Proporsi Hiperurisemia pada Populasi Hipertensi Essensial Suku Aceh di Kabupaten Aceh Utara


  LAMPIRAN 2 LEMBAR PENJELASAN KEPADA CALON SUBJEK PENELITIAN Selamatpagi / siangBapak / Ibu, pada hariini, saya, dr.Abida, akanmelakukanpenelitian yang berjudul “ PROPORSI HIPERURISEMIA




UTARA”.Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuiproporsihiperurisemia pada populasihipertensiessensial dan normotensisuku Aceh di kabupaten Aceh Utara.

  Bapak /ibu yang bersediamengikutipenelitianininantinyaakandiharuskanmengisisuratpersetujuanik utdalampenelitian, mengikutiwawancara, pemeriksaanlaboratoriumberupapemeriksaandarahsebanyak 10 cc olehahlinyauntukmenilaidarahrutin dan fungsi. Setelahituakandibedakanmenjadiduakelompok, yaitukelompoknormotensi dan hipertensi .

  Selanjutnyakepadakeduakelompokdilakukanpemeriksaandarahuntukmeng etahuikadarasamuratserum dan hasil yang didapatkandarikeduakelompokkemudiandiambil rata-ratanya dan dibandingkan. Biayapenelitianmenjaditanggungjawabpeneliti. Bilamasihterdapatpertanyaan, makaBapak / Ibudapatmenghubungisaya : Nama : dr. Abida Alamat : Jl. Gajah No. 39 Medan 20211 No Telp : 081370541374 ( Hp )


  ( dr.ABIDA)




  Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini : Nama : .........................................................................


Alamat : .........................................................................

Umur : .........................................................................

Jenis Kelamin : Laki – laki / perempuan

Setelah mendapat penjelasan dari peneliti tentang kebaikan dan keburukan

prosedur penelitian ini dan saya telah memahaminya, menyatakan bersedia untuk

ikut dalam penelitian tentang Proporsi Hiperurisemia pada Populasi Hipertensi

Essensial Suku Aceh di Kabupaten Aceh Utara.


Demikianlah surat pernyataan bersedia ikut dalam penelitian ini saya buat untuk

dapat dipergunakan seperlunya.

  Lhokseumawe, ............................2010 Saksi (................................................) (................................................)




  Nama : Usia : JenisKelamin : Alamat : No telp/Hp : Suku : Status Marital :

  2 BB kg TB cm IMTkg/m Diagnosis Hipertensisejak : Riwayatpenggunaanobat anti hipertensi : SilsilahKeturunan

  Buyut aceh aceh Kakek

  Ayah aceh Subjekpenel



III. RiwayatPenggunaanObat :

  o Kortikosteroid o Siklosporin o Pirazinamid o Ethambutol o Aspirin dosis < 2gr/hari o HCT o Furosemid

  IV. Riwayat Penyakit : o Hipertensi sekunder karena obat obatan o Keganasan o Gangguan ginjal (Kadar Creatinin serum >1 .4 mg/dl) o Gagal jantung o Penyakit Jantung Koroner o Diabetes Melitus o Pre Eklamsia o Penyakit Pembuluh Darah Perifer o Alkoholik o Penyakit Ginjal Kronis (Cr Cl < 60 ml/mnt) o Hipertrigliseridemia (trigliserida darah > 150 mg/dl)

  V. Laboratorium dan Pemeriksaan Penunjang Urin rutin : Protein urin ( )

RFT : Ureum mg/dl Creatinin mg/dl Uric acid

mg/dl Cr Cl : ml/mnt EKG : Foto Toraks :

  VI. PEMERIKSAAN TEKANAN DARAH : Rata-rata kunjungan I mm Hg Rata-rata kunjungan II mm Hg Rata-rata kunjungan III mm Hg Rata-rata tekanan darah mm Hg



  I. DATA PRIBADI Nama : Dr. Abida Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Medan / 07 September 1976 Suku/Bangsa : Indonesia Agama : Islam Alamat : JL Gajah no. 39 A Medan

  No. Handphone : 081370541374

  II. RIWAYAT PENDIDIKAN PENDIDIKAN LAMA PENDIDIKAN TEMPAT SD 1982-1988 SDN 060805 Medan SMP 1988-1991 SMP Josua 1 Medan SMA 1991-1994 SMUN 8 Medan Fakultas Kedokteran 1994-2000 FK-USU Program 2007-Sekarang FK-USU SpesialisPenyakitDa lam


  1. IkatanDokter Indonesia (IDI)

  2. PersatuanAhliPenyakitDalam Indonesia (PAPDI)




  1. Abida, Tunggul Sukendar, Harun Rasyid Lubis. Nefritis Lupus Kelas IV. Konas X PERNEFRI & Annual Meeting, Bandung 28-

  30 November 2008.

  2. Abida, Tambar Kembaren, Armon Rahimi, Josia Ginting. Penyakit Weil. KOPAPDI XIV, Jakarta 11-14 November 2009.


  1. PesertaSimposium Road Show 2008 Eli Lilly “Insulin Training for Excellence” PengurusBesarPerhimpunanDokterSpesialisPenyakitDalam Indonesia (PBPAPDI) &PengurusBesarPerkumpulanEndokrinologi Indonesia (PBPERKENI). Medan, 26 Januari 2008.

  2. PesertaSimposium “How to Choose an Appropriate OAD” PertemuanIlmiahTahunan (PIT) IX 2008

DepartemenPenyakitDalamFakultasKedokteranUniversitas Sumatera

Utara. Medan, 15 April 2008.

  3. PesertaSimposium “Critical Care and Emergency Medicine”. Medan, 09-10 Mei 2008.

  4. PesertaSimposium “Management Hypertension and Chronic Heart Failure”. Medan, 24 Januari 2009.

  5. PesertaSimposium “Finding the Missing Link in Energy Metabolism”.

  Medan, 17 Maret 2009.

