Interview Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques

37 After that, the researcher calculated each statement which was presented in the questionnaire by using the central tendency. The researcher only presented the average score of the statements This was the formula for calculating the mean of the result: � = ∑ � n � = Average score ∑ � = Total result each statement n = number of respondent Figure 3.3 The Formula of Mean After calculating the result of each statement, the result would be explained in central tendency score meaning as follows: 1-2 : BAD, means that the designed medium need to be changed entirely. 3 : FAIR, means that the designed medium need revising. 4 – 5 : GOOD, means that the designed medium are appropriate and interesting. 38


This chapter presents the results and discussion of the research. In detail, the researcher discusses the results of the research question which was “how is the snakes-and-ladders medium for eleventh graders of Hotel Accommodation Department of SMK Negeri 1 Pengasih Kulonprogo designed?” This chapter consists of one sub-section which is divided into four parts. This results and discussion deal with the process of designing the snakes and ladders medium.

A. Designing the Snakes-and-Ladders Medium to Improve the Speaking

Ability for Eleventh Graders of Hotel Accommodation Department. In this part, the researcher presented and discussed the results of the research question on how to design the snakes-and-ladders medium for eleventh graders of Hotel Accommodation Department of SMK Negeri 1 Pengasih Kulonprogo. The researcher implemented Research and Development RD Method based on the theory proposed by Borg and Gall 1983 and the Instructional Design of Dick, Carey, Carey 2005. Hence, the first seven steps Dick, Carey, Carey Instructional Design 2005 were applied and integrated into four steps of RD method. The detailed explanation of the steps in designing the snakes and ladder medium would be presented as follows: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI