Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gula Merah dan Konsentrasi Starter Terhadap Mutu Minuman Sinbiotik Sari Buah Sukun


DEVRYNA NEHEMYA : Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gula Merah dan Konsentrasi Starter terhadap
Mutu Minuman Sinbiotik Sari Buah Sukun, dibimbing oleh LINDA MASNIARY LUBIS dan
Pengolahan buah sukun menjadi minuman sinbiotik merupakan salah satu alternatif
diversifikasi pangan dan pengembangan produk pangan fungsional. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi gula merah dan konsentrasi starter terhadap mutu minuman
sinbiotik sari buah sukun dan untuk memperkenalkan hasil olahan minuman sinbiotik sari buah
sukun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua faktor yaitu
konsentrasi gula merah (3%, 7%, 5%, dan 9%) dan konsentrasi starter (2%, 4%, 6%, dan 8%).
Parameter yang dianalisa adalah total asam laktat tertitrasi (%), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), pH,
kadar protein (%), nilai organoleptik warna, aroma, dan rasa, nilai skor kekentalan, dan nilai skor
warna. Pada perlakuan terbaik dianalisa total bakteri asam laktat (Log CFU/g).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi gula merah memberi pengaruh berbeda
sangat nyataterhadap total asam laktat tertitrasi, total padatan terlarut, pH, kadar protein, dan nilai
skor kekentalan dan warna. Konsentrasi starter memberi pengaruh berbeda sangat nyataterhadap
total asam laktat tertitrasi, total padatan terlarut, pH, kadar protein, dan nilai skor kekentalan dan
warna serta berbeda nyataterhadap nilai hedonik rasa. Konsentrasi gula merah (5%) dan
konsentrasi starter (4%) menghasilkan kualitas minuman sinbiotik sari buah sukun yang terbaik
dan lebih dapat diterima.

Kata kunci : sukun, gula merah, starter, minuman sinbiotik.


DEVRYNA NEHEMYA : The Effect of Palm Sugar Concentration and Starter Concentration on
Quality of Sinbiotic Drink From Breadfruit Juices, supervised by LINDA MASNIARY LUBIS
Processing of breadfruit into sinbiotic drink is one alternative of food diversification and
for the development of functional food products. This research was conducted to determine the
effect of palm sugar concentration and starter concentration on quality of sinbiotic drink from
breadfruit juices and to introduce the products of breadfruit juices. This research used a
completely randomized design with two factors, i.e. : palm sugar concentration (3%, 5%, 7%, and
9%) and starter concentration (2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%). Parameters analyzed were total lactic acid
(%), total soluble solid (oBrix), pH, protein content (%), organoleptic values of color, flavor, and
taste, the viscosity score, and the color score. Lactic acid bacteria content (Log CFU/g) was
analyzed of the best product.
The results showed that the palm sugar concentration had highly significant effect on
total lactic acid, total soluble solid, pH, protein content, the viscosity score and the color score.
The concentration of starter had highly significant effect on total lactic acid, total soluble solid,
pH, protein content, the viscosity score and the color score, then had significant effect on hedonic

values of flavor. The concentration of palm sugar (5%) and starter concentration (4%) produced
ithe best and more acceptable sinbiotic drink from breadfruit juices.
Keywords : breadfruit, palm sugar, starter, sinbiotic drink.

Universitas Sumatera Utara