  6. Peserta Workshop “Achieving Ambitious Glycaemic Target in Diabetes : Stepwise Intensification of Insulin Treatment from Basal to Basal Plus/Bolus”. Medan 12 Juli 2009.

  7. PesertaSimposium “Scientific Meeting Attaining Greater BP Reduction and Organ Protection”. Medan, 01 Agustus 2009.

  8. Peserta Workshop on Osteoporosis “Osteoporosis Crunch Time”. Medan, 08 Agustus 2009.

  9. PesertaSimposiumGastroentero-Hepatologi Update VII 2009. Medan, 09-10 Oktober 2009.

  10. Peserta Kursus USG Tahap I. Dept IPD FK-USU – Institut Kedokteran Ultrasonografi Indonesia. Medan, 2009.

  11. PesertaSimposium “Early Insulin Inisiation, How, When and What Insulin According to Daily Practice Need. Medan, 21 November 2009. th

  12. Peserta 14 National Congress of the Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine (KOPAPDI XIV). Jakarta, 11-14 November 2009.

  13. Peserta Roadshow Ilmiah PBPAPDI “PenggunaanTestosteronpada Aging Male”. Medan, 06 Maret 2010.

  14. PesertaSimposium“Advanced Strategies in Optimizing Diabetes Management. Bali, 12 Juni 2010.

  Medan, 08 Juli 2011.

  30. Panitia 15 Jakarta Endocrine Meeting. Jakarta, 16-17 Juni 2012. th

  29. Peserta Simposium “8 th

  28. Peserta Workshop Infection Update IV “Current Challenges Management on Infection”. Medan, 25 November 2011.

  27. PesertaSimposium“ Pathogenesis, Prevention and Management Diabetic Vascular Complications”. Minggu, 20 November 2011.


26. PesertaSimposium“ Lymphoma Update :

DeteksiDinidanPenatalaksanaan”. Medan, 16 Juli 2011.

  25. PesertaSimposium “Clinical rheumatology in Daily Practice”. Medan, 09 Juli 2011.

  24. Panitia Workshop “PendidikanPelatihan USG Muskuloskeletal”. Medan, 08 Juli 2011.

  23. Peserta Workshop “TehnikPemeriksaanFisikpadaBerbagaiJenisPenyakit”.

  15. Peserta Seminar “Carb Smart Nutrition Update for Diabetic Complication Prevention”. Medan, 12 Juni 2010.

  22. Peserta Workshop “ NyeriCampuran”. Medan, 07 Juli 2011.

  21. Panitia Workshop “Penyuntikan Intra Artikular”. Medan, 07 Juli 2011.

  20. Peserta Workshop “Management Acute Coronary Syndrome”. Medan, 23- 25 Juni 2011.

  Medan 28-30 April 2011.

  19. Peserta PIT XII 2011 PenyakitDalamPertemuanIlmiahNasional PERPARI.

  18. Peserta Roadshow “Medical Skill Upgrade” (MEDSKUP) Workshop Cardio-Metabolic. Medan, 02 April 2011.

  17. PesertaSimposium “Hepatitis Update”. Medan, 23 Februari 2011.

  16. PanitiaSimposium “Clinical rheumatology in Daily Practice”. Medan, 31 Juli-01Agustus 2010.

  National Congress of the Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine (KOPAPDI XV). Medan , 12-15Desember 2012



One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


  Normal Parameters Most Extreme Differences N Mean Std. Deviation Absolute Positive Negative Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Usia (tahun) 69 52,23 10,218 ,095 ,095 -,076 ,792 ,556 Lama HT

  69 5,377 2,6015 ,166 ,166 -,083 1,381 ,044 TDS 69 156,16 19,500 ,159 ,159 -,088 1,318 ,062 TDD 69 91,01 10,866 ,233 ,233 -,173 1,934 ,001 HDL 69 39,29 4,141 ,122 ,122 -,088 1,014 ,255 AU 69 7,299 ,8235 ,074 ,074 -,061 ,616 ,842 TG 69 134,22 20,244 ,102 ,102 -,091 ,848 ,468 LDL 69 120,51 15,417 ,110 ,110 -,050 ,914 ,374 T CHOL 69 197,48 21,043 ,158 ,096 -,158 1,315 ,063 Ureum 69 32,28 8,883 ,083 ,065 -,083 ,691 ,726 Creatinin 69 ,868 ,2452 ,088 ,073 -,088 ,731 ,660 BUN 69 14,41 3,735 ,119 ,094 -,119 ,986 ,286 KGD 69 100,97 18,823 ,115 ,115 -,084 ,953 ,323 Berat badan 69 58,77 7,205 ,151 ,062 -,151 1,250 ,088 Tinggi badan 69 165,70 7,423 ,105 ,083 -,105 ,875 ,429

  IMT 69 21,302 1,0405 ,120 ,063 -,120 ,995 ,276 Cr Cl 69 80,676 19,6687 ,138 ,138 -,122 1,143 ,146 a. Test distribution is Normal.


  Calculated from data.

