analyzing the content validity of english summative tests in junior high schools


in South Tangerang)


Wurry Aprianty 1111014000049










Summative Test in Junior High Schools (A Comparative study in odd semester of first year Junior High schools in south Tangerang), skripsi, Department of English Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah state Islamic University Jakarta.

Keywords : Content Validity, Summative Tests.

This study was carried out to find empirical evidence which Junior High schools whose English summative has a good content validity.

The method used in this study was a quantitative method The writer decides to use quantitative method because the data a lot of quantitative. Futhermore, the writer use comparative design because the writer will compare from three Junior High school whose English summative tests has a good content validity.

The result of the study showed that English summative tests at the odd semester at SMPN 12 South Tangerang have attained 33.3%. It means that the result of summative test at the odd semester of SMPN 12 South Tangerang is categorized into “Insufficient” level of a content validity in contructing English summative test. SMP UTAMA have attained 20%. It means SMP UTAMA is categorized

into “Poor” level of a content validity. However, 20% of the question items that

confirmed to English syllabus at SMP IT MADANI 8. It showed that SMP IT MADANI 8 is included into “Poor” level of a Content Validity. Therefore, the writer conclude that three junior high schools in South Tangerang that have accredited A, B, and has not acredited yet still had not attained a good validity because English summative test had not represent all the indicators.


odd semester of first year of three Junior High schools in south Tangerang), skripsi, jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Kata kunci : Validitas isi, tes summative.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bukti empiris SMP manakah yang memiliki validitas isi yang bagus terhadap soal semester ganjil

Metode Penelitian ini adalah kuantiatif. Penulis memutuskan menggunakan metode kuantitatif karena semua metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Terlebih lagi penulis menggunakan desain komparasi karena penulis akan membandingkan dari tiga sekolah sekolah manakah yang mempunyai validitas isi yang bagus terhadap soal semester ganjil.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa soal ujian akhir semester ganjil di SMP 12 Tangerang Selatan mencapai 33,3% atau kurang baik. SMP UTAMA 20%, artinya SMP UTAMA berada didalam kategori buruk terhadap validitas isi. SMP IT MADANI 8 mencapai 20% yang artinya berada didalam kategori buruk terhadap validitas isi. Olehkarena itu, tiga SMP di Tangerang Selatan yang barakreditasi A, B, dan belum terakreditasi tersebut belum mencapai validitas isi yang bagus karena indikator di silabus bahasa inggris belum terpenuhi semua dalam soal ujian akhir semester ganjil.


All praised to be Allah, Lord of World, who has given the writer love and blessing to finish her last assigment in study, “Skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions to all of lecturers, institution, family, and friends who have contributed in the different

ways hence this “Skripsi” is processed until it becomes a complete writing which

will be presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in partial fullfillment of the requirement for the degree S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education.

The first, the writer also would like to express her thanks and gratitude to beloved parents, Sukino and Sutartini whom never stop motivates her, pray for her everytime, accompany her in every condition, and taking care of her until she being what she wants to be; her lovely brothers, Ridwan Sudiro and Agus Ridwiyanto who never stop to give support to her and make inspiration of never giving up to her. A thosand thanks for your precious time. Moreover, they would like to express her thanks and gratitude to her special in friends (Rina Pamuji Rahayu, Arik Suprapti, Ismi, Fitri Fatmawati, and Luluk Guslianah) who has give her priceless time in giving her motivation, accompanying, and supporting her in every condition.

Secondly, she would like to give her sincere thanks to her advisors Mrs.Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd,and Desi Nahartini, M.Ed, who has given the writer precious help, the guidance, and give the advices patiently during the completion and the development of the study.


1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A, as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 2. Dr.Alek, M.Pd, as the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the secretary of Department of English Educstion.

4. All lecturers in Department of English Education who always give motivation and valuable knowledge during her study.

5. The headmaster and English Teachers of SMPN 12 South Tangerang, SMP UTAMA, and SMP IT MADANI 8.

6. All of her friends in Department of English Education 2011 academic year, especially B class and her best friends (Amy Rahmadaniah, Nofianatul Hasanah, and Uswatun Hsanah).

The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and contribution in this paper. May Allah, the almighty bless them all. Moreover, the writer also realized that this paper is far from perfect. It is a pleasure for her to get critique and suggestions to make this paper better.

Ciputat, Mei 2016

The writer


Endorsement Sheet ... ii

Certification of Originality ... iii

Abstract ... iv

Abstrak ... v

Acknowledgement ... vi

Table of Content ... vii

List of Tables ... viii

List of Appendices ... ix

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ... 1

A. Background of study ... 1

B. The Identification of problem ... 3

C. The Limitation of the problem ... 3

D. Formulation of the problem ... 4

E. The Objective of the study ... 4

F. The Significance of Study ... 4


A. TEST 1. The Definition of Test ... 5

2. The Purpose of Test ... 5

3. Criteria of Good Test ... 6

a. Validity ... 7

1. Definition of Validity ... 7

2. The Purpose of Validity ... 8


1. Definition of Content Validity ... 10

2. The Purpose of Content Validity ... 11

3. Criterion Validity ...12

4. Face Validity ... 12

5. Construct Validity ... 13

C. Summative Test ... 13

1. Definition of Summative Test ... 13

2. The Purpose of Summative Test ... 14

D. Curriculum and Syllabus for Junior High School ... 14

1. The Definition Curriculum ... 14

2. Syllabus ... 15

3. Syllabus of the First Grade Junior High School ... 16

F. Relevant of Study ... 23


A. Place and Time of study ... 24

B. Research Method and Design ... 24

C. The Object of Study ... 26

D. Instrument of the Study ... 26

E. Technique data collection ... 26

F. Technique of data analyzing ... 26

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING A. The Research Finding ... 28



High Schools in South Tangerang ... 17

Tables 2.1 Criteria of Test results Percentage ... 29

Tables 3.1 Criteria of Test results Percentage ... 31

Tables 4.1 The Conformity between the English Summative Test items and the indicators of English syllabus at SMPN 12 South Tangerang, SMP UTAMA, and SMP IT MADANI 8 ... 32


Appendices 2 Data Analysis SMP UTAMA

Appendices 3 Data Analysis SMP IT MADANI 8

Appendices 4 The English summative Test of SMP 12 Tangerang Selatan

Appendices 5 The English Summative Test of SMP UTAMA

Appendices 6 The English Summative Test of SMP IT MADANI 8

Appendices 7 The English syllabus of SMP 12 Tangerang Selatan

Appendices 8 The English syllabus of SMP UTAMA

Appendices 9 The English syllabus of SMP IT MADANI 8

Appendices 10 Surat Bimbingan skripsi

Appendices 11 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian

Appendices 12 Surat Keterangan Penelitian Izin dari Sekolah


A. Background of study

Evaluation has an important role in teaching and learningactivities. It is part of the school program. Through evaluation, teachers are able to find out the effectiveness or the failure of method or test, and also we can see the student’s achivement in mastering a lesson. This is in line with what Ahmad and Marvin D. Glocksaid “Education evaluation is a systematic process to determine the effectiveness of learning”.1

Based on the statement above we know that evaluation cannot be spontaneous. It should be systematical structuredbased on the objective that will be achieved. Moreover the systematical structure involves a lot of component in school such as students, teacher, headmaster, educational program, and learning process in teaching.

