English reading habit of student teachers at english teacher education department of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University: level and common factor analysis.




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English

By: Luluk Fatikah Sari

NIM D75213074









Sari, Luluk Fatikah. (2017). English Reading Habit of Student Teachers

at English Teacher Education Department of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University: Level and Common Factor Analysis. A Thesis. English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor I: Dra.Irma Soraya, M.Pd. Advisor II: M.Hanafi, MA

Key words: Reading Habit, Level of Reading Habit, The Most

Common Factor Influences Reading Habit, Student Teachers

Reading habit is the significant involvement in English Teacher Education Department. Specifically, this research focuses on reading habit level and the most common factor that influence reading habit. The reason of knowing reading habit is student teachers need to be experienced with any kinds of English readings, so they can give recommended English readings. This research is conducted using mixed method design where it combines both quantitative and qualitative method. Questionnaire and interview guideline are the instruments in this research. Researcher took 89 respondents for questionnaire and took 15 respondents to be interviewed. As the result, researcher found that most of student teachers were in the medium level of reading habit, it is known as moderate readers. It was shown from the statistical report from SPSS 20 and providing descriptive statistic, researcher showed the mean, median and mode. It showed that median from question number 1, 2 3 4 5 and 6 = 2.00. It refers to the option Sometimes. The table 4.1 showed that the greatest frequency or mode that is shown by number 2. Furthermore, mean from each question showed different number, but it closes with number 2 or 2.00. Mean refers to the option Sometimes. Meaning that reading habit level has close number with option number 2 and it can be categorized as Moderate Level. Furthermore, researcher found that student teachers are mostly intrinsically motivated to read. It was shown that from 15 respondents, 7 respondents showed that they were intrinsically motivated, 5 respondents showed that they were extrinsically motivated and 3 respondents showed that the advancement of technology influence them to read.



Sari, Luluk Fatikah. (2017). English Reading Habit of Student Teachers

at English Teacher Education Department of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University: Level and Common Factor Analysis. Skripsi. Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Pembimbing I: Dra.Irma Soraya, M.Pd. Pembimbing II: M.Hanafi, MA

Kata kunci: Kebiasaan Membaca, Level Kebiasaan Membaca, Faktor

yang paling mempengaruhi kebiasaan membaca, Mahasiswa PPL

Kebiasaan membaca memiliki keterlibatan yang penting dalam Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Secara khusus, penelitian ini berfokus pada level kebiasaan membaca dan faktor apa yang paling mempengaruhi mahasiswa dalam membaca. Alasan mengapa penelitian ini dilakukan adalah ketika mahasiswa PPL berada di lingkungan sekolah mereka sudah harus berpengalam dengan berbagai jenis bacaan berbahasa inggris, sehingga dapat memberikan rekomendasi bacaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran yang menggabungkan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Peneliti menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara sebagi instrumen penelitian. Peneliti menyebarkan 89 kusioner mengambil 15

mahasiswa sebagai sample wawancara. Sebagai hasilnya, peneliti

menemukan bahwa kebanyakan dari berada pada level moderate dan

telah dibuktikan dengan data perhitungan SPSS versi 20. Dalam penggunaa statistik deskripsi, peneliti menunjukkan niai rata rata (mean), nili tengah (median) dan nilai yang sering muncul (mode) untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mengenai level dari kebiasaan

membaca. Ditunjukkan bahwa median dari pertanyaan nomor 1,2,3,4,5

dan 6 = 2.00 and itu menunjukkan pilihan jawaban nomor 2 yaitu

Kadang-Kadang Tabel 4.1 juga menunjukkan bahwa mode juga

ditunjukkan oleh pilihan jawaban nomor 2 yaitu Kadang-Kadang. Selain


pertanyaan, tapi mendekati pilihan jawaban nomor 2 yaitu Kadang-Kadang. Sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa level dari kebiasaan membaca mahasiswa PPL adalah di level tengah yaitu moderate level. Disamping itu, peneliti telah menemukan bahwa mahasiswa PPL kebanyakan termotivasi dari dalam diri mereka untuk membaca. Dari 15 orang yang diwawancarai, 7 diantara nya menunjukkan bahwa mereka termotivasi dari dalam diri mereka sendiri untuk membaca, 5 diantaranya mengatakan bahwa mereka termotivasi oleh faktor luar untuk membaca, dan 3 diantara nya menunjukkan bahwa kemajuan dari teknologi yang sangat memoengaruhi mereka dalam membaca.



COVER ... i



MOTTO ... iv







LIST OF TABLES………..…....xv




A. Research Background………...1

B. Research Question………7

C. Objectives of the Study……….7

D. Significance of the Research………...7

E. Scope and Limitation………....8



1. Reading Habit




2. Common Factors That Influence Reading Habit




3. Student Teachers





A. Research Design……….29

B. Population and Sample………...29

C. Data and Source of Data………...31

1. Data




2. Source of Data




D. Research Setting……….32

E. Research Instrument………...32

F. Data Collection Technique………...34

G. Data Analysis Technique………...34

H. Checking Validity of Findings………...36

I. Research Stages………..37


1. Moderate as the Student Teachers’ Reading Habit Level...42

2. Intrinsic Motivation as the Most Influential Common Factor of Reading Habit





1. Moderate Readers as the Student Teachers’ Level of Reading Habit Based on

Book Types and Time Spending………,,.53

2. Intrinsic Motivation as the Dominant Influential Factor of Student Teachers’ Reading Habit





A. Conclusion………...66

1. Moderate Level of Student Teachers’ Reading Habit



2. Intrinsic Motivation of Student Teachers’ Reading Habit




B. Suggestion………...67




This chapter discusses an introduction part that covers several points. The first point is research background that explains several the reasons why this research should be observed. Next point followed by research question that shows the problems. Then, objective and significance of the research become the following points. Then, scope and limitation shows the limit and the scope of the research. The last point is definition of key terms to avoid misunderstanding about the terms that are used in this research.

A. Research Background

Learning about reading, Grabe states that many people around the world read more than one language.1 If Grabe stated about many people, meaning that not all people read more than one language include their first language and second languages. Meaning that there are some people who do not read more than one language or they only read in their first language (L1). Grabe also said that people read in their second language (L2) only for several

reasons.2 People read in second language only for certain reasons as

Grabe stated such as communication in multilingual countries, advanced their education opportunities, and global transportation.

1 William Grabe, Reading in a Second Language Moving from Theory to Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 4.



Since most of people read in second language, Grabe stated that reading in a second language will be different with reading in a first language especially in English.3 It can be different because there is different language and structure among both of them. Even the languages are different, but the first language will give the connection to the second language. First language will provide the input to continue in second language. Second language

in Grabe’s theory here is same with the foreign language.

