Bill Russel`s motivation to be a basketball star in Bill Russell`s Go Up For Glory.



Meisiana Dwi Kartika, Susana. 2011. Bill Russell’s Motivation to be a Basketball Star in Bill Russell’s Go Up for Glory. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses a novel written by Bill Russell entitled Go Up for Glory. It pictures an African-American, named Bill Russell, who is trying to prove the white American that people in his ethnic have talent and can be a leader. Being a basketball star is one of ways he can prove.

This study analyzes Bill Russell’s motivation to be a basketball star. There are two formulated problems. They are: (1) How is Bill Russell, the main character, described? (2) What are Bill Russell’s motivations to be a basketball star?

A library study was applied to gather the data. The primary source was gained from the novel. The secondary sources were books of psychology and literature, and the internet sources. Theories of character and characterization were used to get the description of main character. Meanwhile, theories of motivation were used to analyze the main character’s motivation to be a basketball star.

From the analysis of the first problem, it can be seen that Bill Russell is the major character. The character analysis is divided into two parts. Those are physical description and personality description. The personality description shows that Bill Russell is described as loving and caring, confident, talented, tough, brave, and ambitious. On the other hand, the analysis of the second problem concerns with Bill Russell’s motivation to be a basketball star. The first motivation is Russell’s approach and intrinsic motivation. The second motivation is Russell’s avoidant and extrinsic motivation. The third motivation is Russell’s achievement motivation to be a basketball star.

This thesis also gives suggestions for future researchers who are interested in analyzing the same novel. They can analyze about Bill Russell’s personality development. They can also analyze the influence of the major character’s love to the existence of his ethnic group. The writer also suggests the further researchers to use some pages of the novel for teaching Short Essay Writing I.



Meisiana Dwi Kartika, Susana. 2011. Bill Russell’s Motivation to be a Basketball Star in Bill Russell’s Go Up for Glory.Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini membahas sebuah novel karya Bill Russell yang berjudul Go Up for Glory. Novel ini menceritakan tentang seorang berkebangsaan Afrika-Amerika bernama Bill Russell yang berusaha untuk membuktikan kepada bangsa kulit putih bahwa rasnya mempunyai bakat dan mampu menjadi seorang pemimpin. Menjadi bintang basket merupakan salah satu cara untuk membuktikannya.

Skripsi ini menganalisa motivasi Bill Russell untuk menjadi pemain basket terkenal. Ada dua permasalahan yang dibahas. Masalah pertama adalah Bagaimana Bill Russell, tokoh utama, digambarkan dalam novel? Kedua, Apa motivasi Bill Russell untuk menjadi bintang basket?

Penelitian perpustakaan diterapkan untuk memperoleh data. Sumber utama didapatkan dari novel itu sendiri. Sumber tambahan didapatkan dari buku-buku psikologi, kesusasteraan, dan sumber lain dari internet. Teori karakter dan karakterisasi digunakan untuk mendapatkan penggambaran tokoh utama. Sementara itu, teori motivasi digunakan untuk menganalisa motivasi Bill Russell untuk menjadi bintang basket.

Berdasarkan hasil analisa permasalahan yang pertama, Bill Russell dapat digambarkan sebagai tokoh utama. Analisis karakter dibagi menjadi dua bagian, penggambaran fisik dan penggambaran kepribadian. Bill Russell mempunyai karakteristik penyayang, percaya diri, berbakat, tegar, berani, dan ambisi. Di sisi lain, analisis permasalahan yang kedua difokuskan pada motivasi Bill Russell untuk menjadi seorang bintang basket. Motivasi pertama adalah motivasi mendekat dan motivasi intrinsik. Motivasi kedua adalah motivasi menjauh dan motivasi ekstrinsik. Motivasi ketiga adalah motivasi pencapaian.

Skripsi ini juga menyarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk meneliti tentang perkembangan kepribadian. Mereka juga dapat menganalisa tentang pengaruh cinta tokoh utama terhadap kehidupan rasnya. Penulis juga menyarankan untuk menggunakan beberapa halaman novel dalam pengajaran Short Essay Writing I.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Susana Meisiana Dwi Kartika Student Number: 041214117
















First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ and Mother Mary. They have blessed and always guided me to finish my thesis. I am thankful for all great people around me who have supported me in finishing my thesis. I believe that God has sent them to show His love to me.

A great appreciation goes to my sponsor, Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. for her time, advice, ideas, comments, and guidance. I am really grateful for her patience, encouragement, and beneficial suggestions from the beginning until the end of my thesis accomplishment. My sincere gratitude goes to all PBI lecturers for their guidance during my study. I also thank secretariat staffs of PBI and all librarians for their assistance and best services.

My deepest gratitude goes to my father and mother, Ambrosius, S.Sos. and Anisia. I thank them for their love, support, affection, and prayer. My great gratitude also goes to my brothers, Irenius Lijun Pratama, S.T. and Tri Pasca Natalis, and my sister in law, Shima, A.Md. for their support, attention, and encouragement.

I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Shanty Malasari, S.Pd. and Bekti Kristiani, S.Pd. for their time, kindness, ideas, and endless support not only in finishing my thesis, but also in living my life. I thank them for being my very best friends. I hope we will always be friends forever. I also thank their parents for their care and support. It is like I have new families who care of me. I am so lucky and blessed to have them in my life. My next gratitude goes to


Vensiana Parnika, S.Pd. for her willingness to be my proofreader. I thank her for checking and correcting my grammatical mistakes in my thesis, and for being a good friend of mine. I also thank my junior, Sari for her kindness in lending me her material and syllabus.

My special gratitude goes to my beloved abank for his love, patience, care, and strength. I thank him for sharing great moments all this time. I thank him for always being on my side.

Then, I would like to appreciate my classmates, Alit, Ayu, Sigit, Rikko, Hebi, Dikka, and Lexy for their willingness to help me whenever I need during my study. My special thanks go to Rini, Yanu, and Nana for their kindness and support. I also thank my partners in conducting PPL II, KKNXXXV kelompok 10, and SPD project for teaching me about friendship and cooperation in teamwork.

I would like to present bunch of thanks to komunitas sentex, grup danisa, and Mega’s family. I thank them for supporting and coloring my life with wonderful friendship ever. I thank them for being so good to me.

Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of 2004 PBI students and everybody who has helped and supported me in the process of writing my thesis and for those who have come and beautified my life. I cannot mention one by one but I truly thank them for everything they have given to me.

Susana Meisiana Dwi Kartika












ABSTRACT ... xiv

ABSTRAK ... xv


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. Benefits of the Study ... 5

E. Definition of Terms ... 7


A. Review of Related Theories ... 9

1. Theory of Critical Approach ... 9


3. Theory of Characterization ……… 15

4. Theory of Motivation ……… 17

a. Kinds of Motivation ………... 18

b. Human Motives ……….. 20

c. Approach and Avoidant Motivation ……….. 21

B. Theoretical Framework ... 23


A. Object of the Study ... 24

B. Approach of the Study ... 25

C. Method of the Study ... 26


A. The Description of Bill Russell’s Character ... 29

1. Loving and Caring ... 32

2. Being proud of himself ... 34

3. Talented ………... 35

4. Tough ………. 37

5. Brave ……….. 38

6. Ambitious ……….. 39

B. Russell’s Motivation to be a Basketball Star ... 41

1. Russell’s Approach and Intrinsic Motivation ……… 43




2. Russell’s Avoidant and Extrinsic Motivation ……… 44

3. Russell’s Achievement Motivation………... 47


A. Conclusions ... 49

B. Suggestions ... 51

1. Suggestions for Future Researchers ... 51

2. Suggestions for The Implementation of Teaching English ... 52



1. The Cover of Go Up for Glory ... 57

2. Summary of the Novel ... 58

3. Biography of the Author ... 59

4. Syllabus of Short Essay Writing I ... 61

5. Lesson Plan of Short Essay Writing I ... 63



Meisiana Dwi Kartika, Susana. 2011. Bill Russell’s Motivation to be a Basketball Star in Bill Russell’s Go Up for Glory. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses a novel written by Bill Russell entitled Go Up for Glory. It pictures an African-American, named Bill Russell, who is trying to prove the white American that people in his ethnic have talent and can be a leader. Being a basketball star is one of ways he can prove.

