An Error Analysis in Using Direct and Indirect Speech Made Twelfth Year Students of Hospitality Accomodation Program, SMK Raksana 2 Medan

Skripsi berjudul “An Error Analysis in Using Direct and Indirect Speech Made by
Twelfth Year Students of Hospitality Accomodation Program, SMK Raksana 2
Medan” merupakan suatu analisis tentang jenis-jenis kesalahan dan penyebabpenyebab kesalahan yang ditemukan dalam penggunaan kalimat langsung dan
kalimat tidak langsung oleh siswa kelas duabelas jurusan akomodasi perhotelan di
SMK Raksana 2 Medan. Landasan teori-teori yang dipakai adalah teori Jack Richard
(1974) yang menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis kesalahan (kinds of error) dan teori
Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1973) yang menjelaskan tentang penyebab-penyebab
terjadinya kesalahan (causes of error). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode
kuantitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kemampuan para siswa/i
kelas duabelas jurusan akomodasi perhotelan dalam menggunakan kalimat langsung
dan kalimat tidak langsung. Adapun objek penelitian dari skripsi ini adalah diambil
dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang telah dijawab oleh para siswa. Hasil penemuan dari
analisis jenis kesalahan ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat 12.15% omission, 10.24 %
addition, 73.16% misinformation, dan 3.99% misordering. Analisis tentang penyebab
kesalahan meyatakan bahwa terdapat 8.68% overgeneralization, 14.23% ignorance of
rule restriction, 12.15% incomplete of rule restriction, dan 64.93% false concept
hypothesis. Berdasarkan data diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa misinformation
(73.16%) sebagai jenis kesalahan dominan dan false concept hypothesis (64.93%)
sebagai penyebab kesalahan dominan.
Kata kunci: Analisis kesalahan, jenis-jenis kesalahan, penyebab kesalahan.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

This thesis entitled “An Error Analysis in Using Direct and Indirect Speech Made by
Twelfth Year Students of Hospitality Accomodation Program, SMK Raksana 2
Medan” is an analysis about the kinds of error and causes of error which found in the
using of direct and direct speech made by the twelfth year students of hospitality
accommodation program in SMK Raksana 2 Medan. It used the Jack Richard (1974)
theory which explained about kinds of error and Dulay, Burt, and Krashen’s (1973)
theory which explained about causes of error. This research used qualitative method.
Aim of this study is to measure the ability of the twelfth year students of hospitality
accommodation program in using direct and indirect speech. The object of the study
in the discussion of this thesis is taken from the questions which are given to the
students. The findings of kinds of error there were 12.15% omission, 10.24 %
addition, 73.16% misinformation, and 3.99% misordering. The causes of error shown
8.68% overgeneralization, 14.23% ignorance of rule restriction, 12.15% incomplete
of rule restriction, and 64.93% false concept hypothesis. Based on the data above, the
writer concluded that the dominant kinds of error was misinformation (73.16%) and
the dominant causes of error was false concept hypothesis (64.93%).

Key words: Error analysis, kinds of errors, causes of errors.

Universitas Sumatera Utara