Research Objective Product Specification and Expected

mencapai tujuan kurikulum”. And then according to Pengembang Ilmu Pendidikan UPI 2009:137 learning is a process which is done by the individual to acquire a new behavior changes, as a result of its own experience in interaction with its environment. Based on the above statements can be concluded that learning is a process which is carried out by individuals who can be prepared by the teacher to support the learning process and achieve an overall change in behavior, as a result of the learning process. b. The Essence of Accounting According to American Institutes of Certified Public Accountant in HY. Sri Widodo 1990: 2 accounting is a service activity. The function of accounting is to provide quantitative information especially about a economic union in order to make a decision making. According to American Accounting Association in HY. Sri Widodo 1990: 1“akuntansi adalah proses identifikasi, mengukur dan mengkomunikasikan mengenai informasi ekonomi dengan maksud agar para pemakai informasi mampu membuat pertimbangan kebijaksanaan dan keputusan.” According to Winwin Yadiati and Ilham Wahyudi 2006: 6 “Akuntansi adalah suatu sistem informasi yang mengidentifikasi, mencatat, dan mengomunikasikan kejadian ekonomi dari suatu organisasi kepada pihak yang berkepentingan.” Based on the definition above it can be concluded that accounting is the activity of identifying, recording and communicating the economic events of an organization and the service to provide quantitative information for decision making. c. Function and the Accounting Learning Objectives According to Depdiknas 2003: 6 function and purpose of accounting subjects are as follows: 1 Function The function of accounting subjects is to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes rational, conscientious, honest, and responsible through the recording procedures, grouping, summarizing financial transactions, preparation of financial statements and interpretation company based on Financial Accounting Standards GAAP. 2 Learning Objectives The purpose of accounting subjects is to provide high school’s graduates in a variety of basic competence, so that they are able to controlled and apply the basic concepts, principles and proper accounting procedures, both for the benefit of continuing education to higher education or to jump into society, so that provide benefits to the student life.

2. Classification Types of Accounts

a. Definition of Account According to Burhanuddin A. Usman 2004: 33 “Akun adalah tempat untuk mencatat perubahan setiap pos laporan yang setiap saat