This study analyzes Bill Russell’s motivation to be a basketball star. There are two formulated problems. They are: (1) How is Bill Russell, the main character, described? (2) What are Bill Russell’s motivations to be a basketball star?

A library study was applied to gather the data. The primary source was gained from the novel. The secondary sources were books of psychology and literature, and the internet sources. Theories of character and characterization were used to get the description of main character. Meanwhile, theories of motivation were used to analyze the main character’s motivation to be a basketball star.

From the analysis of the first problem, it can be seen that Bill Russell is the major character. The character analysis is divided into two parts. Those are physical description and personality description. The personality description shows that Bill Russell is described as loving and caring, confident, talented, tough, brave, and ambitious. On the other hand, the analysis of the second problem concerns with Bill Russell’s motivation to be a basketball star. The first motivation is Russell’s approach and intrinsic motivation. The second motivation is Russell’s avoidant and extrinsic motivation. The third motivation is Russell’s achievement motivation to be a basketball star.

This thesis also gives suggestions for future researchers who are interested in analyzing the same novel. They can analyze about Bill Russell’s personality development. They can also analyze the influence of the major character’s love to the existence of his ethnic group. The writer also suggests the further researchers to use some pages of the novel for teaching Short Essay Writing I.





Meisiana Dwi Kartika, Susana. 2011. Bill Russell’s Motivation to be a Basketball Star in Bill Russell’s Go Up for Glory.Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini membahas sebuah novel karya Bill Russell yang berjudul Go Up for Glory. Novel ini menceritakan tentang seorang berkebangsaan Afrika-Amerika bernama Bill Russell yang berusaha untuk membuktikan kepada bangsa kulit putih bahwa rasnya mempunyai bakat dan mampu menjadi seorang pemimpin. Menjadi bintang basket merupakan salah satu cara untuk membuktikannya.

Skripsi ini menganalisa motivasi Bill Russell untuk menjadi pemain basket terkenal. Ada dua permasalahan yang dibahas. Masalah pertama adalah Bagaimana Bill Russell, tokoh utama, digambarkan dalam novel? Kedua, Apa motivasi Bill Russell untuk menjadi bintang basket?

Penelitian perpustakaan diterapkan untuk memperoleh data. Sumber utama didapatkan dari novel itu sendiri. Sumber tambahan didapatkan dari buku-buku psikologi, kesusasteraan, dan sumber lain dari internet. Teori karakter dan karakterisasi digunakan untuk mendapatkan penggambaran tokoh utama. Sementara itu, teori motivasi digunakan untuk menganalisa motivasi Bill Russell untuk menjadi bintang basket.

Berdasarkan hasil analisa permasalahan yang pertama, Bill Russell dapat digambarkan sebagai tokoh utama. Analisis karakter dibagi menjadi dua bagian, penggambaran fisik dan penggambaran kepribadian. Bill Russell mempunyai karakteristik penyayang, percaya diri, berbakat, tegar, berani, dan ambisi. Di sisi lain, analisis permasalahan yang kedua difokuskan pada motivasi Bill Russell untuk menjadi seorang bintang basket. Motivasi pertama adalah motivasi mendekat dan motivasi intrinsik. Motivasi kedua adalah motivasi menjauh dan motivasi ekstrinsik. Motivasi ketiga adalah motivasi pencapaian.

Skripsi ini juga menyarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk meneliti tentang perkembangan kepribadian. Mereka juga dapat menganalisa tentang pengaruh cinta tokoh utama terhadap kehidupan rasnya. Penulis juga menyarankan untuk menggunakan beberapa halaman novel dalam pengajaran Short Essay Writing I.





This chapter introduces five major points discussed in five separated sub-chapters. They are the background of the study, the problem formulation, the objectives, the benefits, and the definition of terms. In the background part, the writer discusses the description of the topic and the reasons choosing the novel as the subject of analysis. The problem formulation consists of two questions addressed as an effort to accomplish the aim of the study. The objectives of the study discuss the purpose of this study in general. The benefits of the study present the benefits addressed to particular persons who are probably benefited from the results of this study. The last part is the definition of terms which discusses some important terms used.

A.Background of the Study

Literature is considered as a piece of work which portrays our daily life. Literary works – novel, prose, poetry or drama – frequently reflect real life and occasionally represent things happened in our life. They are considered as excellent works when they do not only give pleasure but also meanings to the readers. Moreover, an evocative message embodied will trigger the readers to explore more and learn from it.




According to Hudson (10), literature is the expression of life through the medium of language. The source of literature lies on what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it and their imagination. Literature is only one of several means of communication where we can share our experiences with other people. To be brief, it reflects and expresses life. Therefore, literature can be regarded as something essential since containing real life, people’s thoughts and feelings on life.

As previously mentioned a novel, as one of literary works, has peculiarity to create a nearly-actual world without overlooking the imaginative aspect. According to Milligan (4), a novel, as a work of literature, is more in touch with reality, as it helps the readers see things as they really are. Therefore, the readers commonly feel as if they are involved in the story when reading it. They emotionally take part in the narrative because of the atmosphere – gloomy, contended, humorous, or horror – produced by the novelist. In addition, many valuable things which actually occur in our genuine life are able to be found inside a novel.

A novel should have a good theme in order to make it attention-grabbing. Most of the readers are interested to read when the novel contains a good theme – marriage, adultery, mystery and so on. A good theme is created from the author’s creativity in producing and conveying his or her imagination into written form. Therefore, an author needs inspiration which can come from an event or



In a grand theme of a novel, it is usually slipped in out of the ordinary topics. One of the attractive topics which are portrayed in the works of literature is motivation. Motivation is related to the daily life. Everyone has motivation when doing something. Even a baby must have motivation in his or her life. A crying baby must have reasons why he or she is crying. Sometimes a baby cries because of hunger, thirstiness, or getting wet.

In a real life, motivation is needed in order to reach the goals. People must have goals in their life. They must have something to achieve. Moreover, they have their own ways to reach their goals. Whatever the ways take, they always need motivation. Motivation urges people to perform a particular action to fulfill their needs or to achieve their goals. No matter how big the problems they should face in achieving their goals, they will not give up if they have motivation. Motivation makes someone work harder and do better.

Herbert L. Petri (3-4) states that motivation is the concept we use when we describe the forces acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior. The concept of motivation is also used to explain the differences in the intensity of behavior. More intense behaviors are considered to be the results of higher levels of motivation. Additionally, we often use the concept of motivation to indicate the direction of behavior. If someone feels sad, then he or she will cry. In this case, the sadness feeling motivates him or her to cry. To sum up, motivations direct someone to behave.




