William Wilberforce’s Characteristic As The Main Character

person.” Wilberforce :“I bow to my honorable friends superior knowledge and experience in all matters regarding the pox.” Tarleton :“Why would we withdraw from American when half of the American is loyal to the crown?” Wilberforce :“Less than one in four Americans are loyal. If he calls that half, I’d hate to be his wife and share half his bed.” Fox :“My foreign secretary. My honorable and my young friends should explain to the house the difference between appeasement and surrender.” Wilberforce :“The difference between appeasement and surrender is merely a matter of time and perhaps 10.000 more young lives wasted for no reason.” 5. Wilberforce :“You talk about revolution as if it were a safe thing.” Thomas : “It’s just a word.” Wilberforce :“Everyday we change things, by degrees, education, factories.” Thomas :“By degrees, you sound like Dundas Gradually” Wilberforce :“An imperfect order’s better than no order.” Thomas : “We must fight for a perfect order.” Wilberforce :“I’ve pledge an allegiance to the king.” Thomas :“You know as well as I do the King is insane. He shakes hands with oak Principle Man 01:08: 48 trees and claims he can see Germany through his telescope. I know you have your loyalties, Wilberforce, but underneath it you’re more radical than any of us. You see, you never doubt you’re right. What say of the slave is true of the worker in the field, the weaver, the miner. Shouldn’t they be free to prosper too?” 6. Henry :“Wilberforce, are you alright? Sit up for me. Here drinks this giving a glass of water. What happened?” Wilberforce :“I read James’ letter from Jamaica. When I fell asleep, it was as if I were living inside it.” Henry :“Perhaps the laudanum the doctor gave you is badly mixed.” Wilberforce :“I know the effects of opium, Henry. This isn’t the medication.” Henry :“What then?” Wilberforce :“I know the effects of opium, Henry. This isn’t the medication.” Henry :“What then?” Wilberforce :“I was chosen for this and I failed some part of me does not accept the idea that I’ve given up.” Henry :“I’ll dilute this.” Wilberforce :“Can you dilute what I feel?” Henry :“You’ve given your youth and your health for this cause. It’s time to let someone else try.” Hard Worker and Committed Man 01: 08: 48 7 Wilberforce : “Do you remember Billy; at Cambridge I had a reputation as something of a singer?” William Pit : “I do remember.” Wilberforce : “So I thing I’m going to go and sing them a song.” Good Singer 00: 15: 26 8 Wilberforce :“We must not prohibit all political discussion of political subject. The issue of slavery is not made any less important by the unrelated issue of war. In war or in peace, the buying and selling of human beings is equally abhorrent” The others members clamoring, and trying to stop him Wilberforce :“This is not a seditious statement” Struggle 01: 15: 43

B. Analysis

Character can be understood as the way character is presented in the fictional story. Character is a life like creature in fictional story. William Wilberforce was a member of parliaments. William Wilberforce is a major character because the movie talked about his struggle. The director reveals Wilberforce’s character by using direct and indirect ways, such as, by what other characters say about him, the actions, and also his appearance. Here the writer will analyze the Wilberforce’s character of the main character, and the characterizatation of Wilberforce against the slave trade conflict in the movie of Amazing Grace.

1. A Weak Person

The first character is that he was a weak person. At the time, Wilber got nightmare. He dreamt of the Members of Parliament played with women in the party. Henry as Wilber’s cousin helped him by giving his medicine. Henry said that the medicine would make him sleep again. Below are their dialogues: Picture 1 Wilberforce :“What time is it?” Henry :“It’s your 3 am doze.” Wilberforce :“so, cousin, you’re waking me up to give me medicine to help me sleep.” While getting up Henry :“Ah, now you’re taking on the medical profession, as well as everyone else. Did you sleep?” With a worry face Wilberforce :“Sleep is more exhausting than being awake.” Henry :“The laudanum will sharpen your dreams.”While pouring the water for drinking medicine. 00:04:24 The dialogue above showed that Henry care about Wilber condition. The actions that show Henry’s character is when Henry brought the medicine and gave it to Wilber with a worried face. From the Picture, William Wilberforce looked so fear and his uncle tried to give a medicine to William. Picture 2 Marianne : “Wilber, Wilber is that you?” Wilberforce : “Oh, it is half of me. My idiotic body is playing games with me again.” They hug each other Henry : “I promise to make him well.” Marianne : “Eat something. Breakfast, perhaps.” Wilberforce : “Not, too early, I’m on holiday. Isn’t that right cousin Henry?” Marianne : “Don’t you talk to each other? Haven’t you told him he’s killing him self?” Henry : “Now he’s with us, he’ll be fine.” 00: 03: 13 The dialogue happened, when Wilberforce and Henry arrived in Henry’s house. He talked to Marianne that his condition was bad again. It means that he was often sick. The picture showed that Marianne was happy when she met William. Marianne tried to hug when William said to Marriane. The following scene in the living room informs the same thing about his health condition: Picture 3 Barbara : “How long have you been talking laudanum? I recognize it presence.” Wilberforce : “My illness and my crusade were born around the same time.” Barbara : “What is your illness?” Wilberforce : “The doctors tell me, it’s called colitis. They don’t ready understand it. But I do.” 00: 55: 46 Based on this dialogue, gave the same information about Wilberforce’s health. The dialogue talked that he suffered colitis illness. Barbara tried to know what happened with William Wilberforce, and she cared to Wilberforce’s health.