  Non Parametrik test (Normal) One-S ample Kolm ogorov-Sm irnov Test


  Normal Parameters Most Extreme Differenc es N Mean St d. Deviat ion Absolute Positive Negative Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Us ia (t ahun) 68 49,16 9,093 ,162 ,162 -,083 1,334 ,057 TDS

  68 119,41 9,601 ,201 ,196 -,201 1,657 ,008 TDD 68 77,72 5,425 ,369 ,278 -,369 3,040 ,000 HDL 68 57,57 11,949 ,101 ,096 -,101 ,832 ,492 AU 68 5,210 1,1496 ,085 ,073 -,085 ,699 ,713 TG 68 116,25 27,089 ,113 ,049 -,113 ,928 ,356 LDL 68 106,76 12,785 ,113 ,113 -,068 ,935 ,346 T CHOL 68 180,84 27,994 ,137 ,089 -,137 1,127 ,158 Ureum 68 20,82 5,987 ,113 ,113 -,098 ,934 ,347 Creatinin 68 ,734 ,1850 ,148 ,148 -,088 1,218 ,103 BUN 68 10,29 3,115 ,185 ,185 -,130 1,523 ,019 KGD 68 102,91 18,688 ,121 ,121 -,068 ,996 ,275 Berat badan 68 58,82 6,990 ,128 ,060 -,128 1,053 ,217 Tinggi badan 68 165,29 7,709 ,126 ,092 -,126 1,041 ,228

  IMT 68 21,442 1,0783 ,113 ,080 -,113 ,935 ,347 Cr Cl 68 99,090 21,4183 ,088 ,071 -,088 ,727 ,665 a. Test distribution is Normal.

  b. Calculated from data.

  T Test (Hipertensi)

  Group Statistics Std. Error Group N Mean Std. Deviation Mean

  Lama HT Ht 69 5,377 2,6015 ,3132

  a Non Ht . . .

  TDS Ht 69 156,16 19,500 2,348 Non Ht 68 119,41 9,601 1,164 TDD Ht 69 91,01 10,866 1,308 Non Ht 68 77,72 5,425 ,658 HDL Ht 69 39,29 4,141 ,499 Non Ht 68 57,57 11,949 1,449 AU Ht 69 7,299 ,8235 ,0991 Non Ht 68 5,210 1,1496 ,1394 Creatinin Ht 69 ,868 ,2452 ,0295 Non Ht 68 ,734 ,1850 ,0224 Cr Cl Ht 69 80,676 19,6687 2,3678 Non Ht 68 99,090 21,4183 2,5974 a. t cannot be computed becaus e at leas t one of the groups is empty.

  Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

  95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean Std. Error

  F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper TG Equal variances 6,348 ,013 4,402 135 ,000 17,967 4,082 9,895 26,040 as sumed

  Equal variances 4,393 124,028 ,000 17,967 4,090 9,871 26,063 not ass umed LDL Equal variances

  ,648 ,422 5,675 135 ,000 13,743 2,422 8,953 18,532 as sumed Equal variances 5,682 131,183 ,000 13,743 2,418 8,958 18,527 not ass umed T CHOL Equal variances

  9,917 ,002 3,936 135 ,000 16,640 4,227 8,280 25,000 as sumed Equal variances 3,928 124,389 ,000 16,640 4,236 8,256 25,024 not ass umed Ureum Equal variances

  12,727 ,000 8,835 135 ,000 11,452 1,296 8,888 14,015 as sumed Equal variances 8,860 119,394 ,000 11,452 1,293 8,892 14,011 not ass umed Creatinin Equal variances

  1,465 ,228 7,366 135 ,000 ,2561 ,0348 ,1874 ,3249 as sumed Equal variances 7,373 133,068 ,000 ,2561 ,0347 ,1874 ,3248 not ass umed BUN Equal variances

  4,350 ,039 6,992 135 ,000 4,112 ,588 2,949 5,275 as sumed Equal variances 7,001 131,418 ,000 4,112 ,587 2,950 5,273 not ass umed

  NPar Tests

  Mann-Whitney Test NPar Tests Mann-Whitney Test Ra nks 69 100,73 6950,50 68 36,80 2502,50

  137 69 93,24 6433,50 68 44,40 3019,50 137

  Group Ht Non Ht Total Ht Non Ht Total TDS

  TDD N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Test Statistics a

  156,500 673,500 2502,500 3019,500

  • 9,523 -7,616 ,000 ,000 Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed) TDS TDD Grouping Variable: Group a.

  Ranks 69 89,49 6174,50 68 48,21 3278,50

  137 Group Ht Non Ht Total BUN

  N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Test Statistics a

  932,500 3278,500

  • 6,110 ,000 Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed) BUN Grouping Variable: Group a.

  Group Statistics Std. Error Group N Mean Std. Deviation Mean

  Lama HT Ht 69 5,377 2,6015 ,3132

  a Non Ht . . .

  TDS Ht 69 156,16 19,500 2,348 Non Ht 68 119,41 9,601 1,164 TDD Ht 69 91,01 10,866 1,308 Non Ht 68 77,72 5,425 ,658 HDL Ht 69 39,29 4,141 ,499 Non Ht 68 57,57 11,949 1,449 AU Ht 69 7,299 ,8235 ,0991 Non Ht 68 5,210 1,1496 ,1394 Creatinin Ht 69 ,868 ,2452 ,0295 Non Ht 68 ,734 ,1850 ,0224 Cr Cl Ht 69 80,676 19,6687 2,3678 Non Ht 68 99,090 21,4183 2,5974 a. t cannot be computed becaus e at leas t one of the groups is empty.

  Independent Samples Test

  Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

  95% Confidence Interval of the

  Difference Mean Std. Error

  F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper TDS Equal variances

  38,907 ,000 13,961 135 ,000 36,748 2,632 31,542 41,953 as sumed Equal variances

  14,024 99,462 ,000 36,748 2,620 31,548 41,947 not ass umed TDD Equal variances

  14,992 ,000 9,039 135 ,000 13,294 1,471 10,385 16,203 as sumed Equal variances

  9,079 100,237 ,000 13,294 1,464 10,389 16,199 not ass umed HDL Equal variances

  49,490 ,000 -12,000 135 ,000 -18,284 1,524 -21,297 -15,270 as sumed Equal variances

  • 11,931 82,659 ,000 -18,284 1,532 -21,332 -15,236 not ass umed

  AU Equal variances 10,528 ,001 12,237 135 ,000 2,0883 ,1707 1,7508 2,4258 as sumed

  Equal variances 12,208 121,325 ,000 2,0883 ,1711 1,7496 2,4269 not ass umed

  Creatinin Equal variances 5,262 ,023 3,615 135 ,000 ,1343 ,0372 ,0608 ,2078 as sumed

