Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study

strength to struggle from the problem. For those who are inspired by James J. Braddock and do it in their own life, actually they have their integrity just like him more or less. The life of James J. Braddock was the right example in order to increase our conscious thought to face all difficulties in our life. Here is another statement in James J. Braddock’s personal’s website, entitled Guestbook of James J. Braddock, from Robert Gamble at Venice, Florida, United States. He said, To whom it may concern, I have watched Cinderella Man three or four times. What a great movie. I feel as if I know Mr. Braddock’s life, what a man, what a man. That is what this country missing REAL MEN Not because he was a great boxer but, a great family man. After all that is what makes GREAT MEN Love of God, Family and Country. Mr. Braddock all I can say and it is a little late “JOB WELL DONE, WELL DONE” www.jamesjbraddock.comguestbook It showed that James J. Braddock was a great man had ever lived in this world. He did love his family and country. He just an ordinary man, but he changed his own fate and became an extraordinary man. His life could inspire people by his behavior and action. This can be shown from the book Personality Theories, Maslow proposed that human desires i.e. motives are innate and that they are arranged in an ascending hierarchy of priority or potency Ziegler, Hjelle, 1981: 368, James J. Braddock used his motivations as a power to do many things, and it became his priority to make his family and country where he lived proud of him.

B. Review of Related Theories

Some theories will be used in the study as the guidance in answering the problems formulation that becomes the focus of the analysis.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

The important thing in this story is character. Generally, character divides into major character and minor character. Major character is the important person who is dominant in the story; whereas the minor character is giving support to the major one. In the story, characters will perform flat characters or round characters. Barnet said “Flat character is relatively simple and usually has only one trait. And round character is embodies several or many traits that cohere to form a complex personality” Barnet, 2005: 228. His statement implies that flat characters sometimes not develop, because they are simple and have only one trait. Since the round characters have more than one trait, so they can be developed. The definition of character by Abrams is stated below Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say-the dialogue-and by what they do-the action Abrams, 1993: 23. From the definition above, actually character can help the reader to understand the story by what they say the dialogue and what they do the action. Every character provides with different moral, dispositional, and emotional. Those make the story alive, and make the whole story understandable by the reader.