Confident The Characterization of James J. Braddock

39 an important role in James’ life. He does increase James’ confident by giving him motivation words to accept his shortcoming.

6. Proud

James J. Braddock starts famous since he can win the match with Gerald “Tuffy” Griffiths, the “Terror from out West”. That match is really unpredictable by the promoters, the sportswriters, the oddsmakers, the opponent team managers, the reporter, and everyone who watch the first big match in the Madison Square Garden. Everybody thinks James J. Braddock as the amateur boxer can lose easily because his opponent is not comparable with him. James physically loses if he against Tuffy, moreover lost in experiences. But in fact James wins the match, and it makes him proud of himself. “I won on a knockout, Joe.” Cerasini, 2005: 10. By saying that of course James feel very happy. Joe Gould as his manager can see his expression of happiness and proud of himself. But for James, this victory belongs to his manager; because his manager gives him chance to fight with Tuffy. And it brings him much closer to his dream that is Heavyweight Champion. That’s what the ring was for Jim Braddock: the right to give as good as he got. Tonight, the underdog had showed them. “Plain Jim,” the nice guy, the humble man … the winner.” Cerasini, 2005: 6 Since that match many people recognizes his name, moreover people in James birthplace, New Jersey. The happiness can be felt by the entire population of New Jersey. They are so proud of the victory of James J. Braddock. It makes the small city of New Jersey is increasingly recognized by the world. “Twenty-seven and two with eighteen wins coming by way of knockout … the Bulldog of Bergen, the pride of New Jersey, and the hope of the Irish 40 as the future champion of the world … James J. Braddock” Cerasini, 2005: 26 For the first time people do not know who is James Jimmy Braddock. But trough his victory people start to know him by reading newspaper and sport magazine, or listening radio, etc. Indirectly he proudly presents his small city to the world. That is why people of New Jersey are proud of James J. Braddock’s victory. People of New Jersey start to adore Jim Braddock. As the “Bulldog of Bergen”, it is how people called him. It is not only people who love James J. Braddock but also James starts to love New Jersey, because they always support him when he is on the ring. “He likes these people, the fact that they loved him so.” Cerasini, 2005: 7 Moreover Mae Theresa Fox as his wife, she always waits for James in home. She is never wants to come to watch James’ match directly. She only braves to hear the report of James’ match from radio. She is afraid of the punches on her husband. But after the match is over and she knows who the winner is, then she changes her afraid into grateful and happy to know her husband wins the game and still alive. This match is one of James’ great matches. This match gives James another opportunity to have some other matches. It is because his victory against Tuffy brings him closer to the Heavyweight Championship. After this match, James fights against John Corn Griffin. If he wins the match, he is getting closer to Max Baer, who is the Heavyweight Champion of the world. James performance does not disappoint, he won the match with a third round knockout. Of course it amazes everyone who watches the match directly or who hears it from the radio. It 41 is another match which makes James proud. James’ victory from match by match brings him to fight against Max Baer, the world Heavyweight Champion. Max Baer is known to kill two boxers in the ring. It makes everybody had critics to him that he will not win the match. Moreover his wife is so afraid to hear the news about Max Baer. But through James and his manager Joe Gould, finally they can convince her about facing Max Baer. Before the match, the promoter usually calls journalists and newsmakers to come up in press conference of Max Baer and James J. Braddock heavyweight championship fight. There are many journalists and newsmakers who do not believe to this match. It is because James is new comer and some people say James wins the match because of his lucky not because of his ability in fighting. People doubt James’ ability in fighting because James’ has ever had injury after fighting, and also he has ever not played for some time. Of course lots people underestimate him, but it does not break his spirit to fight Max Baer. For James J. Braddock, he can survive until this day and compete against the world champion is an honor for him. However, to win the Heavyweight Championship will be an unforgettable honor for him and his country, New Jersey. “Max Baer is the champion,” Braddock said in a loud, firm voice. “I’m looking forward to the fight.” Cerasini, 2005: 192

7. Courageous

James J. Braddock is one of boxer who is courageous, because he is an amateur boxer. But even he knows he is an amateur one, he keeps training himself 42 to get a better jab and try to figure out his punch victory. As a new boxer, he braves to fight against famous opponent, and he also breaks all the underestimate statement which make by spectators, promoters, newsmakers, sportswriters. James always makes an amazement victory for every fight. For example, when he fights Gerald “Tuffy” Griffiths, the “Terror from out West” who has blown into town claiming more than fifty consecutive wins. Braddock was ready. He vaulted close and hurled a nonstop bombardment to his opponent’s face. Shoulder muscles, slick with sweat, were primed and loaded. Leather slammed forward at breakneck speed, then came the jab, jab, cross, and Braddock’s famous right connected for the last time, smashing into Griffiths’ chin like an Irish freight train. Cerasini, 2005: 4 It shows that he can find his punches that make him win the match. And people also know it since James always does it in the last time in every match. James wins the match not only use his right hand but also his speed. People know it with famous right hand and James’ speed. Since Great Depression attacks America, James gets fewer matches. The promoter starts to give him that because of his injury after he fights Al Stillman on September, 1933. Of course James wins the match, but Al Stillmann succeeds to give injury in James’ hand. It makes the promoter doubts James ability. In his match against Al Stillman, James fights with full of courage and wins the game. Actually Al Stillman is the right person to thank because he makes James became more confident to be the winner. The match is so hard to win, until the ninth round with his last power and push himself to get more speed, he wins the match. The other reason is his family needs him so much to win the match and gets the money to feed his family. 43 Still Braddock wouldn’t stop. He couldn’t. His family badly needed the purses, so he’d gone up against Al Stillman in St. Louis. In the ninth round, Jim laid a terrific right to the young man’s jaw. Braddock won the match, but had reinjured his hand.” Cerasini, 2005: 48-49 And the most courageous thing he ever does is his fighting against Max Baer, the Heavyweight Champion of the world. It is because Max Baer has killed two boxers in the ring but he still wants to fight him and becomes the new Heavyweight Champion of the world. Even he knows lots people underestimate him, included his wife. Of course James J. Braddock has preparation before fighting against Max Baer. He has to train his ability in fighting because he does not have exercise since the promoter does not give him match. And his trainer is Joe Jeannette. He is the same trainer when James’ famous and get many matches. Since James’ get the opportunity to fight again, Joe Gould as his manager also does sacrifice to get lots money to pay the gym and trainer. It is because Joe Gould sees the ability and courageous inside James in fighting his opponent. So he has struggled to get match and money for James. This happens because Joe Gould considers James J. Braddock and Mae Theresa as his family. This relationship only happens to couple Joe Gould and James. That is why Joe Gould sells his living room furniture for James. Joe smiled back at his wife. The two of them and Mae were sitting on folding chairs in the middle of the empty living room, sipping hot tea that Joe had prepared. He glanced at Mae. “Yours?” Mae nodded without speaking, still feeling off balance. She’d come here expecting a knock-down-drag-out, but Joe and his wife had been warm and civil. And their circumstances had left her in a mild state of shock. Sorry, said Joe, gesturing to the door. Clearly, he felt badly about not answering the door right away. But you just don’t want folks to see you down is all. Cerasini, 2005: 146-147