  Equal variances 3,622 126,410 ,000 ,1343 ,0371 ,0609 ,2077 not ass umed

  Cr Cl Equal variances ,641 ,425 -5,243 135 ,000 -18,4145 3,5125 -25,3611 -11,4679 as sumed

  Equal variances

  • 5,239 133,672 ,000 -18,4145 3,5147 -25,3660 -11,4630 not ass umed

  Group Statistics Std. Error Group N Mean Std. Deviation Mean

  KGD Ht 69 100,97 18,823 2,266 Non Ht 68 102,91 18,688 2,266 Berat badan Ht 69 58,77 7,205 ,867 Non Ht 68 58,82 6,990 ,848 Tinggi badan Ht 69 165,70 7,423 ,894 Non Ht 68 165,29 7,709 ,935

  IMT Ht 69 21,302 1,0405 ,1253 Non Ht 68 21,442 1,0783 ,1308

  Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

  95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean Std. Error

  F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper KGD Equal variances ,001 ,970 -,606 135 ,546 -1,941 3,205 -8,279 4,398 assumed

  Equal variances

  • ,606 134,992 ,546 -1,941 3,205 -8,279 4,397 not assumed Berat badan Equal variances ,002 ,965 -,046 135 ,964 -,055 1,213 -2,455 2,344 assumed Equal variances
  • ,046 134,967 ,964 -,055 1,213 -2,454 2,343 not assumed Tinggi badan Equal variances ,426 ,515 ,311 135 ,757 ,402 1,293 -2,155 2,959 assumed Equal variances ,310 134,628 ,757 ,402 1,293 -2,156 2,959 not assumed

  IMT Equal variances ,001 ,973 -,772 135 ,442 -,1397 ,1810 -,4978 ,2183 assumed Equal variances

  • ,772 134,659 ,442 -,1397 ,1811 -,4979 ,2184 not assumed

  T-Test (pria) Group Statistics Std. Error Group N Mean Std. Deviation Mean

  AU Ht 36 7,708 ,7369 ,1228 Non Ht 35 5,786 ,9438 ,1595


Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

  95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean Std. Error

  F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper AU Equal variances 4,388 ,040 9,583 69 ,000 1,9226 ,2006 1,5224 2,3229 as sumed

  Equal variances 9,550 64,306 ,000 1,9226 ,2013 1,5205 2,3248 not ass umed

  T-Test (wanita) Group Statistics

Std. Error

Group N Mean Std. Deviation Mean

  AU Ht 33 6,852 ,6723 ,1170 Non Ht 33 4,600 1,0365 ,1804


Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

  95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean Std. Error

  F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper AU Equal variances 4,674 ,034 10,469 64 ,000 2,2515 ,2151 1,8219 2,6812 as sumed

  Equal variances 10,469 54,875 ,000 2,2515 ,2151 1,8205 2,6825 not ass umed

  Tabel Chi -square hubunganhipertensiessensialdenganhiperurisemia

  Crosstab Group Ht Non Ht Total

  AU Normo Uricemia Count



  90 Expected Count 45,3 44,7 90,0 % within AU 31,1% 68,9% 100,0% % within Group 40,6% 91,2% 65,7% % of Total

  20,4% 45,3% 65,7% Hyperuricemia Count



  47 Expected Count 23,7 23,3 47,0 % within AU 87,2% 12,8% 100,0% % within Group 59,4% 8,8% 34,3% % of Total 29,9% 4,4% 34,3%

  Total Count

  69 68 137 Expected Count 69,0 68,0 137,0 % within AU 50,4% 49,6% 100,0%

  % within Group 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% % of Total 50,4% 49,6% 100,0%

  Chi-Square Tests As ymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.

  Value df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)


  Pearson Chi-Square 38,903 1 ,000


  Continuity Correction 36,690 1 ,000 Likelihood Ratio 42,418 1 ,000 Fis her's Exact Test ,000 ,000

  Linear-by-Linear 38,619 1 ,000 As sociation

  N of Valid Cases 137 a. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  b. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 23,33.

  Risk Estimate 95% Confidence Interval

  Value Lower Upper Odds Ratio for AU (Normo Uricemi a / ,066 ,025 ,174 Hyperuricem ia) For cohort Group = Ht ,357 ,257 ,494 For cohort Group =

  5,396 2,523 11,540 Non Ht N of Valid Cases 137

  Interval of the Difference t-test for Equality of Means

  Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper 95% Confidence

  Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean

  AU F Sig.

  ,019 ,892 -1,528 31 ,137 -,3643 ,2384 -,8504 ,1218


Independent Samples Test

1,887 ,179 3,599 31 ,001 4,869 1,353 2,110 7,628 4,070 30,633 ,000 4,869 1,196 2,428 7,310

  • 1,514 22,394 ,144 -,3643 ,2406 -,8627 ,1341 Equal variances as sumed Equal variances not ass umed Equal variances as sumed Equal variances not ass umed HDL

  Interval of the Difference t-test for Equality of Means

  Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

t df Sig. (2-tailed)


  Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper 95% Confidence

  AU F Sig.

