The Snakes-and-ladders Task-Based Language Teaching

11 d. Write A Performance Objective The purpose of writing performance objective is to summarize the students’ needs into the specific and detailed objectives. This step is important to begin the research in designing the interesting medium which will be used to motivate the students in speaking English. The previous steps are a basis to write the performance objective. e. Develop An Assessment Instrument Based on the objective that has written, the researcher develops an assessment that is parallel to and measures the students’ ability to perform what the researcher describes the objectives. Major emphasis is placed on relating the skill described in the objective to what the assessment requires. However, this step is not the focus of the research so that the researcher does not explain in detail. Therefore, the researcher needs to have more discussions. f. Develop An Instructional Strategy Based on the information of the students’ needs, the researcher identifies an instructional strategy to conduct the research. The strategy is based on current theories of learning and results of learning research, the design of the medium is used to deliver the instructions or tasks, content to be taught, and the characteristics of the students who participate in the instructions or tasks. In addition, these features are used to develop or select materials and a plan for interactive classroom instructions, instruction, or other means of packaging and delivering instruction. In this research, in order to have a good strategy in developing the medium and tasks, the researcher uses the theories by an expert. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 g. Develop and Select An Instructional Material In this step the researcher uses the instructional strategy to produce an instruction of medium. This step typically includes guidance for students and instructional materials. The strategy is based on current theories and the characteristics of the medium that is used to convey and deliver the instruction and content to be taught. These features are used to develop and select the material and plan for the designed medium instruction. In this research, the researcher develops and selects the material based on interview and the strategy which have written in the previous step. h. Design and Conduct Formative Evaluations of Instruction The evaluation is conducted and needed to collect data that are used to know and identify how the instruction are improved. Similar techniques can be implemented to the formative evaluation of existing materials, medium, or classroom instruction. In this step, the researcher tries to get evaluations by distributing questionnaires to some experts. i. Revise Instruction This is the final step of designing and developing instruction. The data from the formative evaluations are summarized and interpreted to identify the difficulties experienced by the students in reaching the objective and to relate to the difficulties to specific needs in the instruction. The data from the formative evaluations are not simply to revise. However, the formative evaluations are used to reexamine the validity of the instructional analysis.