COR DNA 4300 ABI 3100


utomated DNA sequencing


  DNA Sequencing

  Snapshot s of t he det ect ion of t he fragm ent s on t he sequencer four- dye syst em single- dye syst em e il f m ra g to a

  DNA Sequencing

  m ro h C

  DNA Sequencing

The linear am plificat ion of t he gene in sequencing Maxam dan Gilbert (1977):

  Prinsip: degradasi struktur kimia DNA 3‘


32 P

  G (A+G) C (C+T) A>C Tambahkan senyawa pendegradasi




  32 P Penghilangann senyawa modifikasi


  32 dan hidrolisa ikatan fosfat dengan

  P ACACTGAAC piperidine

  32 P ACACTGAACGTTCAT pisahkan fragmen dengan elektroforesis

  Gambar 1. Sekuensing dengan metodeMaxam-Gilbert