Go Up for Glory, a novel written by Bill Russell, is an example of the novels which portrays motivation. It is a true story of an African-American named Bill Russell. Bill Russell lives in racial discrimination era. At that period of time, it is easier said than done for an African-American to do anything he or she wants to; briefly said there is several regulations prohibit and limit their activities. There are things they cannot carry out or use. Even a child has already understood what is and not allowed to do or use. The adults and the environment inform him or her about the rules and the conditions.

Bill Russell, as a child, has a dream to be a basketball star. He wants to be a professional basketball star in the United States of America (USA). It is a tough path to achieve it. He himself knows and does understand how difficult it is. He has learnt many things about the rule for an African-American. He understands that a big and famous basketball club in the USA is for the White only.

Bill Russell does not end up his dream. He does not give up easily. He struggles to reach his dream. He tries to make it come true. His spirit in achieving his life goal cannot be separated from his motivations. There must be strong motivations that lead him to struggle harder in achieving his goal. The motivations do urge him to fight against the rule and have him win many National Basketball Association (NBA) titles. This study discusses Russell’s motivation to be a basketball star in America.



B.Problem Formulation

This analysis is aimed to answer two problem formulations. The formulated problems can be seen as follows:

1. How is Bill Russell, the main character, described?

2. What are Bill Russell’s motivations to be a basketball star?

C.Objectives of the Study

As stated in the formulated problem, there are two objectives the writer tries to analyze. The objectives of the study can be explained below:

1. To describe Bill Russell’s characteristics in the novel.

2. To find out Bill Russell’s motivations to be a basketball star.

D.Benefits of the Study

The results of this study are expected to bring valuable contributions to the people who concern with the analysis of a novel, especially when dealing with the motivation of the character(s), as reflected in Bill Russell’s Go Up for Glory. We can gain a lot of lessons from reading the novel.

Firstly, the students of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University can take at least two benefits from the results of this




study in certain aspects. The results of this study will help them gain more understanding about life through reading and analyzing the literary works, especially the novel. They can grasp and implement important values portrayed in this novel into their life, for instance the importance of motivation to reach their achievement.

The lecturers of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University can also use the results of this study as a reference to teach Short Essay Writing I. Teaching English using a novel can encourage the students’ curiosity, imagination, and critical thinking. Moreover, it also can stimulate them to read the novel which implies to the improvement of vocabulary mastered.

The results of this study provide constructive information about the novel which is valuable for the future researchers. Likewise, they also present favorable information about the descriptions and the motivations of Bill Russell in struggling for the glory of being a basketball star. There are many aspects which are necessary to analyze in this novel, and the writer contributes in giving untimely information.

Finally, analyzing a novel can reinforce the writer’s skills in understanding and interpreting a literary work. It enlarges my literary knowledge and vocabularies. As a human being who has so many goals in this life, the writer can take several lessons on how the motivations play an important role in achieving those goals. There are so many problems the writer will face in the future. No



matter how big the problems are, the writer believes that the writer is able to reach those goals as long as there is a motivation inside. The writer learns that the motivations lead people to be successful.

E.Definitions of Terms

Some terms in this section are the key words. In order to avoid the different perceptions and to give clear explanations to the reader, the writer provides some explanations related to some terms discussed. Those terms are:

1. Character

Gill (127) states “a character is someone in a literary work who has some sort of identity (it does not need be a strong one), an identity which is made up by appearance, conversation, action, name and (possibly) thoughts in the head.” In this study, the term character means the person who becomes the focus of the novel which is described deeply through their attitudes, psychological behavior and performance.

2. Motivation

Huffman, and Vernoy and Vernoy (392) also share more or less a similar understanding with Jung by referring it to the factors of an individual such as needs, desires, and interests which activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward his or her goals. Meanwhile, Herbert L. Petri (3-4) defines the motivation as the concept we use when we describe the forces acting on or within an organism to




initiate and direct behavior. The concept of motivation is also used to explain differences in the intensity of behavior. In this study, the motivation means desires, wishes, plans, goals, intents, impulse, purposes, needs, and interests within an organism which initiate and direct behavior.





This chapter includes the theories that are used to analize the formulated

problems. This chapter is divided into two parts, namely review of related theories

and theoretical framework. The review of related theories covers critical approach,

character, characterization, and motivation. Meanwhile, theoretical framework

describes the application of all theories used in this study.


Review of Related Theories

In this study, the writer uses four theories to support and

help me in the process

of analysis. They are the theory of critical approach, theory of character, theory of

characterization and theory of motivation. The theories are considered very helpful to

find out the description of the main character and his motivations in struggling to be a

basketball star. These theories have different functions yet correlate to each other.


Theory of Critical Approach

According to Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. (3) in Reading and Writing about




literature, every literary work has an aesthetic value. After reading a literary work, the

readers will be able to respond to its aesthetic values. The response to literature as an

art form is called as aesthetic response. In order to find out the aesthetic value, a

critical approach has a role to help the reader understand the nature, function, and

positive values of the literary work. It facilitates the readers to give reasonable

judgment of the literary work.

Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. (13-17) propose five critical approaches. They are

formalist approach, biographical approach, sociocultural-historical approach,

mythopoeic approach, and psychological approach. The first approach, the formalist

approach, pinpoints to the total integrity of the literary piece itself and its aesthetic

values. This approach also concerns with the harmonious involvement of all the parts

to the whole and points out the derivation of the meaning from its structure and the

determination techniques of the structure.

The second approach is the biographical approach. In this approach, the

author’s personality, life, and development considered to have influences on his or

her writing. It means that the work of art is the reflection of the author’s ideas and

personalities. The readers can gain more understanding on the literary work by

learning about the life and the development of the author.

The third approach is the sociocultural-historical approach. In a literary work,

such aspects as social, cultural, and historical are believed to have contributions to the




author in producing the work. By using this approach, we will know the social

condition and historical background at that time.

The fourth approach is the mythopoeic approach. It emphasizes on discovering

certain universally recurrent patterns of human thoughts in the work of art. They

often concern about death and rebirth, guilt and sacrifices, primitive rites, and

theological aspect of Christian doctrine, which are found in the ancient myth and folk

rites. Through this approach, the mystical relationship in a story can be explained.

The fifth approach is the psychological approach. This approach focuses on the

human psychology. It is used to identify any aspects of psychology underlying a

certain element of a literary work. It involves efforts to locate and demonstrate certain

recurring patterns drawn from psychological knowledge. Therefore, this approach

provides a deeper understanding in analyzing character’s thought and how it

influences the behavior pattern.

However, not all the approaches will be applied in this study. In order to find

out the description of the character and his motivations to be a basketball star, this

study will use the psychological approach. The problem formulations stated earlier

are closely related to the psychology of human beings.





Theory of Character

This study uses novel as the object of the study. In order to have better

understanding on a literary work such as a novel, the writer has to understand the

character in the novel first. Therefore, the writer uses the theory of character and

characterization as means to get deeper understanding about the character.

Abrams (21) defines characters as the persons presented in a dramatic or

narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral,

dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the

dialogue – and by what they do – the action. It means that the character is the person

involved in a novel. Still, there are two ways to describe the character, which is

through the dialogue and the action. Through both, the characters show their

emotional qualities.

