Theory of Struggle Review of Related Theories



A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel written by Marc Cerasini, named Cinderella Man published by HarperCollinsPublishers, on 2005. This novel consists of fifteen chapters, an epilogue, and 274 pages. Cinderella Man is based on the extraordinary true story. The author is inspired by the life of legendary athlete, named James Jimmy Braddock. He is Marc Cerasini, who resided in Queens, New York, just a few blocks from the site of the old Madison Square Garden Bowl, where James J. Braddock won the world heavyweight title. This novel is proper to be observed because in ordinary life we seldom find out the person like James J. Braddock. The person who ever felt wealth for a moment but unfortunately it changed into poverty. But the end of the story he got prosperity and popularity more than he ever got before. Because of that reason, this novel is worth studying. That’s why the work of Marc Cerasini’s Cinderella Man adapted from the movie with the same title by the Motion Picture from Universal Pictures Miramax Films and Imagine Entertainment. This novel told about James Jimmy Braddock, who was the beginner in boxing. He came from Bergen, New Jersey. Someday a boxing competition has changed his fate; his winning took him as famous boxer. His prosperity did not last forever because at that time America is attacked by Great Depression. It brought many effects to the society of America. James J. Braddock and his family became poor; they could not pay the bills of milk, heating, and electricity. But it did not make James J. Braddock gave up; he got up and struggle in order to earn some money and then buy food for his family. Afterwards he won the competition, no worry that he fought with. Because he won many times, then he got an opportunity to fight with Max Baer, the World Heavyweight Championship. Unreliable people of New Jersey prayed for him. They thought that he was the only one who makes them proud. He showed to his country that there was hope when we did not give up facing the Great Depression. With the hard struggles, the fighting amazingly was won by James J. Braddock. After that won the condition of James J. Braddock was normal again, even better than before. He was not only won the game upon the ring, but he also won from the big problem in his life, that is poverty.

B. Approach of the Study

The focus of this study is on the character’s motivation for survival as seen in his struggles against poverty. Because of the writer wants to discuss human’s motivation, and the right approach for this study is psychological approach. As stated in Reading and Writing about Literature Rohrberger and Woods, 1971: 81, psychological approach 20 emphasizes on the human psychological and believes that human’s thought, creativity, behavior and another psychological aspect give influence to literary work. This approach is relevant for this study because it helps the writer to analyze human motivation from the behavior and struggle of the main character. All of them are related to psychology field. In this study James’ struggles and his motivation for becoming a hard worker affects his psychological states. By using psychological approach, the writer can see deeper understanding of James’ motivations for survival as seen in his struggles against poverty. Human motivation and struggle are parts of human psychology.

C. Method of the Study

This study is a library research since it relies to the book, as the sources, where took place in the library. The data is the novel itself, Cinderella Man 2005 by Marc Cerasini that is used to analyze the problem. Because of this novel is adopted from the movie of Cinderella Man so the writer chose to watch the movie. There were several books related to the theory of the literary term, the theory of character and characterization, the relation between Literature and Psychology, theory of motivation, and theory of struggle. There were at least tenth steps of conducting the study: first was reading the novel, second was examining the characters, the setting of place and time, the plot, the conflict that happened in the story; third was