Evaluation is needed to examine students’ understanding of the lesson.

One of evaluation form to measure students undertanding is a test. According to DouglasBrown “Test is a method to measure students ability about their skill and knowledge that has been given”.2

Futhermore,there are many kinds of test; such as: Placement test, diganostic test, achievement test, formative test, and summative test. Placement test is a test that is concerned to know the students ability in first time. Diagnostic test is a test that is conducted continuesly to measure the students difficulty in learning process. Formative test is a test to know students’ learning

1J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating Pupil Growth, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1971)p.4

2H.Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (San fransisco: Longman, 2004). P.3


progress.3Summative test is a test conducted at the end of a course. It is designed to determine that the learning objectives have been achieved or not.

In order to measure a test accurately, the teachers should conduct a good test. Besides to make good test is not easy. There are some requirements that must be fullfilled. The requirements of a good test are validity, reliability, and practicality. Validity means the content of test represent the students objective. Reliability means the consistent of measurement- that is, how the consistent test scores or other evaluation result from one measurement to another.4 Practicality means the test which is not expensive, no need time to make, easy to administer, and easy to scoring. From the explanation above, the writer will limited the problem into validity test.

Validity refers to the extent to which the results of an evaluation procedure serve the particular uses for which they are intended. If the results are to describe pupil achievement, a test should consider of the specific achievement which students should achieve.5 There are three types of validity. They are content validity, criterion related validity, and contract validity.6 First, Content validity indicates whether the test covers a sufficiently representative sample of the behavior domain under consideration. Second, Criterion related validity indicates whether the test of performance related or same as the performance objectives. Third, Contract validity indicates the extent to which a test a may be said to measure a particular theoretical construct and trait.7 From those three kinds of validity above the writer decided to focus on the content validity.

Norman E. Groundlound stated that content validity is important when teacher wants to describe how an individual performs on domain of tasks that

3Norman E.Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, fourth edition , (New York: Mcmillan Publishing Co., 1981), p.17

4Ibid, p.93 5Ibid, p.65 6ibid., p.67

7Bill R.Gearheart, Application Pupil Assessment Information: for the Special Education


the test is supposed to represent.8 It means a test that has content validity should measure what should be measured. In term of education, content validity refers to the test that similiar with indicator in syllabus. Therefore, to know the content validity of a test, the teacher should look the content standard (SI) of the curriculum which is refelected in syllabus.

On the other hand, based on the writer preresearch the test items, which should be considered in syllabus but in fact many test items in English subject,were not in line with the indicators in syllabus. Thiscertainly is not same as what the goverment mission that want the test measure what it should measure.

Regarding to the problems, the writerinterestedin Anaylizing English Summative Tests that are taken from three Junior High schools in south Tangerang that are different accredeting that accreditation of A, B, and has not accredited yet.

Based on the explanation above, the writer was interested in doing research under the title “Analyzing the content validity of English Summative test in Junior high school in South Tangerang”.

B. The Identification of the problem

From the explanation above, the writer identifies a common problem appears, i.e. Many test items in English subject were not in line with the indicators in syllabus. The item test looks different from what the item should appear in test.

C. The Limitation of the problem

The writer limits this research on the Analyzing the summative tests in three junior high schools that have been acredited from A, B, and has not accredited yet; especially in term of content validity. The writer will analyse whether from three junior high school that has been good content validity.



D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation of problem, the writer formulates the problem as, “Do the test English summative test from three junior high schools have good content validity?”

E. The objectives of the study

The writer divided the objectives from problem above, i.e. To analyze the English summative tests Junior schools for the seventh grade in South Tangerang that conform to the syllabus.

F. The Significance of the study

There are three results of the study which are expected to contribute to two important elements in education and the next researcher, there are:

1. The English teacher will know how to develop the English summative test items that have good content validity.

2. The writer hopes this paper can be reference for three schools to pay attention in making the summative test. This has benefit to increase the success the students in school. Because one of school success can be achieved with making the good evaluation.




1. The Definition of Test

Actually there are many ways to measure the students’ ability in learning process. One of the ways is test. In Indonesia, the role of test in educational field is very important because this is one way to see how well students understand the material during learning process and to know how well the students can reach learning objective. As Douglas defined, test is a way to measure students’ ability, knowledge, and performance based on the material that is given”.1 Hopkins stated that test is a technique to get information about students understanding.2 Peter W.Airisian and Michael K.Russel defined test is a way that is used to get

information about student’ achievement or other cognitive skill.3

Based on the definition above, the writer conluded that test is a technique or method to get information about person’s ability, knowledge, or performance based material that is given in learning process.

2. The Purpose of Test

Heaton stated that test has two purposes. First, to help the teacher to make rating about the students undertanding. Second, to see the students weakness and problem in learning process. Futhermore, the purpose of test is using to teacher to identify or analyze the students’ ability. This has benefit to students that they know their level and they can improve their ability.4 Hughes divided the purpose of test to four points, there are: First, to measure language proficiency. Second, to discover how successfull

1H.Douglas Brown, language Assessment Principles and Classroom practices, (San Fransisco: Longman, 2004). P.3

2Kenneth D. Hopkins, Educational and Psycological Measurement and Evaluation, (New York, A Viacom Company, 1998). P.4

3Peter W.Airasian and Michael K.Russel, Classroom Assessment, (New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008).p.9

4J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (London: Longman Group, 1998), New edition, p.6


students in achieveing the objectives of course of study. Third, to

diagnose students’ strengths and weaknesses, to identify what they know

and what they don’t know. Fourth, to assisted placement of students by identifying the stage or part of a teaching programme most approppriate to their ability.5 Similiarity with Ahman and Glock, they stated the purpose of test is to get quantitative data that is related in increasing students achievement.6

From the definition above, the writer can conlude that the purpose of test is to measure, to diagnose, to find out, and to support the ability of students. How well they can achieve learning objective and how master teacher make a test. Therefore, teacher can improve the test has been made.

3. Criteria of Good Test

The test will be administered should have a good quality. It is important because the test will influence results. The test should be well constructed for make good result in the end of process. A well constructed means the tests fullfill the criteria of good test such as Validity, Reliability, and Practicality. If the test is

good, the test will give some information about the test takers’ achievement.

There are three common criteria to make good test. Such as Validity, reliability, and practicality.

5Arthur Hiughes, Testing for language Teacher, (Newyork, Cambridge, 2003), p.8

6 Norman E.Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, fourth edition , (New York: Mcmillan Publishing Co., 1981)p. 15


a. Validity

1. Definition Validity

To make a test, Validity is one of criteria that is important. Because from validity, the teacher will know the quality of test. The purpose to know the quality, the teacher can improve the test if the test has bad validity.

