Andy Dufresne`s reaction toward his being unfairly treated as seen in stephen king`s Rita Hayworth and shawshank redemption.



Daru Kurniawan (2007). Andy Dufresnes Reactions toward His Being Unfairly Treated as Seen in Stephen King’s RITA HAYWORTH and SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. English Language Education Study Program. Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis discusses Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, a novella written by Stephen King. This novella describes the life of Andy Dufresne, a thirty – year old man who is the main character in this novella. He is put in jail because he is accused of killing his wife and her lover. In jail he is faced with the unfair situation conducted and created by both the prisoners and the wardens there.

The objective of this study is to show one’s life struggle for being unfairly treated as seen in that of Andy Dufresne, the main character of Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. In order to achieve it, there are two problems discussed in this study: “How is Andy Dufresne described in the novella?” and “How does Andy Dufresne reaction to his experience of being unfairly treated in the novella?”

I applied library study to get the data and other related sources. I also used additional information, which I gained from the internet. There are two sources I used in this study. The primary source is taken from the novella itself. The secondary sources are taken from several books on literature and psychology and sources on the author from the internet. The approach used in this study is Psychological Approach.

There are two findings of this study. Firstly, Andy Dufresne, the main character in the novella, is characterized as good looking, persuasive, calm, honest, optimistic, persistent, introvert, tough, independent, crafty, and manipulative. Secondly, Andy’s struggle begins when he attends the session in the court. He takes his own defence.

Andy is put in jail because he is accused of killing his wife and her lover. Here, he also experiences being unfairly treated. First, he gets trouble with “the sister”, a gang of homosexual prisoners. They see Andy as their perfect prey. The second is from the guards. In one occasion Andy was almost killed by the wardens because he tried to help one of the wardens using his financial ability. The third is his attempt to escape from Shawshank. Andy’s plan to get free from the jail is not detected by the warden. Finally, he gets free from Shawshank and makes his dream come true.

From this study, I recommend that further researchers discuss Red’s role in Andy’s life. In this study, I also suggest that the novella is used as the material for teaching Reading and Speaking in the English Language Education Study Program.



Daru Kurniawan (2007). Andy Dufresne’s Reactions toward His Being Unfairly Treated as Seen in Stephen King’s RITA HAYWORTH and SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini mengulas tentang Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, sebuah novela yang ditulis oleh Stephen King. Novela ini menceritakan tentang kehidupan Andy Dufresne, seorang pria berusia tiga puluh tahun sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel ini. Dia di penjara karena dituduh membunuh istri dan selingkuhannya. Dalam penjara ia menghadapi situasi tidak adil yang dilakukan dan diperbuat baik oleh para narapidana maupun sipir penjara.

Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk memperlihatkan perjuangan hidup seseorang yang diperlakukan tidak adil yang nampak pada diri Andy Dufresne, karakter utama pada novel Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption karya Stephen King. Oleh karena itu ada dua masalah yang dibahas dalam skripsi in: “Bagaimanakah Andy Dufresne digambarkan dalam novela tersebut?” dan “Bagaimana reaksi Andy Dufresne terhadap perlakuan tidak adil terhadapnya dalam novela tersebut?”

Saya menggunakan penelitian perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan data-data dan sumber-sumber yang bersangkutan. Saya juga menggunakan informasi tambahan yang saya peroleh melalui internet. Ada dua sumber yang saya gunakan dalam penulisan ini. Sumber utama diambil dari novela itu sendiri. Sumber kedua diambil dari beberapa buku tentang kesusastraan dan psikologi dan sumber-sumber tentang penulis novel tersebut dari internet. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah Pendekatan Psikologi.

Ada dua temuan dari penulisan ini. Yang pertama adalah Andy Dufresne sebagai tokoh utama dalam novela digambarkan sebagai seseorang yang tampan, berkeyakinan, tenang, jujur, optimis, gigih, tertutup, kuat, mandiri, terampil, dan mampu memanipulasi. Kedua, mengenai reaksi Andy terhadap perlakuan tidak adil terhadapnya. Perjuangannya dimulai ketika dia menjalani peradilan. Dia berjuang sendirian tanpa didampingi pengacara.

Pada akhirnya ia dipenjara karena dituduh membunuh istri dan selingkuhannya. Di dalam pejara ia juga mendapat perlakuan yang tidak baik dari narapidana lainnya. Pertama, dia mendapat masalah dari ’The Sister’ sebuah geng yang beranggotakan narapidana homoseksual. Mereka menganggap Andy sebagai korban yang sempurna untuk dicabuli. Yang kedua dari sipir penjara. Dalam sebuah kesempatan ia hampir dibunuh oleh sipir-sipir penjara karena dia mencoba menolong salah seorang sipir dengan ilmu keuangan yang ia miliki. Yang ketiga adalah percobaannya untuk melarikan diri dari Shawshank. Rencana Andy untuk lolos dari penjara tidak terditeksi oleh sipir-sipir penjara. Pada akhirnya ia berhasil melarikan diri dari Shawshank dan membuat impiannya menjadi nyata

Dari penulisan ini saya menganjurkan terhadap peneliti selanjutnya untuk menganalisa peran Red didalam hidup Andy. Dalam penulisan ini, saya juga



menggunakan novela tersebut sebagai bahan pengajaran Membaca dan Berbicara di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.






Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By: Daru Kurniawan










First of all, I would like thank Jesus Christ for His blessings, love, and affections. I also thank Him for giving me the strength to finish my thesis. With His companion, I could finish my thesis. To my Father and Mother I just want to say “thank you for praying days and nights for my success and I am so proud to be their son.” I would like to express my gratitude to all who have helped me do this thesis with their love, support, and prayers. My deepest gratitude goes to Drs. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D, as my major sponsor, who generously devoted his time to guide me, read and improve my thesis.

Moreover, I would like also to thank my friends in PBI ‘02, especially the B class, Adest, Linda, Ajeng, Pao-pao, Arin, Rina, Ayu, Woro, Cipluk, Santi, Wulan, Genjik, Dani, Chies, Rumi, Lisa, for filling my days in class with their smiles, laughs, and cares. I would like to thank my friends in other classes, Micko, Galih, Haryana, Niken, Ruri ‘Mambo’, Ila, Ari, Wawan, for the support and happiness.

Next, I would like to thank my sister’s family, M’bak DePe, Mas Tantyo, Dik Jepun’ for their prayers and support to finish my thesis. I would also like to express my gratitude to Pungki Setyaningsih for her jokes, laughs, cares, love, and ‘craziness’. She is my spirit in finishing this thesis.



Last but not least, I thank the lecturers and secretary staffs of PBI and the library staffs who have helped me during my study in Sanata Dharma University.













CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Objectives of the Study... 3

C. Problem Formulation... 4

D. Benefits of the Study... 4

E. Definition of Terms... 5

CHAPTER II: THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Review of Related to Literature... 7

1. Theory of Character... 7

2. Theory of Characterization... 9

3. Theory of Approaches... 12

B. Theory of Psycology……... 14

1. Theory of Motivation and Behaviour... 14

2. Theory of Psychoanalysis... 19



b. The Ego……….. 20

c. The Superego………. 21

3. Theory of Social Influence on One’s Behaviour... 21

a. The behaviour and characteristics of other persons... 22

b. Social cognition... 22

c. Ecological variables... 22

d. The social – cultural context in which the social behaviour occurs... 22

e. Aspects of ones biological nature relevant to social behaviour... 23

C. Criticism... 23

D. Context of the Novella... 27

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Subject Matter... 31

B. Approach... 32

C. Procedures... 33

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS A. Andy Dufresne’s Characterization... 34

B. The Analysis on Andy’s Reaction towards His Being Unfairly Treated... 42

1. In the Court... 42

2. In the Prison... 45


B. Suggestions... 55 1. Suggestion for the Further Study on Rita Hayworth and Shawshank



Redemption... 55 2. Suggestion for Teaching – Learning Activity Using Rita Hayworth

and Shawshank Redemption... 55




APPENDIX 2: Written Works………. 68


APPENDIX 4: Summary of Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption……. 75




APPENDIX 8: Sample of Instructional Material for Reading Class…………... 87




Daru Kurniawan (2007). Andy Dufresnes Reactions toward His Being Unfairly Treated as Seen in Stephen King’s RITA HAYWORTH and SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. English Language Education Study Program. Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis discusses Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, a novella written by Stephen King. This novella describes the life of Andy Dufresne, a thirty – year old man who is the main character in this novella. He is put in jail because he is accused of killing his wife and her lover. In jail he is faced with the unfair situation conducted and created by both the prisoners and the wardens there.