One of the reasons people learn to read in second language above is to advance their education opportunities, especially in formal academic setting. It refers that students learn to read second languages as subject in their school. Grabe stated that the most famous second language that is learned in school is English as subject, because English becomes an international language.4 That is why English becomes the subject in every school as second language especially in Indonesia. When students learn English in their school, certainly they will learn reading as one of the English skills. Chettri stated in her journal that reading becomes the significance term in education part especially in learning English.5 In education, the students will understand that reading is not only about enjoyment but also about the necessity, because they do not only read to complete their study, but also build their reading taste in English or it can be called as reading habit especially in English.

Chettri states that reading habit is the habitual activity of reading that has been done.6 Meaning that, reading habit is the repeated reading activity. People read as the enjoyment behavior of individual types and taste of reading. In this research, reading habit means the repeated reading activity that has several indicators of reading habit including English reading materials in form of printed or electronic readings and time spending on English readings.

Knowing about reading habit, the researcher shows several facts related to poor reading habit and the obligation of reading habit in Indonesia. Survey from UNESCO said that reading competency of 15 years old in Indonesia in the year of 2003 is at the

3Ibid., p. 1. 4

Ibid., p. 6.

5 Ms. Kushmeeta Chettri, Reading Habits - An Overview, vol. 14, no. 6 (2013), p. 13. 6Ibid.



level of 39 of 41 countries.7 According to Programme for

International Student Assessment or known as PISA in the year of 2012 Indonesia’s reading is still in low level of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development or known as OECD, Indonesia has mean reading score is 396 of the average of OECD is 496.8 The newest PISA in 2015 about Indonesia reading already published and Indonesia had increasing 1 point from previous PISA. It becomes 340 from the average of OECD and it is still in below average. In addition, Central Bureau of Statistic in 2013 shows the data that people in Indonesia read only 20% while 80% prefer to watch the television or listen to radio.9 In additional, poor reading habit also happened in university students, Mangieri did the research of student teachers and it found that university students especially student teachers do not have highly value in reading.10 It is clearly found that reading habit of children, people and university students are in low level and need to be increased.

From that data, Indonesian’ reading habit can be

categorized of low level or poor reading habit. In fact, students usually read the books, article or other media only if they have the homework, even they have spare time or leisure time, they prefer to watch television or play games.

Specifically, to solve low level in reading habit case, the government publishes the newest obligation of educational ministry

about Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS). Gerakan Literasi Sekolah

(GLS) has introduced since 2015.11Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) requires each school in every level to give addition time at least 15 minutes for reading. This is one of the government strategies to increase reading habit of students. Even the reading materials are still in general.


Laksmi, The Effectiveness of Reading Habit Promotion in Public Libraries of DKI Jakarta Province (2007), p. 165.


Selly, The Influence of E-Books on Reading Habit and Reading Comprehension Achievement of The Eleventh-Graders of SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang, vol. 3 (2016), p. 96. 9 Hafiz Al Nazhari, A Study on English Reading Habits of students of English Study Program of RIAU University, p. 4.

10 M. Cecil Smith, Reading Attitude of Pre-Service Education Majors, vol. 29 (1989), p. 231.




Based on some facts above, it can be called that Indonesia’s reading habit is still in low level. Furthermore,

government needs to increase student’s reading habit and it can be

achieved through school as the academic setting. According to the characteristics of 2013 curriculum at the point 2 has stated that

Menempatkan sekolah sebagai bagian dari masyarakat yang memberikan pengalaman belajar agar peserta didik mampu menerapkan apa yang dipelajari disekolah ke masyarakat dan memanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai sumber belajar”.

From that characteristic, school can serves knowledge and experiences. In addition, reading can provide the worth

experience.12 More importantly, that second point of the

characteristics of 2013 curriculum above has connection to the experience requirement or vice versa. That experience requirement can be achieved through reading.

Discussing about reading in education term, there are students and teachers. Teacher holds the main role or becomes the model in classroom.13 It means that teacher needs to guide the students in order to build their reading habit. Teacher is not only

guide the students’ reading habit to the achievement quality but also

to build students’ types and taste of reading. Not only teachers who

can guide students’ reading habit, but also as the candidate of teachers should do. The candidate of teachers or also known as student teachers is the students who learn about the teaching practice theory in the university level.14 That is why, before teachers and the candidate of teacher that is known as student teachers guide the students to build their reading habit. in addition, teachers and student teachers need to be aware with their own reading habit level.

12 Chettri, Reading Habits - An Overview, p. 13.

13 Smith, Reading Attitude of Pre-Service Education Majors, p. 231.

14 Rosyidatul Arifa, Thesis: “Student Teachers’ Self Efficacy in Using Instructional Strategies at Practice Teaching Class (PPL1) of English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya” (2015), p. 13.



From the explanation above, student teachers as the candidate of teachers, they should build and aware their reading habit as the experience requirement as stated in K13 curriculum. Wyse stated that when student teachers teach English especially reading skill, they are required to select or choose reading materials, not only for the lesson but also to inspire the students in the class.15 It refers to the experiences with some kinds of English reading materials. Before student teachers give or select reading material, they should have experienced with any kinds of reading materials. Their experiences of reading can be built by reading habit before they go to the real field in Education that is school. So, knowing about student teachers’ English reading habit level as the candidate of teachers is important.

In this research, there is a reason why the researcher wants

to observe student teachers’ English reading habit in UINSA

Surabaya. According to some articles that have published in UINSA website, it stated that UINSA is the first college that becomes the activator in literacy program in Surabaya City as the obligation of Mayor Tri Rismaharini. It can be explained that students of UINSA especially in Education faculty and teachers training are already familiar with reading habit and it can make the researcher feel easy to collect the data. So, the researcher can make the connection among English reading habit and student teachers especially in English Teacher Education Department.

Explaining about English reading habit in student teachers, student teachers should be aware and consider about their reading habit level. According to American Library Association that stated

in Oguz’s journal, there are three level readers in reading habit.16 The levels of reading habit here can be categorized as seldom, moderate and constant readers.17 Knowing about their level of reading habit, it can become their preparation dealing with their reading behavior before they go to the real teaching practice in

15 Dominic Wyse, Teaching English, Language and Literacy Second Edition (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2001), p. 87.

16 E. Oguz, Assessing Reading Habits of Future Classroom Teachers in the Context of Their Socio-Demographic Features (2009), p. 1005.



Teaching Internship. They can be aware about experienced with any kinds of reading materials. In addition, several factors can be

influenced people’s reading habit itself. People can be categorized

as seldom, moderate or constant readers in their reading habit must be affected with some factors.

Beside knowing about students’ level of reading habit, It is

also important for knowing the most common factor which influences people’s reading habit. Chettri stated that motivation and technological change are two common factors that influence reading

habit.18 From those factors people especially student teacher can be

aware with the reason why do they want to read. An anonymous quotation also said that the more they read, the more they get. Equally, building reading habit can be as the stick-holder for them before going to the real teaching. That is why knowing student

teachers’ reading habit level and the most common factor that

influence them this research is important to be done.