James Dean Brown defined validity is a criteria of good test that has function to help the teacher to make decision about the students’ ability. Teacher used some kinds of test to know the students ability, there are admissions, placement, achievement, and diagnostic test.7 Beside, definition from Brown, Douglas gave more explanation about Validity, they are:

a. Validity refers to the result of a test or evaluation instrument for a given group of individuals, not to the instruments itself. Test makers sometimes speak the validity of the test, for the sake of the convenience, but it is more approppriate to speak of the validity of the test results, or more special, of the validity of the interpretation to be made from the result.

b. Validity is matter of degree. It doesn’t exist in an all or none basis

consequently, test makers should avoid thinking of evaluation results as valid or invalid. Valid is best considered in term of categories that specify degree, such as high validity, moderate validity, and low validity.

c. Validity is always specific to some particular use. It should be never considered a general quality.8

Similar to Peter W. Airisian and Michael K.Russel, Validity defines decisions that are made from assessment information, not the assessment approach itself. It is not approppriate to say the assessment information is valid unless the decisions, purpose, and groups for which it is valid are identified. Assessment information

7James Dean Brown, Testing in Language Programs, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005),p.220 8Loc,Cit p. 66-67.


that is valid for one decision or group of students is not necessary valid for other decision group.9

The writer conluded that validity is important. Because without validity, we never know whether the test measure what should be measured. From validity, know the test have been valid or not.

2. The Purpose of Validity

Ahmand and Glock divide three purpose validity. Each purpose has fuction. There are three purpose:10

First, to know how good students understanding the meterial in learning process. It means that if test taker can know how well the students accept or understand what they have taught, they can give test that measured the undertanding. For example, if we see the reading skill, we can measure the students with reading aloud.

Second, to analyze the students’ readiness before they get new material. It

means that the test is to see how far the students master or know the knowledge before they came to class. For example the aptitude test. The aptitude test could be given to completing junior high school to predict their academic success in senior high school.

Third, To predict what students strength related to the undertanding the material . For example, a teacher might give a memory test to a class to make inferences about each pupil’s scholactic aptitude.

9Peter W.Airasian and Michael K.Russel, Classroom Assessment, (New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008).p.16

10J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating Pupil Growth, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1971)p.278


3. The Characteristic of Validity

Validity has some characteristics11. They are: First, Validity means the result can be measured or not. It means that whether the test test that we make same as or relevant to result at the end of test. Second, Validity is a way to measure the students level. Third, Validity refers to content of facts. It should never be considered a general quality. For example, the results of an arithmetic test may have a high degree of validity for indicating computational skill, a low degree of validity for indicating arithmatical reasoning, a moderate degree of validity for predicting success in future mathematic courses and no validity for predicting success in art or music.

Similiarly with Peter W.Airisian and Michael K.Russel stated that characteristic of validity are: first, Validity is concerned with whether the information being gathered is relevant and appropriate to make the desired decision. Second, Validity is the most important characteristic that an assessment decision can possess because, without it, the decision may be inapproppriate or even harmful. Third, Concerns about validity pertain to all classroom assessment, not just to those involving formal data or information-gathering techniques.12

The writer can conclude that the characteristic of good test consist some characteristic. There are: first, The result can be measure what should be measure. Second, validity is there to determine the students level. How well the students undertanding if measured with scale or make level. Third, validity is there to determine the quality of question. Because this is important to repair the quality of question in next time and as suggestion for test taker to make good evaluation.

11Norman E.Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, fourth edition , (New York: Mcmillan Publishing Co., 1981)p. 66-67


b. Reliability

Peter W. Airasian and Michael K.Russel defined Reliability stability of test.13 Wilmar defined Reliability is consistency of test score.14 That is how consistent test scores or other evaluation results are from one measurement to another. Similiar to Douglas, Douglas defined Reliability consistency or depenable.15 It means how accurately it measures whatever it does measure. The purpose of reliability to see how consistency can measure students at same time.

From definition above the writer concludes reability is consistency of good test. It means the test will give same results if the test give in the same time. c. Practicality

Douglas defined practicality is not expensive, easy to administer, and not to much time to make.16 Wilmar defined practicality is enough time to make, as economical as possible in cost, and the scoring procedure is easy.17 Similiar to Thorndike, practicality is ease of administration, simple procedure for examinee, and objective record of performance.18

B. Content Validity

1. The Definition Content Validity

There are some types of validity, there are content validity, criterion related validity, construct validity, and face validity. The kinds of types of validity has functions. Because the writer research about the content, therefore in this skripsi, the writer explains comprehensively deeply about the content validity.

Content validity is where the test act as representative as subject matter which should be covered in the test. It aims whether a test or material should be measured as syllabus and curriculum. According to Kenneth content validity of an achievement test one task “To what extent does test require demonstration by the

13 Ibid, p.18

14 Wilmar Tambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement , (Jakarta: Depdikbur., 1988).p.14 15 H.Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (San Fransisco: Longman, 2004). P.20

16Loc., cit P.19 17 Op.,cit p.23

18 Robert L. Thornlike and Elizabeth Hagen, Measure and Evaluation in Psycology and


student of the achievement that constitues the objective of instruction in this area? For both the content or topicts and the cognitive process/abilities objectives of a given course or unit the test should contain a representative sample of the content and uses to which the content to be applied.19

Content validity is one of a measuring instrument which measures the similiarity of the certain types of situation or subject matter. The instrument can be claimed by having high content validity if a sample of a great variety of the items representing the area in which students’ ability is being measured.20Wilmar stated,Content validity is one of isntrument that can describe learning objective into content of a test.21

From those explanation, we know that content validity is one of measuring instrument which measure based on content. How the instrument can be measured students’ ability and how far students’ objective can be achieved from the instrument. Content validity is one of kinds validity which is focused to measure content area. This is very important because we can know that test taker can be made good test for students while the test can be measured students’ ability.

2. The Purpose of Content Validity

Wilmar defines the purpose content validity to determine how well test scores represent the achievement of certain learning outcomes.22 The purpose of Content Validity is to measure the content whether the content of test can measured what should be measured and how well the test taker can make good test. However the purpose of content validity has to improving quality of test and test taker. If the test from content validity have not measured what should be measured. So the test can be used to make good test in future.

19Kenneth D. Hopkins, Educational and Psycological Measurement and Evaluation, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998), 8th edition, p. 72-73.

20J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating pupil growth, (United Stated of America: Allyn and Bacon, 1971)p.287

21Wilmar Tambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement , (Jakarta: Depdikbur., 1988).p.12 22Ibid, p.13


3. Criterion Validity

Grondlund defined “Criterion validity may be defined as the extent to

which the performance is related to some other valued measured of

performance”.23 Brown “Criterion validity of test is a relationship or correlation

the test scores and scores on some measures which represent an identified.24 There are two kinds of criterion validity. First concurent validity (A applies if a data on the two measures test and criterion are collected at or about the same time and if the test scores can estimates a specified present performance) and predictive validity (It applies if there is an intervention period between the time of testing and the collection data on the criteria and if the test scores can predict a specified future performance).

Based on the definition above, the writer can conludes criterion validity is validity that has function compares a measurement with some objective standard and it has two kinds of criterion validity, there are concurrent validity and predictive validity.

4. Face Validity

Douglas defined Face Validity “Students view the assessment as fair, relevant, and useful for improving learning.25 Futhermore, Heaton defines “If the test item looks right to other testers , teacher, moderator, and testers, it can be

describe as having at least face validity”.26

It means face validity such as surface appereance.

From the definition above the writer concludes face validity is test appearance that is readable, acceptable, and approppriate with what supposed the test.