The objective of this study is to show one’s life struggle for being unfairly treated as seen in that of Andy Dufresne, the main character of Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. In order to achieve it, there are two problems discussed in this study: “How is Andy Dufresne described in the novella?” and “How does Andy Dufresne reaction to his experience of being unfairly treated in the novella?”

I applied library study to get the data and other related sources. I also used additional information, which I gained from the internet. There are two sources I used in this study. The primary source is taken from the novella itself. The secondary sources are taken from several books on literature and psychology and sources on the author from the internet. The approach used in this study is Psychological Approach.

There are two findings of this study. Firstly, Andy Dufresne, the main character in the novella, is characterized as good looking, persuasive, calm, honest, optimistic, persistent, introvert, tough, independent, crafty, and manipulative. Secondly, Andy’s struggle begins when he attends the session in the court. He takes his own defence.

Andy is put in jail because he is accused of killing his wife and her lover. Here, he also experiences being unfairly treated. First, he gets trouble with “the sister”, a gang of homosexual prisoners. They see Andy as their perfect prey. The second is from the guards. In one occasion Andy was almost killed by the wardens because he tried to help one of the wardens using his financial ability. The third is his attempt to escape from Shawshank. Andy’s plan to get free from the jail is not detected by the warden. Finally, he gets free from Shawshank and makes his dream come true.

From this study, I recommend that further researchers discuss Red’s role in Andy’s life. In this study, I also suggest that the novella is used as the material for teaching Reading and Speaking in the English Language Education Study Program.



Daru Kurniawan (2007). Andy Dufresne’s Reactions toward His Being Unfairly Treated as Seen in Stephen King’s RITA HAYWORTH and SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini mengulas tentang Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, sebuah novela yang ditulis oleh Stephen King. Novela ini menceritakan tentang kehidupan Andy Dufresne, seorang pria berusia tiga puluh tahun sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel ini. Dia di penjara karena dituduh membunuh istri dan selingkuhannya. Dalam penjara ia menghadapi situasi tidak adil yang dilakukan dan diperbuat baik oleh para narapidana maupun sipir penjara.

Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk memperlihatkan perjuangan hidup seseorang yang diperlakukan tidak adil yang nampak pada diri Andy Dufresne, karakter utama pada novel Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption karya Stephen King. Oleh karena itu ada dua masalah yang dibahas dalam skripsi in: “Bagaimanakah Andy Dufresne digambarkan dalam novela tersebut?” dan “Bagaimana reaksi Andy Dufresne terhadap perlakuan tidak adil terhadapnya dalam novela tersebut?”

Saya menggunakan penelitian perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan data-data dan sumber-sumber yang bersangkutan. Saya juga menggunakan informasi tambahan yang saya peroleh melalui internet. Ada dua sumber yang saya gunakan dalam penulisan ini. Sumber utama diambil dari novela itu sendiri. Sumber kedua diambil dari beberapa buku tentang kesusastraan dan psikologi dan sumber-sumber tentang penulis novel tersebut dari internet. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah Pendekatan Psikologi.

Ada dua temuan dari penulisan ini. Yang pertama adalah Andy Dufresne sebagai tokoh utama dalam novela digambarkan sebagai seseorang yang tampan, berkeyakinan, tenang, jujur, optimis, gigih, tertutup, kuat, mandiri, terampil, dan mampu memanipulasi. Kedua, mengenai reaksi Andy terhadap perlakuan tidak adil terhadapnya. Perjuangannya dimulai ketika dia menjalani peradilan. Dia berjuang sendirian tanpa didampingi pengacara.

Pada akhirnya ia dipenjara karena dituduh membunuh istri dan selingkuhannya. Di dalam pejara ia juga mendapat perlakuan yang tidak baik dari narapidana lainnya. Pertama, dia mendapat masalah dari ’The Sister’ sebuah geng yang beranggotakan narapidana homoseksual. Mereka menganggap Andy sebagai korban yang sempurna untuk dicabuli. Yang kedua dari sipir penjara. Dalam sebuah kesempatan ia hampir dibunuh oleh sipir-sipir penjara karena dia mencoba menolong salah seorang sipir dengan ilmu keuangan yang ia miliki. Yang ketiga adalah percobaannya untuk melarikan diri dari Shawshank. Rencana Andy untuk lolos dari penjara tidak terditeksi oleh sipir-sipir penjara. Pada akhirnya ia berhasil melarikan diri dari Shawshank dan membuat impiannya menjadi nyata

Dari penulisan ini saya menganjurkan terhadap peneliti selanjutnya untuk menganalisa peran Red didalam hidup Andy. Dalam penulisan ini, saya juga



menggunakan novela tersebut sebagai bahan pengajaran Membaca dan Berbicara di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.




This chapter consists of five sections. The first section is the Background of the Study, which covers reasons of choosing the novel and the topic. The second section talks about the Objectives of the Study to answer the problem formulation. The third one concerns with Problem Formulation, which gives general description of the problem that will be analysed in this study. The fourth one describes the benefits of the study. And the last part, Definition of Term, talks about the terms used in this study.

A. Background of the Study

Fiction is a work that is created by a person called an author. Usually an author or writer writes a fiction based on his or somebody else’s experience. In the process of making the novel, the author is influenced by the intellectual and emotional sides of his life, or his outer world. Koesnosoebroto states that life experiences which influences the writer is anything outside and inside himself which are; people, nature, man-made objects, other people ideas, knowledge and also his feelings and intellectual activities (10).

Literary works give more than pleasure and enjoyment for readers. Reading literary work can enrich our knowledge or understanding of ourselves and our lives (Little 1). Literature is a reflection and imitation of human life. Inside the literary works lies something that the readers or people have to realize. It is used by the author to send some messages to the readers, it can be a criticism


or protest against something. The message can also teach the readers or people about morality. Most of the literary works bring a story about human life, including its problems. There are some problems typically found in literary works, such as social problems and personal problems.

Readers of a novel may get values after reading the novel since it is a reflection of life. The reader can get such a deeper understanding on the background of the novel, which is the character’s attitude toward any idea that is believed and practised the story. The characters in a novel may not actual human beings; they are created to be close to actual human beings or in other words, they are drawn from life so that these characters are understandable for the readers.

Through this study the researcher is going to discuss a character’s struggle for being unfairly treated by other characters in a novel. A novel is a kind of fiction. A fiction is a story about characters and work of imagination. According to Koesnosoebroto, prose fiction is an imaginative literature that is not meant to be judged by the usual standards of truth and falsity (9).