Identifying about English reading habit, some researchers have observed about that problem. Journal from Selly has already observed related with reading habit entitled The Influence of E-Books on Reading Habit and Reading Comprehension Achievement of The Eleventh-Graders of SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang. Based on her research, she not only focuses on reading habit but also on reading comprehension achievement and e-books. She also focuses on the senior high school students. It will be different with the current research that only focuses on English reading habit especially in English reading habit level and the most common factor that influence the students. In addition, the researcher chooses university students as the object of this research. This current research will be more focus on the English reading habit especially in level and common factor analysis of student teachers at English Education Department. After knowing the level of reading habit of student teacher, student teacher will be more aware to their reading habit before going to the real teaching in the Teaching Internship later. It means that this research will be more




specific than the previous research even those are observe about reading habit.

B. Research Question

1. What is the reading habit level of student teachers at English Teacher Education Department?

2. What is the most common factor that influences reading habit of student teachers at English Teacher Education Department? C. Objectives of the Study

1. To know the reading habit level of student teachers at English

Teacher Education Department.

2. To know the most common factor that influences reading habit

of student teachers at English Teacher Education Department D. Significance of the Research

The results of the study are expected to achieve the students’

reading habit level.

1. For Readers

They can have new knowledge dealing with English reading habit. Even people have had familiar with reading habit, but there are a lot of new knowledge inside reading habit. In addition, they will be more aware with their level of reading habit especially in English readings.

2. For Student Teachers

They can be more aware with experience requirement dealing with literacy aspect especially reading in educational system. As the candidates of the teacher, student teachers should consider about their reading habit in order to get the readiness before going to the real teaching, because they are as the main role in the teaching and learning process. If they do not have good reading habit they can be more difficult to get the experiences, skill and new knowledge. Through reading, student teachers can get the experiences, skill and new knowledge that can be delivered to their students in the real teaching.



3. For Lecturers or Teachers

The lecturers or teachers especially English teachers, they can be more aware with their English reading habit, because they are also the model in the classroom. As the model in the classroom, teachers or lecturers also have already experienced with any kinds of reading materials when they teach reading as one of English skill. If they knew their reading habit level, they can give the recommended readings

for their students in order to build their students’ reading taste

especially in English.

4. For Future Researchers

The results of the research are also useful for the researchers who want to do research in this field. It means that this research can be the previous study for the researchers who want to do their research related with reading habit in the future.

E. Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study focuses on reading habit, especially in level and common factors analysis. The researcher measures the

reading habit level according to Oguz’s theory. The last is, the

researcher also analyzes the most common factor that influences

reading habit based on Chettri’s journal.

There are two limits of this research. The first is limit of the object research. Object of the research is students in the sixth semester of English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ample Surabaya that takes student teacher or Microteaching course. There is the main reason why the researcher chooses student teacher of UINSA as a subject. UINSA students become the subject of this research because as published in UINSA website stated that UINSA is the first college that becomes the activator in literacy program in Surabaya City as the obligation of Mayor Tri Rismaharini. So, the researcher can make the connection among reading habit and student teacher.

Second limit is related with theories about reading habit. The researcher measures reading habit level based on Oguz’s journal that is related with three kinds of reader in reading habit level. There are Seldom Readers, Moderate Readers, and Constant Readers. Then, the researcher also analyzes the most common



factors that influence reading habit based on Chettri’s journal

dealing with two common factors such are motivation and technological change. In the motivation itself, the researcher only focuses of two domains in motivation for reading. There are three domains of reading motivation such are intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and self-efficacy, but in this research, the researcher only focuses in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. F. Definition of Key Terms

In this research, the writers uses the several terms related with the topic of the study. To avoid the misinterpretation the title of this study, the writer explains the several key terms that were used in this study. The terms are:

1. Reading Habit

Based on Abeyrathna on her journal, she explains that reading habit is the amount of different reading materials, the frequency of reading and the time that was spent on reading materials.19 In this research, reading habit means the repeated reading activity that has several indicators of reading habit including English reading materials in form of printed or electronic readings and time spending on English readings.

2. Reading Habit Level

Acording to Oguz’s journal, he divided reading habit level into three kinds of readers. There are Seldom Readers,

Moderate Readers and Constant Readers.20 This research,

reading habit level is the parameter to measure reading habit. This research used the parameter from Oguz’s theory. Those are Seldom Readers, Moderate Readers and Constant Reading that each kind of readers has their own characteristic based on numbers of the books and time spending.

3. Common Factors influencing Reading Habit

Chettri stated there are two common factors that affect reading habit in this globalization era. There are motivation to read and technological change.21 In this research, factor

19 P.H.A... Abeyrathna, A Study on Leisure Reading Habits and Interest Among Secondary School Students in Sri Lanka (2004), p. 4.


Oguz, Assessing Reading Habits of Future Classroom Teachers in the Context of Their Socio-Demographic Features, p. 1005.




influencing reading habit is the something that can influence someone on her/his reading habit. In this research, researcher limits on two common factors based on Chettri. There are motivation to read and technological change

4. Motivation for Reading

Motivation for Reading is one of the common factors that influences reading habit. Grabe explained that when someone is motivated to read means that she or he is pushed to read something based on her or his choices.22 In this research, motivation for reading is when someone is pushed to read something. Motivation for reading also has three domains. There are intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and self-efficacy, but in this research, the researcher only focuses on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

5. The Advancement of Technology

The advancement of technology is one of the common factors that influence reading habit. It is difficult to avoid digital media in this globalization era.23 In this research, technological change means here is the change of media for reading from past to this era, from printed books to electronic books or known as e-book.

6. Student Teachers

Student teachers are students who are learning about teaching practice theory.24 Student teachers in this research means that the college students from English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya who take Teaching Practice (PPL 1).

22 Grabe, Reading in a Second Language Moving from Theory to Practice, p. 175. 23 Ziming Liu, “Reading behavior in the digital environment: Changes in reading behavior over the past ten years”, Journal of Documentation, vol. 61, no. 6 (2005), p. 700, accessed 2 Mar 2017.

24 Arifa, Thesis: “Student Teachers’ Self Efficacy in Using Instructional Strategies at Practice Teaching Class (PPL1) of English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya”, p. 13.




This chapter discusses theoretical framework of the research. There are two main points in this research. Those are reading habit and common factors that influence reading habit. In reading habit point, it includes the definition of reading and reading habit, indicators of reading habit, level in reading habit, types of reading habit. In common factors point, it includes the common factors of reading habit. The explanation of student teachers and also the importance of student teachers’ reading habit are included. The researcher also provides several previous studies deal with this research.