  Independent Samples Test ,734 ,398 2,691 34 ,011 3,029 1,125 ,742 5,316 2,769 32,940 ,009 3,029 1,094 ,803 5,254 ,490 ,489 -1,481 34 ,148 -,3629 ,2450 -,8607 ,1350

  AU N Mean St d. Deviat ion St d. E rror Mean

  Lama HT < 5 tahun >= 5 tahun < 5 tahun >= 5 tahun HDL

  21 39,43 3,544 ,773 15 36,40 2,995 ,773 21 7,557 ,6454 ,1408 15 7,920 ,8248 ,2130

  T-Test pria Reratakadar AUs berdasarkan lama menderita HT (Pria) T-Test wanita Reratakadar AUs berdasarkan lama menderita HT (wanita) Group Sta tisti cs

  • 1,421 25,509 ,167 -,3629 ,2553 -,8882 ,1625 Equal variances as sumed Equal variances not ass umed Equal variances as sumed Equal variances not ass umed HDL

  Group Sta tisti cs St d. E rror Lama HT N Mean St d. Deviat ion Mean

  HDL < 5 tahun 21 42,29 4,221 ,921 >= 5 tahun 12 37,42 2,644 ,763

  AU < 5 tahun 21 6,719 ,6509 ,1420 >= 5 tahun 12 7,083 ,6726 ,1942

  Proporsihiperurisemiaberdasarkan Lama HT Crosstab Lama HT < 5 tahun >= 5 tahun Total

  AU Normo Uricemia Count



  28 Expected Count 17,0 11,0 28,0 % within AU 67,9% 32,1% 100,0% % within Lama HT 45,2% 33,3% 40,6% % of Total 27,5% 13,0% 40,6%

  Hyperuricemia Count



  41 Expected Count 25,0 16,0 41,0 % within AU 56,1% 43,9% 100,0% % within Lama HT 54,8% 66,7% 59,4% % of Total 33,3% 26,1% 59,4% Total Count



  69 Expected Count 42,0 27,0 69,0 % within AU 60,9% 39,1% 100,0% % within Lama HT 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% % of Total 60,9% 39,1% 100,0%

  Chi-Square Tests As ymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.

  Value df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)


  Pearson Chi-Square ,966 1 ,326


  Continuity Correction ,535 1 ,464 Likelihood Ratio ,976 1 ,323 Fis her's Exact Test ,452 ,233

  Linear-by-Linear ,952 1 ,329 As sociation

  N of Valid Cases

  69 a. Computed only for a 2x2 table b. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10,96.

  Oneway (wanita) Perbandinganreratakadar AUs wanitaberdasarkanderajat TDS Descriptives AU

  95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 120-139

  6 6,467 ,7916 ,3232 5,636 7,297 5,5 7,5 140-159 15 6,947 ,5502 ,1420 6,642 7,251 6,1 7,9 >= 160 12 6,925 ,7387 ,2132 6,456 7,394 6,0 8,3 Total 33 6,852 ,6723 ,1170 6,613 7,090 5,5 8,3

  Test of Homogeneity of Variances AU Levene

  Statisti c df1 df2 Sig.


  2 30 ,530 ANOV A

  AU Sum of Squares df Mean S quare F Sig. Between Groups 1,089 2 ,545 1,222 ,309 W ithin Groups

  13,373 30 ,446 Total 14,462

32 Post Hoc Tests

  Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: AU LSD

  Mean 95% Confidence Interval Difference (I) TDS (J) TDS (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

  120-139 140-159

  • ,4800 ,3225 ,147 -1,139 ,179 >= 160
  • ,4583 ,3338 ,180 -1,140 ,223 140-159 120-139 ,4800 ,3225 ,147 -,179 1,139

    >= 160 ,0217 ,2586 ,934 -,506 ,550

    >= 160 120-139 ,4583 ,3338 ,180 -,223 1,140


  • ,0217 ,2586 ,934 -,550 ,506

  Oneway (pria) Perbandinganreratakadar AUs priaberdasarkanderajat TDS


  AU 95% Confidence Interval for Mean

  N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 120-139 2 6,900 ,2828 ,2000 4,359 9,441 6,7 7,1 140-159

  12 7,367 ,5774 ,1667 7,000 7,733 6,2 8,4 >= 160 22 7,968 ,7260 ,1548 7,646 8,290 7,0 10,2 Total 36 7,708 ,7369 ,1228 7,459 7,958 6,2 10,2

  Test of Homogeneity of Variances AU Levene

  Statistic df1 df2 Sig.



33 ,338


  AU Sum of Squares df Mean S quare F Sig. Between Groups 4,193

2 2,097 4,670 ,016

W ithin Groups 14,814

  33 ,449 Total 19,008

35 Post Hoc Tests

  Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: AU LSD

  Mean 95% Confidence Interval Difference (I) TDS (J) TDS (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

  120-139 140-159 -,4800 ,3225 ,147 -1,139 ,179 >= 160

  • ,4583 ,3338 ,180 -1,140 ,223 140-159 120-139 ,4800 ,3225 ,147 -,179 1,139 >= 160 ,0217 ,2586 ,934 -,506 ,550 >= 160 120-139 ,4583 ,3338 ,180 -,223 1,140


  • ,0217 ,2586 ,934 -,550 ,506
The mean difference is s ignificant at the .05 level.

  Oneway (pria) Perbandinganreratakadar AUs priaberdasarkanderajat TDD Post Hoc Tests Descriptives

  AU 8 7,050 ,5318 ,1880 6,605 7,495 6,2 7,9 11 7,500 ,4050 ,1221 7,228 7,772 7,0 8,4 17 8,153 ,7107 ,1724 7,788 8,518 7,4 10,2 36 7,708 ,7369 ,1228 7,459 7,958 6,2 10,2 80-89

  90-99 >= 100 Total N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

  95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum

  Test of Homogeneity of Variances AU 1,249

  2 33 ,300 Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

  ANOV A AU 7,305

  2 3,653 10,300 ,000 11,702 33 ,355 19,008

  35 Between Groups W ithin Groups Total Sum of

  Squares df Mean S quare F Sig.

  Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: AU LSD

  • ,4500 ,2767 ,113 -1,013 ,113
  • 1,1029* ,2553 ,000 -1,622 -,583 ,4500 ,2767 ,113 -,113 1
  • ,6529* ,2304 ,008 -1,122 -,184 1,1029* ,2553 ,000 ,583 1,622 ,6529* ,2304 ,008 ,184 1,122 (J) TDD 90-99 >= 100
    • .