I chose one of the novellas from Different Seasons novel written by Stephen King, entitled Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. This novella is very interesting in three ways. First is about the author, Stephen Edwin King. He was born in Portland, Maine in 1947, the second son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. Stephen made his first professional short story tale (“The Glass Floor”) to Starling Mystery Stories in 1967. Stephen King is known as a horror writer. But here, he wrote a story about friendship and people struggle. The second is about the story of Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The


story begins in 1948 when Andy Dufresne arrives at Shawshank prison. In contrast, he is not a hardened criminal but a soft-spoken banker who is convicted killing his wife and her lover. Like everyone in Shawshank, he claims to be innocent. Red, the narrator of the story, is known as the guy who can get stuff. He also gets unfairly treated by both the guards and the other prisoners. In the Shawshank, Andy gets some troubles that threaten his life. Therefore, he struggles to keep alive and avoid getting more troubles and the more important is to get free from Shawshank. The third is about the main character’s struggle. Here, the readers can see the main character, Andy Dufresne, struggling to live as a result for being unfairly treated by the other characters in the story. First, he has to defend his own in the court session. After that, he also finds other problems that must be solved in his live in prison until he escapes from the prison.

As a result, from those three ways, I am interested to analyze the novella mainly about the main character’s struggle to live, the second way. In order to understand more about the novella I also watch its movie as the secondary sources to analyze the novella.

B. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are to describe the main character, Andy Dufresne, in the novella and to show one’s life struggle for being unfairly treated as seen in Andy Dufresne, the main character of Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.


C. Problem Formulation

From the background and objective of the study stated above, some problems appear. The problems of the study are formulated as follows:

1. How is Andy Dufresne described in the novella?

2. How does Andy Dufresne react to his experiences of being unfairly treated in the novella?

D. Benefits of the Study

The study of the Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption hopefully helps readers’ especially English Language Education Study Program students understand one of the Stephen King’s works, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.Expectantly, this study gives more ideas about the main character’s, Andy Dufresne, life struggle because of the other characters’ behaviour.

This study is expected to give contribution to this field of study, that is to understand more about literary work especially Stephen King’s work, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. Through this study, the readers can get some lessons on how to survive for being unfairly treated in their own surrounding life. Therefore, the main character’s (Andy Dufresne) experience can be learned by the readers who deal with their own struggle. At the end, the suggestions for the implementation of the novella to English learning activity are presented. Expectantly, it will enrich teachers’ materials in teaching English to develop teaching learning activities. Moreover, after reading this study, the teachers can conduct a lesson using this study.


This study also enrich my knowledge about the author’s work, especially Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, and his style on writing a story. Moreover, I also get the moral lessons from the story which teaches us about friendship and struggle.

E. Definition of Terms

This section deals with the words and terms used in this study. Therefore, there will not be any misunderstanding when reading this study. The terms of the study are described as follows:

1. Character

According to Barnett (71), character has two meanings. The first one is a figure in a literary work, and the second is the personality, the mental and moral qualities of a figure. In writing about character the author will write about character’s character (personality, traits). Meanwhile, Abrams (20) says that characters are the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say (dialogue) and by what they do (the action). In this study character means the person presented in a literary work that has personality, moral qualities, and disposition qualities that are expressed in the dialogue and the action.


2. Characterization

Characterization is the way to create imaginary person so that they exist for the readers as life like (Holman and Harmon 81). The use of this characterization is to describe the characters traits.

3. Novella

Novella is a fictional tale in prose, intermediate in length and complexity between a short story and a novel, and usually concentrating on a single event or chain of events, with surprising turning point (, accessed on 19 November 2007, 01:25 pm). In this study Novella means a narrative work of prose fiction longer than a short story but shorter than a novel. 4. Personality

According to Allport in Hjelle and Ziegler (284), “personality” is the dynamic of organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristics behaviour and thought.




This chapter discusses the theories that are used to analyze the topic of this study. This chapter is divided into four sections, namely Review of Related to Literature, Theory of Psychology, Criticism, and Context of the Novel.

A. Review of Related to Literature 1. Theory of Character

According to Abrams, in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms, states that character are “the person presented in a narrative or dramatic work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expected in what they say – the dialogue – and by what they do – the action” (23). Thus, characters are the people who appear in the story and who have moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities as seen from what they do and what they say.

Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. state that “characters have an important role in a story since … in the experience on the story by sharing imaginatively the feelings or the activities of the characters in the story” (19). In other words, a character has the significant function in the story since it helps the readers to join in the experience on the story by sharing the characters feelings and activities in the story.


Forster states that there are two kinds of character, flat and round character. A flat character is simple and there is not much individualizing detail in this character (74). Forster calls this kind of character flat because the readers see only one side of him. Round character is complex in temperament and motivation and is represented with subtle particularity. Therefore, it is difficult to describe this kind of character. This character is more or less the same with a person in real life and has the capability of surprising us.

From those Forster’s statement in differentiating characters, the main point is that the character can be recognized from their complexity. A flat character usually is not complex in the sense that there is not much traits or individualizing details in him. Therefore, the readers can easily recognize this character. It is different with the round character. A round character is more complex. Sometimes, this character changed into someone that we do not expected before.

Kennedy and Gioia state that “flat characters tend to stay the same throughout the story but round character often change – learn or become enlightened, grow or deteriorate”. Or in other words, flat characters do not change their traits throughout the story. While round characters can develop themselves and change into someone else during the story (61).

Character can also be defined into other terms. There are major or central character and minor character. According to Stanton (17), central character is “the character who is relevant to every event in the story, usually the events cause some changes either in him or in our attitudes to him.” Major characters


are taking important role in a novel and become the central of the story in a novel. This statements supported by Henkle as he defines major character as the character who appears from the beginning till the end of the story and the readers give all their attention because the character has the key of structural function, toward the character the readers build expectations and desires. In other words, major or central character often makes the readers give their attention to them from the beginning to the end of the story since they become the important figure in every event in the novel or story (87 – 89).

Minor character performs more limited function in the story. They maybe less focused by the reader. Their responses to the experience are less complex and important (Henkle 87 – 89). Minor characters usually do not appear frequently. Therefore, these characters get less attention from the readers.

2. Theory of Characterization a. Definition of Characterization

The process by which an author creates a character is called characterization. Characterization is an important element in a novel. Murphy (161) states that characterization is “the way in which an author attempts to make his characters understandable to, and come alive for, his readers.” This statement, supported by Holman and Harmon in their book A Handbook to Literature, points out that “the term characterization itself is understood as the creation of the imaginary persons so that they exist for the readers as lifelike” (81). In other words, characterization is the way the


author shows and tries to make his characters alive and understandable for the readers as a lifelike.

b. Ways of Characterizing

According to Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. (20), there are two principal ways that can be used by an author to characterize his characters; they are direct means (the author use description of physical appearances, intellectual, and moral attributes, or the degree of character sensitivity) and dramatic means (the author places his character in certain situations to show who they really are by how they behave or speak).

Murphy (161 – 173) provides nine ways of describing characters in a story. Those are described as follows:

1) Personal description

A character described through the details of his physical appearance such as face, skin, body, clothes, and hair cut.

2) Character as seen by another

The author illustrates the person’s character from the point of view of another character or person.

3) Speech

The readers may interpret or describe a character from what his says.


4) Past life

The author gives a clue to events, which happened in the character’s past life, that shape a person’s character through direct comment, the readers thought, or conversation through the medium of another person.

5) Conversation of others

The reader would know the person’s character through the conversation of the people and the things they say about the person.

6) Reaction

Reaction is given by the author to show how the character reacts toward various situation and events as a way to describe the character.

7) Direct comment

The author gives the character’s character directly. 8) Thought

The author gives a clue about a character’s character through what the character thinking about.

9) Mannerism

Mannerism is the way the author tells about a character through the description of the character’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies.