23 Norman E.Gronlund, Measurement and evaluation in teaching, fourth edition , (New York: Mcmillan Publishing Co., 1981)p. 72

24 James Dean Brown, Testing in Language program, (Newyork: Mc.Graw-Hill,2005).p.233 25H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (Sanfransisco:Longman,2004).p.24

26 J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (Newyork: Longman Group UK Limited, 1998), New edition, p.159


5. Construct Validity

Heaton states “If the test has construct validity it is capable of measuring

certain specific characteristic on accordance with theory of language and behavior

and learning”.27

Stanley and Marvin states “Contruct validity is a characteristic

assumed to exist to account for some aspect of human behavior.28

The writer concludes that construct validity is validity which measures the behavior and certain character of students.

C. Summative Test

1. Definition of Summative Test

Gronlund stated “Summative test is a test that is hold in the end of process

learning that has function to know the students’ understanding and to determine grade of students. The results is used to evaluate the effectiveness of learning.29 Therefore summative is kind of test that is used to measure the students’ achievement in teaching learning process during one semester. Different definition from Wilmar, Wilmar stated “The summative test is test to know the students achievement whether the students have achieved learning objective or not. Therefore the test is hold at the end of course or unit of instruction.30

From the definition above, the writer conludes that summative test is test to measure the students’ achievement in the end of semester. Summative test effort to see how far students achive the purpose of study.


op.,cit p.161 28

J.Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D.Glock, Evaluating Pupil Growth, (Boston:Allyn and Bacon, 1971).p.281.


Norman E.Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, fourth edition , (New York: Mcmillan Publishing Co., 1981)p. 126



2. The Purpose of Summative Test

According to Douglas “Summative test aim to measure or diagnose what

students’ understanding in the end of course. A summation of what students can

achieve learning objective in the end of course and. Final exam in a course and general prificiency exam are the examples of summative test.31Gronlund stated that the purpose of summative test is to determine the extent to which the instructional objectives have been achieved and is used primarily for assigning course grade or for certifying pupil mastery of the intended learning outcomes.32The purpose of summative test is to examine students’ achievment following instruction, it is equally important, if not more so to collect and use information about students learning while instruction is occuring.33

The writer concludes purpose of summative test is to measure, decide, and to know about the students’ achievement in learning process. As teacher that is very important to help students that has weekness to be better in the next learning process or semester. Because as teach er should be remedial if the students needs to remed.

D. Curriculum and Syllabus for Junior High school 1. The Definition Curriculum

According to Garain and Grant, Curriculum is a set of intentionally identified outcomes of learning. In addition in the content of currulum are what students to know, what students will do, and what the result that should be achieved34Nasution stated “Kurikulum adalah sesuatu yang direncanakan sebagai pegangan guna mencapai suatu idea, suatu cita-cita tentang manusia atau warga negara yang akan dibentuk”.35Similiar to Garrain and Grant and Nasution, Peter


H.Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (San Fransisco: Longman, 2004). P.6


Loc.cit., p. 18 33

Peter W.Airisian and Michael K.Russel, Classroom Assessment, (New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008).p.79


Christopher D. Gareis and Leslie W. Grant, How to connect curriculum, instruction,

and students learning, (New York: Taylor and Francis, 2008), p. 3



W. Airisian and Michael K.Russel, they defines Curriculum is something that is planned for school or course to monitor the development of students.36

From definition above we can know that curriculum is a set system that organize education system from education objective, regulation, until learning objective in level of education.

However in Indonesia we used curriculum KTSP “KTSP adalah kurikulum operasional yang disusun, dikembangkan, dan dilaksanakan oleh setiap satuan pendidikan yang sudah siap dan mampu mengembangkannya dengan memperhatikan Undang-Undang No.20 Tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan Nasional pasal 36”.37 Ktsp has three purposes, they are: first, to increase the education quality through independence and initiative schools in curriculum development, managing, and empowerment resources. Second, to increase caring school and resident in Curriculum development through jugdgment together. Third, to increase the competency that has healt between education unit about Education quality that will be achieved.

2. Syllabus

According to Richard, Syllabus is a spesification of the content of course of instruction and lists what will be taugh and tested. Different definition in

Pengembangan silabus “Silabus adalah rencana pembelajaran pada suatu

dan/atau kelompok mata pelajaran/tema tertentu yang mencakup standar kompetensi, kompetensi da-sar, materi pokok/pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, indikator, penilaian, alokasi waktu, dan sumber/bahan/alat belajar”. Similiar with Richard and goverment,Syllabus is a big line summary, or points of content and learning material.38

From the definition above, we can conlude that Syllabus is lesson plan that is content what will be taught and tested. Syllabus is important because this is to be reference for teacher to teach and test in class. It is material and test reference about what the teacher should be taught and tested. Syllabus has benefit. They are:


Loc.,cit p.57 37

Dr. Mulyasa, M.Pd, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, (Bandung: Rosda)p.12 38


1. Sebagai pedoman/acuan bagi pengembangan pembelajaran lebih lanjut, yaitu dalam penyusunan RPP, pengelolaan kegiatan pembelajaran, penye-diaan sumber belajar, dan pengembangan sistem penilaian.

2. Memberikan gambaran mengenai pokok-pokok program yang akan dica-pai dalam suatu mata pelajaran.

3. Sebagai ukuran dalam melakukan penilaian keberhasilan suatu program pembelajaran.

4. Dokumentasi tertulis (witten document) sebagai akuntabilitas suatu program pembelajaran.

3. Syllabus of the First grade of Junior High School

As teacher used syllbus to give material in class or to make a test. In this below is Syllabus. The Writer write just there important point in table. There are standard competence, basic competence, and indicators.


The Indicator of English Subject in Syllabus for first grade Junior High School in South Tangerang.39

Standard Competence Basic Competence Indicators 1. Mendengarkan

memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

terdekatmemperkenalkan diri sendiri / orang lain, dan memerintah atau

1.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi ) yang mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima

Merespon ungkapan ungkapan

1. Sapaan orang yang sudah / belum dikenal

2. Perkenalan diri sendiri / orang lain



melarang untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

terdekat yang

melibatkan tindak tutur : menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal,

3. Perintah / larangan

1.2. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi ) yang mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk beriteraksi dengan lingkungan

terdekat yang

melibatkan tindak tutur : meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta

maaf, dan

mengungkapkan kesantunan

Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan :

1. Meminta dan

memberi informasi

2. Ungkapan terima kasih

3. Permintaan maaf

4. Kesantunan

: 2. Mendengarkan

Memahami makna

dalam teks lisan

2.1 Merespon makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek

1. menentukan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek berupa:


fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

- Daftar benda / barang (Shoping list ) - Ucapan selamat - Pengumuman

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan teks fungsional

3. Mengidentifikasi bentuk teks fungsional

.2. Merespon makna gagasan yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

. Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek berupa: - Instruksi

- Shopping list - Greeting card - Announcement

2. Mengidentifikasi makna interpersonal teks lisan fungsional pendek

3.Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek

: 3. Berbicara

Mengungkapkan makna

1 Mengungkapkan

makna dalam

percakapan transaksional

Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur:


dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

dan interpersonal dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

terdekat yang

melibatkan tindak tutur : orang menyapa yang belum

dikenal,memperkenalkan diri sendiri / orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang.

