Method of Analyzing Data Procedure of Analysis

41 write their opinion about electronic cinema. The topic of electronic cinema was given to them because it is familiar topic for students in both levels.

3.4. Method of Analyzing Data

The data of this study were analyzed using distributional method. In analyzing the data, the writer d ivided the respondents‟ texts into each single clause. It was done because the concept of thematic structure is analyzed in clause level. In addition, the writer used deleting technique to check the use of theme and TP. Deleting technique is used to figure out the degree of core deleted element. Sudaryanto, 2015:50. In this study, it was used to determine the appropriate theme in every single clause. The determination of appropriate theme would show that the clause has complete meaning. Meanwhile, the determination of inappropriate theme would cause the clause has inaccurate information.

3.5. Procedure of Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer separated the all texts into single clause. After that, each clause was analyzed. The writer analyzed theme types and TP types separately. The first was analyzing theme types. In analyzing theme types, the writer used Halli day‟s thematic structure theory. There were three signs which were used in analyzing theme types. Those are underlined example for topical theme, bold 42 example for textual theme, and italic example for interpersonal theme. After that, they were counted and the result was put into the table. In calculating the number of each theme type, the researcher used some steps. The first, the researcher counted the number of themes in each level. E-texts consisted of 184 themes and J-texts consisted of 226 themes. After that, the researcher counted the number of each theme type. Then, the researcher looked for their percentages. The last, the results of calculating theme types were put in a table. The second is analysis of TP types. The writer used TP theory by Paltridge. In analyzing TP types, the writer used sign in the form of arrow . The arrow was used to sign TP types: constant TP, linear TP, and multiple TP. After giving sign, the writer counted them and put the numbers into the table. In counting the TP types, the researcher counted the number of all clauses first. E-texts consisted of 117 clauses and J-texts consist of 161 clauses. After getting the total of clauses, the researcher counted the use of each TP type. Then, the numbers of each TP type were counted again to find their percentage forms. The last, they were presented in the table. 43 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents findings and Discussion. It consists of theme types in respondents‟ texts, thematic progression types in respondents‟ texts, and the implication of finding in teaching writing.

4.1. Theme Types in Respondents’ Texts