3. Theory of Approaches

According to Marry Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods, Jr. (6 -15) there are five approaches that are used in analyzing a literary work. They are the formalist approach, the sociocultural – historical approach, the mythopoeic approach, and the psychological approach. The description of each approach will be stated as follows;

a. The Formalist Approach

This approach tries to examine the literary work about the reference to the fact of the author’s life without reference to the genre of the work or its place in the development of the genre or in literary history, or without reference to its social milieu. The formalist approach concerns demonstrating the harmonious involvement of all the parts to the whole and with the pointing out how meaning derived from structure and how matters of technique determine structure (6 – 7).

b. The Biographical Approach

This approach takes us to the necessity for an appreciation of the ideas and the personality of the author to an understanding of the literary object. The proponents of the biographical approach insist that a work of art is a reflection of a personality that is the aesthetic experience the reader shares the author’s consciousness. And that at least part of the reader’s response is to the author personality. The readers try to learn as much as they can about


their life and development of the author and to apply this knowledge in their attempt to understand his writing (8).

c. The Sociocultural – Historical Approach

The sociocultural – historical approach leads the readers to analyze a novel in reference to the civilization that produces the novel. Civilization is defined as the attitudes and actions of a specific group of people. Meanwhile, it is necessary to investigate the social milieu, the cultural and the historical background in which a novel is created (9)

d. The Mythopoeic Approach

Using the mythopoeic approach, the readers analyze the novel by trying to discover certain universally recurrent patterns or a human thought. The universally recurrent patterns are those that found first expression in ancient myth or folk rites and are also basic to human thought that they have meaning for all man (11). e. The Psychological Approach

This approach brings us to analyze a novel from point of view of human beings. Freud’s exploration of unconscious area of the human mind led him to the conclusion that it was the area of the wellspring of man’s rich imagination, his capacity for creation, and the complexity of his thought and behaviour, and that the contents of this region of mind found expression in symbolic words, thoughts, and actions. Through the analysis of the structure


and content of the dreams, he was led to believe that there exists a set of symbols which are common to all men and which can be interpreted in light of the individual’s experience (13).

B. Theory of Psychology

This part discusses the psychological sides of the main character, particularly which are related to the theory of motivation and behaviour. This is the significant thing that I need to make the analysis of the novel.

1. Theory of Motivation and Behaviour

People do something that they consider as a good way in order to survive in this life. However, they conduct the behaviour, whether is good or not, for them. They will keep on struggling. In doing a certain thing, there must be motivations under laying their actions.

There are many definitions of motivation given by different psychologists. According to Bootzin, et. al, (367) motive is “the dynamic property of behaviour that gives it organization ever time and that defines its end states”. The “corresponding” process of the motive is called “motivation” (367). Bootzin, et. al also add that a person behaviour is “organized”. Therefore, we can say that the behaviour is conducted by some “purpose and it leads to some end states, which may be goal or satisfaction of needs” (367).


Motivation can be stimulated either from external condition which is called “incentives” or from internal condition which is called “drives” (368). It is also stated that motivation which is caused by external rewards is called “extrinsic” motivation. While the one which is caused by the individual’s established preference is called “intrinsic” motivation (383).

According to John Jung, in his book Understanding Human Motivation, the basic serial nature of the human condition is well captured in the immortal lines of John Donne: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the piece of the continent”. It means that every human being are highly dependent on the protection and nurturance of other human in order to survive physically. Throughout life, one finds oneself in one association or another with other people (190).

Based on those statements above, the tendency to associate is inherent in the nature of human needs. Human being can not survive without any assistance from others. Human being’s early experience teaches them that affiliation with other human is a positive situation. Therefore, the negative early social interactions may lead to a basic mistrust of others in later years.

Most people enjoy and seek acquaintances from other. Human affiliate not only because they need other people but because human hope that others will reciprocate by accepting, liking, and seeking our presence. On the other words, if no one is attracted to us or calls upon us for help or


companionship, our self – concepts may suffer depression. People enjoy being popular and being liked by others.

Human’s behaviour is heavily influenced by the approval or disapproval of others. Indeed, many actions are deliberately selected to enhance the receipt of social approval. Although the search for social is not identical with the needs of affiliation, a close relationship may exist. In fact, one consequence of the need for social approval may be affiliation, and it is possible that the continuation of an affiliation depends on whether or not social approval comes (190 – 193).

Handoko in his book Motivasi Daya Penggerak Tingkah Laku states another definition of motivation. He says “motivasi adalah suatu tenaga atau faktor yang terdapat di dalam diri manusia, yang

menimbulkan, mengarahkan, dan mengorganisasikan tingkah lakunya”.

(A motivation is a power or factor inside the human’s trait, which is able to arouse, to lead, and to organize human behaviour itself. Handoko also states the word “motive” suggest to “drive”). He says “suatu alasan/dorongan yang menyebabkan seseorang berbuat

sesuatu/melakukan tindakan/bersikap tertentu” (9) (motive is a reason or

drive which causes human to conduct or do something or act out certain behaviour).

In motivation, it can be found motive and needs. Motive and needs stimulate a person to do something which what we called motivation. The


needs are interrelated. It means that “if a person who thinks he is hungry may actually feel lack of love or security of some other need”. On the other hand, a person satisfies, or tries to satisfy hunger needs by other activities such as smoking or drinking water. According to Maslow, human being is “wanting animal”. People always require and desire something. People seldom gain “a state of complete satisfaction except for a short time. As one desire is satisfied, another will pop up to take its place” (39). There are seven needs arranged in the form of a pyramid, with the most basic or primary needs at the bottom.

The explanation of each is as follows: a. The Psychological Needs

These needs are the most basic level of all the needs and this also the most important needs for physical survival. Those are biological needs such as food, water, oxygen, sex, sleep (38). These needs must be fulfilled before fulfilling the next higher needs.

b. The Safety Needs

These needs represent a need for safety or security in environment. A person needs the safety to grow, to feel secure and to be out of danger (Handoko 20). This level is more likely to be found in children as they have a greater need to feel secured.


c. The Belongings and Love Needs

When the psychological needs and the safety needs are satisfied, the needs for love, affection, and belongings also emerge. In fact, people require both receiving love from another and giving love to another. According to Maslow, “love involves a healthy, loving relationship between two people, which includes mutual trust” (41).

d. The Esteem Needs

According to Maslow there are two kinds of esteem needs. They are self respect and esteem from other people. A person who has self – esteem is more productive. “When self esteem is absence, the individual has feelings of inferiority and helplessness, which may result in discouragement and possible neurotic behaviour” (42). This statement supported by Petri, in his book, Motivation: Theory and Research, states that the first needs motivates a person “to strive for achievement, strength, confidence, independence, and freedom. While the needs of esteem from others “involves a desire for reputation, status, recognition, appreciation by others of one’s abilities, and feeling importance” (304).

e. Self – Actualization Needs

These needs are to find self – fulfilment and realize one’s potential of a person. “What a man can be, he must be“. Maslow states this needs as “the desires to become more and more what one is, to


become everything that one is capable of becoming. This need emerges after reasonable satisfaction of the love and the esteem needs” (42).

f. The Desire to Know and to Understand

“A character of mental health is curiosity”. Maslow also says that, “this process has been phrased by some as the search for meaning. We shall postulate a desire to understand, to systematize, to organize, to analyze, to looks for relations and meanings, to construct a system values” (43).

g. The Aesthetic Needs

The aesthetic needs are related to one’s self image. Maslow says, “People have an instinctual, or instinctoid, need for beauty’s beauty helps one to be healthier” (44).

2. Theory of Psychoanalysis

Rohrberger and Woods say that, “the modern psychological movement received its greatest impetus from Freud” (13 – 14). They state Freud’s theory about psychoanalysis. Freud explores that, “the unconscious area of human mind is the area of man’s rich imagination, his capacity for creation, the complexity of his thought and behaviour” (13).