3.2 Mengungkapkan

makna dalam

percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur : meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih meminta maaf dan

belum/sudah dikenal 2. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain. 3.Memerintah/melarang Bertanya dan menjawab tentang :

1. Meminta dan

memberi informasi

2. Mengucapkan terima kasih

3. Meminta maaf

4. Mengungkapkan dan merespons kesantunan


mengungkapkan kesantunan

: 4. Berbicara

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

4.1 Mengungkapkan makna tindak tutur fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

4.2.Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

1.Memberi instruksi

2.Menyebut daftar benda 3.Mengucapkan selamat 4.Mengumumkan dengan Singkat

1. Memberi insruksi secara lisan.

2. Menyebutkan daftar barang yang dibutuhkan.

3. Memberi ucapan selamat

4. Mengumumkan sesuatu

5. Membaca

Memahami makna

dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek

5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima

1. Melafalkan kata, frasa dan kalimat dengan baik dan benar


sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

5.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

dan kalimat dengan intonasi yang benar

3. Membaca nyaring dengan baik dan benar. 1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk :

• Instruksi • Daftar barang • Kartu ucapan

• Pengumuman

2. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks yang dibaca

3. Membahas tujuan masing-masing teks fungsional yang telah dibahas.


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

6.1 Mengungkap-kan makna gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

1.Melengkapi teks fungsional pendek

2.Menyusun kata/urutan kata menjadi kalimat yang padu

3.Menulis teks fungsional pendek


6.2.Mengungkapkan langkah retorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

4. Menyusun kata atau frasa menjadi kalimat yang padu.

5. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi kalimat yang padu.

6. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri teks fungsional pendek yang diberikan dengan bantuan guru.

7. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri teks fungsional pendek yang diberikan dengan bantuan guru.

8. mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri teks fungsional pendek yang diberikan secara mandiri.

9. Melengkapi teks fungsional dengan struktur teks yang benar.

10. Menulis teks fungsional pendek.


E. Relevant studies

There are two relevant study that the writer get. They are:

First, the relevant study is conducted by Shaumi Fitriyani under the title Analyzing the content Validity of the English Summative Tests at some Vocational School (A Case study in Odd semester of second year Technology major in Tangerang Vocational schools). The aim of the research was to find empirical evidence whether vocational school whose English Summative test has a good content validity, to conclude whether three vocational schools in Tangerang have made English summative test in good content validity, and to get the additional information whether the English summative tests that has content validity. The method used in study was a qualitative and a quantitative method (a mixed method). The researcher used the qual-quan model or the exploratory method. The result of the study showed that English summative tests at the odd semester of both vocational school SMKN 3 Tangerang and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang have attained 50% that felt into a “Sufficient” level of content validity in constructing the English summative, SMKN 1 Tangerang had only 35,71%. It felt into a less good level. In addition, the English teacher of each vocational school also still had a low ability in constructing the English summative test ites that have a good content validity.40

Second, the relevant study is conducted by Khristiana under the title An Analyzing on the Content Validity of the summative tests for the second grade of Junior High School (A Case study of SMPTPP Daarul Amanah Tangerang). The aim of the research decribe clearly about the content validity of English Summative test made by the profesional team for the odd semester of the second grade students carried out at SMPTPP Daarul Amanah. The method that is used qualitative research in which the writer collected the data by asking the English summative paper and syllabus to the school and the writer also did unstructured interview to the team teachers who made the test items of the summative test. The

40Shaumi Fitriyanti “Analyzing the Content Validityof the English Summative Tests at some Vocational Schools. (A Case Study in Odd Semester of Second Year Technology Major in

Tangerang Vocational Schools)”, Skripsi of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, (Jakarta; UIN Syarif


results of the research see that the test items of English summative test for the odd semester of the second grade students in SMPTPP Daarul Amanah have bad content validity.41

Third, The relevant of study is conducted by Grace Yao, Chin Huei Wu, and Cheng ta Yang under the title Examining the Content Validity of the WHOQOL-BREF from Respondents’ perspective by Quantitative Methods. The purpose of this journal is to introduce and demonstrate how to use qualitatitive methods to examine the content validity for a certain measurement from

respondents’ viewpoin with quantitative method. Method that is used is

quantitative methods. The results showed that content structure gained from approppriateness rating and item sorting was not totally consistent with the original content structure of the WHOQOL-BREF, among 24 items, 12 items did not have adequate content validity.42

41Khristiana “Analyzing on the content validity of the Summative Tests for the second grade of Junior High School ( A Case Study of SMPTPP Daarul Amanah Tangerang), skripsi of UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah, (Jakarta; UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014),p.v, unpublished.

42 Grace Yao, Chin Huei Wu, and Cheng ta Yang “Examining the Content Validity of the

WHOQOL-BREF from Respondents’ perspective by Quantitative Methods”, Journal Springer


This research is conducted at three junior high schools, especially in seventh grade students of junior high schools. The schools has accredited A, B, and one has not accredited yet. They are SMPN 12 South Tangerang which has accredited A, SMP UTAMA has adredited B, and SMP IT MADANI 8 which has not accredited yet. This research has been taken in different times. SMPN 12 South Tangerang on February 19 2016, SMP UTAMA on February 24 2016, and SMP IT MADANI 8 on February 17 2016.

B. Research Method and Design

The method of this study is Quantitative method. The writer used Quantitative method because a lot of data are quantitative.

The design of this study is Comparative design. James and Sally defines, Comparative design is the researcher investigates whether there are differences between two or more groups on phenomena being studied.1 Jack and Norman defines, Comparative design is research when investigators attempt to determine differences that already exist between or among groups or individuals.2 Futhermore Alan defines Comparative design is design that attempt direct comparison between two or more cases.3

From the definition above, the writer can conlude that comparative design is design that try compare two or more cases.

1James H.McMillan and Sally Schumacher, Reseach in Education evidence-Based Inquiry, (New York: Pearson Education, 2006). P. 25

2Jack R.Frankel and Norman E. Wallen, How to design and Evaluate Research in Education, (New York: Mc.Graw-Hill Higher Education, 2009). P. 363

3Alan Byman, Social research Methods, (New York: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2012). P. 72.


C. The Object of the Study

The object of this study are English summative tests from three schools that have accredited A, B, and has not accredited yet at odd semester 2015/2016. The school consist SMPN 12 South Tangerang, SMP UTAMA, and SMP IT MADANI 8. SMPN 12 South Tangerang which has accredited A, SMP UTAMA has adredited B, and SMP IT MADANI 8 which has not accredited yet.

D. Instrument of the Study 1. Documentation Record

Documentation record is one of important instrument to be collected in this research. The documentation record is collected with two forms; they are syllabus and English Summative tests. Futhermore the indicator in syllabus is used to reference to analyzing the test, how far the test confirms the indicator in syllabus by using a checklist table and English summative papers that are used as object in analysing the data.

F. Technique of data collection

There are three steps in collecting the data in this skripsi, they are:

1.First step, the writer collects document such as syllabus and English summative test from 3 schools.

2. Second step, the using of checklist table is intended to check and analyze the number of which has comformity and unconformity with indicator in syllabus from point 23’s indicator until 37. Because the writer just analyze in Reading and writing skill. Futhermore, the result of checklist table is calculated by Sudjiono’s formula and percentage as describe into predicate category.

