1.1 Reasons for this survey 1.2 Survey Statement of Purpose 1.3 The nature of this report 1.4 The organization of this report


2.1 The three linguistic tool used in this survey 2.2 How data were gathered 2.3 Decision criteria language vs dialect, ref. dialect


3.1 Inter-Cluster Relationships 3.2 Intra-Cluster Relationships


4.1 Avokaya Cluster 4.2 Kaliko Cluster 4.3 Logo Cluster 4.4 Lugbara Cluster 4.5 Madi Cluster 4.6 Moru Cluster


Books Papers and Articles APPENDICES A1. Summary Chart of Subgroups and Maps A2. Languages of wider communication in the Moru-Madi language area A3. Languages used for education, administration, and religious activities A4. On intelligibility estimates A5. Sadembouo method for choosing a reference dialect, followed by application for selected Moru-Ma’di groups. A6. Remote history of the Moru-Madi language groups A7. Additional comments on Logo- Bari history A8. Additional comments on ‘High’ and ‘Low’ Lugbara A9. The three survey instruments used A. Lexical elicitation list B. Phrase elicitation list C. Sociolinguistic Questionnaire A10. Grammatical comparisons based on phrase lists or other data A11. Word list data A12. Phrase list data iii Acknowledgements This language survey of the Moru-Madi language family in Sudan, Uganda and Zaïre is the result of much cooperation. The survey team wishes to acknowledge the following, to whom they owe sincere thanks: First mention goes to SIL’s Survey Coordinator, Ted Bergman, for his leadership, especially in initiating the survey and finding funding. We are very grateful for the financial assistance given by the Pew Foundation. In Sudan We extend our gratitude to the Avokaya, Kaliko, Madi, and Moru language committees, without whose help and guidance this survey would not have been possible, and also to individuals too numerous to mention. In Uganda Our thanks to Dr. Livingstone Walusimbi of the Department of Languages and Linguistics of Makerere University for advice and assistance. Thanks to Mr Jeroham P. Kaddu, General Secretary of the Bible Society of Uganda, for his practical assistance. Thanks to the Mission Aviation Fellowship MAF for arranging a visit to the Moyo area and providing flights and accommodations in Kampala, and to the Lutheran World Federation LWF for accommodations in Moyo. We are also grateful to the Moyo Madi Language Committee for providing valuable linguistic and Scripture-in-Use information. We are also most appreciative to the missionaries of Kuluva station of Africa Inland Mission AIM and of the Roman Catholic missions at Ediofe Arua town and Lodonga Aringa County for their hospitality and kind help with transportation and locating language helpers. A word of thanks also to the District Executive Secretary at Arua for providing transportation and administrative and demographic information. In Zaïre The Linguistic surveyors in Zaïre worked under the auspices and care of CECA 20 Communauté Evangélique au Centre de lAfrique, and all survey travel in Zaïre was carried out under an Ordre de Mission . Our thanks, therefore, to the Administrative Leaders of the CECA Bureau in Bunia for their kindness and eager cooperation. - Rév Angapoza ETSEA Kila. Président Communautaire et Représentant Légal de la CECA 20. - Rév LALIMA Tagamile Dhulembe. Vice Président de la CECA 20. Thank you to the people, pastors and missionaries of CECA 20 in the areas where the survey was conducted. Their hospitality was warm and their generous sharing of wisdom provided insight that the short snapshot of a survey trip is incapable of giving. iv Thank you to Tasile Maraka Filipo whose ear for tone was indispensible. Our gratitude also extends to MAF whose reliable flight service enabled the involvement of more personnel at the strategic times and places. Thank you to the Commissaires de Zone of Faradje and Watsa for kindly sharing demographic information. Thank you to the many kind chiefs of groupements and collectivités who not only allowed us to do the research but kindly helped us. Moru Madi Survey Team: Finally, our thanks to the Lord God for putting the following team together, and for providing the daily strength and divinely ordered events, without which this project would not have been done. Moru Madi Survey Coordinator: Dick Watson Linguistic consultant on Zairean languages: Constance Kutsch Lojenga For Moru and for computer aspects: John Duerksen For Madi in Sudan: Joan Bomberger and Carol Borreson For Kaliko in Sudan and in Zaïre: Ulla Persson Carlsson For Avokaya in Sudan and in Zaïre: Lynne Callinan and Eileen Kilpatrick For Logo, Lugbara, Kaliko, and Avokaya in Zaïre and for Wordsurv analyses: Vern Hein and Douglas Boone For Lugbara and Madi in Uganda: Watson, Boone, and Louis Otika