In each novel there must be one or more characters that hold the main

importance of the story. These characters play an important role because the story is

talking about them and the conflicts in their life. According to Milligan (155)

characters are categorized into main or major characters and minor characters. Major

characters are the center of the story – mostly talks about the conflicts among them –

and the most important characters in the story. On the other hand, minor characters

appear only once or twice in the story and their roles are less important than the major





Meanwhile, Perrine divides character into two, namely static and dynamic

character (71). Static character is a character that does not undergo the process of

change development as a result of the things that happen to him. Perrine also states,

“Dynamic character undergoes an important, basic, and permanent change in his

character, personality, or perspective” (71).

Moreover, dynamic character is understood as a character that changes when

things happen to him (Holman and Harmon 83). Dynamic characters are like human

beings. During the period of their life, human beings always have problems and

emotion. They sometimes easily change, occasionally in a complex manner. The

problems in their life change them. Someone who is cheerful is possible to turn to be

desperate when facing complicated problems.

According to Forster (46-54), the character is classified into two. They are a flat

character and a round character. A flat character means a character described as the

same sort of person at the end of the story as he was at the beginning. It is represented

as a single idea or quality. There are two advantages of flat characters: first, they are

easily recognized whenever they come in – recognized by the readers’ emotional eye,

not by the visual eye which merely notes the recurrence of a proper name Second, the

reader straightforwardly remembers them afterward. In other words, flat characters

are introduced from the beginning until the end of the story in a stable description.




In contrast to flat character, a round character is many sided. It has complexity

in temperament and motivation. This complexity is shaped by the character’s

environment (Forster 48). Round characters are usually fully developed by the author,

and when they are skillfully written then round character will be more memorable.

There are two ways in describing round character: first, is in the portrayal or using

dramatic method. The author only presents the character talking and acting and

allows the reader to conclude what motives and nature lie beyond what they say and

do. Second, letting or using direct comments. In this way, the author gets strongly

involved in order to describe, and often evaluate, the nature of dispositional qualities

of the character (Abrams 21-22). Those statements are supported by Rohrberger and

Woods (170). They mention round characters are artistically speaking and have a

higher achievement.

The characters can also be categorized based on their actions and attitudes in

the narrative. Rohrberger and Wood (17) present the terms protagonist and antagonist

to categorize characters in the novels. The protagonist is the chief character of the

story which is usually, in the traditional fiction, the hero. The character is described

as a good person and mostly becomes the center of the story. In the meantime, the

opponent character is known as the antagonist. As readers, we often recognize this

character as a bad person and as the enemy of the protagonist.





Theory of Characterization

Rohrberger and Woods (19), say when an author creates characters, this process

is called characterization. An author can create their characters based on the kinds of

people met in his or her surrounding or just the creation of his or her own

imagination. The author can combine some characteristics of people around him or

her and mix them up to create a character.

Murphy (161-173) presents nine ways of characterization. First is personal

description. The author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes. The author

describes the person’s appearance in details. The explanation of the clothes also

assists in shaping the personal description of a character. As a result of the

appearance and clothes, the readers can easily figure out the character. The readers

can imagine how the character looks like. As a result, they may have a clear picture

of the character.

The second is characters as seen by another. The description of the characters

can also be seen from another character’s opinion. Describing a character using

others’ comments is used as the second way to make variation in the story. Instead of

describing a character directly, the author can describe the character through the eyes

and opinions of another. The reader gets, as it were, a reflected image. Describing the

character using other characters’ opinions can also reveal the relation and emotion of

the characters in the story.




The third is speech. The author can give us an insight into the character of one

of the persons in the book through what other person says. Whenever the person

speaks, whenever the person is in conversation with another, whenever the person

puts forward an opinion, he or she is giving us some clues to his or her character.

The next way is past life. By letting the readers learn something about a

person’s past life, the author can provide us a clue to the events that have helped to

shape a person’s character. This can be obtained from the direct comment by the

author, through of the person’s thought, through his conversation or through the

medium of another person.

Another way is throughout conversation of others. The author can also give us

clues to a person’s character through both the conversation of other people and the

things they say about the character. People do talk about other people and the things

they say often give as a clue to the character the person talking about.

The sixth is reactions. The author can also give us a clue to a person’s character

by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events. People

react differently if they face certain events. Characters in the novel will also give

different response to the events happening in the story.

The seventh is direct comment. The author can describe or comment on a

person’s character directly. Direct comment from the author can also give us direct

knowledge about characters in the story.




Next is from the thoughts. The author can give us direct knowledge of what the

person is thinking. In this respect, he is able to do what we cannot do in real life. He

can tell us what different people are thinking. In the novel, we accept this. The reader

then is in a privileged position; he has, as it were, a secret listening device plugged in

to in the most thoughts of a person in a novel. The last way is mannerisms. The

author can describe the person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies, which may

also tell us something about his character.


Theory of Motivation

Theory of motivation is useful in order to find out the motivation of Bill Russell

in fighting for the glory of being a basketball star. Franken (3) states that the basic

assumption of all theories of motivation is that for every behavior, there is a cause. It

means that the cause of the behavior is the result of motivation. It is believed there

must be motivations that lead and motivate someone to do something or to fulfill their

needs. Therefore, if we discuss behavior, then we will talk about the motivation.

According to Worchel and Shebilske (373), motivation is a reason why an

organism acts in a certain time caused by some energy or source from the body which

devices temporarily translate the capabilities into actions. People behave because

there is something that motivates them to do it. Motivation is defined as a reason for




people to do something. The motivation lastly stimulates the energy inside and

pushes it out.

Kalish (30) says that motivation and needs are concept not things. They cannot

be seen or heard or touched, but they must be inferred or assumed. It is just like what

is stated by Petri (3) that “motivation is the concept we use when we describe the

force acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior.”

According to Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy (392), motivation refers to factors

within an individual that activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward a goal.

Murray (7) states motivation is distinguished from the other factors that also

influence behavior, such as the past experience of a person, the physical capabilities,

and the environmental situation in which a person finds himself.


Kinds of Motivation

According to Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy (401), there are two forms of

motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the

desire to perform an act for its own sake. That motivation is derived from the

satisfaction arising out of the behavior itself. People do something without being paid

or rewarded. There is no ribbon, gold, or certificate for doing a task. People do

something for enjoyment and they are interested in what they are doing. It is for

getting pleasure and satisfaction. Supported by the explanation of Robert C. Beck




(144), intrinsic motivation refers to factors that make certain activities rewarding in

and of them. This would include such things as games, puzzles, artistic or other

creative endeavors, and so on.

Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy (401) explain that extrinsic motivation is the

desire to perform an act because of external rewards or avoidance of punishment. It is

comprehensible that in extrinsic motivation, people accomplish something because of

the rewards or the punishment. They will perform something well in order to get

money, gold medal, certificate, grades, or because they have to. If they do not do it,

then someone will get angry and give punishment. They act something to please a

certain person or group. In extrinsic motivation, enjoyment and interest is not

necessary. It is not important whether they are happy or not. As explained briefly by

Robert C. Beck (144), the term extrinsic reward refers generally to the kinds of

reinforcement situations. A person makes a response and is reinforced for it by some

external agents.

To sum up, intrinsic motivation means having initial interest in a task. People

do something because they want to. In contrast, extrinsic motivation refers to a

motivation that comes from the outsiders. People do something because they have to.




b. Human Motives

According to David C. McClelland (224), there are four important motive

systems. They are achievement motive (the need for achievement), power motive,

affiliative motive (the need for affiliation) and avoidance motive. In this study I use

achievement motive to analyze the motivation of the main character.