Hall and Lindzey in Theories of Personality, quotes Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis, namely, “a person’s personality is made up of three


major systems, the id, the ego, and the superego” (22 – 26). The explanation of each system is as follows:

a. The Id

The Id is the original system of personality. It is the matrix which differentiates the ego and the superego. The Id consists of everything psychological that is present of birth. If the Id experiences the increases of energy or uncomfortable states of tension, it will discharge the tension immediately and return the organism’s low energy level. The Id is considered as the unconscious part of the person’s personality.

b. The Ego

The ego is formed as the results of the organism needs for appropriate transactions with the objective world of reality and known as the conscious part of a person’s personality. It distinguishes between things in the mind and things in the external world. The ego itself the organized portion of the Id and it exists to forward the aims of the Id.

In Psychology of the Child written by Watson and Lindgren, the Id’s aim is the gratification of its impulses with no sense of morality, logic or unity of purpose. The major function of the Id is to provide free uninhibited discharge of energy. The ego never becomes completely independent of the Id (46).


c. The Superego

The superego is the moral part of personality, which represents the ideal which strives for perfection rather than the real. It is interpreted to the child by his parents which is enforced by means of a system of rewards and punishment which final purpose is to meet the ideals of society.

The three main functions of the superego are to inhibit the impulses of the Id, to persuade the ego to substitute moralistic goals for realistic ones and to strive for perfection.

The personality normally functions as a whole rather than as three separate segments. The readers may consider the Id as the biological component of personality, the ego as the psychological component and the superego as the social component.

3. Theory of Social Influence on One’s Behaviour

In this study, the researcher is also concerned with the understanding of the wide range of condition that shape the self – actualization of the main character as reflected in his behaviour. Dealing with the observation on the main character’s behaviour relating to the society, the researcher takes some theories on the influences of social behaviour on one’s behaviour. As Baron and Byrne (9 – 13) say that social


behaviour is shaped by a seemingly endless list variables. They give some numbers of specific factors influencing one’s behaviour at large.

These are the five major categories:

a. The Behaviour and Characteristics of Other Persons

The observable characteristics of other persons strongly affect one’s feeling, thought, and behaviour. A person often reacts differently to highly attractive person than to unattractive ones.

b. Social Cognition

Thought, beliefs, attitudes, and memories about other persons are important factors in communicating with other people.

c. Ecological Variables

The factors that come from the environment, both direct or indirect. For example, condition of a city, house, air, water system, etc.

d. The Socio – cultural Context in which the Social Behaviour Occurs

The factors deal with the cultural norms or rules in a society. Values in a society can influence one’s behaviour.


e. Aspects of One’s Biological Nature Relevant to Social Behaviour

Inherited aspects of one’s physical appearance can limit one’s capacity to process social information.

4. Criticism

The criticism about Stephen King and his works comes from many sources such as daily news, magazines, and also from the readers. The criticism is used for helping the reader to understand the author’s work. Mr. Stephen King is a great American writer especially in horror and mystery. But not all of his works explore the field of horror and mystery, such as Different Seasons.

Ms. Harriet Klausner in (accessed on January 12, 2007 12.25 pm) states that aside from the personal side of what created the man, the novelist, Stephen King does give lessons on the basic tools of the art. She also states that each tale is dark and demonstrates Stephen King’s writing abilities while proving that he remains one of the stronger short story tellers today. The theme running through the tale is encountered with the dead spicing up the ordinary lives of the living or those who accelerate the passage of death.

Robert Plant’s song mentioning “Upon us all a little rain must fall” is very true for Stephen King. He is certainly seen his fair share of


hardships and misfortunes throughout his life. However, instead of letting them get him down, King uses his experiences for the better. From those experiences come great influence. Stephen King’s writing is influenced by his life experiences, historical events throughout his lifetime, and also share King is one of today’s most popular and best selling writers. King puts the elements of psychological thrillers, science fiction, the paranormal, and detective themes into his stories. While he might be best known for his novels The Stand and It, some of his best works that have been published are his short stories such as The Body and Quitters, King’s works are so powerful because he uses his experience and everyday life and places them into his unique stories.

Mr. Avery Conner in Made into Movies: From Literature to Film (24) states that the novel of Different Seasonsis said to be different from the other novels which are written by Stephen King. This novel is outstanding without any horror sense. Moreover, Different Seasons represents another characteristic of Stephen King and also encourages his fans to be more interested in his new novel by making unpredictable story. It also represents the ability of Stephen King in making a new move without decreasing the tension on the novel.


Ms Marry Leondhart in her book Parents Who Love Reading and Kids Who Don’t (209) states that readers who do not have good ability in reading loves Different Seasons and also helps kids who have a problem in reading, eager to read. She also states that Stephen King assists many teenagers to manage with their reading materials at school. Through his Different Seasons, he encourages teenagers who did not love to read a novel willing to read his novel.

Ms. Christiana Mirabella in the book Many Facets of Stephen King states that Different Seasons has good influence for his constant readers such as putting together different genres and making them compromise in one feeling and point of view (16). This statement supported by Mr. Tim Wick in the same book saying that Shawshank Redemption is a novel about hope, faith and friendship that happens in a prison. There are some of usual ensnaring of a prison story such as sadistic guard, corrupt warden, violent fellow inmates (20). The story, also, has good impact for the reader. They can imagine a beautiful friendship taking place in the prison life.

Mr. Bruno Izzo in Stephen King: Art of Darkness (50)said that the four stories making up by Mr. King are linked with the four seasons of a year and each of the seasons represents the season using original series colours, symbols, images, visions which are written using style and craft of the Maine writer. Hence, this novel reveals the inflexible characteristic


of Mr. King’s book. Shawshank Redemption novel reveals hope and friendship through the season. Stephen King draws the season clearly, touching the heart of the readers. This is one of the characteristics which Stephen King has to make the readers follow the atmosphere created in the novel and admire the colour of the season which is built the nuisance of the novel.

Allesia Starace in An Introduction to Film Criticism(54) said that Stephen King has a great talent because he can write horror stories and fantastic stories about friendship and love in the usual style of a “Maine writer” without any elicitation. She also states that she is hard to imagine how each new book of Stephen King looks a like. It is always expected by his constant readers to terrified them and put them into nightmares. Moreover, his new book that contains love, hope, and friendship has different with others. All his novels are very far from terror, monsters and ghosts. Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption is not long enough as a novel but each and every of the novella has the elements of a novel such as feelings, art, and technical and creative efficient forms.

All Stephen King’s fans in the Stephen King website say that Mr. King is one of the best authors in horror story. They also said that Different Season is one of his best works and a dazzling display of his great talent.


The researcher uses two kinds of source to gather data for the study. They are primary source and secondary source. The explanation each sources as follows:

a. Primary source

I use Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemptionby Stephen King as the primary source. Most information used to answer the two problems stated in the first chapter is gathered from this source.

b. Secondary source

I also use internet, books related to the theories and movies as the secondary sources in this study. The internet covers various websites related to this study. The books cover of theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of approach, literature and psychology, and society behaviour. I also use its movie as my secondary sources in.

5. Context of the Novel

This part discusses the socio – cultural background Stephen King. The novel describes the life of Andy Dufresne in 1942. In this year, the World War II was going on. In this war, the United States had to face both Japan and Germany. Upon entering the war the United States realized they could not fight both Japan and Germany at once. Thus it was decided to concentrate the bulk of their efforts on fighting Hitler in Europe, while maintaining a defensive position in the Pacific until Hitler was defeated. Germany was thus bombed 24 hours a day from August 1942 to the end of the war in Europe.


The allied bombing raids on Germany increased to unprecedented levels after the D-Day invasion, with over 70% of all bombs dropped on Germany occurring after this date. Germany was flattened, the country was physically and emotionally rubble. On 30 April 1945, with Berlin completely overrun with Russian forces and his country in tatters, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. On 8 May 1945 the war with Germany was over, following its unconditional surrender to the Allied forces.