  80-89 >= 100 80-89 90-99

  (I) TDD 80-89 90-99 >= 100

  Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence Interval

  Oneway (wanita) Perbandinganreratakadar AUs wanitaberdasarkanderajat TDD Post Hoc Tests Descriptives

  AU 12 6,542 ,6171 ,1781 6,150 6,934 5,5 7,3 17 6,871 ,5599 ,1358 6,583 7,158 6,0 7,9 4 7,700 ,6377 ,3189 6,685 8,715 6,8 8,3 33 6,852 ,6723 ,1170 6,613 7,090 5,5 8,3 80-89

  90-99 >= 100 Total N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

  95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum

  Test of Homogeneity of Variances AU ,233

  2 30 ,794 Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

  ANOV A AU 4,038

  2 2,019 5,810 ,007 10,424 30 ,347 14,462

  32 Between Groups W ithin Groups Total Sum of

  Squares df Mean S quare F Sig.

  Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: AU LSD

  • ,3289 ,2223 ,149 -,783 ,125
  • 1,1583* ,3403 ,002 -1,853 -,463 ,3289 ,2223 ,149 -,125
  • ,8294* ,3276 ,017 -1,498 -,160 1,1583* ,3403 ,002 ,463 1,853 ,8294* ,3276 ,017 ,160 1,498 (J) TDD 90-99 >= 100

  80-89 >= 100 80-89 90-99

  (I) TDD 80-89 90-99 >= 100

  Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence Interval

  The mean difference is s ignificant at the .05 level. *.

  Proporsihiperurisemiaberdasarkanderajat TDS Crosstab TDS 120-139 140-159 >= 160 Total

  AU Normo Uricemia Count




  28 Expected Count 3,2 11,0 13,8 28,0 % within AU 21,4% 42,9% 35,7% 100,0% % within TDS 75,0% 44,4% 29,4% 40,6% % of Total 8,7% 17,4% 14,5% 40,6%

  Hyperuricemia Count




  41 Expected Count 4,8 16,0 20,2 41,0 % within AU 4,9% 36,6% 58,5% 100,0% % within TDS 25,0% 55,6% 70,6% 59,4% % of Total

  2,9% 21,7% 34,8% 59,4% Total Count




  69 Expected Count 8,0 27,0 34,0 69,0 % within AU 11,6% 39,1% 49,3% 100,0% % within TDS

  100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% % of Total 11,6% 39,1% 49,3% 100,0%

  Chi-Square Te sts As ymp. Sig.

  Value df (2-sided)


  Pearson Chi-S quare 5,857 2 ,053 Lik elihood Ratio 5,903 2 ,052 Linear-by-Linear

  5,446 1 ,020 As soc iation N of V alid Cases

  69 a. 2 c ells (33,3%) have ex pec ted c ount les s than 5. The minimum expected count is 3,25.

  \ Risk Estimate

  Value Odds Ratio for AU a

  (Normo Uricemia / Hyperuricemia) a.

  Risk Estimate statistics cannot be computed. They are only computed for a 2*2 table without empty cells.

  Proporsihiperurisemiaberdasarkanderajat TDD Crosstab TDD 80-89 90-99 >= 100 Total

  AU Normo Uricemia Count




  28 Expected Count 8,1 11,4 8,5 28,0 % within AU 50,0% 39,3% 10,7% 100,0% % within TDD 70,0% 39,3% 14,3% 40,6% % of Total 20,3% 15,9% 4,3% 40,6%

  Hyperuricemia Count




  41 Expected Count 11,9 16,6 12,5 41,0

% within AU 14,6% 41,5% 43,9% 100,0%

% within TDD

  30,0% 60,7% 85,7% 59,4%

% of Total 8,7% 24,6% 26,1% 59,4%

Total Count




  69 Expected Count 20,0 28,0 21,0 69,0 % within AU 29,0% 40,6% 30,4% 100,0%

% within TDD 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

  % of Total 29,0% 40,6% 30,4% 100,0% Chi-Square Te sts As ymp. Sig.

  Value df (2-sided)


  Pearson Chi-S quare 13,220 2 ,001 Lik elihood Ratio 14,010 2 ,001 Linear-by-Linear 12,973 1 ,000 As soc iation

  N of V alid Cases


a. 0 c ells (,0% ) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8,12.

  Korelasi KorelasiParametrik


Correl ations

  Lama HT TDS TDD HDL AU TG LDL Ureum Creatinin BUN Cr Cl Lama HT Pearson Correlation 1 ,260* ,223 -,451** ,268* ,203 ,370** ,126 ,131 ,111 -,259*

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,031 ,066 ,000 ,026 ,094 ,002 ,301 ,284 ,363 ,031












  69 TDS Pearson Correlation ,260* 1 ,747** -,564** ,587** ,177 ,295* ,367** ,544** ,402** -,331** Sig. (2-tailed) ,031 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,146 ,014 ,002 ,000 ,001 ,005 N











  69 TDD Pearson Correlation ,223 ,747** 1 -,497** ,612** ,115 ,411** ,405** ,570** ,388** -,421**

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,066 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,348 ,000 ,001 ,000 ,001 ,000












  69 HDL Pearson Correlation -,451** -,564** -,497** 1 -,490** -,207 -,558** -,352** -,319** -,354** ,225 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,089 ,000 ,003 ,007 ,003 ,063 N











  69 AU Pearson Correlation ,268* ,587** ,612** -,490** 1 ,080 ,637** ,484** ,749** ,485** -,407**

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,026 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,513 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,001 N











  69 TG Pearson Correlation ,203 ,177 ,115 -,207 ,080 1 ,009 ,179 ,203 ,047 -,158 Sig. (2-tailed)

  ,094 ,146 ,348 ,089 ,513 ,939 ,141 ,095 ,701 ,194 N











  69 LDL Pearson Correlation ,370** ,295* ,411** -,558** ,637** ,009 1 ,293* ,510** ,297* -,323** Sig. (2-tailed) ,002 ,014 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,939 ,014 ,000 ,013 ,007 N











