Research Design Data of the Research Method of Collecting Data

39 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD This chapter describes research method. It consists of research design, data of the research, method of collecting data, method of analyzing data, and procedure of analysis.

3.1. Research Design

This research was conducted using qualitative research approach. Qualitative approach is used for knowing the phenomena of the use of theme and TP types in respondents‟ texts. It is similar to Rubin and Babbie 2009:218 who state that “qualitative research is especially appropriate to the study of phenomena that can be understood within their natural setting”. It is suitable for this research since this research look out the phenomena of the use theme and TP types in the respondents‟ texts and then it is continued by the discussion of their implication in teaching writing. In addition, this research used descriptive qualitative research. Cooper 2012:7 states qualitative research relates to the comprehension and description of a phenomenon. Descriptive qualitative research helps the researcher to discuss the finding clearly. 40

3.2. Data of the Research

The data of this research was document. The document was in the form of respondents‟ texts. There were twenty two respondents‟ texts as data in this research. Those texts were taken from eleven respondents in fifth grade of elementary school and eleven respondents in eighth grade of junior school. The respondents were course participants in Ganesha Operation Katamso Semarang. Previously, each grade consisted of different total of students‟ texts. E-texts consisted of 13 texts and J-texts consisted of 11 texts. Then, the writer decided to take 11 texts from each grade because this study compared the texts from both of the grades.

3.3. Method of Collecting Data

This study used test as a method of collecting data. Test is used to know the ability of research subjects Arikunto, 2006:223. In this research, the test is used to get the data which represents the respondents‟ ability in producing a text. The tests were conducted in two sessions. The first test session was conducted on April, 28 th 2015 for J-respondents. Then, the second test was conducted on April 29 th 2015 for E-respondents. The students in both levels were given 25 minutes to 41 write their opinion about electronic cinema. The topic of electronic cinema was given to them because it is familiar topic for students in both levels.

3.4. Method of Analyzing Data