A. Review of Related Literature 1. Reading Habit

a. Definition of Reading

According to Harmer, reading is one of receptive skill in English learning where students get the meaning from the text or reading.25 Meaning that reading is one of the four skills in English that is categorized as receptive skill. Reading and listening are kinds of receptive skill where those skills require the students to receive some information related to reading and listening materials.

In other explanation related to the definition of

reading, based on Dadzie in Owusu’s journal stated that

Reading is the students’ ability for understanding the words which are contained in a document and make the words understanding useful for her/him personal growth.26 Reading ability refers to some processes that are

25 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching (Pearson Education Limited, 2007), p. 265.

26 Micheal Owusu-Acheaw and Agatha Gifty Larson, “Reading habits among students and its effect on academic performance: A study of students of Koforidua Polytechnic”, Library Philosophy and Practice (2014), p. 5.



experienced by students when they read. Trying to understand the words, students also attempt to do the other processes such as thinking, judging, evaluating, imagining, reasoning and problem solving.

b. Definition of Reading Habit

Based on Wagner explanation on Chettri’s journal, reading habit is the repeated reading activity that considers in terms of reading habit indicators. Those are the amount of reading materials, the frequency of reading

and time spending of reading itself.27 Meaning that

reading habit was built based on the behavior of reading. People or the readers choose their own reading materials based on their own reading interest. It means that people have their own reading interest.

In addition, regarding to this research, the researcher focuses the discussion about reading habit level which consists of time spending on English readings and the number of books read. Furthermore, this research is also supported with the most common factor that influence reading habit level of students. Levels of reading habit will be indicated by the standard of measurement that will be used in this research. It uses American Library Association standard about reading habit level through level of readers by Oguz theory. In the other hand, this research also analyze what the most common factor that influence reading habit is through Wigfield and Liu’s theories.

c. Indicators of Reading Habit

Based on Caesar theory, there are seven indicators that indicate reading habit.28 The indicators of reading habit consist of seven elements inside reading habit itself.

http://search.proquest.com/openview/2b2cff78ff9e73de666865d1346a58af/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=54903, accessed 2 Mar 2017. 27 Chettri, Reading Habits - An Overview, p. 13.

28 J. Gaona and E. Villuendas, “Relationship between reading habits, university library and



1) Attitude towards reading

Attitude toward reading is dealing with “behavioral cognitive-affective” attitude towards reading.

2) Reading frequency

Reading frequency refers to how frequent people read their reading books.

3) Books read

Books read means that how many reading materials that people interested to read.

4) Time spent on academic reading

Time spent on academic reading refers to the time that people usually spend on their reading materials on academic readings or known as “Book Class”.

5) Time spent on non-academic reading

Time spent on non-academic reading means that the time that people usually spend on non-academic readings such as magazine, novel, short story, etc.

6) Motivation in the family environment

Motivation in the family environment means

that family environment affects the students’

reading motivation. It deals with how family creates reading atmosphere in family environment to support family members’ reading habit. Family can give the recommendation of reading

books to build family members’ reading interest.

7) Motivation in the academic environment

Motivation in the academic environment deals with the motivation that comes from some elements that exist in the school such as teachers, classmates, and school facilities. For example, teachers can persuade the students to increase

superior, vol. 15, no. 157 (2011), p. 59,

http://publicaciones.anuies.mx/pdfs/revista/Revista157_S1A3EN.pdf, accessed 2 Mar 2017.



their reading habit by relating class activities to reading materials.

d. Level of Reading Habit

Considering about the standard of measuring reading habit, actually there are so many theories about measuring reading habit. In this research, the researcher uses standard of measuring reading habit by American Library Association that has included in the Oguz’s Journal. According to American Library Association, it classifies level of reading habit into three kinds of reader.29 Below the researcher will show the kinds of readers in reading habit level in form of table.

Table 2.1 Level of Readers Adapted from American Library Association

29 Oguz, Assessing Reading Habits of Future Classroom Teachers in the Context of Their Socio-Demographic Features, p. 1005.

Level of Readers in Reading Habit Constant

Readers Those who are categorized as moderate readers are people who read above twenty reading materials per year and have reading time 120 minutes or above.

Moderate Readers Those who are categorized as moderate readers are people who read between six and twenty reading materials per year and have reading time 30-60 minutes.

Seldom Readers Those who are categorized as seldom readers are people who read below five reading materials per year and have reading time below 30 minutes.



e. Types of Reading Habit

Ogbodo has stated in the Owusu’s journal that there are three types of reading habits. They are

hobby, recreational and concentration.30

1) Hobby

Hobby refers to the reading activity that is done for pleasure or joy purpose. Sometimes, having the leisure time, someone will take some reading materials as their hobby. Here, the readers will choose any reading materials based on their reading interest freely. From this hobby, the readers will have more knowledge outside lesson in the classroom and they can share to others.

2) Recreational

Recreational means that the reading activity which little bit different with hobby above. In other hand, both of hobby and recreational are for relaxation and enjoy, but it is different. Recreational here, beside the readers read their reading material they also have another purpose to solve the problem and they suppose that they will get their problem solving in their reading materials.

3) Concentration

Concentration is the reading activity when the readers read for certain purpose such as they read something that they suppose that is important for them and they concentrate to read it.

2. Common Factors That Influence Reading Habit Reading habit is affected by two common factors, there are motivation to read and the advancement of technology.31 The first is motivation for reading. People have already had their own reading interest and it can be affected by the motivation for reading. Low level of motivation for reading will lead poor reading habit.

30 Owusu-Acheaw and Larson, “Reading habits among students and its effect on academic performance”, p. 9.




The second common factor is the advancement of technology. The emergence of internet as the advancement of technology holds the importance point in every aspect of real life. In reading habit case, the advancement of technology also has the main role. The changing era influences people dealing with their reading habit. In past, people usually read using printed readings such as books, magazines, novels, or others, but now people are more interest with electronic books or known as e-book. People can read their book by using their phone or laptop and it is paperless reading material which is more efficient.

a. Motivation for Reading

People who are motivated means that they are pushed to do something based on her or his choices.32 It means that people who are motivated can be seen through their persistency while doing the activity.33 As explained before, motivation is one of the common factors that influence reading habit from inside reader. Talking about motivation, there are several theories that cover motivation, but in this research, the researcher only focuses about theory of reading motivation that has certain area only related to motivation for reading. Guthrie and Wigfield show that the concepts of reading

motivation are intrinsic and extrinsic


1) Intrinsic Motivation refers to motivation

that comes from inside readers.35

Meaning that when people are

intrinsically motivated, they are usually

32 Grabe, Reading in a Second Language Moving from Theory to Practice, p. 175. 33Ibid.

34Ibid., p. 182.