  69 Ureum Pearson Correlation ,126 ,367** ,405** -,352** ,484** ,179 ,293* 1 ,505** ,849** -,296*

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,301 ,002 ,001 ,003 ,000 ,141 ,014 ,000 ,000 ,013












  69 Creatinin Pearson Correlation ,131 ,544** ,570** -,319** ,749** ,203 ,510** ,505** 1 ,517** -,628** Sig. (2-tailed) ,284 ,000 ,000 ,007 ,000 ,095 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 N











  69 BUN Pearson Correlation ,111 ,402** ,388** -,354** ,485** ,047 ,297* ,849** ,517** 1 -,319**

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,363 ,001 ,001 ,003 ,000 ,701 ,013 ,000 ,000 ,007












  69 Cr Cl Pearson Correlation -,259* -,331** -,421** ,225 -,407** -,158 -,323** -,296* -,628** -,319**

  1 Sig. (2-tailed) ,031 ,005 ,000 ,063 ,001 ,194 ,007 ,013 ,000 ,007 N











  69 *. Correlation is s ignificant at the 0.05 level (2-t ailed).

  • . Correlation is s ignificant at the 0.01 level (2-t ailed).

  Korelasi Non Parametrik

Correl ations

  Lama HT TDS TDD HDL AU TG LDL Ureum Creatinin BUN Cr Cl Spearman's rho Lama HT Correlation Coefficient

  1,000 ,270* ,251* -,449** ,201 ,164 ,348** ,093 ,138 ,100 -,225 Sig. (2-tailed) . ,025 ,038 ,000 ,098 ,178 ,003 ,449 ,260 ,412 ,064 N











  69 TDS Correlation Coefficient ,270* 1,000 ,757** -,546** ,542** ,106 ,286* ,319** ,537** ,369** -,255*

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,025 . ,000 ,000 ,000 ,384 ,017 ,008 ,000 ,002 ,034 N











  69 TDD Correlation Coefficient ,251* ,757** 1,000 -,533** ,650** ,059 ,444** ,405** ,606** ,398** -,445**

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,038 ,000 . ,000 ,000 ,633 ,000 ,001 ,000 ,001 ,000 N











  69 HDL Correlation Coefficient

  • ,449** -,546** -,533** 1,000 -,478** -,121 -,562** -,309** -,321** -,304* ,115 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 ,000 . ,000 ,320 ,000 ,010 ,007 ,011 ,349 N











  69 AU Correlation Coefficient ,201 ,542** ,650** -,478** 1,000 ,073 ,618** ,482** ,738** ,482** -,399**

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,098 ,000 ,000 ,000 . ,553 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,001 N











  69 TG Correlation Coefficient ,164 ,106 ,059 -,121 ,073 1,000 ,050 ,164 ,199 ,000 -,176

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,178 ,384 ,633 ,320 ,553 . ,686 ,178 ,101 ,997 ,149 N











  69 LDL Correlation Coefficient ,348** ,286* ,444** -,562** ,618** ,050 1,000 ,305* ,525** ,282* -,327**

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,003 ,017 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,686 . ,011 ,000 ,019 ,006 N











  69 Ureum Correlation Coefficient ,093 ,319** ,405** -,309** ,482** ,164 ,305* 1,000 ,510** ,854** -,292*

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,449 ,008 ,001 ,010 ,000 ,178 ,011 . ,000 ,000 ,015 N











  69 Creatinin Correlation Coefficient ,138 ,537** ,606** -,321** ,738** ,199 ,525** ,510** 1,000 ,533** -,648**

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,260 ,000 ,000 ,007 ,000 ,101 ,000 ,000 . ,000 ,000 N











  69 BUN Correlation Coefficient ,100 ,369** ,398** -,304* ,482** ,000 ,282* ,854** ,533** 1,000 -,299*

  Sig. (2-tailed) ,412 ,002 ,001 ,011 ,000 ,997 ,019 ,000 ,000 . ,013 N











  69 Cr Cl Correlation Coefficient

  • ,225 -,255* -,445** ,115 -,399** -,176 -,327** -,292* -,648** -,299* 1,000 Sig. (2-tailed) ,064 ,034 ,000 ,349 ,001 ,149 ,006 ,015 ,000 ,013 .












  69 *. Correlation is s ignificant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

  • .

  Correlation is s ignificant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).



One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


  Normal Parameters Most Extreme Differences N Mean Std. Deviation Absolute Positive Negative Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Usia (tahun) 69 52,23 10,218 ,095 ,095 -,076 ,792 ,556 Lama HT 69 5,377 2,6015 ,166 ,166 -,083 1,381 ,044 TDS 69 156,16 19,500 ,159 ,159 -,088 1,318 ,062 TDD

  69 91,01 10,866 ,233 ,233 -,173 1,934 ,001 HDL 69 39,29 4,141 ,122 ,122 -,088 1,014 ,255 AU 69 7,299 ,8235 ,074 ,074 -,061 ,616 ,842 TG 69 134,22 20,244 ,102 ,102 -,091 ,848 ,468 LDL 69 120,51 15,417 ,110 ,110 -,050 ,914 ,374 T CHOL 69 197,48 21,043 ,158 ,096 -,158 1,315 ,063 Ureum 69 32,28 8,883 ,083 ,065 -,083 ,691 ,726 Creatinin 69 ,868 ,2452 ,088 ,073 -,088 ,731 ,660 BUN 69 14,41 3,735 ,119 ,094 -,119 ,986 ,286 KGD 69 100,97 18,823 ,115 ,115 -,084 ,953 ,323 Berat badan 69 58,77 7,205 ,151 ,062 -,151 1,250 ,088 Tinggi badan 69 165,70 7,423 ,105 ,083 -,105 ,875 ,429

  IMT 69 21,302 1,0405 ,120 ,063 -,120 ,995 ,276 Cr Cl 69 80,676 19,6687 ,138 ,138 -,122 1,143 ,146 a. Test distribution is Normal.


