Persistent The Characterization of James J. Braddock

37 From that winning, James J. Braddock becomes famous and nobody thinks the New Jersey boxer will last a second round. The sportwriters start to write news about him, and named James J. Braddock as the headline of some newspaper. New Jersey celebrates his victory. Newspaper wrote about it, calling it the best fight they’d seen that night, which was as good as the church blessing to a younger boxer who’d just fought the first professional match of his life.” Cerasini, 2005: 17 The person who really grateful for this victory is his wife, Mae Theresa Fox. She realizes the impacts of her husband’s job and that is the reason why in every match she does not want to see her husband directly instead of waits with fearful in home. For every win or lose she thanks God that her husband go home healthy and still alives. “You get punched. Every time, it feels like I’m getting punched too. And I ain’t half as tough as you . . . and anyway . . .” she added, forcing her smile to come back, her fears to recede, “who wants those articles about me running out on a fight again?” Cerasini, 2005: 24 In every match the player should has target and effort to win it. The same thing happens to boxing match. The boxers should have some tricks to outwit their enemies so that they can win the match. It happens to James J. Braddock. As a boxer he gives his effort to train himself to have some trick to win the match. Since Joe Gould is become James’ manager, Joe helps James to have discipline training and creates James to be strong and full of confident when he is in the ring. Braddock’s sharp, solid jab surprised the charging Griffiths, sending the confident hulk back on his heels. Cerasini, 2005: 2 Joe succeeds to increase James’ confident, not only when James’ wants to give some punches to his enemies but also confident to win the match. 38 Joe Gould is not only became James’ professional manager, but also a close friend to James J. Braddock. Joe builds up the kind of brotherhood with his boxer. It will help the boxer to trustful the manager by the ‘brotherhood’ which has built since the training until the match. The job of boxing manager is looking for the match to his boxer. But different with Joe Gould, he also builds trustful to make the boxer believe all the motivation words he gives during the match. Motivation words are needed to the boxer because he will feel not alone fighting inside the ring. And motivation words also needs to increase confident and spirit to the boxer. That’s right, thought Jim, he was a winner in the market and in the ring. More than that, he was going straight to the top of the highest skyscraper in the fight game. With Gould talking up the right promoters setting up the right opponents, Jim was going to get his shot at knocking them all down, and becoming the Heavyweight Champion of the World— Cerasini, 2005: 14 That statement means that Joe succeeded increase James’ confident to win every match, not only the ordinary match but also Heavyweight Champion. And James makes it as his motivation in every match. Jim Braddock wanted the chance to prove himself, but he knew a professional match on his record would derail his ability to fight as an amateur. Cerasini, 2005: 17 That is the reason why confidence is needed for James J. Braddock because he has little body while his opponents are bigger than him. Every people who watch him will not give support to him but they will mock him. The reason people do that because James starts the boxing match as an amateur and has little body for a boxer. It seems that impossible for him to win every match. Here Joe Gould takes 39 an important role in James’ life. He does increase James’ confident by giving him motivation words to accept his shortcoming.

6. Proud

James J. Braddock starts famous since he can win the match with Gerald “Tuffy” Griffiths, the “Terror from out West”. That match is really unpredictable by the promoters, the sportswriters, the oddsmakers, the opponent team managers, the reporter, and everyone who watch the first big match in the Madison Square Garden. Everybody thinks James J. Braddock as the amateur boxer can lose easily because his opponent is not comparable with him. James physically loses if he against Tuffy, moreover lost in experiences. But in fact James wins the match, and it makes him proud of himself. “I won on a knockout, Joe.” Cerasini, 2005: 10. By saying that of course James feel very happy. Joe Gould as his manager can see his expression of happiness and proud of himself. But for James, this victory belongs to his manager; because his manager gives him chance to fight with Tuffy. And it brings him much closer to his dream that is Heavyweight Champion. That’s what the ring was for Jim Braddock: the right to give as good as he got. Tonight, the underdog had showed them. “Plain Jim,” the nice guy, the humble man … the winner.” Cerasini, 2005: 6 Since that match many people recognizes his name, moreover people in James birthplace, New Jersey. The happiness can be felt by the entire population of New Jersey. They are so proud of the victory of James J. Braddock. It makes the small city of New Jersey is increasingly recognized by the world. “Twenty-seven and two with eighteen wins coming by way of knockout … the Bulldog of Bergen, the pride of New Jersey, and the hope of the Irish