F. Technique of data Analyzing

To get data, the writer used some ways. First, The writer analyzed the conformity and unconformity level of English summative test to the syllabus in


term of content validity. The writer analyzed whether test items number have confirmed and have not comfirmed to the syllabus in checklist table in qualitatively. Second in Quantitatively, the writer counted how many items conformity with syllabus and how many indicators in syllabus. Then, the writer

used Anas Sudjono’s formula to get real results. Third, after the writer used Anas

Sudjono’s formula, the writer used Arikunto’s criteria to describe the results. The writer used Arikunto’s criteria to make category of English summative tests from three junior high schools.

P= A percentage of attainment F= Frequency

N= Number of cases4

Table 2.1

Criteria of test results percentage5 81-100%

61-80% 41-60% 21-40% 0-20%

Excellent Good Sufficient Insufficient


4Prof.Drs.Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo persada, 2011). P. 43


A.The Research Finding

Data which the writer used in this study are the English summative test that was given at odd semester at Seventh grade of Junior High school in South Tangerang. The Junior High school which participated in this study was taken from different accredited school and non accredited school. The school choosen are acredited A SMPN 12 South Tangerang, Acredited B SMP UTAMA, and has not been accredited yet SMP IT MADANI 8. In addition, the English summative tests have been arraged by team teachers in SMPN 12 South Tangerang and SMP UTAMA and SMP IT MADANI 8 English summative tests has been arranged by English teacher her self.

The writer compared the items of English summative tests to the indicators used in English Syllabus of each Junior High school by using checklist table. It supposed to get information about conformity between the English summative test items and the indicators in the syllabus for English subject, the writer calculated the conformity level using Anas’ formula:

P= A percentage of attainment

F= Frequency

N= Number of cases1

1 Prof.Drs.Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo persada, 2011). P. 43



In the next step, the writer interpreted the result of conformity level by using Arikunto’s criteria.

Table 3.1

Criteria of test results percentage2 81-100%










Futhermore, the writer provided three analysis data of conformity between the English summative test items and indicators in syllabus from three schools. The conformity between the English summative test items and the indicators in syllabus of English subject for each school will be represented by the table below:


Table 4.1

The Comformity between the English Summative Test items and the indicator of English syllabus at SMPN 12 Tangerang Selatan, SMP UTAMA, and SMP IT MADANI 8.

Indicators in English syllabus Conformit y between English summative test and indicators at SMPN 12 South Tangerang Conform ity between English summati ve test and indicator s at SMP UTAMA Conformi ty between English summativ

e test and indicators at SMP IT MADAN I 8 Items number SMPN 12 South Tangerang SMP UTAMA SMP IT MADANI 8 23.Melafalka n kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan baik dan benar. X (Unconfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - - 24.Membaca kata frasa dan kalimat dengan intonasi yang benar. X (Unconfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - - 25.Membaca nyaring teks fungsional pendek dengan baik dan benar serta percaya diri.

X (Unconfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - -


26. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk: - Intruksi - Daftar barang - Kartu ucapan - Pengumu man. √ (Conform) X (Unconf orm) √ (Conform )

30, 31 - 8, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33

27.Mengidentifik asi ciri kebahasaan teks yang dibaca √ (Conform) √ (Confor m) X (Unconfo rm)

16, 18, 32 19, 20 -

28. Mengidentifik asi tujuan masing-masing teks fungsional yang telah dibahas. X (Unconfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - - 29. Melengkapi teks fungsional pendek. √ (Conform) √ (Confor m) √ (Conform )

44, 45, 46, 47, 48 6, 7, 9,11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 40


30, 35, 36, 37, 38 30. Menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang padu. √ (Conform) √ (Confor m) √ (Conform )

29 1, 2



31. Menulis teks fungsional pendek. X (UnConfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - - 32. Menyusun kata dan frasa menjadi kalimat yang padu. X (Unconfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - - 33. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi kaliamat yang padu. X (Unconfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - - 34. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri teks fungsional pendek yang diberikan dengan bantuan guru. X (Unconfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - - 35. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri teks fungsional pendek yang diberikan secara mandiri. X (Unconfor m) X (Unconf orm) X (Unconfo rm) - - -


teks fungsional dengan struktur teks yang benar.

(Unconfor m)

(Unconf orm)

(Unconfo rm)

37. Menulis teks fungsional pendek.

√ (Conform)

X (Unconf

orm) X

(Unconfo rm)

26, 27 - -

TOTAL : 15 Total: 5 Total: 3 Total : 3 Total : 13 Total : 20

Total : 8

Explanation table from three schools: 1. SMPN 12 South Tangerang

Based on table above, there were 13 question items that confirmed to the indicators of SMPN 12 South Tangerang syllabus out of 50 question items. Then, the attainment of the confirmity level between the English summative test items and the indicators in the English syllabus can be calculated as follows:

P = Percentage of the content validity

F = Frequency of indicators apperance in the question item

N= Total indicator apperance required in the English syllabus.

From the calculation above, it can be seen the attainment of conformity level between the English summative test and the indicators of English syllabus


made by teacher in SMPN 12 South Tangerang falls into 33,3%. It means the conformity of English summative test in SMPN 12 South Tangerang a

“Insufficient” level based on Arikunto’s criteria. Therefore, it can be concluded

that half of the total indicators in the English summative test questions that confirmed to the indicators in English syllabus.


Based on to the table above, there were 20 question items that confirmed to the indicators of SMP UTAMA syllabus out of 50 question items. Then, the attainment of the confirmity level between the English summative test items and the indicators in the English syllabus can be calculated as follows:

P = Percentage of the content validity

F = Frequency of indicators apperance in the question item

N= Total indicator apperance required in the English syllabus.

From the calculating above, it can be seen that the attainment of conformity level between the English summative test and the indicators of English syllabus that had been made by teachers in SMPN UTAMA falls into 20%. It means the conformity of English summative test in SMP UTAMA a “Poor” level based on Arikunto’s criteria.



Based on to the table above, there were 8 question items that confirmed to the indicators of SMP IT MADANI 8 syllabus out of 45 question items. Then, the attainment of the confirmity level between the English summative test items and the indicators in the English syllabus can be calculated as follows:

P = Percentage of the content validity

F = Frequency of indicators apperance in the question item

N= Total indicator apperance required in the English syllabus.

From the calculating above, it can be seen the attainment of conformity level between the English summative test and the indicators of English syllabus that had been made by teacher in SMP IT MADANI 8 falls into 20%. It means the conformity of English summative test in SMP IT MADANI is an “Poor” level based on Arikunto’s criteria. It means that the English Summative test items of SMP IT MADANI 8 did not cover a half more of indicators in English sillabus. It happened because the spread of the question items for each indicator was not equal, there were still some indicators that were not included in the question


items, and there were some question items that were approppriate with the indicators at the odd semester.

B. Discussion of the data

Regarding to the preceding description of the data, the writer assumed that the English syllabus of three junior high schools examined in this research are similar. It can be seen in appendix of the syllabus from three junior High schools (see appendix syllabus part). Although, the English syllabus used by three junior high schools is similar, there are different results of the conformity level between the English summative test question items and indicators of syllabus.

In the first school, SMPN 12 South Tangerang, that has an accredited A is found that there were 13 question items that confirmed to the indicators in the English syllabus out of 50 question. Moreover, The attainment of the conformity level in the percentage is 33.3%. According to the Arikunto’s criteria, the conformity level of English summative test items with the indicators of English syllabus felt in the level of 21%-40%, which means “Insufficient”.

