Instrument of the Study Technique of data collection Technique of data Analyzing

In the next step, the writer interpreted the result of conformity level by using Arikunto’s criteria. Table 3.1 Criteria of test results percentage 2 81-100 61-80 41-60 21-40 0-20 Excellent Good Sufficient Insufficient Poor Futhermore, the writer provided three analysis data of conformity between the English summative test items and indicators in syllabus from three schools. The conformity between the English summative test items and the indicators in syllabus of English subject for each school will be represented by the table below: 2 Suharsini Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2005,p.44 Table 4.1 The Comformity between the English Summative Test items and the indicator of English syllabus at SMPN 12 Tangerang Selatan, SMP UTAMA, and SMP IT MADANI 8. Indicators in English syllabus Conformit y between English summative test and indicators at SMPN 12 South Tangerang Conform ity between English summati ve test and indicator s at SMP UTAMA Conformi ty between English summativ e test and indicators at SMP IT MADAN I 8 Items number SMPN 12 South Tangerang SMP UTAMA SMP IT MADANI 8 23. Melafalka n kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan baik dan benar. X Unconfor m X Unconf orm X Unconfo rm - - - 24. Membaca kata frasa dan kalimat dengan intonasi yang benar. X Unconfor m X Unconf orm X Unconfo rm - - - 25.Membaca nyaring teks fungsional pendek dengan baik dan benar serta percaya diri. X Unconfor m X Unconf orm X Unconfo rm - - - 26. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk: - Intruksi - Daftar barang - Kartu ucapan - Pengumu man. √ Conform X Unconf orm √ Conform 30, 31 - 8, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33 27.Mengidentifik asi ciri kebahasaan teks yang dibaca √ Conform √ Confor m X Unconfo rm 16, 18, 32 19, 20 - 28. Mengidentifik asi tujuan masing- masing teks fungsional yang telah dibahas. X Unconfor m X Unconf orm X Unconfo rm - - - 29. Melengkapi teks fungsional pendek. √ Conform √ Confor m √ Conform 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 6, 7, 9,11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 40