STS :Sangat Tidak Setuju KS :Kurang Setuju DAFTAR PERNYATAAN - Analisis Pengaruh Suasana Toko (Store Atmosphere) Dan Lokasi Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Di Ramayana Department Store Cabang Buana Plaza Medan

  S : Setuju STS :Sangat Tidak Setuju KS :Kurang Setuju


  Store Atmosphere (X1)

NO Pernyataan SS S KS TS STS

  1 Logo Ramayana Buana Plaza terlihat jelas

  2 Penataan barang-barang dagangan pada Ramayana Buana Plaza terlihat rapi

  3 Pencahayaan pada Ramayana Buana Plaza baik Temperature

  4 ruangan di dalam Ramayana Buana Plaza memberikan kenyamanan anda dalam berbelanja

  5 Fasilitas kamar ganti (kamar pas) Ramayana Buana Plaza memberikan kenyamanan bagi anda

  6 Kebersihan ruangan di dalam Ramayana Buana Plaza baik Lokasi (X2)


NO Pernyataan SS S KS TS STS

  1 Tempat parkir di Ramayana Buana Plaza luas

  2 Jarak Ramayana Buana Plaza dekat dengan pemukiman masyarakat sekitar

  3 Lokasi Ramayana Buana Plaza mudah dicapai dengan transportasi umum

  4 Tempat parkir Ramayana Buana Plaza keamanannya terjamin

  Minat Beli (Y)

NO Pernyataan SS S KS TS STS

  1 Anda memutuskan untuk kembali berbelanja di Ramayana Buana Plaza di hari-hari yang akan datang

  2 Kehadiran Ramayana Buana Plaza menarik minat saya untuk berbelanja secara rutin di Ramayana Buana Plaza

  3 Anda memutuskan untuk berbelanja di Ramayama Buana Plaza karena suasana tokonya yang nyaman

  4 Anda memiliki keinginan untuk segera membeli barang belanjaan di Ramayana Buana Plaza setiap kali berkunjung









































































































































































































  4 Store Atmosphere






























































































































































































  2 X

  3 Lokasi Minat Beli































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  Lampiran 3: Uji Validitas Dan Uji Reliabilitas

Item-Total Statistics

  Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale

  Variance if Item Deleted Corrected

  Item-Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if

  Item Deleted Keterangan P1 47,57 48,461 ,455 ,873 Valid

  P2 48,30 47,666 ,555 ,869 Valid P3 47,83 48,351 ,491 ,872 Valid P5 48,43 46,116 ,509 ,872 Valid P6 48,20 45,752 ,680 ,863 Valid P7 48,33 47,471 ,420 ,876 Valid P8 48,33 47,264 ,488 ,872 Valid P9 47,87 47,982 ,474 ,873 Valid P10 47,87 47,154 ,490 ,872 Valid P11 48,00 48,276 ,532 ,870 Valid P12 48,40 45,697 ,669 ,863 Valid P13 48,40 43,559 ,792 ,856 Valid P14 48,57 45,702 ,557 ,869 Valid


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha

  Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items .878 .879



Coeffi cients



  1 B St d. E rror Unstandardized Coeffic ient s Beta

  St andardiz ed Coeffic ient s t Sig.

  • 1, 273 2,317 -,549 ,584 ,442 ,085 ,462 5,230 ,000 ,327 ,129 ,224 2,528 ,013 (Const ant) At mos phere Lokasi



1. Uji Normalitas

  • ,127 1,266 ,081 N Mean Std. Deviation Normal Parameters

  Sumber: Hasil Pengolahan SPSS, 2015 (data diolah) One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 100 ,0000000

  2,26522698 ,127 ,091

  a,b Absolute Positive Negative Most Extreme

  Differences Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Unstandardiz ed Res idual Test distribution is Normal.


  Calculated from data.


2. Uji HETEROSKEDASTISITAS Re siduals Sta tistics a

  9,9389 17,8804 14,2000 1,61435 100

  • 2, 640 2,280 ,000 1,000 100 ,233 ,761 ,379 ,116 100 9,5583 17,7962 14,2061 1,62493 100
  • 8, 26515 5,32997 ,00000 2,26523 100
  •   St andard E rror of Predic ted V alue Adjust ed P redicted Value Residual St d. Residual St ud. Residual Deleted Residual St ud. Deleted Residual Mahal. Dis tanc e Cook's Dis tanc e Centered Leverage Value Minimum Maximum Mean St d. Deviat ion N

    • 3, 612 2,329 ,000 ,990 100
    • 3, 688 2,449 -,001 1,011
    • 8, 61698 5,89301 -,00609 2,36583 100
    • 3, 956 2,515 -,006 1,033 100 ,037 9,949 1,980 1,926 100 ,000 ,211 ,015 ,036 100 ,000 ,100 ,020 ,019 100 Predic ted V alue St d. P redic ted Value

      Dependent Variable: Minat a.





      Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized

      Coefficients T Sig.

      Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance

      VIF (Constant) -1.273 2.317 -549 .584

    Atmosphere .442 .085 .462 5.230 .000 .875 1.143

    Lokasi -.327 .129 -.224 2.528 .013 .875 1.143

    a. Dependent Variable: Minat Beli


    1. Uji Signifikan Simultan (Uji-F) b ANOV A

      Sum of Model Squares df Mean S quare F Sig. a

      1 Regres sion 258,006 2 129,003 24,633 ,000 Residual

      507,994 97 5,237 Total 766,000 99 a.

      Predic tors: (Constant), Lokasi, A tmosphere

    b. Dependent Variable: Minat

      2. Uji Parsial (Uji-T) a Coeffi cients Unstandardized St andardiz ed Coeffic ient s Coeffic ient s

      Model B St d. E rror Beta t Sig. 1 (Const ant) -1, 273 2,317 -,549 ,584 At mos phere

      ,442 ,085 ,462 5,230 ,000 Lokasi ,327 ,129 ,224 2,528 ,013 a. Dependent Variable: Minat


      3. Koefisien Determinasi (R )


      Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of Model R R Square R Square the Estimate a


    ,580 ,337 ,323 2,28846


      Predictors: (Constant), Lokas i, Atmos phere

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