23 There is a difference between teaching learning cycle proposed by Feez and Joyce 2002 and by Hammond, et al 1992. Teaching learning cycle by Feez and Joyce consists of five stages. In the other hand, teachinglearning cycle by Hammond, et al only consists of four stages. There is no Linking Related Text in the Hammond, et als’ teachinglearning cycle. Hammond, et al starts from the first stage called Building the Knowledge of the Field, while Feez and Joyce starts from Building the Context. In the first cycle of Hammond, et al, teachers and students build cultural context, share experiences, discuss vocabulary, and grammatical patterns. The researcher employed teachinglearning cycle by Feez and Joyce since it provides complete stages of the teachinglearning.

B. Theoretical Framework

There are some steps involved in the process of designing English Writing Instructional Material using genre-based approach for the eleventh grade of senior high school. The researcher will employ genre based approach since it aims at developing students’ writing skill. In every step of writing the students deal with the stage in teaching learning cycle. Because of the various activities in each stage of teaching and learning cycle, the students will practice different activities for each step of writing in order to produce a good composition In designing the material, the writer uses the combination of Kemp’s and Yalden’s model. The writer combines these two models because the combination reveals clear and complete steps in designing material. In Kemp’s model, the designer can start from any stage whenever the designer is ready. Moreover, this 24 model can be applied at any educational level. The Yalden’s model also gives contribution in arranging the framework by combining two steps with some Kemp’s steps Kemp formulates eight stages in the instructional design. However, the writer replaces some stages with Yalden’s model. Some stages in Kemp’s model that are replaced are Learner Characteristics, Pre Assessment, and Support Services. The second step of Kemp’s model, learner characteristic, is replaced by needs survey which is adopted from Yalden’s model. The first step of Kemp’s model is reordered. Formulating goals, topics, and general purposes are put after the needs survey. The fifth step, pre assessment, is omitted because the needs survey has covered the learners’ background. The information needed to design the materials based on the students’ needs and characteristics become the basic part in the pre-design. The seventh stage is not included because the support services are not necessarily needed. Thus, there are six steps in the writer’s model. Those steps were: 1. Conducting Needs Survey The purpose of this step is to obtain the information about the students’ abilities, interests, and difficulties concerning with writing activities in the classroom. The information gathered is used to determine the goal of the program and also the objectives. To gather information, the writer conducts an interview to one of the English teacher of SMA N 1 Depok. The researcher also distributes questionnaire to obtain information of the students’ abilities, interest, and difficulties in English writing class. 25 2. Specifying Goals, Topics, and General Purposes The goals are derived from needs survey. The topics are sequenced based on 2006 Curriculum. This study is based on genre-based approach. The goal of genre-based approach is to achieve the goal of guiding students in writing by implementing step by step procedure. The researcher arranges the topic based on the genre of the text that is stated in the curriculum. The researcher then specified the general purposes. 3. Formulating Learning Objectives The objectives are the indicators that students should achieve. The writer performs the objectives of each meeting because each learning process expects performance and achievement levels. The students should be involved in step by step activities to reduce their difficulties that often faced in writing. 4. Selecting and Organizing Contents The subject content is always closely related to the objectives and to the students’ needs. In this step, the writer develops writing material based on genre- based approach. Then, the organizing of the contents is conducted to help the students to acquire the strategies and achieve the objectives. 5. Selecting Learning Activities and Resources The teaching learning process deals with how the teachers determine the most efficient and effective activities to provide learning experiences. The activities are based on the teaching learning cycle by Feez and Joyce 2002 that provides various activities in every stage of learning. 26 6. Evaluating the materials According to Yalden 1987: 96 there are two broad aspects of evaluation. The first evaluation evaluates the students’ achievement using the designed material. The second evaluation measures whether the designed material is appropriate and relevant to the students. In this step, the writer employs questionnaire as a means of doing the second evaluation. The reseacher distributes the designed materials to two English teachers of SMA N 1 Depok and three lectures of English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University. Feedback, comments, and suggestions gathered from the questionnaire used to revise and improve the designed materials. 27


This chapter presents detail information about the methodology used to answer two formulated problems stated in chapter one. The researcher discusses six points in this methodology. They are research method, research participants, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The research was conducted to answer two formulated problems. The formulated problems are: “How are English writing instructional materials based on genre approach for eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Depok designed?” and “What do English writing instructional materials based on genre approach for eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Depok look like?” In order to answer those two formulated problems, the researcher employed a method that was proposed by Walter R. Borg and Meredith Damien Gall, which is Educational Research and Development. They stated that Educational Research and Development RD is a process used to develop and validate educational products 1983: 772. The product can be in the form of teaching materials, teaching methods, and method for organizing instruction. The researcher employed R D method because the goal of R D is to take this research knowledge and incorporate it into a product that can be used in the school Borg and Gall, 1983: 771. Moreover, it increases the potential impact 27