35 Allan Wigfield et al., “Children’s motivation for reading: Domain specificity and

instructional influences”, The Journal of Educational Research, vol. 97, no. 6 (2004), p.

301, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3200/JOER.97.6.299-310, accessed 2 Mar 2017.



interested to the activity and want to

complete it. When students are

intrinsically motivated in reading, they usually interest and have desire to read and they are not influenced by outside factors. Indeed, it comes inside the readers without concerning outside factors such as the media for reading, achieving good score in finishing their assignments in reading or many others.

2) Extrinsic Motivation refers to

motivation that comes from outside readers.36 It means that when people are extrinsically motivated, they usually want to receive some benefits or

advantages. When students are

extrinsically motivated in reading, they prefer get the benefits or advantages such as grades, score or award of their reading activities to be aware with their desire in reading.

b. The Advancement of Technology

Digital media era gives impact of several aspects on education term, especially on

reading.37 Meaning that, it changes people’s

behavior on reading. The way people read will be different, but this research describes the development of reading materials caused by the

advancement of technology. People’s reading

behavior has developed from printed reading materials such as books, magazines, newspapers to the electronic media or known as e-book that are more effective in this digital environment.

As the factual phenomenon, in this digital era, Shahnil stated that people can’t be

36 Wigfield et al., “Children’s motivation for reading”. 37 Liu, “Reading behavior in the digital environment”, p. 700.



separated from internet, including in reading process.38 It can be explained that digital media holds the main rule in human life that can facilitate people in every aspect, but this research focuses digital media for reading. Reading through digital media deals with the reading materials including academic or non-academic readings. This research also focuses on reading materials including academic and non-academic readings. People use digital media to read reading materials, because they feel that it is “more accessible” and “less time spending”.39

It refers that digital media provides several benefits especially for reading behavior that it closes with reading habit.

Reading behavior deals with reading habit, because it is the habitual activity on reading. Certainly, digital media or electronic

documents give several advantages and

disadvantages on reading. In this research, the researcher will not talk or discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of digital media on reading in detailed, but the researcher wants to know whether electronic readings give more benefit of someone’s reading habit or someone still prefers to like reading in form of printed books. In addition, the researcher wants to know the subjects’ reason why they think that the existence of digital media facilitate them in their reading. It means that, the researcher wants to know how far electronic readings in this digital media give their contribution on reading habit and also to know their reasons beyond it. From those reasons, the researcher tries to classify the reasons

38 Shahnil Asmar Saaid and Zaliffah Abd Wahab, “The Impact of Digital-Based Materials

on Undergraduates’ Reading Habit”, International Journal of Social Science and

Humanity, vol. 4, no. 3 (2014), p. 250, accessed 12 May 2017. 39Ibid.



based on the advantages of digital media in reading.

3. Student Teachers

a. Definition of Student Teachers

Student teachers are students who are learning about teaching practice theory.40 It refers to the students who are learning about teaching and later they will be placed in the real school to practice their teaching theory for limited period as a part of a course to qualify as a teachers. It means that student teachers here are the students who join Teaching Practice (PPL 1) in University to learn about teaching and learning theory and they will apply the theory that has been gotten to the real practice in certain school.

b. The Importance of Student Teachers’ Reading


In Education term, student teachers as candidate of teachers hold as models in the classroom. They serve what they are going to teach include reading. They ask the students become the readers. When they asked their students to read, but they eare as the candidates of the teacher do not have highly or medium value in reading, it will be difficult

for them as the teachers to develop students’ routine

reading. Remember that, the students as the learners learn by imitating the behavior of the models (student teacher) include teachers’ reading habit.41

It means that, it is important to know student teachers’ reading habit in order to become models in the classroom and their students will learn by imitating all teachers’ behavior include teachers’ reading habit. Moreover,

40 Arifa, Thesis: “Student Teachers’ Self Efficacy in Using Instructional Strategies at Practice Teaching Class (PPL1) of English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya”, p. 13.




teacher has importance role in the classroom to develop positive attitude of literacy learning and reading.42 Meaning that, teacher plays the model in the classroom to maintain students’ literacy learning and reading.

Students teachers as the candidate of teachers also need to select or choose reading materials to inspire their students in a class.43 It means that before student teachers give or select reading material, they should have experienced with any kind of reading materials. Their experiences of reading are built by reading habit before they go to the real field in

Education that is school. That’s why, knowing about

student teachers’ reading habit as the candidate of teachers is important.

B. Previous Studies

The researcher provides several previous studies that have similarity with reading habit. First research is written by Dinda Trisnindita from UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Her research title is The Influence of Reading Habit to Students’ Reading Comprehension at MA Bilingual Krian. This research has two aims. The aims are to know the influence of reading habit to students’ reading comprehension and to know the indicators of reading comprehension influenced by reading habit. It means that the researcher has two main terms about reading habit and reading comprehension. She connects the reading habit to the reading comprehension of the students and the influence of both of them. It is different with this research that only focuses on reading habit itself. It means that the writer here does not connect any terms to reading habit. The writer

42 Margaret Njoki Ngugi, The Influence of the Internet Surfing on the Reading Culture of Secondary School Teachers: A Case Study of Newspaper Readership in Kigumo Sub County, Kenya, vol. 4 (2014), p. 99.

Margaret Njoki Ngugi, The Influence of the Internet Surfing on the Reading Culture of Secondary School Teachers: A Case Study of Newspaper Readership in Kigumo Sub County, Kenya, vol. 4 (2014), p. 99.




only wants to know the reading habit of student teacher at English Teacher Education Department.

Another research that deals with reading habit also provided. The second research that is done by Hafizh Al Nazhari, Syofia Delfi and Syafri K from Riau University. Their

research title is A Study on English Reading Habits of Students

of English Study Program of Riau University. The difference between their research and this research is on the object of the research. Hafizh and friends’ research choose in general their subject of English students, but this research will focus on the student teacher as the subject of research. This is the significance difference because this research is conducted in student teacher as subject as the foundation when student teacher goes to the real field of teaching that is school.

In correlation with digital media as the advancement of technology, the researcher shows the third research that is conducted by Purnima Chauhan and Dr. Payare Lal. Their

research title is Impact of Information Technology on Reading

Habits of College Students. The difference between their research and this research is they emphasize on technology and online reading. Data collection from their research shows the percentage of printed readings and online readings. There will be different with this research. The data of this research will know the level of student teacher’s reading habit level and the common factor which influences reading habit.

Again, research that deals with digital media also provided again. The fourth research that is done by Ziming Liu

entitled Reading Behavior In The Digital Environment Changes

In Reading Behavior Over The Past Ten Years. This research discusses about reading behavior of people in this digital era. The way people read has changed because of the emergence of technology. Liu concluded in his research that technology develops reading behavior of people from printed book to electronic book.