Due to the United States commitment to defeating Hitler in Europe, the first years of the war against Japan was largely a defensive battle. The turning point in this period was the Battle of Midway in June 1942. The United States Navy had broken the Japanese communication codes which allowed it to strategically position its ships in order to deliver a comprehensive defeat to the Japanese Navy. Following this, the Americans began fighting towards China where they could build an airbase suitable to commence bombing of mainland Japan with its B-29 Superfortress fleet. After defeating Japanese troops and landing in the Mariana Islands, the Japanese retaliated by sending 6 aircraft carriers carrying 430 planes to counter attack. The battle that ensued on June 19, 1944, became known as the " Marianas Turkey Shoot". The American Navy pilots shot down 369 of the 430 Japanese bombers, fighters and dive bombers, and heavily wounded many others. Only 36 Japanese aircraft remained operational after this battle, or around 8%.


The pacific war became the largest naval conflict in history. The American Navy emerged victorious after at one point being stretched to almost breaking point with almost complete destruction of the Japanese Navy in this period. The American forces were now poised for an invasion of the Japanese mainland itself, in order to force the Japanese into unconditional surrender. In the event, the first bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and the Japanese were completely shocked. The second bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, along with a bluff that there was plenty more where that came from. On August 15, 1945, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally and the war was over. The end came about without a bloody invasion, and it occurred as swiftly as the

Americans had hoped.

( I_.281940.E2.80.931945.29)

Stephen King wrote this novella in 1982. In this year the Cold War was ended. In the 1984 election, Ronald Reagan won 49 states in one of the largest ever election victories.

Ronald Reagan produced a major realignment with his 1980 and 1984 landslides. In 1980, the Reagan coalition was possible because of Democratic losses in most social-economic groups.

"Reagan Democrats" were those who usually voted Democratic but were attracted by Reagan's policies, personality and leadership, notably his social conservatism and hawkish foreign policy.


In foreign affairs, bipartisanship was not in evidence. The Democrats doggedly opposed the president's efforts to support the Contras of Nicaragua. He took a hard line against the Soviet Union, alarming Democrats who wanted a nuclear freeze, but he succeeded in growing the military budget and launching a costly and complicatd missile defense system (dubbed "Star Wars") hoping to intimidate the Soviets. Though it was never fully developed or deployed, the research and technologies of SDI paved the way for some anti-ballistic missile systems of today. When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in Moscow, many conservative Republicans were dubious of the friendship between him and Reagan. Gorbachev tried to save Communism in Russia first by ending the expensive arms race with America, then in 1989 by shedding the East European empire. Communism finally collapsed in Russia in 1991, ending

the US-Soviet Cold War. (taken from: _.281940.E2.80.931945.29)

From those explanations above I can draw a brief conclusion that the setting of the novel is in 1942 where the World War II taking place. The World War II has infected the people’s mind about freedom and peace. Stephen King wrote this novel in 1982. The Cold War has ended. People’s hope of freedom and peace finally comes true. This creates the situation in the novel.



This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section is Subject Matter which describes the content of Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The second is Approach which explains the approach used in this study. The third is Procedures. This deals with the steps in conducting this study.

A. Subject Matter

For this study, I used the novel Different Seasons by Stephen King. This novel is divided into four novellas. The whole novellas are bound together in 552 pages. The first novella is 113 pages, which tells about hope and friendship. The second novella is 201 pages, which talks about the bad side of human being. The third novella is 119 pages, which notifies about human adventure and friendship. The fourth novella is 119 pages, which tells about love and companionship. The novel is first published in 1982 by Macdonald & Co.

I picked the first novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemptionas the subject of this study. Besides telling about true friendship, this novella also tells about the struggles of Andy Dufresne, the main character of the novella. The novella describes two men, Andy Dufresne and Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding who live in a prison. Both of them are prisoners.


Red has a great role toward Andy’s life. Andy also teaches Red about the meaning of hope. Red teaches Andy about the meaning of friendship. It is seen when Red has to go to the parole board to get free from the prison life. Red cannot convince the parole board so that the parole board rejects him. Red begins losing his hope, but then Andy helps and reminds Red about the meaning of hope. It happens again when Red comes to his real world and begins to lose his hope. Andy changes Red to be a person who believes in hope. The same situation also happens to Andy when he loses his hope to be a freeman when Warden Norton, the prison leader, decided to make Andy stay forever in the prison. Norton uses Andy as his tool to “wash” dirty money.

Besides the meaning of hope and friendship, this study also concerns with Andy’s life struggle. From the beginning of the story, the readers can see Andy’s life struggle before he was imprisoned until he finally escapes from the prison.

In this novella, the author, Stephen King, is concerned with hope and friendship. Throughout the novella, the main character is described as a lonely person. From the beginning of the story, the main character gets trouble from the other characters. But the main character, Andy Dufresne, faces all the problems on his own. Eventhough in the story it is described that Andy and Red are two good friends, Andy always struggles by himself.

B. Approach

I analyze the novella by applying the psychological approach. The reason I use the approach is to analyze the character of Andy Dufresne and his life struggle


for being unfairly treated. The related theories to the approach are theory of motivation and theory of character.

C. Procedures

The procedure of this study concerns with the steps in analyzing Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.

First of all, I read the novella several times to get the best understanding about its content. The next reading was to focus on the character’s description, and his life’s struggle.

The next step is to gather the information on Andy Dufresne’s characteristics from his direct comment, his character as seen by others, his past life, thoughts, speech, conversation of others, and from his reactions toward some situations. In analyzing Andy Dufresne’s life struggle, theory of motivation and behaviour is used.

In order to understand the novella better, reading secondary source is a must. This includes watching its movie version, and criticism, of the novella found in the internet.

Finally, after analyzing the novella, criticism, suggestion, and recommendation are put forward.




The purpose of analyzing the character is to understand what kind of person the character is and how he is described in the novella. This chapter will be divided in two parts. The first is the character analysis of Andy Dufresne and the second is the Andy’s life struggle for being unfairly treated.

A. Andy Dufresne’s Characterizations

In the novel, Andy is thirty years old when he comes to Shawshank in 1948. Andy is described as a short neat little man with sandy hair and small, clever hands. From this description, Andy does not look like a criminal. He is described as business person at the time. Andy is described as a smart person with high social class. This can be seen from Andy appearance. Andy wears gold-rimmed spectacles. In 1948, a man who wears something made from gold means that he is a rich or belongs to high social class. Andy is a clean person.

When Andy came to Shawshank in 1948, he was thirty years old. He was a short neat little man with sandy hair and small, clever hands.

He wore gold-rimmed spectacles. His fingernails were always clipped, and they were always clean. (14)

From the quotation above we can see that Andy is a good looking person. He always appears neatly.

Andy is a hard worker. This can be seen from Andy’s job. Andy works as a vice president in the famous department of a big Portland bank. In that era,


banks were growing up rapidly. The competition between the banks is tight. Therefore, the banks’ employee and employer had to work hard.

On the outside he had been a vice-president in the trust department of a large Portland bank. Good work for a man as young as he was, especially when you consider how conservative most banks are…… and you have to multiply that conservatism when you get up in to New England, where folks don’t like to trust a man with their money unless he’s bald, limping, and constantly plucking at his pants to get his trust around straight. (14)

From the quotation above we can see that Andy is a persuasive person. This can be seen from he becomes the vice – president in the trust department of Portland bank.

Andy is a married person. His wife is Linda Collins Dufresne. Andy’s wife affair begins when she has expressed an interest in the learning the game of golf at the Falmouth Hills Country Club.

