The Snakes-and-Ladders Theoretical Description

20 in the snakes-and-ladder medium is the active learning principle of the task-based language teaching. e. Integration The students should be taught in ways that make clear relationships between linguistics form, communicative function, and semantic meaning. The students are expected to understand and implement a material or the topic properly by doing the tasks. Hence, this principle makes the students understand elements of language. In this research, the researcher uses this principle to develop and create the task for the next stage. The students will get the task which the students should produce the simple form of utterance, for example telling the expression but it is different from the previous stage of snakes-and-ladders medium. f. Reproduction to Creation The students should be encouraged to move from reproductive to creative language use. After giving new knowledge about the topic, the students are expected to create a new product. The students will give a chance to make their own product in order to achieve the goal which is creating a new product. In this principle, the researcher uses this principle to develop and create the tasks of the last stage of the medium. In addition, the students are expected to produce a short or simple conversation with their friends by using a map of the hotel which will be provided by the teacher. The last stage of the snakes-and-ladders medium is the objective of doing the snakes-and-ladders medium. The students are expected to use their spontaneous creativity in order to produce the short conversation. 21 g. Reflection The students should be given opportunities to reflect on what they have learned and how well they do. Becoming reflective students are part of students training which the focus shifts from language is a content in the learning processes. In this concept, the students are expected to reflect and realize why they should learn English and how they understand the topic. They should be aware of those things that they have learned before. This step is important because by doing the reflective section they can monitor their progress and importance in learn English. In this research, task-based-language teaching principles Nunan, 2004 matches with the speaking theory proposed by Nunan 2003. By implementing the principles of task-based language teaching in the tasks, the students are expected to produce verbal utterances in order to convey the meanings or messages which are relevant to their context hotel environment. In addition, the snakes-and-ladders medium which implements the principles of the task-based language teaching will help the students to understand the context and improve their speaking ability. Therefore, the medium will help the students to produce verbal utterances spontaneously by doing the snakes-and- ladders medium.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this research, the researcher only implements seven first steps of Dick, Carey Carey Instructional Design 2005. There are three reasons why the