The fifth research is written by Micheal Owusu and

Acheaw. Their research title is Reading Habits among Students

and its Effect on Academic Performance: A Study of Students of Koforidua Polytechnic. The difference between their research and this research is their research has correlation between



reading habit and academic performance. It states clearly that in this research, researcher will do this research only on reading habit without any connection with academic performance.

Moreover, to correlate with reading habit and student teachers, the researcher provides the sixth research that is

conducted by Muhlise Coşgun Ögeyik & Esin Akyay with the

title Investigating Reading Habits and Preferences of Student Teachers at Foreign Language Departments. This research focuses on reading habit in general knowledge such as reading attitudes, reading preferences, the effect of reading on students’ performance. From this research, it is found that the subjects have positive reading attitudes based on the questionnaire that have been collected and analyzed by Muhlise.

In additional, another research about reading habit and student teachers has been provided. The seventh research is

written by Ahmet Pehlivan entitled Determining Reading

Interests and Habits of Candidate Teachers (TRNC Sample). In this research, Pehliyan focuses on reading interest of student teachers and also determine the genre of reading materials. It is quite different with current research because this research not only determine the genre of reading materials, but also the level of reading habit where genre of reading materials are included and the most common factor that influences reading habit. It means that this current research will explore more detail related to English reading habit.




This chapter discusses research methodology that is used in this research. It covers research design, population and sample, research setting. Then it is followed by research instrument as the tools for measuring the research question. Then, it is completed by data collection techniques, data analysis technique and research stages to provide better understanding in this research.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used Mixed Methods Design. Creswell explains that Mixed Methods Design is the method that combines both quantitative and qualitative data to provide better

understanding of a research problem.44 In this Mixed Methods

Design, the researcher collected, analyzed and mixed both quantitative and qualitative data in the single research. The writer used this kind of research design because of the need of the research questions. The first research question deals with the level of student teachers’ reading habit. Moreover, it requires numeric data from quantitative research and the description of numeric data. Then, the second research question deals with knowing the most common factor that influences reading habit. Furthermore, it requires data gathering from qualitative research.

B. Population and Sample

Population is the group consists of several individuals that have various characteristics.45 The population or the subject of this research was the students who are from student teacher of English Teacher Education Department from sixth semester who join Microteaching class. In this research, the researcher took sample of the population. Sample means part of the

44 John W. Creswell, Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (2013), p. 22.

45 Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, How to design and evaluate research in education (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009), p. 91.



population.46 Besides, to save the time while doing this research, researcher takes sampling for measuring reading habit

level of student teachers and also for knowing student teachers’

the most common factor that influences their reading habit. 1. Random Sampling

In this research, researcher used Random Sampling to determine the amount of the participants in collecting quantitative data. Random sampling is used because every participant of population has the equal chance to be selected.47 It means that there is no certain criterion to select the participants and it can be generalized.

Based on Sugiyono, there are several standards to decide the amount of sample. Moreover, this research uses

random sampling developed by Isaac and Michael with

errors 5%. 48 Here the researcher provides the formula and

the table of deciding the amount of sample based on Isaac

and Michael.

Figure 3.1 Isaac and Michael Formula Adopted from Sugiyono

For detailed components of Isaac and Michael formula it can be seen below:

λ = Degree Error of it can be 1%, 5%, 10%

P = Q = 0.5

46 Coladarci Theodore, Fundamentals of Statistical Reasoning in Education (2011), p. 192. 47 Fraenkel and Wallen, How to design and evaluate research in education, p. 92. 48 Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D, p. 126.



d = 0.005 N = population s = Sample

Dealing with the amount sample, Isaac and Michael

provides the table that consists of the amount of sample from several populations and from several errors. The researcher uses 5% errors and it can be decided that from 120 populations, researcher took 89 participants as a sample in quantitative data.

2. Convenience Sampling

Besides random sampling, researcher used

convenience sampling for collecting qualitative data. Based on Fraenkel, convenience sampling determines the amount of the participants who are available to be observed.49 The researcher used this kind of sampling for qualitative data because the participants agree to be observe or available. Fraenkel states that if the participants are available and agree to be observed can probably provide the strong opinion.50 The researcher chose 15 participants who are available to do the interview and they are expected to give the answers close with the

researcher’s expectation based on the research. C. Data and Source of Data

1. Data

The data that is used in this research are the answers of the participants based on the questionnaire and the interview. First, the data comes from questionnaire in form of numeric score. Second, the data comes from interview in form of statement or answer based on the interview guideline. The researcher used those data from quantitative and qualitative data to answer those research questions.

49 Fraenkel and Wallen, How to design and evaluate research in education, p. 99. 50Ibid.



2. Source of Data

Dealing with the data, the sources of data come from the questionnaire and interview as the instrument tools in this research. The participants or the objects of this research were 89 students who have completed the questionnaire and researcher also took 15 students of 89 students to complete the interview as source of data in this study.

D. Research Setting

This research took place in English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This department was located in Street. Ahmad Yani, 117, Surabaya. This research has been done on April, during 17th until 28th 2017. The researcher distributed the questionnaire and did the interview during the schedule.

E. Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher becomes the main instrument in collecting and analyzing the data, but here the researcher provides several instruments as the tools to measure the research questions.

a. Questionnaire

According to Creswell, questionnaire is one of survey design form to collect quantitative data using numbered design.51 Together with Creswell’s explanation, questionnaire is the tool to measure quantitative data based on the need of the first research question in this research. It consists of several questions and several closed ended or opened ended answers option, but this research will only focus on closed ended answers option.

Questionnaire becomes the main tool of quantitative research. Questionnaire was needed to measure the reading habit of student teacher as the

first research question. Researcher adapted




questionnaire for measuring reading habit from Julio

Caesar Galicia Gaona’s journal entitled, “Relationship between Reading Habits, University Library and Academic Performance in a Sample of Psychology Students”. Revista De la Education Superior. Vol. XL (1), No. 157, 2010. Questionnaire of Caesar is chosen by the researcher as the reference to develop researcher’s own questionnaire of reading habit and certainly researcher need to modify questionnaire in order to match the need of researcher. Moreover, the questionnaire can be seen in Appendix 1.

This questionnaire consists of several specific

questions that will measure the student teacher’s

reading habit. The questions in form of statements that

indicate students’ time spending and books read in one

year and it covers last semester till now. Certainly, researcher developed the questions by herself based on the theory and based on what kind of questions that she needed to measure reading habit of student teachers.

b. Interview

Creswell states that interview is a qualitative tool form that consists of several question guidelines to measure qualitative research question. In interview, the researcher collects the data through asking to the participants using interview guideline.