However in the second school, SMP UTAMA, which has an accredited B, it is found that there were 20 question items that confirmed to the indicators in the English syllabus out of 50 questions. Furthermore, the attainment of the conformity level in the percentage is 20%. This result, according to Arikunto’s criteria, the conformity level of English summative test items with the indicators of English syllabus felt in the level 0%-20%, which means “Poor”.

The third school, SMP IT MADANI 8 that has not accredited yet also shows the different result. From 45 questions of the English summative test, there were 43 question items that confirmed with the indicators in the English syllabus. Moreover, the attainment of the conformity level in the percentage is 20%. Based on Arikunto’s criteria, the conformity level of English summative test items with the indicators of English syllabus felt in the level 0%-20% which means “Poor”.

Based on the analysis of the conformity level of those three junior high schools examined above, it can be concluded that SMPN 12 South Tangerang got


means that more of half question items in the English summative does not cover the indicators in the syllabus. Finally, the writer gives some assumptions regarding to the result of analysis above:

It can be assumed that the spread of question items in the test were not proportional. There were some indicators that have many question items, while there are some indicators, which are not being questioned in the test. For example as we can see in the data of SMPN 12 South Tangerang point 29, there were 5 questions confirm with the indicators. In contrast, point 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 35 were not item confirm to the indicators.



Based on the research findings, the English summative tests from three Junior High schools have good content validity. Futhermore they presentage, SMPN 12 South Tangerang have attained 33,3%. It means that the result of summative test at the odd semester of SMPN 12 South Tangerang is categorized

into “Insufficient” level of a content validity in contructing English summative

test. SMP UTAMA have attained 20%. It means SMP UTAMA is categorized

into “Poor” level of a content validity. However, 20% of the question items that

confirmed to English syllabus at SMP IT MADANI 8. It showed that SMP IT

MADANI 8 is included into “Poor” level of a Content Validity.

B. Suggestion

From the conslusion above, the writer provide some suggestions. There are two suggestion from the writer to next researcher. There are:

1. The teacher should pay attention in making test. Because there are some items where are not approppriate with syllabus. While the test should agree with syllabus.

2. There should be a supervisor for checking the test items, before it is managed to the students. By using this analysis procedure, it is hoped that a good summative test which is in line with the syllabus can be developed easily by teachers at schools.

3. English summative test item needs intruction that are direction to Listening and Speaking.


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Grace Yao, Chin Huei Wu, and Cheng ta Yang. Examining the Content Validity of the WHOQOL-BREF from Respondents’ perspective by Quantitative Methods”. Journal Springer science+business media 2007.

H.McMillan, James and Schumacher, Sally. Reseach in Education evidence- Based Inquiry”. New York: Pearson Education, 2006.

R.Frankel, Jack and Wallen, Norman E. How to design and Evaluate Research in Education”.New York: Mc.Graw-Hill Higher Education, 2009. Alan Byman, Alan. Social research Methods. New York: OXFORD


Prof.Drs.Sudijono, Anas. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo persada, 2011.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. Manajemen Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2005.

Pengembangan silabus dan RPP dalam KTSP.


1 Angel : Hi, Sari, How are you doing? Sari : ...

a. I’m doing very well, thanks

b. What about you? c. How have you been? d. See you

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

2 Ratih : Hi, Mawar. Do you want to accompany me to go to Bookstore? Mawar : I’m afraid. I can’t. I must go home now. Ok see you tomorrow Ratih : ....

a. Good morning b. See you. Take care c. Thank you

d. Good night

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 3 Andi : ... I forgot to bring your assignment, sir

Teacher: All righ for today but bring it up tomorrow. a. Thank you

b. It doesn’t matter

c. I’m very sorry

d. Not at all

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

4 This is Darla’s Family. There are four person in her family. They are Mr. Darcy, Mrs.

Lucia, Antony, and Darla. Mr. Darcy is teacher. Mrs. Lucia is also a teacher. Antony is the first child. He is fifteen years old. Darla is the second child. She is twelve years old. Both of the children are students.

How old is Antony? a. Twelve b. Thirteen c. Fourteen d. Fifteen

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 5 Who is the youngest child?

a. Antony b. Darla


6 What are children? a. Teachers b. Students c. Waiters d. Pilots

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 7 X : Hi, Mita. Where are you going to do now?

M : I’m going to ... cause I’ll borrow some magazines and books to support my project.

a. School hall b. Laboratory

c. Teacher’s office

d. Library

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

8 Ari : It’so hot here, ... please

Boy: All right

a. Close the door

b. Turn on the television c. Turn on the fan d. Turn off the radio

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 9 Father : You get cough,

Sandy: ...! Sandy: certainly, Dad.

a. Don’t eat ice cream too much!

b. Eat a lot of ice cream! c. Buy the ice cream!

d. Don’t touch my ice cream!

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

10 My grandfather always cultivates his rice filled every morning. He is a ... a. Carpenter

b. Farmer c. Plumber d. Fisherman

Innapproppriate with syllabus.


Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 12 Which one is the expression used in leave taking?

a. I have to go back the classroom now

b. It’s nice to meet you

c. What class are you?

d. What’s your nick name?

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

13 Who’s the new student in the dialogue above?

a. Rita b. Lia c. Lina d. Lili

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 14 Mila and Mira are my sisters. I love ... very much

a. Them b. Hers c. Us d. Their

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

15 Rendi is my friend. ... is a student at SMP Global. Everyone likes... very much. a. Him, his

b. He, him c. He, his d. She, her

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 16 Father (give) me the shoes.

a. Give b. Giving c. Are giving d. Gives

Approppriate with syllabus because the question Identify language features from text that we read.


Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 18 Andin : How does he go to work?

Brenda: He ... to work by car a. Go

b. Going c. Goes d. Is going

Approppriate with syllabus because the question Identify the linguistic text that reads

19 Tini is my cousin. Her father is my ... a. Father

b. Uncle c. Brother d. Aunt

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 20 How to say 9x4= 36 in English?

a. Nine multiplied by four equals thirty six b. Nine divided by four equals thirty six c. Nine time four equals thirty six d. Nine times for equals thirty six

Innappropriate with syllabus

Because there is no indicator about calculate and there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

21 Text for no 21-22

To : Students of class 7-7

From: Miss Anna (English teacher)

Make a group of three! Every group must bring sponge, bottle, and white cloth on sept 25th. We will have an attractive experiment.

Thank you

To whom is the notice? a. Every group b. English Teacher c. Students of class 7-7 d. Miss Anna


22 What is the notice about? a. Doing the experiment

b. Bringing sponge, bottle, and cloth c. Cleaning a cloth

d. Washing the bottle

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 23 She is my grandmother. She is ...

a. My uncle’s mother

b. My mother’s sister

c. My mother’s daughter

d. My mother’s sister

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

24 A person who answer the phone and receives guest in the hotel or in the office is a/an ....

a. Secretary b. Bellboy c. Manager d. Receptionist

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 25 Mimin : I have one question to fullfill it/

Ria : what is it?

Mimin: someone who selles some fishes at the market. He is a ... a. Greengrocer

b. Fishmonger c. Flosrish d. Butcher

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 26 X : Hi guy. What are you doing here?

