Evaluasi Kinerja Bangunan Sekolah Alam Star International Medan (Playgroup dan Taman Kanakkanak)



Desain sekolah harus memberikan pengalaman positif dan memperkaya
pengetahuan anak melalui ruang-ruang belajar; di mana anak-anak bisa bebas
bergerak, mengeksplorasi, dan melakukan eksperimen sendiri. Kualitas penggunaan
ruang di sekolah, baik di dalam maupun di luar ruangan, harus dievaluasi; untuk
mengetahui hubungan antara variabel arsitektur dan perilaku belajar/bermain anakanak yang dipengaruhi sistem pendidikan sekolah. Salah satu bentuk sistem
pendidikan yang mulai berkembang di Indonesia adalah pendidikan sekolah alam,
seperti sekolah alam Star International Medan. Sistem pendidikan sekolah ini berbeda
dari sekolah formal/konvensional umumnya, dengan rasio kegiatan lebih banyak
dilakukan di luar ruangan (70%). Namun setelah sekolah beroperasi selama lebih dari
3 (tiga) tahun, muncul ketidakpuasan dari pengguna sekolah terkait kegiatan belajar
dan bermain anak yang tidak dapat diakomodasi secara maksimal; dengan kata lain,
kondisi kinerja sekolah rendah. Lebih dari 90% masalah terjadi pada bangunan atau
pada ruang dalam di sekolah. Selain itu berdasarkan literatur yang ada, sangat sedikit
penelitian tentang peran ruang dalam (indoor) pada kegiatan anak di sekolah alam
(yang hanya sekitar 30%). Oleh sebab itu, fokus penelitian adalah evaluasi kinerja
pada bangunan sekolah alam Star International Medan.
Evaluasi kinerja bangunan (BPE) yang akan dilakukan, merupakan proses

perbandingan secara menyeluruh antar berbagai variabel yakni: ekspektasi/harapan
pengguna sekolah, yang diperoleh melalui hasil kuisioner; dan pengamatan evaluator
yang diperoleh melalui hasil behavior mapping. Kedua variabel BPE (hasil survey
kepuasan pengguna) akan dibandingkan dengan variabel standar desain sekolah alam
yang merupakan indikator penilaian. Standar desain sekolah alam diperoleh melalui
perbandingan antara karakteristik sekolah alam, sekolah konvensional, dan hasil
penelitian terkait. Hasil perbandingan secara menyeluruh ini, akan menghasilkan
solusi desain yang akan memecahkan permasalahan penyebab penurunan kepuasan
pengguna/penurunan kinerja bangunan (sesuai dengan tujuan evaluasi), dan tentunya
sesuai dengan karakteristik sistem pendidikan berbasis alam.
Setelah melakukan evaluasi BPE maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa solusi
desain yang dihasilkan hanyalah berupa rumusan kriteria desain tentang bagaimana
desain ruang belajar yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan anak dalam belajar dan
bermain dengan cara apapun sesuai keinginan anak. Dengan kata lain, hasil evaluasi
BPE bukanlah menghasilkan desain standar untuk sebuah ruang belajar bermain
indoor pada sebuah sekolah alam. Hal ini dikarenakan aspek-aspek desain yang
mempengaruhi kinerja bangunan sekolah alam tidak dapat dirumuskan/distandarisasi
karena konektivitas ruang terhadap alam yang selalu dinamis/berubah.
Kata Kunci: sekolah alam, evaluasi kinerja bangunan, kepuasan pengguna, ruang


School design should provide positive experience and enrich students’
knowledge in the form of classrooms where they can freely move, express, and
conduct their own experiment. The quality of using classrooms in a school, either
indoor or outdoor, should be evaluated in order to find out the correlation between
the variable of architecture and students’ learning/playing behavior which is
influenced the educational system of the school. One of the educational systems
which is developing in Indonesia is natural school education such as Star
International Natural School, Medan. The educational system of this school is
different from the other formal/conventional schools. Here, more activities are done
outdoors (70%). However, after the school had operated more than three years, there
was the school users’ dissatisfaction with the students’ learning/playing activities
which could not be accommodated optimally; in other words, the school performance
was bad. More than 90% of the problems were about the condition of the school
building and classrooms. It was also found that there were few researches on indoor
activities for the students at this natural school (only about 30%). Therefore, the
research was focused on the evaluation of the school building performance of Star

International natural School, Medan.
Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) which would be conducted was the
process of comparison as a whole among various variables: expectation of the users
of the school through questionnaires and the evaluator’s observation through the
result of Behavioral Mapping. The variable of BPE (the result of the survey about the
users’ satisfaction) would be compared with the variable of the natural school design
standard which was the assessment indicator. The natural school design standard
was obtained through the comparison between the characteristics of the natural
school and conventional schools as well as the result of the related research. This
complete result of the comparison would expectedly yield the solution of the design
which would cope with the problems of what factors which caused the decrease in the
users’ satisfaction/the decrease in the building performance (according to the
objective of the evaluation and to the characteristics of nature based educational
After evaluating BPE it could be concluded that the design solution produced
only in the form of the formulation of design criteria on how the design of learning
spaces that can meet the needs of children in learning and playing with the children
in any way as desired. In other words, the results of the evaluation BPE not produce
standard design for an indoor play space study at a school of nature. This is because
the design aspects that affect the performance of school buildings nature can not be

defined/standardized due to the nature of space connectivity is always dynamic.
Keywords: Natural School, Building Performance Evaluation, Users’ Satisfaction,