An Analysis Of Code Choice Found Among Case Education Staffs


Skripsi ini berjudul “ An Analysis of Code Choice Found Among CaSE
Education Staffs” membahas mengenai pemilihan kode antara Bahasa Indonesia dan
Bahasa Inggris yang terjadi dalam percakapan sehari-hari yang dilakukan staff CaSE
Education ketika bekerja. Skripsi ini terdiri dari 5(lima) bab, yaitu: bab I mengenai
pendahuluan yang membahas tentang latar belakang, batasan masalah, permasalahan,
tujuan penulisan dan manfaat penulisan. Bab II membahas tentang teori-teori tentang
sociolinguistics, speech community,bilingualism, code mixing and code switching.

Bab III membahas metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan. Bab IV mengenai hasil
analisis tentang penggunaan pilihan kode bahasa yang dilakukan staff CaSE
Education. Bab V merupakan hasil kesimpulan dan saran untuk pembaca. Penulis
menggunak metode deskriptif kualitati. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis
meggunakan metode field research dengan mengobservasi langsung melalui
rekaman dan mencatat hal-hal penting yang menjadi bagian penting dalam proses
pengumpulan data. Sample yang diteliti oleh penulis adalah staffs adminitrasi CaSE
Education yang terdiri dari dua orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sejak Maret –
Agustus 20114. Berdasarkan masalah yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini penulis
menemukan tipe alih kode dan campur kode, tipe kode yang paling dominan, dan
alasan sample melakukan campur ataupun alih kode.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


This thesis “An Analysis of Code Choice Found Among CaSE Education
Staffs” is about code changing between Bahasa Indonesia and English happened
among CaSE Eduction Staffs in their daily conversation at work. This thesis consist
of 5 chapters: Chapters I, discusses about the background, the scope, the problems,
the objective and the significance of study In chapter II, the writer discusses theories
about sociolingustics, s peech community,bilingualism, code mixing and code
switching. Chapter III contains the method of research that the writer used for this
analysis. Chapter IV, is about the result of the analysis about code choice among
CaSE Education staffs. In chapter V, it contains the conclusion and suggestion for
the readers. The writer used descriptive qualitative method. In the term of collecting
data, the writer used field research method by way of direct observation (participant
observation) by recording the conversations and took notes for the essentials points
in process of collecting the data. Sample under study is the admin staffs of CaSE
Education. Data collection was conducted from March – August 2014 . according to
the problems of study in this thesis the writer found the types of code mixing and

code choice that the samples used in their daly conversation at work, which types is
dominantly used and the reasons why they change their codes in their daily
conversation at work.

Universitas Sumatera Utara