First is achievement motivation. David C. McClelland (227-228) emphasizes,

“doing something better” is the natural incentive for the achievement motive. It

now is time to become more precise, for people can do better for all sorts of

reasons – to please the teacher, to avoid criticism, to gain the approval of a

loved one, or simply to get some time off from work. What should be involved

in the achievement motive is doing something better for its own sake, for the

intrinsic satisfaction of doing something better.

Doing something better means to improve or to get greater work output. The

incentive of achievement motivation is to show how capable you are.

Murray in Karen, Vernoy and Vernoy’s Psychology in Action (399) identified

“achievement motivation as the need for success, for doing better than others, and for

mastering challenging tasks”. Here is the definition of achievement motives

according to Murray in David C. McClelland Human Motivation


To accomplish something difficult. To master, manipulate, or organize physical

objects, human beings, or ideas. To do this as rapidly and as independently as

possible. To overcome obstacles and attain a high standard. To excel oneself.

To rival and surpass others. To increase self-regard by the successful exercise

of talent.




Bartmann in David C. McClelland’s Human Motivation (227), showed that the

subjects high in need for achievement gained more in learning how to do a task from

a period of programmed instruction than the subjects low in need for achievement.

Atkinson in Bernard Weiner’s Human Motivation (192) defines the need for

achievement, also known as the motive for success as a “capacity to experience pride

in accomplishment.” Atkinson (193) says that “the incentive value of an achievement

goal is an affect, labeled ‘pride in accomplishment.’ It is argued that greater pride is

experienced following success at a difficult task than after success at an easy task.”


Approach and Avoidant Motivation

According to Higgins in Franken’s Human Motivation (3), psychologists

distinguish between approach causes and avoidant causes. In approach behavior,

people do things because of something they want, desire, or need. This is often

conceptualized in terms of a specific goal object. For example, people will sleep

when they feel sleepy. In avoidant behavior, people do things to avoid something. For

example, people who are afraid of darkness will not turn off the lamp while they are

sleeping on the night.

Franken (7) explains that “the distinction between approach and avoidant

motivation is based on the idea that feelings are an important determinant of

behavior”. It indicates that one’s feeling can determine what they will do or their




behavior. Higgins in Franken’s (8) states the difference of avoidant and approach

motivation. “Higgins has talked about the need to understand the role of self-focus in

helping humans to achieve goals (approach motivation) and to keep themselves safe

and out of harms way (avoidant motivation)” (Franken 8).

Many growth theorists suggest that discrepancy between what is out there in

the environment and what is inside the individual (such a knowledge or skills)

However, some growth theories do not fully agree about whether it is best to

account for growth motivation through approach or avoidant mechanism

creates motivation. However, discrepancies can be conceptualized as the basis

for experiencing challenge (an approach state) or tension (an avoidant)

(Franken 21).

McClelland (136) says the difference between avoidant and approach motives

according to the sign stimulus:

In the case of avoidance motives, the sign stimulus differs from the

consummatory experience sought. Inconsistency, conflict, and pain are sign

stimuli that produce negative emotions and release acts designed to produce

the consummatory experience of consistency, relief, or fear reduction. In the

case of approach motives, the sign stimulus that sets up the natural incentive

sequence initially may be the consummatory experience itself (136).

It can be concluded that approach motivation is motivation in which people do things

because of something they want, desire, or need. In approach motivation, people try

to achieve their goals. It is like an intrinsic motivation. While avoidant motivation is

motivation in which people do things to avoid something and keep themselves safe

and out of harms way. It is just like the extrinsic motivation.




B. Theoretical Framework

To support the analysis of the study, the theories presented above are really

helpful. In this chapter, the writer presents some theories related to critical

approaches, character and characterization, and motivation. These theories become

the basis to help me in analyzing the novel. First, the writer uses theory of critical

approach to help me in analyzing the novel.

Second, theory of character and characterization are used to support the analysis

of Russell’s character. This is also to answer the problem formulation on how Russell

is described in the novel. The writer uses the theory of character by Milligan, Perrine,

Forster, and Rohrberger and Wood. Meanwhile, the theory of characterization by

Murphy is used to analyze what sort of character Russell is described in the novel.

The writer applies the theory of characterization by Murphy to obtain the description

of Russell’s character. Murphy explains that an author has various ways to make the

characters understandable. Those are personal description, past life, reactions, direct

comment, thought, and mannerism.

Third, theory of motivation is used to analyze the problem formulation which

deals with other characters’ motivation on the main character, Bill Russell, which is

the major problem in this study. The theory of motivation aims to find out Russell’s

motivations to be a basketball star. At the beginning of this part, the writer describes

approach and avoidant motivation. Then the writer describes achievement motive.





This chapter gives details about the primary data as the object of this study, the approach and the method of the study used to write this thesis. The first part, object of the study, explains about the novel the writer uses in this thesis. The approach of the study is in the second part which presents the approach used to analyze the novel. Lastly,the method of the study. It includes the steps conducted in order to do this thesis.

A.Object of the Study

In this study, the writer analyzed Bill Russell’s Go Up for Glory. The novel was published in December, 1966. It is a true story as told to William McSweeny, which consists of 175 pages and 11 chapters. The story itself took place in 1940s until 1960s.

This novel tells about Bill Russell, an African-American who struggles for the glory of being a professional basketball player America. Bill Russell is born to Charles Russell and Katie King in Monroe, Louisiana in 1934. He lives in Lousiana with his parents and his brother, Charllie. Racism is pervasive in Louisiana at the time that is an African American has a less role and is treated badly by the white American there. They have no chances to be a leader or



develope their talent. The African American does not only get a bad position in their job and talent development but also get lower status in society.

At the first time, Russell plays basketball on Oakland's playgrounds. After his graduation, Russell is asked to join the California High School All-Stars. He is well on his way to become a dominant player when he joins University of San Francisco. In early 1957, Russell joins the Celtics.

It is not easy for Bill Russell to reach his goal. There are many people say bad thing about him. He loses his mother in his young age. Sometimes the opponent is cheating on him. He has to play well and practice hard without being supported by the coach. There are many bad situations in his life. The long path he goes through finally puts him to the peak of his career as one of NBA legendary players. He has proved that the strong motivation can lead him to it.

B.Approach of the Study

In order to have a better understanding of a literary work, applying critical approach is required. Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. (6-15) propose five kinds of critical approaches namely the formalist approach, the biographical approach, the socio cultural-historical approach, the mythopeic approach, and the psychological approach. Since the focus of this study is to find out the motivations of the character, this study uses psychological approach. It focuses on identifying any aspect of human psychology which involves pattern of behavior, thought, and feeling underlying a work of literature.




To identify the motivations of Bill Russell in struggling to be a basketball star, it is significant to understand his description. Since Russell’s motivations to be a basketball star and description are parts of psychological aspect, it will be advantageous to apply psychological approach in this study. As understood, psychology is a study that deals with mind and how it influences behavior. Throughout psychological approach, the writer can dig out the stated mind of the character which influences the way he behaves and interacts with others. The ways he thinks, behaves and interacts present description to his personality. Furthermore, this approach is used to analyze Russell’s motivation in struggling to be a basketball star.

C.Method of the Study

This section presents the procedures used in analyzing the novel. In conducting this study, the writer used library research method. The main procedures the writer used in gathering the data were reading and taking important notes from many written sources which were related to the object and the topic of the study. The primary data was Go Up for Glory, a true story written by Bill Russell as told to William McSweeny. The secondary data were taken from books and other sources available in the internet which was helpful to analyze the topic of the study.

