Mutu Pelayanan Resep di Puskesmas Kecamatan Martapura Kabupaten OKU Timur


Mutu pelayanan yang baik merupakan bagian penting yang harus diberikan
para penyedia jasa pelayanan kesehatan termasuk Puskesmas. Puskesmas dalam
memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, wajib memberikan pelayanan yang aman, bermutu
dengan mengutamakan kepentingan terbaik bagi pasien. Pasien yang merasa puas
terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan akan mempunyai persepsi yang baik. Sebaliknya,
pasien yang merasa tidak puas akan mempunyai persepsi yang buruk.
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui mutu pelayanan resep dan tingkat
kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan resep di Puskesmas Kecamatan Martapura
Kabupaten OKU Timur Sumatera Selatan. Penilaian mutu pelayanan resep dilakukan
dengan mengamati secara random 322 resep yang masuk ke apotek. Mutu pelayanan
resep diamati berdasarkan beberapa indikator, yaitu rata-rata waktu penyiapan dan
penyerahan obat, persentase jumlah obat dan item obat yang diserahkan sesuai resep,
persentase penggantian item obat, persentase etiket yang lengkap, dan persentase hasil
konseling. Sementara itu, tingkat kepuasan pasien dilakukan dengan mengamati secara
random 322 pasien yang datang ke apotek. Tingkat kepuasan pasien diamati dengan
membagikan kuesioner yang telah disediakan peneliti dan selanjutnya diisi oleh
pasien. Penilaian tingkat kepuasan dilakukan terhadap variabel kehandalan,

ketanggapan, keyakinan, empati, dan bukti langsung.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan mutu pelayanan resep
diperoleh rerata waktu penyiapan obat jadi 257 detik (55 - 599 detik) dan obat racikan
898 detik (606 – 2211 detik), rerata waktu penyerahan obat 20 detik (4 - 78 detik),
persentase jumlah obat yang diserahkan sesuai resep 98,76%, persentase jumlah item
obat yang diserahkan sesuai resep 98,14%, persentase penggantian item obat 1,94%
(0,95-7,32%), etiket yang ditulis secara lengkap sebanyak 218 resep (67,70%), dan
pasien yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan peneliti sebanyak 183 pasien
(56,83%). Sementara berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan resep,
268 pasien (83,20%) merasa sangat puas, 54 pasien (16,80%) merasa puas, dan tidak
ada pasien yang merasa tidak puas. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa mutu pelayanan resep di
Puskesmas Kecamatan Martapura Kabupaten OKU Timur Sumatera Selatan belum
memenuhi standar. Berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan, sebagian
besar pasien merasa sangat puas terhadap mutu pelayanan resep yang diberikan
Puskesmas Kecamatan Martapura Kabupaten OKU Timur Sumatera Selatan.

Kata kunci : mutu pelayanan, tingkat kepuasan, pelayanan resep, Puskesmas
Kecamatan Martapura, Sumatera Selatan


Universitas Sumatera Utara


Good quality service is an important part that must be given by health care
workers, including public health center. In providing health services. Public health
center is required to provide safeand good quality services, by prioritizing the the
patients' satisfaction and needs. Felling satisfaction of services provided by health
workers will have a good perception. In the other, feeling dissatisfied will provide a
bad perception.
The study was conducted to find out the quality of prescription services and
patients' satisfaction toward prescription services in public health center Martapura
OKU Timur district South Sumatra. Prescription services quality assessment carried
out by randomly observing from 322 prescriptions required from the pharmacy.
Quality of prescription service was observed by several indicators, the average time
preparation and medicines and drugs delivery, the percentage of the amount and drugs

items submitted as prescribed, the percentage of drugs replacement items, complete
etiquette percentage, and the percentage of counseling results. Meanwhile, the level of
patient satisfaction was conducted by randomly observing from 322 patients who
came to the pharmacy. The level of patient satisfaction was observed by distributing a
questionnaire provided by researchers and subsequently filled by the patient.
Assessment of the satisfaction level performed on variable reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, empathy and direct evidence.
The results showed that based on the quality of service prescriptions obtained
an average preparation time of drugs was 257 seconds (55-599 seconds) and drug
concoction was 898 seconds (606-2211 sec), the average time of drugs delivery was
20 seconds (4-78 seconds), the percentage of the drug amount delivered as prescribed
was 98.76%, the percentage of the number of items submitted as prescribed was
98.14%, the percentage of drug replacement item a was 1.94% (from 0.95 to 7.32%),
completely written etiquette was 218 prescriptions (67.70%), and patients who can
answer questions asked by the researcher were 183 patients (56.83%). Based on the
patient satisfaction level toward prescription services were 268 patients (83.20%) very
satisfied, 54 patients (16.80%) were satisfied, and no patient was dissatisfied. It can be
concluded that the prescription services quality in Public health services in Martapura
OKU Timur Regency South Sumatra yet does not meet the standards. Based on the
level of patient satisfaction toward the services, most of patients feel very satisfied

with the quality of prescription services given by Public health services in Martapura
OKU Timur Regency South Sumatra.

Key words : Services quality, Satisfaction Level, prescription services, Publich health
services in Martapura OKU Timur Regency South Sumatra


Universitas Sumatera Utara