Planning Designing the Snakes-and-Ladders Medium to Improve the Speaking

48 c. Writing the Performance Objective In this part, the researcher wrote the specific statement of what the students would be able to do when they completed the instruction. The researcher expected that the designed snakes-and-ladders medium could help the students to improve their speaking ability after doing the snakes-and-ladders medium. Hence, the goal was the students could produce verbal utterances such as vocabularies, sentences, and short conversations in order to deliver the meaning and messages Nunan, 2003.

3. Development of A Preliminary Form of Product

After conducting the planning step, the researcher developed and created the designed snakes-and-ladders medium. The researcher applied Dick, Carey, Carey 2005 steps number five until seven. They were developing the assessment instrument, developing the instrument strategy, and developing and selecting the instructional material. However, the developing of the assessment instrument did not explain in detail because this step was not the focus of designing snakes-and- ladder medium. The following points were the explanation toward those three steps of Dick, Carey, Carey Instructional Design, as follows. a. Develop Assessment Instrument. In this research, the researcher needed to have more discussions toward the assessment instrument. It was because this was not the focus of the research. Therefore, the researcher did not explain in detail about this step. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 b. Develop the Instructional Strategy Based on information from the five preceding steps, the researcher identified the strategy which was used in order to achieve the goal. The goal was to improve students’ speaking ability. In order to help the students in improving their speaking ability, the researcher wanted to create the medium. The medium was snakes-and- ladders medium. In addition, the researcher applied task-based language teaching principles in the snakes-and-ladders medium. According to Richards and Rodgers 2001, a task is an activity which is developed by students, in which they have to solve problems, like buying something, searching a street, writing a letter or making a telephone call using real world communication. Indeed, the students should solve the instructions in the snakes-and-ladders medium. However, the researcher applied seven principles of task –based language teaching proposed by Nunan 2004. The seven principles were scaffolding, task dependency, recycling, active learning, integration, reproduction to creation, and reflection. Those principles were used to create appropriate tasks for the students. Therefore, the students could involve in the snakes-and-ladder medium. The researcher implemented the first principle of task-based language teaching which was scaffolding. The researcher would give some examples from videos and handouts in order to give the framework of the giving and direction topic. The examples were useful for the students to have a clear explanation about the topic. The further and clear information about the examples could be seen in the next step which was developing and selecting the instructional material. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 In addition, the researcher created four stages of snakes-and-ladders medium which had 24 squares. Every stage had six horizontal squares and it had every own color. The first sketch of snakes-and-ladders medium presented, as follows: FOURTH STAGE THIRD STAGE SECOND STAGE FIRST STAGE Figure 4.1 The First Sketch of Snakes-and-Ladders Medium In the first stage of snakes-and-ladder medium, the researcher implemented the second principle of task-based language teaching which was task dependency. Task dependency was the basis of the snakes-and-ladder medium. It was because this principle started from the receptive to the productive activity. In the beginning of the activity, the students were given the examples by reading a handout and listening from the teacher. Then, the students started to play the snakes-and-ladders medium to produce the simple or basic utterance which was vocabulary tasks. The chosen vocabularies were taken from the discussions and 51 sources in the website which related to the topic. Therefore, in the first stage of snakes-and-ladder medium, the researcher placed the vocabulary tasks in order to start the medium with the simple utterance of language. There were some tasks which related to vocabulary which related to the asking and giving direction topic. 1 st stage Figure 4.2 The First S tage’s Task of The Snakes-and-Ladders Medium In the second stage, the researcher applied the third principle of task-based language teaching which was recycling. The students would encounter the task with the different environment or instruction from the previous stage. In this stage, the students would get the instruction to mention the expressions of asking and giving directions. They would not be able to use the same expressions from other students. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 2 nd stage Figure 4.3 The Second Stage’s Task of The Snakes-and-Ladders Medium In the third stage, the researcher applied the fifth principle of task-based language teaching which was integration. The students should be taught in ways that made clear relationships between linguistics form, communicative function, and semantic meaning. In this part, the students would get the instructions to give the direction from the starting point to the destination point on a map which would be given to them. In addition, the map would be placed in the snakes-and-ladders medium. Therefore, the students were expected to do the speaking task which meant that the students could pass the third stage of snakes-and-ladders medium.