Y: I’m getting break time. It’s twenty five past twelve, isn’t it? The right answer is ... a. 10.45

b. 11.25 c. 12.25 d. 11.45

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to write short fungtional text. 27 2 nd february, 2020. The correct written form is ...


Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to write short fungtional text.

28 (-) My club does’t join the competition today

(+) ...

a. My club do join the completition b. My club are join the completition c. Does my club join the completition d. My club joins the com

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

29 Casual- slim- a- girl- Maya. The good arrangement of the sentence is ... a. Maya is a casual slim girl

b. Maya is a girl slim casual c. Maya is a girl slim casual d. Maya is a slim casual girl

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try arrange word to be the right sentence.

30 Text no 30-31

Jl. Setiabudi 202 Bandung

Hi friends

Please come to my 20th birthday party on 23 June 2015 at 7 pm at Hoka-Hoka Bento Resto, Bintaro.

See you

Best regard Nina

Dresscode: purple and black

What event will be held to the invitation? a. Party

b. Anniversary

c. Dinner at Hoka-Hoka Resto d. Purple and black

Approppriate with syllabus

Because the question give information in short fungtional text. 31 When will the event be held?


Because the question give information in short fungtional text. 32 They ... professional football players from Uruguay.

a. Is b. Were c. Was d. Are

Approppriate with syllabus

Because the question give try to give characteristic that is read.

33 Teacher : how far is your house from school? Rani: it’s about one kilometer

Teacher: ... Rani: by bike

a. How do you go to school? b. What do you go to school? c. With what do you go to school? d. Why do you go to school?

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 34 Text for no 34-37

Hello friends! Good morning. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rafael

Romero. I am a new student here at SMP Permata Mentari. I’m from mexico. Now I

live with my uncle on Jl.Slamet Riyadi 8, Solo. I’m twelve years old now. And I’m the last child in my family. My father lives in Los Angles. Mr. Michael Romero and Mrs. Catherene are my parents. My brother is Andrew. He is five years older than me. He goes to Cambridge Unoversity . he takes science University. My father is a policeman and my mother is a nurse. I have a lot of hobbies. They are drawing animation,

swimming, and playing badminton. I usually play badminton with my uncle every Sunday. His name is Rahardian.

What is the writer’s name? a. Michael Romero b. Catherene c. Rafael Romero d. Rahardian

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 35 Where is he from?

a. Los Angles b. Permata Mentari


36 What is writer’s father job? a. Students

b. Policement c. Nurse

d. Badminton player

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

37 “They are drawing animation, swimming, and playing badminton.”

What does the word “They” refers to?

a. Mr. Romero’s family

b. Hobbies c. Family d. Profession

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 38 What is the profession above?

a. Surgeon b. Technican c. Lecturer d. Architect

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 39 Things which hang on in the wall are...

a. Cupboards b. Calender c. Clothes d. Desk

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 40 Throw the garbage into the ...

a. Dustbin b. River c. Bedroom d. Cupboard

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 41 Who is the diagram family above?

a. Cahya’s family

b. Ita’s family


a. Daughter b. Aunt c. Cousin d. Grandchild

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

43 Mr. Ita Cahya is Mrs. Ita Nurma’s ...

a. Husband b. Grandfather c. Father d. Son

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator. 44

Dear Intan

I will 44... home late tonight. I have drama concert 45 ... 8 pm. Sinc parents are still in grandparents’ house, please eat your own 46 .... tonight. There is Rp.50.000 on the table. So you can 47 .... in Padang Restaurant beside our house.

Don’t forget to 48 ... the door when you are doing homework and sleep. Love,

Your brother

a. Visit b. Went c. Arrive d. Have

Approppriate with syllabus.

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank text.

45 a. On

b. At c. In d. For

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank text. 46 a. Dinner


47 a. Bring b. Sell c. Buy d. Have

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank text. 48 a. Lock

b. Look c. Open d. Take

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank text.

49 “Keep silent” means ...

a. We must be noisy

b. We shouldn’t be noisy

c. We must disturb other students d. We must borrow the books

Innapproppriate with syllabus.

Because there is no type question in syllabus indicator.

50 The man who worksi in a workshop. He fixes some cars. He is ... a. Electrician

b. Technician c. Carpenter d. Mechanic

Innapproppriate with syllabus.


1 Deni is new students. He meets Hari in the Canteen. Deni: Hi, my name is Hari. Are you new students? Deni: Yes I’m. I’m in 1c, and you?

Hari : Me, too. Then we are classmeates

Deni is ...

a. A new teacher b. A new student c. A teacher d. A librarian

Inapproppriate with syllabus 2 Deni meets Hari in ...

a. Classroom b. The library c. The yard d. The Canteen

Inapproppriate with syllabus 3 Are they classmates?

a. Yes, they are b. No, they are not c. Yes, they are not d. No, they are.

Inapproppriate with syllabus

4 Sigit : I have to go now. Nice to meet you, Sri. Sri : ... Sigit.

a. Bye

b. How do you do? c. Nice to meet you, too d. Pleased to meet you

Inapproppriate with syllabus

5 Nicky: I’m going to sleep now.

Stuart: Ok

a. Good night b. Good bye c. Bye

d. Good evening


Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank. 7 The boys ... reading.

a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Sit

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank. 8 Something you can find in your classroom is a ...

a. Radio b. Pillow c. Stove d. Blackboard

Inapproppriate with syllabus 9 ... is sitting on the beach.

a. A man b. A men c. Man d. Men

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank. 10 The woman is a teacher.

The plural form of the sentence is ...

a. The woman are teachers b. The woman is a teacher c. The women are teacher d. The woman are teacher

Inapproppriate with syllabus

11 I don’t have ... sugar.

a. Some b. Any c. And d. The

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank.

12 I don’t have ... sugar


Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank. 13 Do you have ... coffee?

a. Some b. Any c. And d. The

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank. 14 Look at the pictures.

The appropriate command expression is... a. Open the door, please

b. Close the door, please c. Close the book, please d. Open the book, please

Inapproppriate with syllabus 15 Look at the pictures.

The appropriate command expression is .... a. Stand up, please

b. Raise your hand, please c. Wave your hand, please d. Sit down, please

Inapproppriate with syllabus 16 Rima: I want to go to library

Anto : ... Rima: why?

Anto: The library is closed until Saturday.

a. Stand up, please

b. Don’t go there

c. Sit down

d. Don’t smoke

Inapproppriate with syllabus 17 Look at the picture.

What are they doing? a. They are talking b. They are smiling c. They are laughing d. They are crying


a. She is sleeping b. She is lying c. She is cooking d. She is closing

Inapproppriate with syllabus 19 Fitra : what is Eka doing?

Linda: He (study) English.

a. He studying English b. He studies English c. He is studying English d. He study English

Approppriate with syllabus because the question Identify language features from text that we read.

20 Wulan : What is Susan doing? Citra: she (cook) fried rice.

a. She is cooking fried rice b. She cooks fried rice c. She cooking fried rice d. She is cooks fried rice

Approppriate with syllabus because the question Identify language features from text that we read.

21 ... Betty working in the post office? a. Is

b. Am c. Are d. Do

Approppriate with syllabus

Approppriate with syllabus because the question try to fill in the blank text. 22 ... you coming here?

a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Do

Approppriate with syllabus





