Criterion Validity Content Validity 1. The Definition Content Validity

W. Airisian and Michael K.Russel, they defines Curriculum is something that is

planned for school or course to monitor the development of students. 36 From definition above we can know that curriculum is a set system that organize education system from education objective, regulation, until learning objective in level of education. However in Indonesia we used curriculum KTSP “KTSP adalah kurikulum operasional yang disusun, dikembangkan, dan dilaksanakan oleh setiap satuan pendidikan yang sudah siap dan mampu mengembangkannya dengan memperhatikan Undang-Undang No.20 Tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan Nasional pasal 36 ”. 37 Ktsp has three purposes, they are: first, to increase the education quality through independence and initiative schools in curriculum development, managing, and empowerment resources. Second, to increase caring school and resident in Curriculum development through jugdgment together. Third, to increase the competency that has healt between education unit about Education quality that will be achieved.

2. Syllabus

According to Richard, Syllabus is a spesification of the content of course of instruction and lists what will be taugh and tested. Different definition in Pengembangan silabus “Silabus adalah rencana pembelajaran pada suatu danatau kelompok mata pelajarantema tertentu yang mencakup standar kompetensi, kompetensi da-sar, materi pokokpembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, indikator, penilaian, alokasi waktu, dan sumberbahanalat belajar”. Similiar with Richard and goverment,Syllabus is a big line summary, or points of content and learning material. 38 From the definition above, we can conlude that Syllabus is lesson plan that is content what will be taught and tested. Syllabus is important because this is to be reference for teacher to teach and test in class. It is material and test reference about what the teacher should be taught and tested. Syllabus has benefit. They are: 36 Loc.,cit p.57 37 Dr. Mulyasa, M.Pd, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, Bandung: Rosdap.12 38 Abdul Majid, Perencanaan Pembelajaran, Bandung, Rosda. P.38