  Calculated from data.

  Non Parametrik test (Normal) One-S ample Kolm ogorov-Sm irnov Test


  Normal Parameters Most Extreme Differenc es N Mean St d. Deviat ion Absolute Positive Negative Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Us ia (t ahun) 68 49,16 9,093 ,162 ,162 -,083 1,334 ,057 TDS 68 119,41 9,601 ,201 ,196 -,201 1,657 ,008 TDD

  68 77,72 5,425 ,369 ,278 -,369 3,040 ,000 HDL 68 57,57 11,949 ,101 ,096 -,101 ,832 ,492 AU 68 5,210 1,1496 ,085 ,073 -,085 ,699 ,713 TG 68 116,25 27,089 ,113 ,049 -,113 ,928 ,356 LDL 68 106,76 12,785 ,113 ,113 -,068 ,935 ,346 T CHOL 68 180,84 27,994 ,137 ,089 -,137 1,127 ,158 Ureum 68 20,82 5,987 ,113 ,113 -,098 ,934 ,347 Creatinin 68 ,734 ,1850 ,148 ,148 -,088 1,218 ,103 BUN 68 10,29 3,115 ,185 ,185 -,130 1,523 ,019 KGD 68 102,91 18,688 ,121 ,121 -,068 ,996 ,275 Berat badan 68 58,82 6,990 ,128 ,060 -,128 1,053 ,217 Tinggi badan 68 165,29 7,709 ,126 ,092 -,126 1,041 ,228

  IMT 68 21,442 1,0783 ,113 ,080 -,113 ,935 ,347 Cr Cl 68 99,090 21,4183 ,088 ,071 -,088 ,727 ,665

a. Test distribution is Normal.


  Calculated from data. T Test (Hipertensi) Group Statistics

  Std. Error Group N Mean Std. Deviation Mean Lama HT Ht 69 5,377 2,6015 ,3132


  Non Ht . . . TDS Ht 69 156,16 19,500 2,348

  Non Ht 68 119,41 9,601 1,164 TDD Ht 69 91,01 10,866 1,308 Non Ht 68 77,72 5,425 ,658 HDL Ht 69 39,29 4,141 ,499 Non Ht 68 57,57 11,949 1,449 AU Ht 69 7,299 ,8235 ,0991 Non Ht 68 5,210 1,1496 ,1394 Creatinin Ht 69 ,868 ,2452 ,0295 Non Ht 68 ,734 ,1850 ,0224 Cr Cl Ht 69 80,676 19,6687 2,3678 Non Ht 68 99,090 21,4183 2,5974 a. t cannot be computed becaus e at leas t one of the groups is empty.

  Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

  95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean Std. Error

  F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper TG Equal variances 6,348 ,013 4,402 135 ,000 17,967 4,082 9,895 26,040 as sumed

  Equal variances 4,393 124,028 ,000 17,967 4,090 9,871 26,063 not ass umed LDL Equal variances

  ,648 ,422 5,675 135 ,000 13,743 2,422 8,953 18,532 as sumed Equal variances 5,682 131,183 ,000 13,743 2,418 8,958 18,527 not ass umed T CHOL Equal variances

  9,917 ,002 3,936 135 ,000 16,640 4,227 8,280 25,000 as sumed Equal variances 3,928 124,389 ,000 16,640 4,236 8,256 25,024 not ass umed Ureum Equal variances

  12,727 ,000 8,835 135 ,000 11,452 1,296 8,888 14,015 as sumed Equal variances 8,860 119,394 ,000 11,452 1,293 8,892 14,011 not ass umed Creatinin Equal variances

  1,465 ,228 7,366 135 ,000 ,2561 ,0348 ,1874 ,3249 as sumed Equal variances 7,373 133,068 ,000 ,2561 ,0347 ,1874 ,3248 not ass umed BUN Equal variances

  4,350 ,039 6,992 135 ,000 4,112 ,588 2,949 5,275 as sumed Equal variances 7,001 131,418 ,000 4,112 ,587 2,950 5,273 not ass umed

  NPar Tests Mann-Whitney Test NPar Tests Mann-Whitney Test Ra nks 69 100,73 6950,50 68 36,80 2502,50

  137 69 93,24 6433,50 68 44,40 3019,50 137

  Group Ht Non Ht Total Ht Non Ht Total TDS

  TDD N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Test Statistics a

  156,500 673,500 2502,500 3019,500

  • 9,523 -7,616 ,000 ,000 Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed) TDS TDD Grouping Variable: Group a.

  Ranks 69 89,49 6174,50 68 48,21 3278,50

  137 Group Ht Non Ht Total BUN

  N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Test Statistics a

  932,500 3278,500

  • 6,110 ,000 Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed) BUN Grouping Variable: Group a.

  Group Statistics Std. Error Group N Mean Std. Deviation Mean

  Lama HT Ht 69 5,377 2,6015 ,3132

  a Non Ht . . .

  TDS Ht 69 156,16 19,500 2,348 Non Ht 68 119,41 9,601 1,164 TDD Ht 69 91,01 10,866 1,308 Non Ht 68 77,72 5,425 ,658 HDL Ht 69 39,29 4,141 ,499 Non Ht 68 57,57 11,949 1,449 AU Ht 69 7,299 ,8235 ,0991 Non Ht 68 5,210 1,1496 ,1394 Creatinin Ht 69 ,868 ,2452 ,0295 Non Ht 68 ,734 ,1850 ,0224 Cr Cl Ht 69 80,676 19,6687 2,3678 Non Ht 68 99,090 21,4183 2,5974 a. t cannot be computed becaus e at leas t one of the groups is empty.