Jadi harusnya para sutradara-sutradara harus mempelajari sinetron milik

85 Sinetron text NARP clause 7 however, in my opinion, there are many negative impacts of electronic cinema 80 A.Tetapi menurut saya lebih banyak sisi negative yang diambil dari sinetron. text NARP clause 7 However, in my opinion, there are many negative impacts of electronic cinema

B. Pertama sinetron memang bukan tontonan untuk anak-anak. text NARP

clause 8 First, electronic cinema is not a children program 81 A. Untuk memajukan persinetronan Indonesia, kita harus menirumempelajari sinetron-sinetron milik luar negeri, Misalnya sinetron korea text LE clause 6 In order to increase the quality of Indonesia electronic cinema, we have to learn from electronic cinemas from the other countries, such as Korea B. sinetron disana Tidak ada adegan seperti sinetron milik Indonesia text LE clause 7 electronic cinema in the other countries do not contain certain scenes such as Indonesia electronic cinemas

C. Jadi harusnya para sutradara-sutradara harus mempelajari sinetron milik

luar negri dulu text LE clause 8 thus, the directors should learn abroad electronic cinema firstThere are four clauses in the example of clause 77 above. Those clauses are needed to state here in order to show the function of addition conjunctive as theme. Additive conjunctive is found in clause 77 C. It is selain itu in the first part of that clause. As theme, selain itu is used to give information that the clause has addition argumentation from previous information. The first argumentation talks about bad things of electronic cinema. Then, by using selain itu, clause 77 C adds new argument to support the previous one. It is electronic cinema is less interesting. 86 The word seperti in the clause 78 B is similarity conjunctive that is also used as theme. Seperti that is used as theme shows that the writer compares his new argument that has similar condition with his previous argument. His previous argument is the existence of good electronic cinema content. Then, in clause 78 B, he compares it as similar condition to the information about the content of electronic cinemas in last time. Contrast conjunctive in the example above is represented by tetapi in clause 79 B. Tetapi which is also used as theme shows that the clause comes to new different argument from the previous argument that is the writer talked about. In first topic, he talks about positive impact of electronic cinema to society. Meanwhile, in clause 79 B he comes to new discussion, it is about his opinion that electronic cinema has more many negative impacts than positive impacts. The successive conjunctive in the example above is pertama in clause 80 B. Since it has place in the first part of clause, so it is also a textual theme for that clause. As theme, pertama shows that the writer gives information in the form of new argument which has order. He orders his argument. His ordering argument is about bad impacts of electronic cinema. He uses pertama to tell to the readers that the first order of his argument is electronic cinema is not suitable for children. The conjunctive jadi in the clause above is means conjunctive. It is also used as textual theme. It is used by clause 81 C to start information about the means of 87 writer in giving some information in the previous clauses. The writer concludes his previous information, and by using jadi in clause 81 C, he says his means in which it is also his suggestion. He says his means in giving previous information is in order to Indonesian directors learn about electronic cinema from the other countries. The paragraphs above show that J-texts consist of various conjunctives. There are 34 15.04 conjunctives which are grouped into 6 types in J-texts. Besides, those conjunctives are also found in large numbers and they are separated in almost all J-texts. It shows that the respondents can build their texts by serving information in the form of some different arguments. C. Relative Relative as textual theme combines dependent clause to independent clause in which one of them can be deleted. It occurs two times 1.65 in J-texts. The representation of those relatives is yang. In J-texts, it is used to link two kinds of information that explains same things in which it has been clear. 82 A. hal ini sangat tidak baik bagi anak-anak text AJ clause 3 This problem is not good for children

B. yang sering menirukan apa yang mereka tonton. text AJ clause 4