There were some steps in conducting this study. The first step was reading the novel, Go Up for Glory as the primary source. The writer read the novel



several times to get better understanding. After reading it, the writer found some important points that were interesting to discuss deeply. However, after considering the level of analysis the writer would conduct later, the writer finally decided to focus on one aspect in this novel that is the motivation. the writer was truly interested in Bill Russell’s motivations in struggling to be a basketball star. It is not easy for him to be a basketball star in the USA because he is an African-American. He does his best to reach his dream. He never gives up although there are many problems he should face. It was the good one to discuss.

The second step was formulating what the writer had found after reading the novel into formulated problems which cover the description of Bill Russell and his motivations to be a basketball star. Afterward, the writer collected, selected, read and analyzed the secondary data related to this study. The writer took literary and psychology books which were useful to analyze the novel.

In order to obtain better understanding about the novel and more information of the theories used to study and answer the problems, the writer also collected the data from the internet. In addition, the writer took notes of quotations and useful information from many sources. After collecting, selecting, and reading the data, the writer started to analyze the formulated problems by applying those theories.

To know Russell’s motivations, it is better to understand his character. One’s character has influences on how he or she behaves, deals with other person and copes with such situation. In this case, Russell’s character has influences to do




and to make his dream come true. It deals with his motivation to be a basketball star. After conducting the description of Russle’s character, the writer focused on analyzing his motivation to be a basketball player.

The last step was drawing the conclusions of the study based on the results of the analysis. The writer drew conclusions in this study that were believed to be constructive for the readers. The writer also included some suggestions for the future researchers who aim at conducting the analysis on the same novel. Finally, the writer related this study to language teaching.



This chapter deals with the analysis of the two problems in the problem formulation mentioned in the Chapter One. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part aims at describing Bill Russell’s character. The second part intends to find out Bill Russell’s motivation to be a basketball star.

A. The Description of Bill Russell’ Character

This sub-chapter discusses the description of Bill Russell as the main character in the Go Up for the Glory. At this point, the writer uses the theory of characters and characterizations in order to describe Bill Russell’s characterizations. As stated by Stanton, character is commonly used in two ways: it designates the individuals who appear in the story and it refers to the mixture of interests, desires, emotions and moral principles that makes up each of these individuals (Stanton 17).

There are many ways to distinguish character. According to Milligan, in a novel there are two kinds of characters based on their importance, namely main or major characters and minor characters. Major characters are the center of as well as the most important characters in the story. They become the center of the story because the narrative mostly talks about the conflicts among them.

On the other hand, minor characters appear only once or twice in the story and their role are less important than the major characters (Milligan 155). In Go




Up for Glory, Bill Russell is considered as the major character. It is because the story focuses on him. This novel is a true story of Bill Russell which tells about his life experience in searching for the glory of being a basketball star. Bill Russell himself becomes the center of the story. He appears from the beginning to the end of the story.

Perrine classifies the sorts of the character into two: static and dynamic character. Static character is a character that does not undergo the process of change development as a result of the things that happen to him. Meanwhile, dynamic character undergoes an important, basic, and permanent change in his character, personality, or perspective (Perrine 71). Dynamic character is understood as a character which changes when the things happen to him (Holman and Harmon 83).

After reading Go Up for Glory several times, the writer finally realizes that the main character in that novel can be categorized as static character. The reason why Bill Russell is considered to be a static character is because of his characters, personality and perspective do not change from the beginning to the end of the narrative. Many things happen during his lifetime; however it does not change anything in his characters and perspective. In the opening of the novel, Russell is described as a child who has ambition to achieve something better in his life. As an African-American, he wants to prove that he can do great thing as well as the white people do. He never changes from the beginning until the end of the story.

When Russell is a child, he dreams to be a basketball star. He imagines being a great famous basketball star and tries to find the way to reach it. He



struggles to reach his dream; no matter how many the difficulties faced. Until getting older, he never changes his way of thinking.

According to Forster, the term “character” is divided into two. They are a flat character and a round character. The author describes him as the same sort of person at the end of the story as he was at the beginning. Otherwise, contrast to flat character, round character is many sided. He has complexity in temperament and motivation. This complexity is shaped by the character’s environment (Forster 48).

Based on the explanations above, the writer summarizes that the character of Bill Russell is a flat character. Russell is a person who is proud of being an African-American. Being an African-American in America is not easy. People treat him differently to the white. Most people say bad thing about an African-American. Russell is proud of himself. He is proud to have his skin. From the beginning to the end of the story, Russell is always proud to be an African-American. He never feels sorry to be it. That is why the writer considers him a flat character.

Rohrberger and Wood present the terms protagonist and antagonist to group characters in novels. The protagonist is the chief character of the story. He or she is usually the hero in the traditional fiction. The character is described as a good person and mostly becomes the center of the story. The opponent character is called the antagonist. As readers, we often recognize this sort of character, mostly as an evil character (Rohrberger and Wood 17).




Bill Russell is the protagonist. He is a good person and becomes the center of the story. Bill Russell becomes the essential figure of the story, and additionally it is an autobiography of him. The novel focuses on Bill Russell and his life experiences in struggling to be a basketball star.

According to Murphy, there are nine ways used to find out the description of certain character in a story. Those are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reactions toward the various situations and events, direct comments, thought, and mannerism (Murphy 161-173). In this discussion, those ways are supporting each other to analyze the character of Bill Russell. Here is the characterization of Bill Russell:

a. Loving and Caring

Bill Russell is considered to be a loving and caring person. He loves his family. He also likes his friends. There is a direct comment that shows Russell as a loving person. “I was just a kid who liked his friends and loves his mother and father and brother and scuffed along the dirt road, laughing, on my way to a barn that was converted into a school”(10).

Bill Russell loves to be with his family. His parents are working but having different working time. He is happy because he still has one of them at home while the other is working. Living with his parents makes him happy. “And we lived. Mother and father were both working in the shipyards and one worked days and one work nights, so there was always someone home. It was 1943, a



good year, and a happy one” (14). The way he is thinking about his past life shows that Russell greatly loves his parents.

Bill Russell has lost his mother since he was young. He never knows why his mother dies. Now, there are just three of them: his father, his eldest brother, and he himself. While his father says that they will all have to stick together, he feels warm and cozy. The direct comment shows that Russell cares about his family. Being together with the family makes him warm and cozy (16).

From the day his mother dies, his father raises him and his eldest brother alone. He never sees their report cards again. Russell signs his brother’s card and his brother signs his card. Nevertheless, Russell never makes any judgment on his father since he is, simply, his father. He knows that his father has to work to fulfill their needs raise both of them. Therefore, when he gets paid as a basketball player, he does not want his father to work again. He gets $100,001 which is a big amount at that time. His father is laughing. It is one of the great laughing moments of Russell’s life (17). It is clearly stated that Russell’s care of his family can be seen from his reaction to fulfill his family needs.

In Celtics, there is the atmosphere of helping out. This team believes that it is the key of the success. The senior who is getting older will help the junior who is going to take his place. When his time comes, Russell has a willingness to help the guy who is going to take his place (121). It can be analyzed that he thinks to do it because he cares of his team.