The facts of the prosecution’s case that Andy never contested were these: That he had a wife, Linda Collins Dufresne; that in June 1947 she had expressed an interest in learning the game of golf at the Falmouth Hills Country Club; ….. (15)

Andy is a calm, cool, and dispassionate person. Andy does not look nervous when he is answering the questions in the courts. His casual manner in the courts impresses the judge. In front of the jury, Andy is described as a businessman, and a self-possessed young man. They do not believe that Andy is a criminal who is charged for killing his wife and her lover, Glenn Quentin.

They just couldn’t see this coldly self-possessed young man in the neat double-breasted three-piece woollen suit ever getting falling down drunk over his wife’s sleazy little affair with some small-town golf pro (18)


Andy Dufresne took the stand in his own defence and told his story calmy, coolly, and dispassionately. ………. ‘That’s when I knew for sure,‘ Andy told the breathless spectators. He spoke in calm, remote voice in which he delivered almost all of his testimony. (16 – 17).

From the quotation above we can see that Andy is very calm person. In the court, he takes his own defence in front of the jury and tells his story calmly and clearly.

Andy is an introvert person. This can be seen in the story that Andy is not a social person. Andy always loves to be alone.

I knew him for close to thirty years, and I can tell you he was the most self – possessed man I’ve ever known. What was right with him he’d only give you a little at a time. What was wrong with him he kept bottled up inside. If he ever had a dark night of the soul, as some writer or other has called it, you would never know. He was the type of man who, if he has decided to commit suicide, would do it without leaving a note but not until his affairs had been put neatly in order. (17)

Andy is an honest person. In the court, he tries to tell the truth in front of the judge. He always tells the fact about the story. He has never made up a story about the crime he commited.

‘Since I am innocent of this crime, sir, and since I am telling the truth about throwing my gun into the river the day before the crime took place, then it seems to me decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found’. (21)

Andy is a lonely person. He has never had deep relationship with anybody. He always tries to avoid having interactions with others. He does not have any


cellmate. He just likes to be alone. In the prison, he is known as the lonely guy. Andy has the status for being alone and independent.

he had a reputation for being a snob and a cold fish. People were saying he was marked for trouble already. One of the people saying so was Bogs Diamond, a bad man to have on your case. Andy had no cellmate, and I’d heard that was just the way he wanted it, although the one – man cells in Cellblock 5 were only a little bigger than coffins. But I don’t have to listen to rumours about a man when I can judge him for myself. (25)

Andy is a kind of a person who can adapt easily with his environment. Andy is able to behave properly with his surroundings. He also has the great ability to establish a relationship with others.

He nodded and walked away. Three days later he walked up beside me in the exercise yard during the laundry’s morning break. He didn’t speak or even look my way, but pressed a picture of the Hon. Alexander Hamilton into my hand as neatly as a good magician does a card trick. He was a man who adapt fast. (28)

Andy is a tough and courageous person. He always looks calm even though he has big problems. He always tries to solve his own problems with his own power and bravery.

I watched him curiously. He walked a few steps, saw something in the dirt, bent over, and picked it up. It was a small rock. Prison fatigues, except for those worn by mechanics when they’re on the job, have no pockets. But there are ways to get around that. The little pebble disappeared up Andy’s sleeve and didn’t come down. I admired that … and I admired him. (29)

Andy is an independent person. He always keeps his nails clean and neat. Andy shows that a problem does not make him stop to struggle but it will support


him to be stronger than before. Although he has Red who is always ready to help him, Andy always tries to solve his problem by himself.

There are thousands who don’t or won’t or can’t, and plenty of them aren’t in prison, either. And I noticed that, although his face still looked as if a twister had happened to it, his hands were still neat and clean, the nails well – kept. (29)

Andy has a weak looking person. This can be seen that Andy becomes the victim of “the sisters” sexual-harasm. The sister’s prays are those who are weak, young, and inexperienced. In the “the sister’s point of view, Andy is the perfect target.

They are to prison society what rapist is to the society outside the walls. They’re usually long-timers, doing hard bullets for brutal crimes. Their prey is they young, the weak, and the inexperienced…… or, as in this case of Andy Dufresne, the weak-looking. (30)

Andy is a kind of a person who prefers to fight than to give up. Andy can handle the biggest problem in his prison life. He always fights back and never gives up easily.

Andy went through that alone, the way he went through everything alone in those days. He must have come to the conclusion that others before him had come to, namely, that there are only two ways to deal with the sisters: fight them and get taken, or just get taken. (31)

Andy is a crafty and manipulative person. He knows how to use the power of the money in the prison life. He used to be a banker in one of the largest banks in Portland.

I’m not saying it was Andy Dufresne, but I do know that he brought in five hundred dollars when he came, and he was a banker


in the straight world – a man who understands better than the rest of us the ways in which money can become power. (33)

Andy is a persistent person. This can be seen in the way he changes the rock into a beautiful sculpture. He makes the sculpture step by step. First, he chips and shapes, and then he polishes the rock and finally he finishes it with the rock – blanket.

How much work went into creating those two pieces? Hours and hours after the lights out, I knew that. First the chipping and shaping, and then the most endless polishing and finishing with those rock – blankets. Looking at them, I felt the warmth that any man or woman feels when he or she is looking at something pretty, something that has been worked and made – that’s the thing that really separates us from the animals, I think – and I left something else, too. A sense of awe for the man’s brute persistence. But I never knew just how persistent Andy Dufresne could be until much later. (38)

Andy has the ability to manage the prison library and expand it. He becomes the assistant of the head of the library, Brooks Hatlen. He uses his ability to make the prison library bigger than before and has more books collection. The library, finally, becomes the best prison library in the New England.

Andy succeeded in the Brooksie’s job, and he was head librarian for twenty – three years. He used the same force of will I’d seen him use on Bryon Hadley to get what he wanted for the library, and saw him gradually turn one small room (which still smelled of turpentine because it had because it had been a paint closet until 1922 and had never been properly aired) lined with Reader’s Digest Condensed Books and National Geographics into the best prison library in New England. (49)

Andy always tries to live with the simple life by avoiding any trouble. Eventhough Red promises that Andy will not get any trouble if he needs something, Andy still stands on his own belief.


‘No,’ Andy said. ‘I don’t like the pills either. Never have. But I’m not much of a one for cigarettes or booze, either. But I don’t push the pills. I don’t bring them in, and I don’t sell them once they are in. Mostly it’s the screws who do that.’

‘But –‘

‘Yeah, I know. There’s a fine line there. What it comes down to, Red, is some people refuse to get their hands dirty at all. (52)

Andy is an optimistic person. He always keeps calm whatever happens to him. Andy is the type of a person who never feels hopeless; therefore he seems to be a tough person and never gives up even though he gets the heaviest problem in the prison. He never asks for help to solve his problem, except some things that he asks Red to get it. He always thinks forward and is prepared for any obstacles which maybe heavier than the previous ones.

A terrible thing happened to Andy in late March or early April of 1963. I have told you that he had something that most of other prisoners, myself included, seemed to lack. Call it a sense of equanimity, or a feeling of inner peace, maybe even a constant and unwavering faith that someday the long nightmare would end. Whatever you want to call it, Andy Dufresne always seemed to have this act together. There was none of that sullen desperation about him that seems to afflict most lifers after a while; you could never smell hopelessness on him. (56 – 57)

Andy is a person who has a good self management. He does not easily get angry eventhough he gets ridicule from other characters. Andy always tries not to get involved in to trouble. He always perceives other’s mock with smile a and changes the topic of the conversation without making the other characters offended.