Because this research uses Mixed Methods Design, there are quantitative data and qualitative data. Gathering the qualitative data, the researcher used interview to answer the second research question. The second research question is questioning about the most common factor which influencing reading habit and the answer is in form of text or description. The questions in the interview guideline consist of opened ended questions but it is in the area of the theories that are used by researcher. Furthermore, the interview guideline can be seen in Appendix 3.



F. Data Collection Technique

In the mixed methods research design, Creswell

suggested to collect the data in sequence form.52 There several

sequences to collect the mixed methods data, but in this research the researcher concerned to collect quantitative and qualitative data in the same time. The researcher used this kind of collecting the data because consideration of the time.

The data collection here was conducted by using questionnaire as a tool for measuring quantitative data. Questionnaire was used to answer the first and second research question. The questionnaire was conducted in the free time of student teacher class or outside their class. So, it was not disturb their lesson in a class. The questionnaire contained of several types of questions. The questionnaire is in form of multiple choices questions with using ranging scale such as

Always, Sometimes, and Almost Never.53

Besides questionnaire, the researcher also provides interview based on the theory to collect qualitative data. The interview guideline consists of several question deal with the

common factors that influence students’ reading habit. The researcher developed the interview guideline base on the theory that the researcher use.

Specifically, the researcher collected both quantitative and qualitative data at the same time as well as in sequence, because both are related each other and can be conducted at the same time.

G. Data Analysis Technique

The data which has been collected was analyzed by the researcher using Explanatory (QUAN followed by

QUAL).54 In explanatory design, the researcher analyze

quantitative data and repots it in form of description. Then, it is followed by qualitative data that deals with descriptive explanation about the data that can give supported explanation

52Ibid., p. 549.

53Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D, p. 141. 54



of quantitative data. Based on Creswell there are several steps

in conducting mixed method research55:

Figure 3.2 Data Analysis in Mixed Methods Adopted from Creswell

1. Determine if mixed methods study is feasible. It involves that this kind of research design can answer the first and second research questions. 2. Identify a rationale of mixed methods study. It

deals with the reason why does the researcher choose mixed methods design to complete this study. Here, the researcher chooses mixed methods design because of the need of those research question. The first research question needs to be completed using quantitative method. Then, the second research question needs to be completed using qualitative method. So, the




researcher combines both of them in one research to provide better understanding.

3. Identify the data collection strategy and type of design. It involves with the sequence of collecting the data. The researcher collects quantitative and qualitative data at the same time. Then, it provides the specific forms of quantitative (e.g numeric score, graph or diagram) and qualitative (e.g descriptive report) data.

4. Develop quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research questions. It deals with research question. In this research, first research question wants to measure about reading habit level. It requires quantitative data. Second research question want to know the most common factor that influences reading habit. It requires qualitative data. Then, the researcher combines both of them.

5. Collect quantitative and qualitative data. The researcher follows quantitative procedures and qualitative procedure in collecting the data. 6. Analyze the data separately, concurrently, or

both. It involves with the way researcher analyzes the data. The researcher uses explanatory and analyzes the data separately. Quantitative data will be analyzed first, then followed by qualitative data.

7. Write a report as one- or two-phase study or a multiple-phase study. This research uses two phases where each phase contains of qualitative or quantitative explanation. Then, the written reports consist of the explanation of combining two methods (quantitative and qualitative).

H. Checking Validity of Findings

In checking validity of findings the researcher used triangulation to validate qualitative data. Meijer stated that triangulation figures the three measurements to verify the findings whether the findings can be accepted in the



research.56Meaning that, in this research, the researcher needs three things to validate the findings and to make the research more acceptable.

Miles and Huberman stateS in Meijer’s journal that there are five kinds of triangulation and the researcher combine several kinds of triangulation in one study.57 The first kind is triangulation by data source. Second is triangulation by method. Third is triangulation by researcher. Fourth is triangulation by theory. The last is triangulation by data. This research provides three measurements from the data, experts including lecturer and also supervisors, and the theories that support the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher makes sure that from the collected data, theories and some experts are in the same line with the purpose of this research and also provide the valid findings.

I. Research Stages

The process of this study has been done in following steps:

1. Decide the research design

It deals with the focus study in this research. Before deciding the research design, the researcher provides the research questions first. After developing research questions, the research design can be decided together with the framework of the data that are needed.

2. Conduct the research

a. Collecting data

In collecting data, the researcher used two instruments. There are questionnaire and interview. In distributing the questionnaire, the researcher gave the questionnaire to student teachers outside their class activity. So, it didn’t disturb their Microteaching class. After distributing the questionnaire, the researcher did the interview with several students who are available during that time. In doing interview, the researcher had several questions deal with the

56 Paulien C. Meijer, Multi-Method Triangulation in a Qualitative Study on Teachers’ Practical Knowledge: An Attempt to Increase Internal Validity (2002), p. 146. 57Ibid.



common factor that influence students’ reading habit.

The subjects of the study have to complete those questions.

b. Analyzing data separately

In analyzing the data, the researcher provided several steps. First is preparing the data. The researcher prepared the data from questionnaire and interview. In questionnaire, the researcher gave numeric score for each responses in the optional answers in the instrument, for example Always=3, Sometimes=2, Almost Never = 1 and so on. Researcher used three choices in optional answers because the need of the research. The researcher wanted to indicate the level of reading habit including constant readers, moderate readers and seldom reader. Because of those three levels, so the researcher needed three choices that can indicate the level. Always can

be indicated as constant readers, Sometimes can be

indicated as moderate readers, the last is Almost Never can be indicated as seldom readers. Then, inputting the data using SPSS 20 to know the descriptive statistic including mean, median and mode of the data. The researcher used the code/score that the researcher has been decided in SPSS. In interview, the researcher categorized the answers of the subjects and made diagram related to how many students who answer motivation for reading and how many students who answer the advancement of technology.

Second is the researcher analyzed using descriptive quantitative in questionnaire because the researcher wanted to indicate the general tendencies such as mean, median, mode. After analyzing the questionnaire, researcher could interpret the reading habit level. For qualitative data using interview, the researcher made the diagram that related to the common factors influencing reading habit. From the percentage, the researcher can know what the most

common factor that influences students’ reading habit



c. Combining quantitative data and qualitative data

After finishing both quantitative and

qualitative data analysis, the researcher combined both of them and made the correlation. Basically, the researcher also correlated the data with triangulation for qualitative study when the gathered data, experts and theories are in the same line.

d. Concluding the result of the research

After finishing the whole sections above, the researcher concluded this research including the

students’ reading habit level and the most common

factor that influence their reading habit based on the findings and also the theories that have been discussed.




This chapter discusses the collected data from questionnaire and interview guideline of student teachers in English Teacher Education Department UINSA and the analysis of them. Statistical report of

descriptive statistics and student teachers’ answer of the most common

factor that influence their reading habit are shown as research findings. Furthermore, the analyzed data of student teachers’ level of reading habit based on the standard of American Library Association and the

analyzed data of the common factors that influence student teachers’

reading habit based on Wigfield and Liu’s theories were shown as research discussion.

