Uganda Zaïre Bangalas adequacy to communicate Biblical Truth

A - 10 APPENDIX 3: LANGUAGES USED FOR EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, AND ACTIVITIES IN THE MORU-MADI LANGUAGE AREA 1 Educational System 1.1 Sudan The educational system in Sudan allows for two tracks, an English track and an Arabic track. Most schools in the Moru-Madi areas follow the English track. Primary school consists of P1 to P6. After that, a student must go to Juba, Yei, or Torit for secondary school, which consists of Intermediate 1 to 3 and Senior Secondary 1 to 3. In P1 to P3 there is usually some teaching in approved vernaculars. In the Moru area Moru has been used; however, in the Avokaya area children attend schools in either the Zande area or the Moru area, i.e. Avokaya is not used as a medium of instruction. There are a few Avokaya teachers in Avokaya communities, and they would be capable of explaining materials in Avokaya. Madi has been used to some extent in the Madi areas, but Bari has been used in the Kaliko area and the Luluba have had to attend schools in either the Otuho area or Bari area. Local Arabic is also used for explanations in some classes, especially in mixed town schools as in Juba. Because of frequent political and economic problems, schools are often closed or teachers or students absent; as a result, the level of academic achievement has suffered greatly.

1.2 Uganda

English is the medium of instruction from P1 through Senior Secondary school. There are eight years of Secondary school in Uganda and the level of teaching has been generally better than that in Sudan. Ugandan students are therefore better prepared to advance in Sudanese schools while Sudanese young people are not well-prepared to advance in Ugandan schools. Madi is said to have been used to some extent in P1 through P3 in Uganda. However, Dick Watson was recently told that Madi was not being used at all in the Moyo school district.

1.3 Zaïre

The Catholic and CECA churches are primarily responsible for formal education. The government role is to supply teachers wages and inspect periodically. In terms of Language policy and use the Catholic and CECA schools are apparently the same: Primary 1 Courses and explanation are in Bangala. Rural schools in areas where only one local language is spoken do supplement Bangala with limited local language explanation. Primary 2 Bangala. French greetings are learned although there is no reading or writing in French. A - 11 Primary 3 French and Bangala are studied and used. Primary 4 French is used exclusively, except in rural communities where only one local language is spoken. Schools there appear to use some Bangala. Primary 5-6 French is used exclusively. Secondary 1-4 French is used exclusively. Post-Secondary Education: French. Lower level theological schools of the CECA Protestant church community which accept students who have not completed secondary school use Bangala. 2 Religious System 2.1 Sudan Here are the general church affiliations of Moru-Madi speakers in Sudan. Church membership figures are not presently available. The Avokaya of Maridi district who are Christians belong to the Episcopal church, while those of Yei district belong to the Catholic church. The Moru belong to the Episcopal church and have their own pastors and parishes. Most Madi in Sudan are Catholic, with the rest mainly in towns divided between Africa Inland Church AIC, Pentecostal, and probably Episcopal as well. There are Protestant Luluba, and probably some Catholic Luluba as well. The Kaliko are almost entirely Episcopal in Sudan and have their own pastors and parishes.

2.2 Uganda