On a couple of occasions he asked Andy ‘what a smart guy like you is doing in the joint’ – a question which is the rough equivalent of that one that goes ‘what’s a nice girl like you doing


in a place like this?’ But Andy wasn’t the type to tell him; he would only smile and turn the conversation into some other channel. (60)

Andy is a type of a person who believes in hope. When Andy first comes in Shawshank, he believes that he is not guilty of murdering his wife and Glenn Quentin. He always dreams of freedom.

He said it was as if Tommy has produced a key which fitted a cage in the back of his mind, a cage like his own cell. Only instead of holding a man, that cage held a tiger, and that’s tiger name was hope. Williams had produced the key that unlocked the cage and the tiger was out, willy – nilly, to roam his brain. (62)

Andy never feels hopeless. He enjoys every moment in his life. He always looks comfortable eventhough he has hard day in the prison. His eyes have never given the impression of being suppressed or distressed.

It goes back to what I said about Andy wearing his freedom like an invisible coat, about how he never really developed a prison mentality. His eyes never got that dull look. He never developed the walk that man get when the day is over and they are going back to their cells for another endless night – that flat – footed, hump – shouldered walk. Andy walked with his shoulders squared and his step was always light, as if he was heading home to a good home – cocked meal and a good woman instead of to a tasteless mess of soggy vegetables. (75)

From all the quotations above I can be concluded that Andy is good looking, persuasive, calm, honest, optimistic, persistent, introvert, tough, independent, crafty, and manipulative.


B. The Analysis on How Andy’s Reaction to His Experience of Being Unfairly Treated

Andy, as the main character in Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, faces some problems in his prison life.

1. In the Court

From the beginning of the story, it has been described that Andy has already faced with problems. In the court, Andy is charged for a murderer. The victims are his wife, Linda Collins Dufresne, and her lover, Glenn Quentin, the Fallmouth Hills golf pro. “Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover.” (14)

In the court the DA (Attorney) makes a statement that Andy is a cool – blooded murderer. The DA tells the story about the assassination toward Linda Collins Dufresne and Glenn Quentin from the beginning until the end clearly.

In the living room of Quentin’s bungalow, four dishtowels had been found lying on the sofa. There were bullet – holes through them and powder – burns on them. The detective theorized (over the agonized objection’s Andy lawyer) that the murderer had wrapped the towels around the muzzle of the murder – weapon to muffle the sound of the gunshots. (16)

This testimony is incriminating for Andy. It seems that from this testimony, Andy is the suspect of this case and makes the court charged him with death penalty. But Andy does not easily give up. He takes the stands on his own defence and tells his story clearly. He says that he has already noticed his wife’s love affairs. Then, he tries to investigate the


rumor. At last, he finds that the rumor is true. Then, Andy becomes distressed, deciding to buy a gun to commit suicide.

Andy Dufresne took the stand in his own defence and told his story calmly, coolly, and dispassionately. …. ‘That’s when I knew for sure,’ Andy told the breathless spectators. He spoke in the same calm, remote voice in which he delivered almost all of his testimony.

…. and had even gone so far as to purchase a gun in Lewingstone on 8 September. (17)

In the court the DA does not seem to believe with Andy’s testimony. He always has questions to put him into the corner. But Andy is able to answer the questions calmly and clearly.

‘At that time, as I drove home, I was beginning to think that the wisest course would be to simply let her go to Reno and get her divorce.’

‘Thank you, Mr. Dufresne.’ The DA popped up.

‘You divorced her in the quickest way you could think of, didn’t you?’ You divorced her with a .38 revolver wrapped in dishtowels, didn’t you?’

‘No sir, I did not,’ Andy said calmly. ‘And then you shot her lover.’ ………

‘It’s neither convenient nor inconvenient. Only the truth.’

‘I believe you heard Lieutenant Mincher’s testimony?’(20)

From the quotation above we can see that the DA tries to trap Andy with his questions. Eventhough Andy is able to answer all of those questions; the DA seems do not believe with Andy’s testimony.

In one occasion Andy is able to convince the judges that he is not guilty. He says that he has thrown the gun. The police are searching the


area where Andy has thrown his gun. Andy said that he has thrown his gun in the Royal near Pond Bridge. After the searching the police cannot find the gun. They believe that the gun is dragged by the river current. Hence, the police are unable to compare between the rifling on the bullets found in the corpses and rifling on the barrel. In this chance Andy becomes ‘the winner’ in the battle against the DA. The court session is postponed to make further decision.

Mincher had been in charge of the party which had dragged the stretch of the Royal near Pond Bridge, from which Andy had testified he had thrown the gun. The police ha not found it.


Andy displayed one of the few slight emotional reactions he allowed himself during the entire six – week period of the trial. A slight, bitter smile crossed his face. (21)

At last Andy is charged guilty. He cannot answer one key question in front of the judges. They asked what Andy think had happened since there had been no signs of robbery. Andy seems confused by the jury’s question. Andy looks little worry and acts not as he answers the previous questions. If Andy can answer this question correctly, maybe he is not given two life sentences and gets free. But Andy cannot answer it. Finally, he gets dead penalty.

Then what did he think had happened, since there had been no signs of robbery?

‘I have no way knowing that, sir,’ Andy said quietly.

The case went to the jury at one p.m. on snowy Wednesday afternoon. ... They found him guilty, and brother, if Maine had the dead penalty, he could have done


the airdance before that spring’s crocuses poked their heads out of the dirt. (22)

2. In the Prison

In the summer of 1948 Andy came in to Shawshank. Like other prisoner in Shawshank, Andy always gets in trouble with “the sister”, a gang with sexual disorder, the warden, and the like.

It is mentioned in the novella that most of the days there are lots of buggery going inside the prison. The victims are not women. All the victims are men, namely, the other prisoners. Homosexuality comes in many types in a prison. As we know that there are male or men who cannot stand to be without sex in their life. As the result, they turn to the same gender. However, they usually become normal again when they are out from the prison.

Related to the fact above Andy becomes the victim of sexual harasm done by “the sister”, the homosexual gang. Andy becomes the victim because in the novel it is mentioned that Andy included in to the criteria to be the victim of “the sisters” sexual harasm. Andy looks weak and inexperienced from “the sisters” point of view.

And then there are the sisters.

They are to prison society what the rapist is to the society outside the walls. They’re usually long-timers, doing hard bullets for brutal crimes. Their prey is the young, the weak, and the inexperienced…… or, as in the case of Andy Dufresne, the weak-looking. (30)


“The sisters” have after Andy from the beginning he arrived at the prison. Andy becomes the target because of his physical appearances.

One day Andy won the fight to defend his “virginity.” However, in other occasion, when Andy took a bath, it was the first time Andy lost the battle. However, “the sisters” did not continue their action right away. They just figured out him before they move further.

The first time for him was in the shower less than three days after hi joined our happy Shawshank family. Just a lot of slap and tickle that time, I understand. They like to size you up before they make their real move, like jackals finding out if the prey is as weak and hamstrung as it looks. (30)

In another occasion, Andy successfully fights back and makes his opponent, Bogs Diamond, one of “the sisters”, hurts. One day, however, Andy was cornered with one of his hand full of hexlite ready to throw to the sisters’ eyes. However, he could not defeat the sister.

Bogs wasn’t there that day, but Henry Backus, who had been wash room foreman down there since 1922, told me that four of his friend were. Andy held them at bay for a while with a scope of hexlite, threatening to throw it in their eyes is they come any closer, but he tripped trying to back around one of the big Washex four-pockets. That was all it took. They were on him. (31)

In the prison Andy also gets trouble from the warden. The warden is the prison guard. They would not be hesitated to torture the prisoners eventhough they only make a small mistake. Byron Hadley is the senior


6) Who is Glenn Quentin?

7) According to the DA, what is Andy use to kill them? 8) What makes Andy inconvenient for a moment in the court? 9) What is Andy’s background to follow his wife?