A. Research Findings

Research findings report the information that is discovered by the researcher through research instruments. Because there are two research questions, certainly this chapter requires two main points of research findings and also two main points of research discussion. It is broken down into several details information related with the finding. Then, the findings correlate to the theories to make clear and strong explanation. Describing about research questions, certainly research instruments are needed as the tools in order to answer the research questions.

Explaining about the instruments of this research, the researcher recalls the research question and the instruments of this study. The following table shows the research questions, aspects, instrument and also number of question in instrument.



Table 4.1 Research Questions and Instruments


Questions Aspects Instrument

Number of question in Instrument

What is the reading habit level of student teachers at English Teacher Education Department?

Levels of Reading


- Books read - Time Spending

Questionnaire Questionnaire items number 1,2,3,4,5, 6 Additional information concerning indicators and types of reading habit:

- Kinds of readings: Academic and non-academic reading books - Types of reading

habit: hobby, recreational and concentration

Questionnaire items number 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

What is the most common factor that influences reading habit of student teachers at English Teacher Education Department - Intrinsic Motivation Interview Guideline Interview Question Number 1, 9, 10 - Extrinsic


Interview Question Number 2, 3, 9, 10 - The

Advancement of Technology

Interview Question Number 4, 5,6,7, 8, 9, 10



1. Moderate as the Student Teachers’ Reading Habit


Level of English reading habit was classified as quantitative data. The instrument that was used to measure English reading habit level was questionnaire. This questionnaire was analyzed using SPSS 20, so that it needed coding system. Moreover there were 12 detailed items in questionnaire. It can be seen on Appendix 1. In questionnaire, there are two kinds of items.

1. Items that deal with English reading habit levels.

Those are items number 1,2,3,4,5, and 6. This items have three options, those are ; Always, Sometimes and Almost Never. Here, the coding will be shown below:

 Always is valued as 3 and also as Constant Readers

 Sometimes is valued as 2 and also as

Moderate Readers

 Almost Never is valued as 1 and also as

Seldom Readers

2. Items that deal with additional information of reading

habit. Those include kinds of English readings that are mostly read by the student teachers and types of reading habit. Those are in the items number 7,8,9,10,11 and 12. This kind of items have different option with the previous items, those are; Agree and Disagree. The coding will be shown below:

 Agree is valued as 1

 Disagree is valued as 0

The six items that deal with reading habit level were analyzed separately with six items that deal with additional information of reading habit. It happens because there are different options of each kind of items. Descriptive statistics using SPSS 20 was needed to analyze the data because the options require interval data or the ordered categorical data such as Always, Sometimes and Almost



and the advancement of technology.68 Furthermore, Wigfield divides the reading motivation into three; there are self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.69However, the researcher limited only two parts of reading motivation according to research need; these were intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Dealing with the advancement of technology, it is related to the digital media that affects readers’ reading habit in this globalization era.70 As the need of the second research question, this research wanted to know what the most common factors that influence students’ reading habit is according to Chettri and Wifgfield theories. The research findings reports that from 15 respondents who did the interview, most of them, 7 respondents explained that intrinsic motivation is the most common factor that influences their reading habit. It can be inferred that they read because of their interest and curiosity of readings or known as intrinsic motivation.

Recalling about the objective of this research, it obviously stated that this research wants to know student teachers reading level. Furthermore, the data and the theories show that student teachers at English Teacher Education Department are in moderate readers. It is also important to know what the most common factor that influences reading habit is. After knowing about student teachers reading habit level, it needs to know the most common factor that influences student teachers reading habit level. Moreover, it was clearly found that intrinsic motivation is the most common factor that influences reading habit. It means that student teachers were in the Moderate Level because they want to get new knowledge and vocabularies from what they have already read. So, it was found that among first and second research question has correlation each other to make better understanding.

68 Chettri, Reading Habits - An Overview, p. 15.

69Wigfield et al., “Children’s motivation for reading”, p. 301. 70Liu, “Reading behavior in the digital environment”, p. 701.




This chapter discusses the student teachers’ reading habit level

and followed by the most common factor that influences reading habit level. Moreover, this chapter includes the suggestion regarding the research for student teachers and future researchers.



Based on the research findings, the researcher will divide the conclusion into two main point related to the research questions.

1. Moderate Level of Student Teachers’ Reading Habit

According to the findings above, it can be concluded that this research has answered the research questions in the first chapter. Research findings show that mostly student teachers reading habit level at English Teacher Education Department are in moderate level. It is proved by the statistical analysis, the table shows that mostly student teachers give answer in the option number 2, it known as Sometimes and it can be indicated as Moderate readers. It is proven by statistical report using SPSS. Each items that has analyzed using SPSS shows the dominant number that is number 2 and it indicates moderate readers. Meaning that, the subjects give the answer that they are in medium level, they do not enough to be categorized as Constant and they are in higher level to be categorized as Seldom readers. Based on Oguz theory, it means that mostly student teachers read between 6-20 readings with time spending between 30-60 minutes in one reading.

Being a Moderate level actually is not really bad level. It is kind of good first step to improve to the higher level that is Constant Level. Besides, reading habit level has revealed, additional information related to reading habit level including what the most dominant of the kind of English reading and type of reading habit of student teachers is. Moreover, it has shown in the previous chapter that student teachers mostly read for



certain purpose such as they read something that they suppose that is important for them and they concentrate to read it. In addition, they mostly like to read Non-Academic reading, but some of them also like to read Academic Readings in order to increase their score in their study.

2. Intrinsic Motivation of Student Teachers’ Reading Habit

The most common factor that influences reading habit has captured in the previous chapter. Furthermore, it shows that they are mostly intrinsically motivated to read. Meaning that they are affected by intrinsic motivation where they read because they have desire to read and they are not affected by the others factors that come from outside their desire to read such as receiving good score or others.



According to the conclusion of the study, several suggestions are given to the Student Teachers at English Teacher Education Department of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya and future researchers who desire to do the same field research.

1. Student Teachers at English Teacher Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

The researcher offers the suggestion to the student teachers to keep maintaining the Moderate Level as their level of Reading Habit and Intrinsic motivation as the most common factor that affect their reading habit. It is good level as the beginning. Next, they are expected to reach higher level that is Constant Level of reading habit. Moreover they can keep their reading habit as routine activity and they can read for completing their desire in reading as their intrinsic motivation. 2. Future Researchers

Finally, this research has a lot of weaknesses, it would be pleased if future researchers will do better than the researcher did. Specifically, this research is limited only to know the reading habit level and the most common factor that influence their reading habit. Furthermore, finding the best way

to increase students’ reading habit is one of an interesting thing



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