Russell also loves his grandfather. It is described directly. He loves him very much. He takes his children to visit his grandfather. For him, his grandfather




is a wonderful man, whose triumphs and frustrations and wisdom have touched the heartbeat of his life and thought. He loves him, perhaps more than any man in the world, with a kinship which is more than blood and with a laughter that is more than joy. His grandfather is a man for all seasons, a great man, and he will always be (136).

b. Being Proud of Himself

The pride as an African-American emerges initially when Russell was sixteen years old. It appears suddenly, not clear what trigger such feeling. He never feels that strong and influential feeling before. It firstly happened when he wakes up in the morning and finds out that he is so proud to be an African-American. The pride gives him the impetus to fight, to struggle in order to reach his dream. This becomes the foundation to go forward (16). This thought shows that Russell is proud of himself. He is proud to be an African-American.

The pride comes firstly when he is sixteen and it finally brings him to the peak of his career. The pride to be an African-American brings acceptance and respect to him. The highest achievement of his hard work is being a national champion. It is great to be it. As a result, he can meet the President of the United States in the White House. It makes impression because he can do it as an African-American who has no rights. Moreover, it brings affect to the rest of his days (37).

There is segregation between the white people and the African-American. In St. Louis the white people treat the African-American badly. They call the



African-American as “black gorilla”. It is because the African-American is tall and has black skin. Russell is six feet, ten inches tall. Being that tall is a privilege, not a disadvantage. There is a statement about his being proud to have the height and the skin color. If there is the lowest, most downtrodden African-American shown to him, he will say to everyone that the man is his brother. He is proud of being an African American (130-131).

Bill is proud of himself, even though some people underestimate his society, African-American. He is happy born as an African-American. Though he finds so many problems as an African-American who lives in America, but he is happy to share in the problems with his society. He truly understands the proud feeling is also felt by others, such as Jewish, Italians and Irish towards their homeland. He considers himself not different with others. The pride of his ancestral home is regarded as normal and common (153).

c. Talented

Russell is described as a well talented person. In his senior year, Oakland offers the Keyes Memorial Trophy to the team and student body that demonstrates the best sportsmanship. His team plays the game. They win it three years in a row. They are very proud of it. It is a big thing. It is a big tribute to those players and those students. Russell and his team have proved that they are talented (21-22).

Coming up to Russell’s graduation, there is Oakland High, the biggest game. He is paired against All Star team. He scores high, fourteen points and beat them badly. His team wins the city championship and he goes off on a trip




through British Columbia and the northwest with a schoolboy All Star team. Because of his talent, he gets a college scholarship (22-23).

Russell knows that he is a good basketball player. He plays with the team and often wins the game. He must be talented. Some people say that he is great (32).

The acknowledgement as a good basketball player comes when Russell receives a call from the school saying that he has a letter from the White House. He is invited to a physical fitness meeting at the White House in July. That is because he was a national champion (36-37). This reaction proves that Bill Russell is considered to be a good basketball player.

Russell has talent as a great basketball player. He has one big edge going- the blocked shot. He has tips how to play good and defeat opponent.

You must learn just when a player is going to shoot; what type of shot he has, and where you have to be to block it. You have to know exactly where you are on the floor at all times. And you have to develop by repetition until it becomes almost second nature. I call it “canned thinking.

A sixth sense is developed for it and a quick move at the same time knowing just what the habits of the opponent are…… ;Make them switch from their accustomed habit into something new where they are instinctively uncomfortable.

To categorize it, look at defense on this basis:

(1)Learn the other man’s habits. Then make him go exactly opposite to what he likes to do.

(2)When he gets to a position where he is away from his best shot, even if it’s only a foot, make him commit himself and shoot and count on the law of averages being on your side.

(3)If you are successful, just smile at him as though you can do it every time (124).

Russell has basic system in playing basketball. He has strategy to win a game. It shows that he is a well-talented person.



d. Tough

Russell’s being tough can be seen in his past life. His parents have different working time, so there is always someone home to accompany and take care of the children. One day, when Russell comes home from school, he cannot find his mother at home. His mother is sick. She is in the hospital for two weeks. She never comes home anymore. She passes away then. Russell still has his father and his brother with him. There are only three of them now. They live their life together (14-16). Living in America as an African-American is not easy and now as a teenager, he has to lose his mother. He survives and grows up without his mother. It shows how tough he is.

There is different situation after Russell’s mother died. His father works very hard. He does not have much time to take care of the children. He never again sees their report cards. Russell signs his brother’s and his brother signs his. He is busy to make money for them. There is a separation. There is loneliness (17). Russell is not angry to be in such situation. It proves that he is tough enough to handle any problem comes to his life.

Woolpert, the coach, never says anything. He never once in all the years says that his player does a good job, a bad job, or a mediocre job. It hurts Russell plenty. Sometimes he wants him to tell that he is doing a good job. He wants the support of his coach. Woolpert does not do it. Russell’s thought shows how tough he is. Even if the coach never says anything about the way he is playing, and it seems that he is not to give his support to the player, Russell is tough enough to play basketball greatly for the team (32).




There is another evidence to show Russell’s being tough that can be analyzed through his thought. Some players and fans are certain to judge him on race. It is because he is the only African-American player in his team. Being the tallest make him seem to be a giant. The combination provides them with plenty of material for sly jokes. Most news writers are also saying that Russell will not make it. They expect that Russell will never be a legitimate sports hero in Boston or anywhere else. Russell is not worried about what they are saying and laughing at. They can do that anytime they want. It does not make him feel bad. He will just be him (55).

In St. Louis, the people often call the African-American as “baboon, nigger, or black gorilla”. The fans do that while Russell is playing in a game. He does not say anything. He just plays and ignores it. In a conversation, he tells his wife not to let a town like St. Louis beat her. It is him against the world. He is an African-American and he might as well face it (122). Being a joke by fans does not make him upset or angry easily. He does not let such thing make him down. He just keeps playing as a man, as a tough man.

e. Brave

Russell’s bravery can be seen through his reaction. When Harry Gallatin, a New York coach, throws a punch at Red Auerbach in a game at Boston Garden, Russell is getting mad to him. He challenges Gallatin and says “Gallatin, you’ve always been a loudmouth fink. Now if you’re so tough, why don’t you punch me? I’m your size” (101).



When a straightened out guy comes downcourt and gives him an elbow, Russell is getting mad. He threatens that he can defeat and make the guy lying on the hospital. The man leaves but then comes back again and calls him a “black gorilla”. He makes big mistakes by doing that. Russell punches him and breaks two ribs. It is the only time in his life he intentionally tries to hurt someone (102). His behavior shows that Russell is brave enough to have a fight with someone.

Russell does not like to be cheated on a game. He is not afraid of anyone. One night, Russell’s team plays with Felix’s team on the neutral court of Syracuse. Felix is a player who can be easily upset. That night, when the game is running, he becomes upset. He starts throwing elbows and Russell gives him a little shove. The ref sees it and calls a foul on him. Russell turns and says “That’s a good call Ref, but watches his elbows, will you?” but what happen next is Felix winding up to throw a right hand. But Russell is ready to fight against him. He flips his left hand into Felix’s mouth (102-103).

f. Ambitious

There are Russell’s thoughts that prove his being ambitious. Charlie, Russell’s brother, is two years ahead of him. He is a good basketball athlete. He is transferred from junior high to Oakland Tech which is something of a status symbol in their neighborhood. It is the case of an African-American managing to break the bonds, break the barrier and fight from under the pile heaped on him. Oakland Tech is predominantly white. It is amazing that an African-American can be a part of it. Charlie has a strong effect on Russell. He admires him




tremendously. Russell ambitiously wants to follow his footsteps. He wants to be a basketball player like his brother (18).

Russell is going to University of San Francisco and being the basketball team member. He tries hard to be a good player. He learns about the strategy in playing basketball. He has his own ambition. It is to learn everything about defense and blocking shot (26).

Russell plays for Celtics. Auerbach, the coach, has a philosophy “Cry me no tears. Tell me no sad tales. This team is a totalitarian state and I am the dictator.” There is no one in the team can be close to him. They cannot be friends. They have to show their ability in playing basketball in order to be accepted by him. Auerbach cannot stand the thought of losing. Neither can Russell. He has been immediately instilled with the philosophy. He plays to win. He wants to be a winner; otherwise Auerbach has no place for him (78-79). It shows Russell’s ambition to be accepted by the coach. It is his ambition to play for Celtics, to be a part of it.

His being ambitious is showed in 1965 at Boston Garden. He plays for the Eastern championships. It is the seventh and the final game. There are about 18.000 people scream. He feels like bum and the lost sheep of the NBA. But when Chamberlain, the opponent, square off with him, he knows that he gets ready to put his weight against him. He is ready to defeat him and be the winner. He promises himself for all the money and the years, good and bad, the MPV trophies and the All Star Games and all the rest of it. Even he promises himself for the whole career (114-116).



Russell has an ambition to be respected. As the only African-American in the team, he wants to prove himself as a man over a long period of time. It has always been that way with him and it always will be. He does not work to be liked. All he does is to be respected by the other (121).

Being born as an African-American in America, having no right is a common thing. Being poor is a common thing too. Russell thinks that the battle lines are basically economic. That is why, economically, he has ambition to do something for the African-American. He employs them, not a giving, but an achieving. He gives them a chance to achieve something better in their life (132).

Russell lives his life differently with all white neighborhoods. It is not because he wants to, but he has to. Being an African-American means you are different from the white people. You are treated differently by others. You are going to different places from the White people. Russell does not want to live that kind of life any longer. He wants the best kind of life, the best kind of school, and the best kind of police protection for his family. That is his ambition to have such things. It is his ambition to show the White that the African-American are also human beings and can be lived with, side by side. He wants better things in life (134).

B. Russell’s Motivation to be a Basketball Star

Motivation is a common word in our daily life. People behave because there is a cause. Worchel and Shebilske (307) states that people behave because




there is something that motivates them to do it. Motivation is defined as a reason for people to do something. According to Franken (3), the basic assumption of all theories of motivation is that for every behavior, there is a cause. Furthermore, Petri (3) states that motivation is the concept we use when we describe the force acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior. It can be concluded that people behave because there is something that forces them to do it.

According to Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy (392), motivation refers to factors within an individual that activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward a goal. Murray (7) states motivation is distinguished from the other factors that also influence behavior, such as the past experience of a person, the physical capabilities, and the environmental situation in which a person finds himself. People have their own motivation in doing something. That motivation can lead them to the goal they want to achieve.

People must have goal to achieve in their life. Some people want to be athletes. There are many reasons why they want to be them. Some of them like sport very much. That is why they want to be an athlete. The others perhaps need money. They want to make money by playing in a court as professional athletes. It is also possible if there are people who want to be an athlete because they seek popularity. There are many other reasons why people want to be athletes. One of the dreamers is Bill Russell. In this novel, Russell, an African-American, has a dream to be a basketball star in America. He struggles to have the glory of being a basketball star. There must be reasons beyond his dream. He must have motivation in searching for it.



1. Russell’s Approach and Intrinsic Motivation to be a Basketball Star

Higgins in Franken’s HumanMotivation (3), states that in approach behavior, people do things because of something they want, desire, or need. This is often conceptualized on terms of a specific goal object. Being a basketball star is Russell’s goal in life. Studying in University of San Francisco, and playing for the basketball team, make him realize that he has a same dream with the other students; being a national champion. “Back at USF, the “Homeless Dons” were constructing a gymnasium at last. The campus was growing. The national champions were everyone’s target (38).”

Being a basketball player is Russell’s own desire. He wants to be like his brother. Charlie, Russell’s brother, is two years ahead of him. He is a good basketball athlete. He is transferred from junior high to Oakland Tech which is something of a status symbol in their neighborhood. It is the case of an African-American managing to break the bonds, break the barrier and fight from under the pile heaped on him. Oakland Tech is predominantly the White. It is amazing that an African-American can be a part of it. Charlie has a strong effect on Russell. He admires him tremendously. Russell wants to follow his footsteps (18). He wants to play in Olympics (41). Russell loves playing basketball. There is no one who forces him to be a basketball player. He plays basketball because he wants to. He thinks that people who see his playing will love that kind of sport too (150).

According to Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy (401), intrinsic motivation is the desire to perform an act for its own sake. That motivation is derived from the




satisfaction arising out of the behavior itself. Supported by the explanation of Robert C. Beck (144), intrinsic motivation refers to factors that make certain activities rewarding in and of them. Being a professional basketball player as an African-American is a happiness for Russell. He can meet the President of the United States in the White House just because he is a national champion. As an African-American who has no rights, it makes a deep impression and affects the rest of his days. The pride brings him a satisfaction.

It was great that I could be a national champion. It was great that I could meet the President of the United States in the White House.

But from Washington to Louisiana and all the way back across the Deep South I was just another black boy, just so much dirt, with no right, with no element of human courtesy or decency shown to me or mine.

It made an impression. A deep one. It made one that may have affected the rest of my days (37).

It can be concluded that Russell has approach and intrinsic motivation to be a basketball star. It is his goal to be a basketball star. He loves playing basketball. That is why he wants to follow his brother footstep as a basketball player, besides he admires him much. There is no one who forces him playing basketball. It is his own desire to be it. Being a basketball star, a national champion, gives him self satisfaction. He plays basketball for his own sake.

2. Russell’s Avoidant and Extrinsic Motivation to be a Basketball Star

Higgins in Franken’s Human Motivation (3) states that in avoidant behavior, people do things to avoid something.


VI. Teaching Media :

ƒ handouts and worksheets

VII. Evaluation

ƒ The students are evaluated based on their performance and their writing.





Appendix 6


Recount text is a text which list and describes past  experience 

by  retelling  events  in  the  order  in  which  they  happened 

(Chronological order). The purpose of a personal recount is to 

inform or entertain by retelling past event/experiences.   Contextual factors  Subject Matter (Field) 

Focus on the individual or specific person/s, event/s, play/s  (participants). 

Roles and Relationships between writer and reader (Tenor)  Writer to (usually) known reader/s, or two self (for reflection)  (In this text model, the readers are unknown.  

Mode        Medium 

Written (or spoken)  Journals, diaries,   personal letters,  autobiographical  accounts, recounts of  excursions   

Textual features  Generic Structure 

      Orientation – sets the recount in time and place 

  Series  of  events  –  arranged  in  temporal  sequence,  often 

expressed in terms of cause and effect    Reorientation (optional element)  


  Emotive to  describe the  events/experiences, in the  subject 

matter, e.g. spectacular, lucky, worst, destruction   






  Verb type: Action verbs 

    Mental verbs, e.g. I think    Verb form (Tense): Past tense. 

  Likely functions and associated grammar and vocabulary    Language functions      Signals / features 

  Telling about the past  past tense verbs, e.g. 


  Cause – effect  due to, because of, as a 


  Expressing sequence  first, next, finally 

  Expressing time  now, later, again, then, 

  (Temporal sequence) 













